Ollie Ollie Oxen Free

Ollivander Galinski
Ollivander Galinski Avatar
45 posts
17 years old
7th Year
played by Santo
"Maybe this time tomorrow?"

Post by Ollivander Galinski on Feb 4, 2019 23:13:24 GMT -5

Ollivander "Ollie" Galinski
by Santo
blood status
sexual orientation
epidemic x status
6th year student
general appearance
For those that are curious… Ollivander- I mean Ollie, I must insist that you call her Ollie, she’d bite your head off otherwise, stands at 5 feet and 8 inches. A little above the average height, but nothing worth mentioning. Her dark brown hair is, more often than not, kept short. If only you had been there to see her father’s reaction when she had taken a buzzer to her lush locks! His long wirey eyebrows suddenly having an air of surprise about them as she walked into the kitchen for breakfast that humid September morning. When inquired why she had ridded herself of her hair she offered a slight shrug and a simple “didn’t care for it”. And that's just how Ollie is, short, concise and to the point, she does not waste her time on long explanations to ensure that there is no misunderstanding.That's more of a you problem. Ollie takes after both sides of her family in the respect that when it comes to her clean light skin and sharp cheekbones. Her dark, almond shaped eyes are usually focused and piercing, hardly ever breaking concentration, but as the days bleed into the next, a dullness is persisting upon them and exhaustion is pulling at their edges. She is thin and tends to shrink on herself on the occasion, especially when she’s spitting out words that are callous and well-formed. She has a sharp chin, prominent eyebrows and slightly bowed lips. She does smile. Really. And it’s quite a beautiful smile. But it is a rather rare sight so don’t get your hopes too high. Despite the odds, a few freckles sprout across her nose very lightly. She’s tactile and touches many things; her fingers are generally covered in ink or of the likes, and light in callouses.

former school
former house


university major(s)
years attended

language : She's pretty good at speaking German, considering her distaste for it. She was never excited to learn her father's language as a child and would often refuse to speak it. She fondly remembers sitting in the kitchen watching as he would carefully cook some sausages. "Möchten Sie Frühstück?" Being the stubborn little thing she was she would keep silent. This always amused the old man. He'd sit down at the table with a plate of sausages, enough for two I must add, and eat them slowly to make sure the smell filled the whole kitchen. This would only entice her to give him a "Ja bitte". And with that he'd pass some to her and they would happily eat the sausages together. It was her mother that taught her Polish and English. She can recall so clearly the way her mother's voice always sang whenever she spoke. Maybe that's why she always disliked speaking german, her father never sang. 

headstrong + determined
: Once she has a belief she runs with it and is quite insistent that you do too. She wants what she wants and will do what it takes to get it.

fairness : She has come to an understanding that it's not just her against the world, but everyone else. She acknowledges her ability and power to speak up for what she believes in and strives to be a voice for those that do not. You could say that this all falls under her deep desire to do good. She practices fairness in the name of her mother. 

loyalty : You'd be quite a fool to think otherwise. Ollie is as loyal as they come, tried and true. She has a deep passion for the people closest to her and cares greatly for them.

transfiguration : Ever since her first year Ollie has had a deep fascination in Transfiguration. It grew further in her Third year when she learned about Animagis. Since then she has dug even deeper into her studies and plans to be the best in her class. 

dueling : Don't worry, she's surprised by it too. She would have never expected to excel in this part of her schooling yet here we are. She would never tell you, that wouldn't be modest, but she really enjoys it too. Maybe it's an empowerment thing? All she knows is that it appears to be the only thing (as of right now) that makes her want to smile.
temper : It seems to be in everyone's best interest to move out of the line of fire when there is a rage brewing. People like to consider Ollie as a thoughtful, kind, well-spoken person, which... she is. But when that fire is sparked there's nothing stopping the venom she spits.

her father : There is nothing that Ollie wouldn't do for her father. Nothing...

stubborn + minding her tongue : She has some pretty strict ideas of how things ought to be. Even stronger thoughts on how people ought to be, and has a lack of a filter despite being a person of few, but thoughtful, words. She isn't afraid to share what she views to be fair.

fears : causing others pain, death, abandonment, forming any kind of real relationship with others, but more importantly losing her father

opening up to others : It's not that she doesn't want to. Secretly, deep deep down in that big, broken heart of her's, she wishes for a friend. But she would never let anyone know that! It's just easier to keep everyone at her "Arms-Length-And-Then-Some" rule. Less distraction, disappointment, but most importantly less heartache. 

determination : Due to missing a year, Ollie is more determined than ever before to surpass her current and previous classmates. She considers herself to be behind despite having excellent grades and excelling well past the other Fifth year students. It is not an unusual sight to find Ollie in the common room, hunched over a book into the late hours of the night, exhaustion pulling at her eyes. She will often choose a book over sleeping or eating. Achieving her goals is not up for question, but rather how much longer she can push herself until *snap*.

"real" things : She tends to get stuffy and uncomfortable when people talk about their normal family life. 
positive traits
very caring, determined, diligent, empathetic, a good listener, honest, hard-working, intuitive, loyal, resourceful, well-spoken, witty
negative traits
amiable heart, extremely curious, hyper-focused, over-achiever, quick-tempered, very stubborn
coffee & tea : Really anything that she can wrap her cold hands around.

baking bread + cooking muggle food : Just the way her mother and father would.

quidditch : She loves quidditch and admires anyone that plays. 

solitude : Please do not think of Ollie as a hermit or anything of the sorts. She's friendly, but not a kiss up. She enjoys people's company, but she also likes her solitude. Theres just something about being completely, utterly alone that is absolutely terrifying but calming to her. She likes to wander the grounds by herself, but would not be against someone joining her. She does love the smell of the forest so you can often find her there if not in the library.

her studies : She likes to humor herself with the idea of transfiguring into a leech and sucking everything there is to know from all the books in the library and maybe even others... She has a voracious hunger for knowledge that nothing seems to satisfy.

greatness : She has a deep desire to be one of the greater witches of her time. She would never tell you that, oh no! She's much too humble. 

care of magical creatures
defense against the dark arts
Excelling grades
Returning to Hogwarts (she likes to think so)

character history
Mama always liked to say that the birds sang a little sweeter that early blue, blue morning. There was a silence that persisted but if you listened closely you could hear the birds from outside, singing love to each other despite the cold. I guess thats why she would always call me her pisklę, small and beautiful. Papa always liked to tell me how beautiful the snow was that morning. Everything hidden in a beautiful blanket of white. It was the longest winter apparently.

Lena seemed so fragile, even from the beginning. I think we were all surprised by how small she was. Mama always reminded me to be careful with her. I knew not to be too rough or upset around her. We all just wanted her to be happy… I think she was. She always seemed happy.. and hopeful. I don’t know how someone so small could be so damn brave and hopeful.

There was this one day where we went into town with Papa. He called us in from the forest where we were out “collecting flobberworms for Mama and stones to make homes for the fairies”. These were Lena’s instructions, not mine. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her otherwise. We raced home… well of course I let her win! I’m not heartless… I always came up with something. Too tired, got distracted, had a cramp, or just simply was not a fast runner. We all piled into the truck, Papa, Lena and I. We were going into town this time to get some goods for Mama that she couldn’t get at the muggle market’s. We had done the driver thousands of times so I don’t know what was so special this time. I don’t know what she saw, but with a shriek Lena climbed over me and hung half her body out of the car window. Nearly gave me a heart attack! I wish I could ask what she saw… she seemed so happy… so blissfully in love with the world around her… I miss her laugh.

Lena got really sick. I guess we all knew it was bound to happen, she was always sick and would tire easily.

Worry entered our house like unwelcome guest that had outstayed its welcome as soon as it walked thru the door. It got to Mama and Papa. Sometimes I would sit on the steps and watch them as they talked in hushed voices under the buzzing yellow light at the kitchen table. Papa would have his head in his hands and Mama upright and stiff, her hands curled around a cup of tea that always remained full.

It came as a surprise. One day Mama was here, and the next gone. Nobody knows where she went. Papa looked for her and asked around for a long time. Everything changed when Mama disappeared. Papa lost the twinkle in his eyes (which Lena insisted we look for at one point). The house suddenly looked so old and drab. Everything left when Mama did. The color, the light, the warmth, laughter, love… her magic… it all vanished from the brown walls and what lied on our hill was nothing but a skeleton of memories. I think thats when the black seed was first planted.

It was just Papa, Lena and I for awhile. Then I got my letter in the mail. I didn’t want to go. I begged not to. Who would take care of them? Who would play with Lena or remind Papa to eat something besides sausages. I even stopped talking for a week! But nothing would change Papa’s mind. He persisted and reassured me it would be alright. I regret believing him…

I tried to be indifferent about Hogwarts, I really did. But who cannot be swooned by it’s magic. It was.. is inspiring. I dove into my studies and enjoyed every second of it. I still do… I feel like i’m nothing without my work. I hate to even think about it… but I was miserable the first time I had to go home.
I returned home when Lena got worse. Papa tried to tell me not to worry but it was easy to see he was tired. It seemed like he had forgotten how to take care of himself. It wasn’t long until Lena passed . It shattered Papa’s heart. I don’t think any magic in the world can put it back together.

And then it was just the two of us for awhile. I refused to return to Hogwarts and Papa was too weak to argue… but I eventually had to go back. It was hard enough to be away for the holidays. I worry about him a lot. He told me that he's going back to work again… I hope it helps.

I enjoy my time here. I do worry and miss Papa a lot… and Mama and Lena. I’m trying my best for all of them… I wish I knew what I know now back then… but wishing doesn’t really get anyone far.

Grisha Galinski - father; half-blood

Renata Galinski - mother; half-blood 
Lena Galinski - sister, half-blood (deceased)
other family
family history
Her parents had met at a time when her papa was reckless or as her mother always liked to say a "głupia gęś". They had met at St.Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries and her mother had fixed him up well. Lena would always recount at this point how dreamy it sounded but Ollie never understood how one could fall in love in a hospital. She thinks that fate was in a very particular mood that day. But, alas, her papa was wooed by her mother's beauty and skills and she was amused by his foolery bravery. 

Ollie was born in the blue of morning. Her mama always liked to call her pisklę after the small birds that she would swear were singing for her. Her mama died when she was eight - she was old enough to remember her. On good days she can recall standing on a chair in the kitchen, Lena sitting on the ground playing with a toy, watching as her mama worked the stove, the vegetables dicing and the meat skinning itself. That was her earliest memory of magic. She would let her toss their contents into the pot for stew and Papa would come sauntering in just in time for the first bowl. They'd gather at the kitchen table and all exchange delights and laughter. Her mama taught her how to cook, read and write, all things she holds dear to her heart. After her mother's passing the child grew up fast and quickly learned how to take care of herself as well as her papa, and dear sister Lena. 

Her sister, Lena, was born when Ollie was 6. She was weak from the start and had a heart condition among other things that made her health her parents top concern. Her sister fell ill seven years later. They had told them there was nothing they could do for her. And so she lived at home and her Papa had tried his best to make her at least comfortable until her time. Ollie had woken up early, as she did every morning and fixed up breakfast for her and Papa and sat at the table and waited. She accepted that her father was not coming down that day and neither was Lena, ever, long before their meals had gone ice cold.

Only a few months ago did she return to Hogwarts, a timely opportunity for a  "fresh start" as her father said. Ollie would like to believe him but she knows better than that to have wishful thinking and that the sorrow she carried would follow her where she went. 

face claim
Cleo Cwiek
status of application
complete :~)
have you read the rules?
how did you hear about us?
browsing through other sites
roleplay sample
Ollie stood atop the bedroom stairs, surveying the twelve descending stairs, their surfaces crested by smooth-sanded knots and cracks wide enough to stand a nickel in and varnished so thickly by Shultz that all but the well-worn centers shone with a maroon gloss. They were treacherous for those in stockinged feet and sneak out-er’s, and unnerving to anything with more than two legs. What most impressed her was not their appearance but their capability for vocalization- everything from groans to nail squeaks and many novelties besides, depending on the day of the week or the humidity that lingered or what book and plate of sausages you happened to be carrying. The challenge that morning was to descend in silence. She didn’t want to be the first noise of the morning which had oddly been quiet.

It had been eerily quiet that whole morning. Thoughts crept into her head but she had stubbornly shoved them out. She would not entertain that cruel head of hers with anything other than what she was going to make for breakfast and the stairs that lied below her. Not where Papa was and why he hadn't awoken her, or why the birds had stopped singing, or why the wind wasn’t whistling through the cracks in the window, or why the house didn’t offer comforting creaks, or the occasional whisper from the walls, or why Lena hadn’t said a soft hello as she passed by her room….

Sausages. She reminded herself.

She knew the patterns of the quiet spots by heart. Far right on the twelfth and eleventh step, tenth and ninth safe anywhere, the eighth, good on the left, the sixth, the fifth, quiet in the middle, a tricky switch from the far right of the fourth to left-of-the-middle on the third, and so on. But the seventh step had never let her by without a grunt or crack. She had lost interest in the riddle of it for a long time, but today it had been renewed.

She navigated the first five steps without a sound and now stood on the eighth step, the brink. She swung her foot over the seventh tread, the inside of her leg stretching. Toward the left side, she knew, the thing creaked. In the middle, it was merciless anklet out a gun-crack sound. Her foot hovered and drifted over the wood. It finally came to a stop above a swirly eyed knot. She carefully settled her weight onto the tread, her face scrunching in anticipation.


She stepped quickly down onto the sixth step before the seventh changed it’s mind about her. She descended down the rest easily, standing at the base of the stairs, arriving without a sound.

A quiet moment of exaltation passed between her and the stairs behind her. It saddened her that Lena had not been with her for the newly found discovery, but it was enough for her to share it with the house that held so many other secrets. She would not tell anyone what she had come to learn. Unfortunately, not even Lena. If she shared a secret with Papa, a different one with Lena, one with the house, and yet another to any creature she came across on her little ventures the world felt that much larger.

It wasn’t that she was forced to have such a small world, she choose to. She was more than welcomed, actually Papa heavily encouraged it, to engage with the other kids from town, but she had no interest in silly games or foolery. She often protested with Papa about it but the conversation always ended the same. Papa was tired, Lena was sick and she had no interest in poking Flobberworms with sticks and things of the like. Who would take care of them! Surely Papa, though she loved him deeply, could not be entirely entrusted with Lena’s well being. He had the biggest heart and anyone who believed otherwise was foolish, but sometimes he had cobwebs for brains and was awfully forgetful. He tried, that was for sure, anyone from a distance away could take note in the way his shoulders dragged and his dulled out eyes. It was the loss of his smiling eyes that made her straightened out and take on as many house chores as she could. And so she would share a sighting of a Chizpurfle with Papa from the last time they were in town, a sighting of yet another Flobberworm with Lena, and  the Silent Stair Route with well- herself and the stairs. 

Sausages. She reminded herself again. Rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes she headed into the kitchen in hopes of another distraction.

It was well into the early morning by the time Ollie slid the greasy meat from the stove and onto the gray glass plate. The soft sizzle and crackle of the pan had been the only thing that kept her company that morning. She welcomed it warmly. It was a sound, it kept the eerie silence away, and that was enough. That was more than she was attempting. She couldn't bring herself to break the silence on her own. There was something off-putting about it but she refused to put her finger on it. Refused.

It was around this time that Papa would usually slug into the kitchen, the aromatic scent of the meat would lure him from his room. He’d throw some kind of light-hearted comment at her to assure her he was ok but no jokes could fool her. He was exhausted. But Papa did not make an appearance, the stairs were quiet and the deafening silence persisted.

Regardless of his no-show Ollie sat at the wobbly table, her fingers running along it’s smoothed out edge as she tried to ignore her crawling skin and questions of why. Her lightly calloused fingertips shake as she ran them along the bottom of the table where it was a bit rougher. A tightness was beginning to be known in her chest as time drew on and she was left vulnerable to her tantalizing thoughts. Why hadn't Papa come down yet she asked herself as she watched the steam swirl and curl off of the hot food. A grumble dared to climb its way up her stomach as she finally became aware of the sweet smell of the meat but she would not permit herself to eat, not until Papa and Lena came down. 

And so she sat there for stars knows how long. Time, it was such a delicate thing and as it passed Ollie could feel the reality of her thoughts bear down upon her. Though she didn’t want to believe it, she knew long before she climbed down the stairs, long before the steam stopped curling and their breakfast had gone cold that Papa wasn't coming down. 

And neither was Lena, ever. 

Admin Morgan
Admin Morgan Avatar
8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Mar 2, 2019 13:04:44 GMT -5


Okay so I see that Ollie missed a year, which makes sense because being 17 would make her a 7th year! However, if she only missed one year, then she would be in her 6th year, not her 5th year!

If you really want her to be a fifth year, you could just have her miss two years instead of only one, otherwise just change her occupation to sixth year student!

That’s it though! Otherwise, absolutely amazing app! So excited for you to join us!!
Ollivander Galinski
Ollivander Galinski Avatar
45 posts
17 years old
7th Year
played by Santo
"Maybe this time tomorrow?"

Post by Ollivander Galinski on Mar 2, 2019 17:28:51 GMT -5

 fixed it ! Thank you !
Admin Morgan
Admin Morgan Avatar
8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Mar 2, 2019 21:02:39 GMT -5

Accepted as a 6th Year Gryffindor!