Best Friends | Octi

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Post by Deleted on Nov 16, 2018 2:26:34 GMT -5

[attr="class","lyric1gryff"]best friends

[attr="class","lyric2gryff"]It's never coming along, oh no,
you'll get just what you give
Getting high with your best friends

[attr="class","textbodgryff"]Dom's day was over. Finally. Ending Friday off with Potions was genuine torture. It was like Flint had designed the schedule that way, to make sure she suffered in her worst class every single Friday afternoon. At least, there was no greater satisfaction than the one she felt stepping out of that gross Potions lab at the end of the week. Because that meant she made it through the class, somehow, and she had the whole weekend ahead of her. A whole weekend to focus on things she actually liked, and play Quidditch, and hang out with friends. Which was just what she needed. Fifth year was kicking her arse, for better or for worse. She was doing well in the classes she actually liked... but the others, it was a whole different story. Dom couldn't find it in herself to focus when it mattered, and especially not in the classes that she struggled with. She wasn't planning on taking NEWT-level Potions, anyways, but that Troll would still sting when her OWL marks finally arrived.

But that was fine. That wasn't the end of the world, and Dom was fairly certain she wanted to leave Hogwarts on a broomstick anyways. Maybe she would apprentice to do... something. She was good enough at Charms to become a Broom-Maker, and Aunt Ange would likely take her on, but another part of Dom wanted to pursue something different and entirely her own. And the only thing that fit that was Divination. Because as much as every other family member seemed to loathe it with every fibre of their being, Dom was actually good at Divination, and she understood all the theories and lessons like it was second nature. But she had no clue how to make something out of Divination. The mancy subjects, those were divination of sorts. Séamus did pyromancy--Dom figured she could do that. Or maybe something with water, considering how much time she loved to spend by the sea. Palmistry, too, that came easily to her.

Evidently, Dom's problem was not having any idea of what she wanted to do. It was having too many ideas.

A headache for another day, as far as she was concerned. Today was Friday, she had survived a whole week of Potions without too many catastrophes, and the weekend was coming up. Which meant Quidditch. It was Hufflepuff versus Slytherin this weekend, and Dom had already worked with Roxanne to stock up on yellow and black everything. The Badgers would have team spirit out the wazoo, as far as Dom was concerned, because Slytherin winning again just wouldn't do. They would get the cup this year over her dead body.

That being said, Dom was smart enough to not say that actual phrase in front of any of the Slytherins.

Striding into the common room, Dom paused to glance around for a moment, wondering if she would see anyone familiar. Sure enough, her eyes landed on an all-too-familiar mane of hair, and she changed direction to approach Octi with a smirk on her face. Dom dropped herself on the couch right next to him, letting her bag slide to the floor as she turned to face the other Gryffindor. "What've you been up to today?" she asked him, the smirk on her face turning more into a bright smile.

@octavian | 556 words | outfit -  school robes

[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF GS + WW

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