i don't even know

Ayelet Rivka Azoulay
Ayelet Rivka Azoulay Avatar
Kriaturas de Endor Yeshiva
65 posts
22 years old
Unregistered Muggleborn
played by Steph
"I thought I sold my soul last night. Funny, he didn't even take a bite."

Post by Ayelet Rivka Azoulay on Oct 20, 2018 0:00:49 GMT -5

I'm lucky.

So lucky. Not in that I've ran from England, but also that indirectly. In that Frères ordered me over, in that I listened and stayed, and then listened to her again when she made me stay longer because I visited home again for the holidays. In that I sent an owl before i came, because there was already some word of--

Magic is getting lost. I can't-- no, I can. Some punishment, maybe. If I believed in something, I would think that to be the case, but other of us others from the regular have come down with it. They were ordered back to England. I left my golem in the caves, I hope that it's good to still go. I renewed the spells before I left, after all. They'll need it if something happens. 

I'd guess it was targeted towards them-- towards us-- but the papers Frères gets say otherwise. Most of the country is sick, and I can only think of those few that I knew. The Leaky's woman, Vesper daughter of Ragnar, Dimitri. I didn't really know that many people. Maybe I should have. I don't know if Shiraz is there, they say the borders are closed

I don't care about Shiraz

If she's there I hope she's doing well. Her parents were always nice to me, and Shiraz loved flying more than she loved anything. More than me, I think, even at the height of us. I haven't asked Frères if she knows. I don't know if Frères knows what happened between us. Or if she suspects. She's much less than me, after all, she's never been frum, even for Services. I don't think she'd care, but it's still my secret. Our secret. 

Shiraz doesn't deserve to lose flight forever, not so soon.