
Alchemy Classroom
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Only upon popular demand, this class is optional and taught only to sixth and seventh year students. It covers the ancient science of Alchemy which is a branch of magic concerned with the study of the four basic elements. It is intimately connected with potion-making, chemistry, and transformation magic.
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Care of Magical Creatures Classroom
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Care of Magical Creatures took place in a classroom up until a half-giant began to teach. Now, the classes are back in a classroom for the majority of the time though, one should be careful with what they touch as there are many cages that line the walls with various creatures, some poisonous.
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Lower Chambers Portrait Corridor
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The walls of this corridor are filled with a variety of portraits and tapestries. Please do not anger the occupants of this hallway, especially at night. Not many people enjoy sleeping with the lights on, and this hallway is the same. A framed mirror can also be discovered on one of the walls.
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Not many exciting things can be found on this floor unless one really does enjoy their classes. Though, there are some questionable rooms that can be located on this floor.
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