Fata uiam inuenient

Ruth Papathanassiou
Ruth Papathanassiou Avatar
19 posts
43 years old
Professor of Languages
Lufkin University and Oxford University and University of Athens Alum
played by Eve

Post by Ruth Papathanassiou on Oct 30, 2018 16:30:07 GMT -5

Fata uiam inuenient
The Daily Prophet? Her mother was sending her the Daily Prophet? Ruth frowned, looking back down on the note that the owl had delivered with the paper. “You might find something interesting in this.” That was a weird thing of her mother to do. “Τι είναι αυτό;” her husband asked, still holding the newspaper in his hand that he had apparently found on the kitchen table upon returning home. “Μητέρα,” she replied, only noticing when saying it that she sounded rather abrasive. “Μπορώ να δω;” she then added. “Ευχαριστώ.” She hesitated, paper in hand, for another moment and then went and sat down in a chair, scanning the front page. There was nothing of interest as far as she was concerned. She sighed. She hated having to guess. But there seemed nothing to be done about this mystery but reading the Prophet unless she’d directly throw it away. And that appeared a little silly to her too.

After half an hour, she was sure that she had read every single article sufficiently to be sure that nothing in them was of much interest to her, and this was definitely staggering. Her mother wasn’t like that. She did not say much, that was true, but it also meant that she said even less pointless things. So there had to be a reason why this paper was here and it was supposed to have something important in it. Pressing her lips together, she turned the paper around and started to scrutiny it, word for word.

It was only when she had reached the page with the job offers and at which she looked with no expectance to find anything interesting. Suddenly there it was. Hogwarts. Language professor. Greek and Latin. Since when did Hogwarts have a language professor? And why had she never heard of it before? There hadn’t been one when she had gone to school, she’d know that. Something like that… she wouldn’t have forgotten it. Was this what her mother had meant? She involuntarily gulped and stared down at the ad again. No, her memory was not a complete mess, it was a new post, it stood in the text. And very well that they did this. Languages should be learnt as early as possible. Even eleven — no, thirteen, it would be an elective course — even thirteen was relatively late — though late was better than never. She felt a very irrational surge of pride that her old school was about to fill that glaring hole in its education program.

But was it just that — the fact that her two favourite languages were added to the curriculum — that made her feel… she wasn’t exactly sure how. She usually was in control of her emotions. She wasn’t a very emotional person to begin with. But now she was… excited? Why? Oh, she knew why, there wasn’t much of an alternative. But it was a stupid thought. That was why she felt so excited. Because it wasn’t rational. She had a very good job here at university. She loved it. Why would she want to give it up for being a mere teacher of… children. Thirteen-year-olds not children — what was she even thinking. She was seriously considering this? These were teenagers, not children. But still more children than those at university and she had for so long wanted children in her life… “Αλέξης,” she said, repeating the name in a louder voice when she realised that he was in his office. She should just stand up and go to him, but for some reason she didn’t trust her legs right now. He could really hurry a little more. Though there was no reson to hurry… “Τι συμβαίνει;” he asked when he finally entered the living room. “Αυτή την προσφορά εργασίας,” she replied, wondering at the same time why she was whispering as she extended the paper towards him, pointing with the finger on the advertisement. He took the Daily Prophet from her and looked at it for a long time. Longer that it should take to read it. There it was again, this inexplicable feeling of excitement. And she knew what she had decided even before he looked up from the paper and straight at her. And as their eyes met, she knew he knew too what she had decided. He almost nodded before she said the words, but she said them nevertheless. “Θα υποβάλω αίτηση.”