Marigold Moore

Marigold Moore
Marigold Moore Avatar
37 posts
17 years old
7th Year

Avalon School of Ballet Intern
Server at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
played by Nichole

Post by Marigold Moore on Feb 20, 2019 14:53:04 GMT -5


<span style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;"></span>
DESCRIBE YOUR CHARACTER:<span style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;">
What are some words that describe your character? What are they like? You can do this in any form you want, as long as it helps to give a little more information about your character!

What are your character's likes? What classes do they like or did they like in school? Favorite foods? Anything that you want to put here!

What are your character's dislikes? What classes did they hate in school or weren't great at? What are their pet peeves, etc. Put anything you want here!


This template was made by Lady Cara *
NAME - basic description here. You can have it be a couple of sentences or so.
NAME - basic description here. You can have it be a couple of sentences or so.
NAME - basic description here. You can have it be a couple of sentences or so.
NAME - basic description here. You can have it be a couple of sentences or so.
NAME - basic description here. You can have it be a couple of sentences or so.
NAME - basic description here. You can have it be a couple of sentences or so.
Marigold Moore
Marigold Moore Avatar
37 posts
17 years old
7th Year

Avalon School of Ballet Intern
Server at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
played by Nichole

Post by Marigold Moore on Feb 20, 2019 14:53:23 GMT -5

[attr="class","sparetitle"]NETFLIX TRIP

[attr="class","sparebox"]i'm on a Netflix Trip here on my phone
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sodales eu lorem in scelerisque. Nullam placerat laoreet eros, vel ultricies neque fringilla sit amet. Nulla placerat congue gravida. Integer at est ex. Aliquam vel lorem commodo, tristique lectus sed, eleifend magna. Nam ultricies interdum tellus ut fringilla. Nulla convallis mauris vitae nisi fermentum sollicitudin. Donec dui nulla, placerat nec urna ac, sagittis mollis mauris. Proin purus velit, elementum id libero in, hendrerit euismod quam. Suspendisse lobortis lorem eget lorem aliquet, vel volutpat tortor venenatis. Vestibulum in lobortis quam. Praesent quis tristique purus. Aliquam tortor nibh, facilisis quis mi id, consequat dictum dolor.

Vivamus at lobortis quam. Maecenas quis metus eleifend, porttitor velit et, convallis justo. In malesuada accumsan nisl, bibendum laoreet sapien faucibus et. Nullam vulputate mi at aliquet rhoncus. Fusce pellentesque nisi et sapien commodo, eget molestie orci ultrices. Nunc gravida justo diam. Maecenas sodales odio nibh, ac aliquam arcu ullamcorper eget. Duis lobortis euismod viverra. Praesent auctor, enim ut aliquet semper, nulla lacus ultrices nunc, et consequat tortor nulla ut arcu. Morbi maximus risus dolor, non posuere nisl ornare at. Etiam efficitur elementum ex.

Sed pretium metus suscipit tellus pulvinar malesuada. Nam id semper velit. Nunc tempus neque non hendrerit pulvinar. Morbi vulputate nisi nec eros consequat, et suscipit mi lacinia. Sed sollicitudin, elit at condimentum sodales, turpis risus malesuada quam, non fermentum ligula massa ut urna. Morbi sollicitudin augue non varius tempor. Morbi suscipit sit amet libero ut maximus. Vivamus vel diam quam. Morbi vulputate odio et lacus ultricies volutpat vel ac diam. Duis vitae odio at erat porta malesuada id sit amet arcu. Duis ante magna, dapibus sed interdum gravida, pellentesque vitae elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec semper fringilla quam, id volutpat urna maximus nec.

Suspendisse potenti. Nunc placerat purus vel turpis fermentum vestibulum. Phasellus nec enim fringilla, vestibulum velit mattis, placerat nisi. Donec sit amet commodo urna, non condimentum mauris. Integer vulputate, lectus quis vestibulum euismod, risus eros suscipit enim, a efficitur tortor leo eu dui. Suspendisse mollis nec neque vel tincidunt. Nulla facilisi. Integer sodales dui eget tellus faucibus rutrum. Cras tincidunt lacus ipsum, ac luctus dui porttitor eget. Quisque sit amet velit arcu. Aliquam sollicitudin non turpis sed aliquam. Suspendisse cursus posuere nisi, eu fringilla ipsum varius vitae. Sed tincidunt, lacus id pellentesque maximus, eros purus aliquet massa, vel rhoncus nibh nisl ac lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Quisque vestibulum, quam ut auctor rutrum, urna nisl eleifend sem, eu fermentum nulla ipsum quis elit. Sed et odio pulvinar lacus tincidunt scelerisque. Phasellus commodo gravida urna ut tincidunt. Nam id lorem lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce nec mi sapien. Maecenas quis rhoncus enim, eu mattis risus. Nullam elementum feugiat maximus. Vivamus pretium iaculis orci nec eleifend. Maecenas suscipit et nisl id laoreet. Praesent tortor libero, sollicitudin convallis vulputate molestie, egestas id nisi. Phasellus imperdiet porta convallis. Suspendisse at posuere urna, quis hendrerit libero.

[attr="class","sparebox2"]but who i am is in these episodes
so don't you tell me that it's just a show
[attr="class","sparecred"]redd of adoxography

[newclass=".spare"]padding-top:8px;margin-top:0px;width:350px;height:515px;border-left:5px solid #e08100;[/newclass]

[newclass=".sparebox"]width:315px;padding:10px;padding-top:0px;font-family:montserrat;color:#9B988E;font-size:9px;border-bottom:1px solid #1C1C1C;[/newclass]
[newclass=".sparebox2"]margin-top:-5px;position:justify;width:315px;padding:10px;font-family:montserrat;color:#9B988E;font-size:9px;border-top:1px solid #1C1C1C;[/newclass]
[newclass=".sparemain"]margin-top:10px;padding:15px;width:305px;background-color:#1C1C1C;height:414px;color:white;overflow:auto;font-size:10px;opacity:0;-webkit-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-moz-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-ms-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-o-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;[/newclass]
[newclass=".sparemain"]opacity:.8;-webkit-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-moz-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-ms-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-o-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;[/newclass]

[div align="center"][div][attr="class","sparetitle"]NETFLIX TRIP[/div]
[div align="center"][div][attr="class","spare"][div][attr="class","sparebox"][b]i'm on a netflix trip here on my phone[/b][/div][div][attr="class","sparemain"][div align="justify"]text[/div][/div]
[div align="center"][div][attr="class","sparebox2"]but who i am is in these episodes
so don't you tell me that it's just a show[/div][div][attr="class","sparecred"][a href=""]redd[/a] of [a href=""]adoxography[/a][/div][/div][/div][/div]

[newclass=".spare"]padding-top:8px;margin-top:0px;width:350px;height:515px;border-left:5px solid #e08100;[/newclass][/div]
[newclass=".sparebox"]width:315px;padding:10px;padding-top:0px;font-family:montserrat;color:#9B988E;font-size:9px;border-bottom:1px solid #1C1C1C;[/newclass]
[newclass=".sparebox2"]margin-top:-5px;position:justify;width:315px;padding:10px;font-family:montserrat;color:#9B988E;font-size:9px;border-top:1px solid #1C1C1C;[/newclass]
[newclass=".sparemain"]margin-top:10px;padding:15px;width:305px;background-color:#1C1C1C;height:414px;color:white;overflow:auto;font-size:10px;opacity:0;-webkit-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-moz-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-ms-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-o-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;[/newclass]
[newclass=".sparemain"]opacity:.8;-webkit-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-moz-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-ms-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
-o-transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;
transition:height .5s ease, opacity 1.5s ease, overflow 1s ease .5s;[/newclass]
Marigold Moore
Marigold Moore Avatar
37 posts
17 years old
7th Year

Avalon School of Ballet Intern
Server at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
played by Nichole

Post by Marigold Moore on Feb 20, 2019 21:40:12 GMT -5

Marigold's Sixth Year Schedule













Marigold Moore
Marigold Moore Avatar
37 posts
17 years old
7th Year

Avalon School of Ballet Intern
Server at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
played by Nichole

Post by Marigold Moore on Apr 2, 2019 22:12:51 GMT -5

Turning back she just laughs
The boulevard is not that bad
   tags: @ name
  song title -- artist
 outfit: ---
words: 000

❥ DID YOU COME here for something in particular or just general Riker-bashing? I suggest you drop it, Mr. Data. We have a saboteur aboard. Wouldn't that bring about chaos? That might've been one of the shortest assignments in the history of Starfleet. What's a knock-out like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this? About four years. I got tired of hearing how young I looked. In all trust, there is the possibility for betrayal.

Maybe if we felt any human loss as keenly as we feel one of those close to us, human history would be far less bloody. The unexpected is our normal routine. Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise. Congratulations - you just destroyed the Enterprise.

Mr. Worf, you do remember how to fire phasers? Wait a minute - you've been declared dead. You can't give orders around here. I'd like to think that I haven't changed those things, sir. How long can two people talk about nothing? Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named "Enterprise." The Federation's gone; the Borg is everywhere! When has justice ever been as simple as a rule book? You bet I'm agitated! I may be surrounded by insanity, but I am not insane. You're going to be an interesting companion, Mr. Data. Ensign Babyface! They were just sucked into space.

Sorry, Data. The look in your eyes, I recognize it. You used to have it for me. Mr. Crusher, ready a collision course with the Borg ship. We could cause a diplomatic crisis. Take the ship into the Neutral Zone A lot of things can change in twelve years, Admiral. Maybe we better talk out here; the observation lounge has turned into a swamp. Travel time to the nearest starbase?

I can't. As much as I care about you, my first duty is to the ship. Damage report!

♚ Made by SYLVIA of SA and GS ♚

[div align="center"][table][tbody][tr][td][div style="width:400px;background-color:#151414;border-top:3px solid #CC7500;border-bottom:3px solid #CC7500;padding:9px;"][img style="max-width:100%;margin-right:5px;border-radius:100px;border:3px solid #E08100;float:left;" src=";"][div style="height:52px;text-align:justify;font-size:19px;font-family:ms gothic;border-bottom:dotted;border-bottom:5px solid #E08100;text-transform:uppercase;line-height:25px;"][font color="#eee"]Turning back she just laughs
The boulevard is not that bad[/font][/div][div style="height:12px;font-size:8px;width:260px;background-color:#D68E2D;margin-left:62px;border-radius:0px 0px 5px 0px;"][font color="black"]   tags: @ name
[/font][/div][div style="height:12px;font-size:8px;width:245px;background-color:#E1A85B;margin-left:62px;border-radius:0px 0px 7px 0px;"][font color="black"]  song title -- artist[/font][/div][div style="height:12px;font-size:8px;width:230px;background-color:#EBC188;margin-left:62px;border-radius:0px 0px 7px 0px;"][font color="black"] outfit: ---[/font][/div][div style="height:12px;font-size:8px;width:215px;background-color:#F6DBB6;margin-left:62px;border-radius:0px 0px 7px 0px;"][font color="black"]words: 000[/font][/div]
[div style="text-align:justify;font-size:10px;font-family:helvetica;margin:9px;"][font color="#c5c5c5"]❥ DID YOU COME [/font][font color="#eeeeee"]here for something in particular or just general Riker-bashing? I suggest you drop it, Mr. Data. We have a saboteur aboard. Wouldn't that bring about chaos? That might've been one of the shortest assignments in the history of Starfleet. What's a knock-out like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this? About four years. I got tired of hearing how young I looked. In all trust, there is the possibility for betrayal.

Maybe if we felt any human loss as keenly as we feel one of those close to us, human history would be far less bloody. The unexpected is our normal routine. Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise. Congratulations - you just destroyed the Enterprise.

Mr. Worf, you do remember how to fire phasers? Wait a minute - you've been declared dead. You can't give orders around here. I'd like to think that I haven't changed those things, sir. How long can two people talk about nothing? Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named "Enterprise." The Federation's gone; the Borg is everywhere! When has justice ever been as simple as a rule book? You bet I'm agitated! I may be surrounded by insanity, but I am not insane. You're going to be an interesting companion, Mr. Data. Ensign Babyface! They were just sucked into space.

Sorry, Data. The look in your eyes, I recognize it. You used to have it for me. Mr. Crusher, ready a collision course with the Borg ship. We could cause a diplomatic crisis. Take the ship into the Neutral Zone A lot of things can change in twelve years, Admiral. Maybe we better talk out here; the observation lounge has turned into a swamp. Travel time to the nearest starbase?

I can't. As much as I care about you, my first duty is to the ship. Damage report!

[/font][/div][div style="font-family:helvetica;font-size:8px;text-align:center;"][font color="#b89d9d"]♚ Made by SYLVIA of [a href=""]SA[/a] and [a href=""]GS[/a] ♚[/font][/div][/div][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/div]
Marigold Moore
Marigold Moore Avatar
37 posts
17 years old
7th Year

Avalon School of Ballet Intern
Server at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
played by Nichole

Post by Marigold Moore on Jun 19, 2019 21:35:49 GMT -5

[googlefont="Lekton"][googlefont="Roboto Condensed"]
[attr="class","nuggettitle"]With your hand hanging out the window
[attr="class","nuggetsubtitle"]Like you're riding a wave
[attr="class","nuggetwords"]Here all of your words will go. They will look so so sexy in this sexy font, and sexier when you bold things.

[attr="class","nuggetnotes"]### - @taggie - wow so late but heeere

[newclass=".mirrormirror"]width:100px;height:100px;padding:12px;border:1px solid #e08100;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nuggetwords"]font-size:10px;font-family:Roboto Condensed;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:1px;padding:10px;line-height:15px;height:350px;overflow:auto;width:320px;color:white;padding:10px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nuggetwords b"]font-size:11px;color:#e08100;[/newclass]

[googlefont="Lekton"][googlefont="Roboto Condensed"][div align="center"][div][attr="class","nugget"][div][attr="class","mirrormirror"][img src="" style="width:100%;height:100%;"][/div][div][attr="class","nuggettitle"]With your hand hanging out the window[/div][div][attr="class","nuggetsubtitle"]Like you're riding a wave[/div][div][attr="class","nuggetwords"]Here all of your words will go. They will look so so sexy in this sexy font, and [i]sexier[/i] when you [b]bold[/b] things.[/div]
[div][attr="class","nuggetnotes"]### - @taggie - wow so late but heeere[/div][/div][div style="font-family:Open Sans;text-align:right;width:400px;font-size:10px;"][a href=""]♕[/a][/div][/div]

[newclass=".mirrormirror"]width:100px;height:100px;padding:12px;border:1px solid #e08100;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nuggetwords"]font-size:10px;font-family:Roboto Condensed;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:1px;padding:10px;line-height:15px;height:350px;overflow:auto;width:320px;color:white;padding:10px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nuggetwords b"]font-size:11px;color:#e08100;[/newclass]
Marigold Moore
Marigold Moore Avatar
37 posts
17 years old
7th Year

Avalon School of Ballet Intern
Server at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
played by Nichole

Post by Marigold Moore on Jul 9, 2019 0:17:34 GMT -5