Sketch || Belladonna

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Post by Deleted on Feb 8, 2019 5:47:35 GMT -5

It was no secret to those that knew him, that Caleb liked to draw. He, unfortunately, didn’t get a chance to do much of it nowadays thanks to what he had become and also to the face he could hardly afford supplies. He knew she hadn’t needed to get rid of all his art supplies when he had first registered but when he had left and run away to France. But it had been easier for him to just take the essentials when he had gone on the run.

Caleb missed the expression he could free through when it came drawing. He was hardly in any position to be artistic now. He was not able to be so free as he pleased now. He had to rely on Hazel to supply art materials for him and that didn't sit well with him. He would prefer to have his own and not have to wait for the with to give him some hers. Caleb knew that made him appear like a charity case and that was something didn’t want. He would rather be the one contributing to charity. Maybe he was proud but he hardly cared.

Still, he did spend a fair bit of time perusing the windows and shelves of the stationery shop when he could. He liked to see if there was anything new available. Not that Caleb really had the ability to buy anything. But still, a wizard could dream.

Having cleaned a number of fireplaces today, Caleb decided to look around the shop before he ended up to his apartment to try and put together his dinner. He knew that Ruby’s due date was sneaking up and he thought he ought to check in on her but he wanted to give her some space. While she was okay with seeing him, Caleb wouldn’t want her to grow sick of him just after they had started to re-establish their friendship. She was one of his closest friends and vice versa but she was still reeling from what Walker had done and Caleb was even more pissed. He wasn’t sure how a man could be so bloody selfish. If he didn’t want to be married to her then so be it but their twins shouldn’t have to grow up without a father because he was only thinking of himself. And the outlandish claims he had made just angered Caleb even further.

Nothing really angered Caleb but when people made up false claims about her spending to much with him were just ridiculous. Caleb had to think that surely he had been so insecure to say such things and to a woman who had been carrying his children.

But he was there to look after Ruby now, along with Zeke and Hazel and with her birthday coming up soon, he would have wanted to treat her but his lack of finances didn’t allow for that. That did upset him but maybe he would go see Logan about getting a cake. He knew the other wizard had a talent for baking, one he didn’t possess.

The blonde wizard made his way into the shop and looked around, his gaze running up and down the many shelves of the stationery shop, trying to spot anything new.

Words: 543

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Post by Deleted on Feb 8, 2019 10:56:27 GMT -5

[googlefont="Dancing Script"]
[attr="class","tweedles"]Lady didn't write or draw much outside of letters sent to her family, and those tended to be brief and sporadic, so she rarely had reason to visit a stationary shop. However, when she took stock of her parchment and ink supply, she found it running dangerously low. Likely because she'd been using more of it lately to write out potions recipes she'd invented and never recorded--she'd had little reason to, since she'd made them often enough not to need a written copy. Without her magic to aid her in making potions, Lady knew she would forget many of the recipes she had memorized if she didn't write them down and store them safely. Since most of the recipes hadn't been patented or registered, simply modified for her personal use, she had to make sure they were safely kept away from anyone who might seek to use them for gain. The only person Lady might allow to make use of them for profit would be Jim, and while their relationship had improved, she still couldn't fathom simply handing her work over to him after struggling for so long to be known for her own achievements. Also, he was the only lucky bastard in their family not to become infected and Lady wanted to know his secret.

She entered the shop with a sigh, well aware that she was likely going to be there a while trying to figure out the merits of one parchment type over another. There were so many kinds, from thick stock to hair-thin and nearly translucent tissue, and while Lady knew she didn't want the cheapest stuff, the expensive kinds weren't necessary either. She might be wealthy but she had little use for fancy paper when she only needed it for recording something and sending letters to family. Lady huffed, "Did we have this many kinds when I went to Hogwarts? I feel like there were less back then." She'd mostly been muttering to herself, but there was a wizard no too far away who might have heard her.

[attr="class","rabbit"]342 - @caleb - 3rd from left
[newclass=".alice"]background-attachment:static;background-image:url(;width:410px;border-top:20px solid #6499ff;border-bottom:20px solid #6499ff;[/newclass][newclass=".hatter"]width:245px;height:140px;margin-top:10px;padding:5px;border:1px solid white;outline-offset:-12px;outline:4px solid white;[/newclass][newclass=".redqueen"]font-size:24px;text-align:center;font-family:Dancing Script;width:350px;padding:8px;letter-spacing:2px;text-transform:lowercase bold;color:#6499ff;font-style:strong;padding-bottom:15px;line-height:25px;position:inherit;[/newclass][newclass=".tweedles"]font-size:10px;font-family:Georgia;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:1px;padding:10px;line-height:15px;height:320px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;width:330px;text-indent:11px;background-color:black;color:white;padding-bottom:10px;[/newclass][newclass=".tweedles b"]font-size:11px;color:#6499ff;[/newclass][newclass=.tweedles::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px;background:black[/newclass][newclass=.tweedles::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]background:#6499ff;[/newclass][newclass=".rabbit"]font-style:Georgia;font-size:10px;text-align:center;text-transform:lowercase;letter-spacing:1px;padding:10px;[/newclass]
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Post by Deleted on Feb 11, 2019 15:07:36 GMT -5

When Caleb had been younger, drawing had been a way for him to escape from anything he had been struggling with. Still the biggest even in his life to date was losing his mum. He was sure nothing would break him further and he missed her terribly each day. He wondered what advice she would give him regarding Ruby and with Lyra. But he would never know. Caleb had visited the cemetery where she was buried a few times since he had come back and he had just talked. He would love to have heard her reply to him but he would just have to imagine her replies instead. It was hard but he was making sure to go every few weeks. He one of the lucky ones since he still had his magic. But it was very little use to him when it came to him cleaning fireplaces and chimneys. He was still stuck with his pseudo wand.

He dreamed of having his wand back. But he knew why the ministry had wanted to take away all the wands from mudblood like him. They were scared. Of course, they would never admit that but he knew the truth. They were scared of what muggleborns could do if they had their real wands. But the counter effect was not something he wanted to eventuate. He had seen in his time at Hogwarts many dark things happening. As headboy, he had been a little closer to the truth than some other students but he had never taken advantage of that. As a Hufflepuff, he had been more reserved.

However, since graduating, he had changed that side of him and he was paying for that now. Lyra was now a werewolf and he could nothing to change that. Ruby was having children that were not his. Perhaps it had been selfish but he had only ever seen her having children that were his. It was his fault that she had been through so much. The selfish bastard that had donated his DNA was now not even willing to step up to the mark and raise his daughters. Caleb was livid about that. He would not hesitate in teaching that wizard a lesson if they ever came face to face.

At least, if he couldn’t do anything much for them, he could sketch some nice artwork for their nursery even if they were not going to appreciate it for months to come. Looking over he heard someone speak to themselves. His eyes widened a little as he recognised the woman. He had played against her when his Quidditch career had been a thing. Caleb walked over and cleared his throat subtly. ”Ms Watson? You may not remember me, but we played against each other a few years ago… you need help picking out parchment?” At least if she didn’t recognise him, he could help her and then leave her alone.

Words: 486
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Post by Deleted on Feb 25, 2019 18:20:22 GMT -5

[googlefont="Dancing Script"]
[attr="class","tweedles"]Since Jim apparently didn't know how he was the only one spared from the epidemic, and neither he nor Delphi approved of Lady's suggestion that they test his blood for whatever might be the difference in hopes of finding a cure that way, Lady was left floundering for a way to contribute to the discussion. Sure, she might have been better than Jim when they were kids, but she'd been more focused on her career as a Quidditch star than her skills as a potioneer for fifteen years. As much as she hated to admit it, Lady had to concede that Jim had a better handle on modern potion making than she did, and he knew what worked and what didn't. Truthfully, he hadn't been as far behind her in their youth as she liked to believe--less than half a percent in difference and ultimately the same by the end of their respective academic careers--but her resentment had fueled her for so long that she'd almost started to believe her own exaggerations. Of course, while she'd been playing Quidditch, she'd done her best to ignore his existence and mostly pretend she had no family to speak of except when she stumbled home to Delphi--and later, Berry. Now she did what she could to spend as much time with Berry as she could, and made time to see Delphi at least once a week to visit her nephew. The motherhood thing was coming easier now, almost instinct instead of the conscious actions she'd make in an effort to stay away from her old self. Berry was still wary of her at times, but their relationship was definitely improving.

Lady turned when the wizard spoke to her, and one look at his face reminded her of the 'good ol' days'. "Caleb Swanson! What a trip to see you again," she greeted happily. "How's life treating you these days?" Probably not the greatest, now that she remembered that he was a muggleborn. After some thought, she kind of felt bad for asking that, because she certainly wasn't suffering because of the political climate, even if she did suffer because of the Epidemic.

[attr="class","rabbit"]358 - @caleb - wow so late but heeere
[newclass=".alice"]background-attachment:static;background-image:url(;width:410px;border-top:20px solid #6499ff;border-bottom:20px solid #6499ff;[/newclass][newclass=".hatter"]width:245px;height:140px;margin-top:10px;padding:5px;border:1px solid white;outline-offset:-12px;outline:4px solid white;[/newclass][newclass=".redqueen"]font-size:24px;text-align:center;font-family:Dancing Script;width:350px;padding:8px;letter-spacing:2px;text-transform:lowercase bold;color:#6499ff;font-style:strong;padding-bottom:15px;line-height:25px;position:inherit;[/newclass][newclass=".tweedles"]font-size:10px;font-family:Georgia;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:1px;padding:10px;line-height:15px;height:320px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;width:330px;text-indent:11px;background-color:black;color:white;padding-bottom:10px;[/newclass][newclass=".tweedles b"]font-size:11px;color:#6499ff;[/newclass][newclass=.tweedles::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px;background:black[/newclass][newclass=.tweedles::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]background:#6499ff;[/newclass][newclass=".rabbit"]font-style:Georgia;font-size:10px;text-align:center;text-transform:lowercase;letter-spacing:1px;padding:10px;[/newclass]
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Post by Deleted on Feb 27, 2019 15:53:59 GMT -5

With everything that had been going with Ruby, Caleb had made sure to spend more time with her especially as her due date drew near. But at the same time he wanted to give her space too , she was in the final weeks of her pregnancy after all and with twins, it was doubly uncomfortable. He wanted to help her as much as he could but there was only so much he could given his current situation. It was stark contrast to the life he had lived as a Quidditch player. But Caleb was adaptable. If he could go through his teenage years without his mother there, he could get through this. At least he had not lost his magic, that was one blessing. If he was the house and he saw that Ezekiel or Hazel needed help with something, he would step in and do it magically. He knew that they loathed the fact they couldn’t do the same but he was in no position to hand their magic back to them, no matter how much she wanted to do so. But the magic he had didn’t help much because he no longer had his own wand. He wanted it back so baly but only time would tell when that would be and how things progressed for him and others like him.

He refrained from complaining to Ruby about how long it was taking because she was pregnant and more impatient than she was. She had more to lose though so there was that as well. But he was there to help here as much as he could. He had an idea of what he could get for her Birthday present with little money he had but it was matter if was able to pull it off or not.

He had been looking around the shop when he had seen the witch walk in. He wasn’t sure if she would remember him or not, he didn’t mind either way. She probably had a few things on her mind with the new Quidditch season starting even if she no longer played. But he was delighted That she did remember him. ”It’s good to see you as well…” he smiled as he rubbed his chin with his knuckles. ”I’ve been good, what about you? What are you doing these days?” He would have asked if she still had her magic but Caleb knew it was a sensitive question with many people.
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Post by Deleted on Mar 11, 2019 15:31:56 GMT -5

[googlefont="Dancing Script"]
[attr="class","tweedles"]The thing about running into old Quidditch rivals, was that Lady never knew how to present herself now that she was trying to be a new person. Did she revert back to her uber-flirtatious self, stand too close and generally act like a shameless hussy who'd drop trou for nearly anyone? Or did she hold up her new image of motherhood and respectability as she'd been trying to do? She never knew how people might react to her change, which was why she tried not to interact with too many of her former colleagues lest they find her new-found self-respect to be distasteful and un-fun. Lady didn't need the setback that would inevitably come from someone acting like all her troubles were invalid, and she knew it. If she had any hope of becoming strong enough to face her demons head on, she needed to build a solid foundation on which to stand, one comprised of people who supported her decision and the struggles that came with it. Hell, she still had troubles turning down a drink when it was offered, but she's spent too long working on her sobriety to throw it all away on the famous last words of 'just one won't hurt'. Cold turkey was the only way, because Lady had never been one for halves. All or nothing in everything. Caleb had been one of the good ones, though, so Lady didn't feel quite so troubled at the idea of being her new self around an old friend.

She sighed, unsure how far to go in this talk. Did he only want polite small-talk? Or was he honestly asking? Lady had never been good at parsing out the polite ones from the sincere questions. "I'm doing alright," she replied with a shrug. "Sober for...over a year now, not even a sip of wine. Assisting my brother in finding a cure for the epidemic, in as much as I can without magic myself. Missing my daughter while she's at Hogwarts. You know, the usual." There. End it with humor, even poorly done humor was still humor. Did he even know she had a daughter? Few did, even after all this time. She'd been careful to keep the news from spreading beyond her team and family, so it was doubtful he knew more than rumors and speculation. What else would a female quidditch star take a year off playing for?

[attr="class","rabbit"]402 - @caleb - wow so late but heeere
[newclass=".alice"]background-attachment:static;background-image:url(;width:410px;border-top:20px solid #6499ff;border-bottom:20px solid #6499ff;[/newclass][newclass=".hatter"]width:245px;height:140px;margin-top:10px;padding:5px;border:1px solid white;outline-offset:-12px;outline:4px solid white;[/newclass][newclass=".redqueen"]font-size:24px;text-align:center;font-family:Dancing Script;width:350px;padding:8px;letter-spacing:2px;text-transform:lowercase bold;color:#6499ff;font-style:strong;padding-bottom:15px;line-height:25px;position:inherit;[/newclass][newclass=".tweedles"]font-size:10px;font-family:Georgia;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:1px;padding:10px;line-height:15px;height:320px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;width:330px;text-indent:11px;background-color:black;color:white;padding-bottom:10px;[/newclass][newclass=".tweedles b"]font-size:11px;color:#6499ff;[/newclass][newclass=.tweedles::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px;background:black[/newclass][newclass=.tweedles::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]background:#6499ff;[/newclass][newclass=".rabbit"]font-style:Georgia;font-size:10px;text-align:center;text-transform:lowercase;letter-spacing:1px;padding:10px;[/newclass]
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Post by Deleted on Mar 24, 2019 15:16:39 GMT -5

Caleb had loved to draw for a long time, he had seen it as a way to express himself creatively. He had continued to draw a lot when he was at Hogwarts. He had spent many of his years there keeping to himself and being quiet over all. He knew he could fly but he had never really attempted to do so until his sixth year and that had lead him to his Quidditch career. He would want nothing more than to return to that but he also had to contend with the registration and while some muggleborns had been allowed to resume their prior jobs, it had been restricted to those who had worked in a healing or nursing capacity at St Mungo’s. Caleb knew that was so they could manage and work on finding a cure for the epidemic. He hoped that there would be a cure soon. However, it was difficult to measure given that they didn’t know where the illness had stemmed from or if there was a patient zero.

Being someone who hadn’t fallen sick, meant that Caleb didn’t have to worry about getting his magic back but he hoped those people he cared about did regain their abilities soon. It had to be frustrating for sure for them. Zeke worked as an Auror and the blonde wizard wasn’t sure what work his friend would be doing without it. There was only so much desk work one could do.While Caleb did have his magic still, he was grateful for that. But he still wished he had his own wand so that was capable of actually being a wizard. He like half of one most days.

But at least he could still draw. While, he was no longer able to afford many art supplies, it didn’t cost anything to look so there was no harm in him being in this shop today. He didn’t even mind running into Belladonna today. He had never had a problem with her and she had never looked down on him for being a muggleborn. He hoped that last part wouldn’t happen today either. Caleb had no idea that she had even had a drinking problem but then again, they had never spent any time together socially. ”Well done on being sober” He really didn’t know what to say in this kind of situation but he hoped that was the right thing.

”Oh you lost your magic?” he asked frowning. It hardly surprised him now when he heard someone else had lost their magic but the epidemic had certainly done whatever was supposed to when it swept through the population. She had a daughter? She didn't look old enough in his opinion but then again Quidditch did keep anyone who played it in good shape. ”How old is your daughter?” It was not a question to pry but he thought it was a very acceptable one. He was just trying to keep the topic off him.
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Post by Deleted on May 6, 2019 20:44:34 GMT -5

[googlefont="Dancing Script"]
[attr="class","tweedles"]The thing about reinventing herself, was that Lady couldn't think too much about her old life or she'd become maudlin, and then she'd want a drink, which would lead to more no matter how much she said she'd only have one. The point being, that thinking about her old life would only inevitably lead back to it. Of course, she couldn't stop herself from thinking about it entirely, but she knew better than to follow that rabbit hole for more than a few seconds. Still, for all that running into former Quidditch rivals brought back memories of competing and partying and drinking on repeat, it was nice to know the world was still turning without her in the game. It helped keep her in perspective, in a way, reminded her that while she'd been an exemplary player, she wasn't the only one able to keep the game alive. Her team would survive without her, though they might not do as well as they did when she was the one chasing the snitch. A bit arrogant, maybe, but she saw their stats after she left, and they hadn't been doing as well. Now there wasn't much going on for Quidditch, with so few with magic left, and it actually made things easier for Lady to keep her mind off it all.

She's been focusing so much on training, that Lady's reasonably certain she's actually in better shape than she was at the top of her game in Quidditch, although that might have more to do with the difference in what kind of muscles she needs. As a seeker, she needed to be sleek, with minimal muscle mass--enough to stay on the broom in various positions, which meant most of it was in her legs, but lithe enough to be as aerodynamic as possible. Now she didn't have to worry about aerodynamics, it was all about being strong enough to take down a perp without magic, she had to be fast and able to maneuver over any variety of terrain and environments.

"Oh yes," she replied with a despondent sigh. "Me and my sister both, though my brother was spared for reasons we haven't yet determined. Lucky bastard." It was so strange, thinking about how old Berry was now. Part of Lady still felt like she'd only given birth yesterday, for all that she didn't like remembering that horror. "She's thirteen now. A third year at Hogwarts, which is still hard to believe. Appears to have inherited the Watson knack for potions, though she rather despises Quidditch, understandably so."

[attr="class","rabbit"]426 - @caleb - she feels old

[newclass=".alice"]background-attachment:static;background-image:url(;width:410px;border-top:20px solid #6499ff;border-bottom:20px solid #6499ff;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".tweedles b"]font-size:11px;color:#6499ff;[/newclass]
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Post by Deleted on Jun 5, 2019 3:06:58 GMT -5

Caleb missed the ability he had with going to the shops whenever he wanted to and buying whatever he wished. Occasionally he would get someone asking for his autograph. He knew had been very lucky back then but now he felt like he was being dealt a harsh lesson. He wasn’t sure what the lesson was, perhaps it was one of humility. Caleb liked to think he was already so humble, but maybe he wasn’t. He had never abused his power or his fame but he wanted to very much to return to that life. It was just a bad combination of being able to practice magic still but not being able to actually do something he loved because of something he couldn’t help. Caleb honestly hated it.

The wizard just did whatever he could to get by and took each day as they came. He went out and cleaned the floos as he had to do and he made do whatever food he could scrap together and fed himself. Eating like that really made him feel worthless. Caleb had seen many people who were facing unfortunate circumstances in the muggle world and he had sometimes given money to them, he had never thought he would ever be in their shoes. Yet, he was.

While it was a foreign expression for him. He was glad for one thing. While it broke his heart to even think of it, at least there something good from Ruby not choosing him. He was unable to provide for her and the girls. He knew how much they deserved. Walker was able to do that and it was right for the whole family to be together. How he felt for Ruby would never go away but she was with the person she deserved to be with and it broke Caleb into a million pieces to think about it but he knew it as how he should be thinking.

At least seeing the woman before him was making him smile in the midst of feeling like shit. He knew her of course from Quidditch and had not heard anything bad about her other than how passionate she was about the sport. He could relate to that. ”Glad to hear it, about you being sober” Caleb knew it was never easy to give up alcohol. He wasn’t much a drink but he liked to indulge when he could. ”I’m sure your daughter is missing you too” he laughed. ”Did you find what you were looking for?”

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Post by Deleted on Jul 2, 2019 16:09:52 GMT -5

[googlefont="Dancing Script"]
[attr="class","tweedles"]For all that Lady understood her daughter's dislike for Quidditch, there was an undercurrent of hurt when she considered that Berry could very well be skilled at the sport if she only tried, considering both her parents had played professionally. It was probably for the best, anyway, since watching Berry play would only bring back memories of Lady herself doing the same things and likely result in a spiral back into old patterns. A bittersweet pain. Knowing Berry took after the Watson side in her skill for potions was much the same, because she was proud, so proud, but a little bit...resentful, too. She didn't want her daughter to fall into the shadow of the Watson family legacy after she tried so hard to get herself out of it, especially not when Jim was more likely to hand the business reigns to his own children--whenever they came--than he was to his niece, regardless of how much he liked her. Their father would never hear of it, anyhow. Being a mother was...painfully rewarding.

She hummed an agreement to his support, warmed just a bit knowing he didn't seem put off by it. "I am too, sometimes," she agreed sardonically. "Othertimes...not so much." Oh she was sure Berry missed her too, most of the time, but she also knew that Berry was still a bit wary of letting herself get too complacent in this new status quo. Lady didn't blame her, honestly, but it hurt sometimes, to know that she'd been such a poor mother for so long that Berry had been forced to grow up too fast. "She does, or she says she does when she writes home," Lady smiled wryly. "Teenagers though...I'm not sure I picked a good time to rejoin this motherhood game, with everything I'm sure is to come. My only hope is that her desire to be unlike me carries into romance, otherwise I've no hope of fending the boys and girls off myself." At thirteen, Lady was sure Berry already had a crush or two under her belt, and more were likely to come. She just hoped Berry was as careful in romance as she was in everything else.

"I have, but I'm not sure which one to get. I just need something basic for letters and notes." She opted not to mention the potion recipes, because they hadn't been meant for sale but she didn't need anyone stealing them and using them for profit when she only wanted them for private use. They'd been adjusted for her specific tastes and needs, anyway, so they wouldn't be as effective--or in some cases, too effective--for other people. "I only write to my sister, brother, and daughter anyway. No need for fancy parchment when I'm half certain Jim uses my letters as kindling for fires."

[attr="class","rabbit"]470 - @caleb - oof

[newclass=".alice"]background-attachment:static;background-image:url(;width:410px;border-top:20px solid #6499ff;border-bottom:20px solid #6499ff;[/newclass]
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