Sister Dear [Zoe]

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Post by Deleted on Apr 24, 2018 18:19:40 GMT -5


Hey Bitch. A hogsmead is coming up for you and I need to do some shopping. I figured since Alab is still being a wanker that we could have some fun and buy you some clothes that will piss him off. I'm just in that kind of mood really, You kno me I like to disappoint and all that jazz. Michael has work and Lord shite to do, and I really don't feel like spending time with mewling infants and our brothers make me want to kick puppies as usual. Judah is being a real stick in the mud these days, and I am forgetting the other exists right now for his most recent insults. I put pudding in his bedsheets though, ha. 

I'm avoiding Homework and want to have some fun. Maybe we can get a drink. Shit are you old enough yet? If not it can wait until this summer then we can have some fun. I have a meeting with Donna tomorrow... she wants to go over my dress for the engagement party this summer, so much joy. We can go pick out your outfit. I think you would look great in some slacks and super high heels. Piss odd Alab even more. Ha. I should probably stop and study. 

Coffee and Shopping. It's happening. Look for me Next Hogsmead out side of Hogs Head. I will be in the shocking outfit with the great hair.

Hugs and kisses
