Facet to Świnia (Because That’s All the Polish I Know)

Basia Kleczyńska
Basia Kleczyńska Avatar
52 posts
21 years old
Lufkin University
Second Year Alchemy Student
Second Year Potionology Student

Street Sweeper
University Student
played by Eve
"Łatwo przyszło, łatwo poszło"

Post by Basia Kleczyńska on Feb 16, 2018 18:54:36 GMT -5

Barbara Edyta Kleczyńska
20 - Female - Muggleborn - 12/23/1997

Registered Muggleborn

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: With 5'5" slightly smaller than average, Basia appears even younger because of her round, slightly puppet-like face. Her light brown slightly curly hair and eyes of the same colour don't change anything about that. She used to smile a lot, but there has been little to smile about for the last couple of months.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Skills: Patience, she listens to others and tries to understand. Adapting herself to new situation, something that she learnt when moving at the age of seven into a strange country with a strange language. She had quite a knack for Potions and Charms, back then when that still mattered. She also was a decent flyer and has a sweet voice - not that she were anything like a singer, but especially with more traditional songs, she sounds quite lovely. Though the most important aspect may be that she managed to impersonate a humble and servile creature since the registration (but she abhors that role).
Weaknesses: Her family she hasn't seen for months; her pride, she's willing to swallow down any insult, but she will not forget; history, especially British; admitting to being wrong.
Positive Personality Traits: optimist, daydreamer, hard-working, diligent, headstrong
Negative Personality Traits: vengeful, proud, deceptive, lying when she has to with little regret
Hobbies and Interests: Potions, Flying, Polish songs, Polish dances, Polish food, just talking Polish to be honest, now that she's registered, she hardly has the opportunity (and that although Polish is the second most common language in England. It's so frustrating!).
Character History:
Born in Świętoszowice (Upper Silesia) to the local baker, she hardly spent more than the earliest childhood in the little village. Then her family moved to Katowice where they lived in relative poverty. But all of this happened so early in Basia's childhood that she hardly remembers what life had really been like. She was seven when her parents decided to emigrate and settled in Ripon (North Yorkshire). Everything was new for Basia, but she was a little curious girl and got along fine. Everything was new for her whole family, so that might explain why her parents didn't pay as much attention as they otherwise would have to the odd things happening around their daughter. As it was, the Kleczyńsky were settling down just fine when in 2009 a letter arrived for their youngest, the letter from Hogwarts.

After her parents' initial skepsis ('Isn't this just an elaborate hoax?'), they were - while still slightly doubtful - supportive in getting her things from Diagon Alley and bringing her to London for the trip with the Hogwarts Express. Still, magic, their daughter moving away... they weren't happy, but Basia was all excitement. She arrived at Hogwarts, entered the Great Hall with her mouth hanging open, got her name butchered by the teacher when asked to put on the hat, and was sorted relativley quickly into Ravenclaw. From then on an ordinary school career started. She was good in most classes, didn't cause much trouble, and on the whole was quite close to being a model student. With time, her parents grew used to having a witch in their family (though they never told their oldest daughter) and let her explore magical Poland whenever they went there for their holidays (which to Basia's regret wasn't all ttat often).

After achieving her NEWTs in 2016, she went to Lufkin to study Alchemy and Potionology. She moved out from home and lived on the campus, earning a bit of money by working at the Goldbrick Café. She was feeling happy and content with her life, her studies proceeding perfectly.  For one year. Then she was asked to register, and not really understanding what was going on, she just dutifully did as told. She was sent to Kolna, and ever since then she hasn't heard of her family.

Plots and Politics
What is your character’s stance on the recent takeover of the Ministry by Death Eaters? She's understandably appalled. She had never thought that something like this was possible. She had been living now for the majority of her life in England and never really had a problem. She still can't really wrap her head around what is happening to her.

Where did your character stand in the treatment of Death Eaters and their families under the late Minister Durant's rule? She didn't know all that much about it. She was a school girl, far more concerned with her marks and friends and personal heartbreaks.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? "Who? Oh, that British Grindelwald. Yes, I've heard of him. Er, he's dead isn't he? So that's not the problem anymore..."

Parents: Tomasz Włodzimierz Kleczyński (1955), Małgorzata Kleczyńska née Wieczorek (1959)
Siblings: Halina "Hala" Irena Roberts née Kleczyńska (1987), Jakub "Kuba" Tomasz Kleczyński (1991)
Children: None
Partner: None
Other Relevant Family: Thomas Roberts (brother-in-law), Marek Roberts (nephew)
Family History:
Małgorzata Wieczorek was the foster child of peasant couple in Świętoszowice. Weirdly enough, her parents weren't quite sure where she had come from, the little girl had just been there one day, and from then on they loved her dearly. Whether little Gosia had been exposed by wizards because she was a Squib, who knows? It was understandably a question nobody in the Muggle village even dreamt of asking. The child was simply there. She grew up and married Tomasz Kleczyński, the local baker. Yet, his bakery didn't survive all too long. The village was just too small, and there was too much concurrence from nearby villages. Therefore the family moved to the next big city where the couple worked in a factory, trying to enable their children a good education. At long last, when Poland joined the EU and immigration became easy, they decided to move, also wishing to support their eldest, who was an exceptionally bright student.

The family moved to Ripon in autumn 2005; the parents got new jobs and did again their best to give their children a good education. Halina integrated herself easily, managed to go to Cambridge and soon moved out to live nearer to the university. Jakub, who was no friend of changes at all, had a hard time getting along and was homesick all the time. Barbara was young enough to fit in easily into the new surroundings. After many years of hard-work, the Kleczyńsky managed to earn a little fortune and opened a little bakery in Ripon.

Halina is doing a doctorate in Chemistry, having recently married a fellow student and given birth to a son in 2017. Jakub has moved back to Poland after meeting Anna Piotrowska, a Polish witch, while accompanying his younger sister as she went on a discovery tour during holidays. Nobody in the family has any idea as to where their youngest member currently is.

Other: No

Entering the two digit realm

What is the status of this application?

Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

How did you hear about Insurrection?

Libuše Šafránková

Roleplay Sample
Foreign-born population of the United Kingdom:
Country of Birth         Population (2015 UN Estimate)
India                             776,603
Poland                         703,050
Pakistan                       540,495
Republic of Ireland     503,288
Germany                      322,220
Bangladesh                  230,143
South Africa                 218,732

Admin Morgan
Admin Morgan Avatar
8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Feb 26, 2018 11:32:27 GMT -5
