JJ Mayberry

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Post by Deleted on Feb 4, 2019 17:34:57 GMT -5

Jennifer June "JJ" Mayberry

Baker - Werewolf - 33

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Post by Deleted on Jun 7, 2019 14:26:39 GMT -5


Jennifer, more commonly called JJ by just about everybody except her own mother, or while she's in the same room as her brother Jay--to avoid confusion--is a rambunctious personality. Flirty and fun, generally optimistic. She loves baking, and really just wants a partner or two to make treats for. Her werewolf nature isn't something she's very ashamed of, though it's not something she broadcasts due to the social stigma around it. 

She loves her family to death, which is a natural part of her personality but it's also compounded by her wolf side. Being polyamorous also plays a little into it. Having a pack-like family dynamic is her ultimate dream. Kinda alpha type personality.

Single Pringle

This template was made by Lady Cara *

Jacob - 48. The Eldest. Kinda like an uncle because of the age difference, but that's evened out to a more brotherly dynamic since she gained adulthood.
Jasper and Jim - 46. The Twins. Still super close to each other, so much so that their kids believed for a long time that they were all siblings in a big poly family. Honestly, it might be true. 
Jack - 42. BIG Quidditch fan. Played while in Hogwarts. Generally a fun-loving sort but also super into sports. Probably the least bookish of them all besides JJ.
Jean - 40. The Middle Child. Mediator. The Glue. He's super chill, honestly.
Jay - 39. This is when the parents realized that 6 wasn't much different from 5. When they stopped leaving big gaps between kids. A lot like JJ. Does his own thing most of the time.
Jeremy - 38. Attention issues all his life, probably ADHD but never officially diagnosed because Wizarding World. He does fine now, but he struggled in school.
Jerrod - 37. Animal lover. Like seriously. Adores them. One step away from vegetarianism.
Jesse - 35. The Youngest Boy. Werewolf. He might be older, but JJ feels responsible for him because she's the one who turned him.