We’ve pulled crazier stunts than this

Luiz Almeida
Luiz Almeida Avatar
18 posts
49 years old
Head of Public Policy & Government Relations
Guest Lecturer at the University of Oxford
Voodoo Practitioner
Magical Naturalist
Harvard University and Sciences Po Alum
played by Jade
"Another world is possible."

Post by Luiz Almeida on Mar 22, 2019 23:14:51 GMT -5

by Jade
blood status
sexual orientation
epidemic x status
Head of Public Policy & Government Relations, International Confederation of Wizards
Former Political Strategist, International Confederation of Wizards

Guest Lecturer, University of Oxford
Voodoo Practitioner
Magical Naturalist


Former Professor, Harvard University
Former Guest Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Former Guest Lecturer, George Washington University
general appearance
Luiz has an easy confidence to him. He is not quite as muscled as his twin, but he is very fit. He takes care with his appearances, keeping himself well groomed and neat. 

So far as his dress, he favors comfortable and beach appropriate when he is in Brazil. Casual clothing for the Brazilian usually means wearing short sleeved shirts and khakis made of light materials like linen or cotton. He also tends go for lengthier shorts. The man goes for trousers that are comfortable and of the right fit, not too close-fitting nor too loose. 

Dressing for business usually involves wearing dark-colored suits and ties that project a serious and respectable image. Bright or fancily-designed ties are looked down upon in Brazil and you would see one on Luiz. He doesn't buy into the splash of color nonsense. Business attires are always complemented by dark and shiny shoes.

former school
former house
Casa de Tupã
Completed coursework in Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Magical Combat, History of Magic, Tribal Magic, Magical Naturalism and Healing Magic. Received perfect marks on all his fifth year exams (and he also earned passing marks, intentionally messing up practical performance of magic and a few of the written answers for his twin). Named top academic from his graduating class, also served as class president. 

Mock International Wixen Council Member (1981-1982 Delegate for Argentina, 1983-1984 Delegate for India)
Mock International Wixen Council Leader (1985-1986 Delegate for Russia, 1987-1988 Supreme Mugwump)

Casa de Tupã Reserve Chaser (1982-1983)
Casa de Tupã Chaser (1983-1986)
Casa de Tupã Beater (1986-1988)
Casa de Tupã Captain (1985-1988)

Casa de Tupã Representante (1984-1987) (House Representative in Student Government)
Castlebruxo Presidente Estudantil (1987-1988) (Student Body President)

Debate Club Member (1981-1986)
Debate Club Leader (1986-1988)

Macumba Voodoo Club Member (1981-1986)
Macumba Voodoo Club Leader (1986-1988)

First: 1981-1982
Second: 1982-1983
Third: 1983-1984
Fourth: 1984-1985
Fifth: 1985-1986
Sixth: 1986-1987
Seventh: 1987-1988

Harvard University (Bachelors)
Sciences Po—Paris (Masters)
Harvard University (PhD)
university major(s)
International Relations & Political Science, BS
International Development, MS
Public Policy and International Development, PhD
Social Policy and Sociology, PhD
years attended
Bachelors: 1988-1992
Masters: 1992-1994
Doctoral: 1994-2000

ETHICS ◊ The man has a strong moral code. He has built his core values himself over his adult life. He identifies as a pacifist and a socialist. 

EMPATHY ◊ Luiz cares not just about those he knows, but about people in general. He is genuinely invested in the best interest of all people. He cares. He believes everyone should be treated fairly and kindly--and it is not enough just for him to treat others fairly and kindly, he must do whatever he can to ensure that equality and justice prevails in all things.

MACUMBA ◊ Luiz was educated in tribal magic at Castlebruxo. He excelled at the practice and did not neglect these magics after he left Brazil. Practicing the Brazilian voodoo helps him stay connected with his home and cultural identity. Though many unfamiliar with the arts associate voodoo with black magic, Luiz opposes this label. He does not hold the opinion that there is dark and light magic--there is only magic. It ebbs and flows, and lives in both Shadow and Light. 

MENTAL ACUITY ◊ A very sharp mind is a tool that the man actively maintains. Brain puzzles are a favorite of the man.

POLYGLOT ◊ If you cannot communicate, you cannot influence change. So, mastering the most prominent languages of the world were a priority for Luiz. He is a native Portuguese speaker, but is fluent in English, Mandarin, French, and Spanish. He is presently learning Hindustani.

WANDLESS ◊ Castlebruxian students (and wixens from South American countries, in general) are not taught to perform magic using conduits. The South American culture encourages embracing one's magic. 
EMPATHY ◊ Luiz has a soft heart. He wants to help those less fortunate. Injustice keeps him up at night. It makes it very difficult for him to be truly happy. He truly considers the needs of the community when making decisions in his personal life. He would lay down his life in defense of the weak or vulnerable. 

TWIN & FAMILY ◊ Raul is his other half. There is nothing he would not do for his brother.  Identical twins, Luiz spent his childhood switching places with his brother. While Raul was the quidditch star, Luiz was the academic wiz. Luiz snuck into a number of Raul's OWL exams and just normal class exams to make sure his brother would earn decent marks, so Raul would not get suspended from the Quidditch team. 
Luiz will support his family no matter what that might cost him. He does not want to disappoint them--and he would never betray any of his family or friends. 

SON ◊ He did not know for years and years that he had a son. He knocked up his Castelobruxo girlfriend when home from Harvard for a holiday. Nívia hid the child from him, not wanting to derail his life plan. She, also, feared that the Almeida family would take her son away. She hid him deep in the jungles, living as a naturalist and practicing tribal magics. It was not until Carlos got to Castelobruxo and Raul became his teacher that Luiz became aware of his child. Carlos wanted little to do with Almeida family for quite some time, but Luiz began to win him over as they grew to know one another. They share a lot of personality traits. 

COMMITMENT TO HIS MORALITY ◊ Luiz will take risks and actions to aid others during a time of crisis even if it endangers him or is unprofitable to do so. This is how he has become a part of this task force. He willfully volunteered. He knows the risk to himself and his magic, but he believes that the injustices shown Nascido Trouxa cannot be ignored.  
positive traits
Good Instincts ◊ Tactful ◊ Hardworking ◊ Ambitious ◊ Courageous ◊ Confident ◊ Engaging ◊ Charming ◊ Eloquent ◊ Educated ◊ Politically savvy ◊ Goal-oriented ◊ Resilient ◊ Self-reliant ◊ Helpful ◊ Courteous ◊ Kind ◊ Respectful ◊ Sensitive ◊ Friendly ◊ Merciful ◊ Humane ◊ Altruistic ◊ Giving ◊ Respectful ◊ Protective of life ◊ Provides for those who cannot provide for themselves ◊ Honest ◊ Loyal
negative traits
Pacifist ◊ Idealistic ◊ Pragmatic ◊ Optimistic ◊ Wanderer ◊ Chronic Hero Syndrome ◊ Can come off as confrontational ◊ Inflexible ◊ Focused on social status and public opinion ◊ Worries an unhealthy amount about living up to his family name and earning the respect of those around him ◊ Unable to Relax very well, very often--he gets very fixated on work and on injustice ◊ Difficulty expression emotion
Running ◊ Quidditch ◊ Politics ◊ Wine ◊ Luxury ◊ Travel ◊ Language ◊ Football (Soccer) ◊ Dueling ◊ Thought Experiments ◊ Beautiful Women ◊ Meditation ◊ Magical Naturalism ◊ Tribal Magic ◊ Voodoo/Macumba ◊ Anthropology ◊ History 
Textbooks published: 
◊ Understanding Public Policy*
◊ World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions*
◊ Understanding Politics: Ideas, Institutions, and Issues*

Books published: 
◊ Why Not Socialism?
◊ An Empire If You Can Keep It: Power and Principle In Wixen Foreign Policy
◊ Major Problems in MACUSA Foreign Policy*

White papers published: 
◊ Mobilizing Change in Central America: Fostering Wixen Integration to Combat Gang Violence
◊ A Soft Pivot to Asia: Managing the Strategic Dilemma in Sino-American Relations
◊ Multicultural Diplomacy: A New Approach to Wixen International Outreach*
◊ Growth, redistribution, and welfare: Toward social investment*
◊ Individual rights and social welfare: Balance for the greater good

*Co-authored with his ex-wife, Juliette

character history
"Eu sou o Luiz, segundo filho do Rafael Almeida. Desculpe, você fala português? Não? Está tudo bem--I'm the second son of Rafael Almeida Yes. That Rafael--and yes, The Almeidas. Raul is my brother: my twin brother. We are identical, though born on different days. Mere minutes apart, but him before midnight and me after. Quidditch is what my family is known for, and while I'm more than competent on a broom, I wanted more than Brazilian pitches in my life.

My father played the political game. He made us Brazil's sweethearts. We are the country's family. How they love us. He'll be Ministry of Magic next election, I wager. Perhaps the one after that. Really whenever he decides to run. While Raul followed and upholds our father's Quidditch legacy, I took an interest to his other career.

My father instilled in us the value of mastery of your trade. We were on brooms before we went off to school. Quidditch was always more of his passion. But the lessons of practice and dedication--they carried over to what I wanted to do with my life. They carried over to the mastery of magic and history and politics. While favor and popularity can help you win an election, or get you an appointment, it doesn't make you qualified to do a job. It doesn't make you qualified to run a country. My father is an excellent leader. He is a charming man--and my hope is that when he rises to the top position in the Brazilian government, he will surround himself with advisers like me: men who dedicated their life to gaining knowledge and understanding of how a country is best governed. Time will tell, in this, as with all things.

I suppose I should loop back to the beginning. Raul and I grew up in the public eye. You can see our childhood in all the old newspapers. Our father's fame was our family's fame. It's easy to tell when we started having a say in what we wore. The matching outfits became a thing of the past. Durante anos, odiamos ter a mesma aparência. Com o tempo, porém, aprendemos a aproveitar. 

Às onze, fomos ao Castlebruxo. Oh, sorry, English, right--we went to school out in the jungle at eleven. We go at the same age in Brazil as is common here the United Kingdom. But there are differences, of course. Our sorting is performed with an orchid--that orchid becomes yours once the ceremony is completed. Mine is part of the Almeida family bouquet that is presently held by my avó (grandmother). My contribution was green, since I chose Tupã. I had the opportunity to go to either it or Sumé. I knew Raul would be in the house of our pai. I chose to follow our mãe's legacy.

We learned in school to benefit from our resemblances. My brother, perhaps, benefited more than I did. I sat for a number of his exams over the years. But he covered my detentions in exchange, which I received more than you might imagine. My tendency to sneak out to the jungles to practice Macumba was never approved of by our professores.

Quidditch was a huge part of our lives before Castelobruxo and during the years there. Still is for Raul--and I love the game--quite passionately, too. But I had loves other than the sport. My brother never did. He never cared for books or masteries of magic. Not like I did. I was the academic of the pair of us--and my course load testified to that. But it wasn't enough to just learn. I had high hopes for myself. I had plans, you see. I meant to go to one of the most prestigious universities in the world. 

To get into an Ivy, extracurriculars are a must. Mock ICW should be no surprise. I participated in that for years, before becoming leader of the organization in both senses. I was head of the club and Supreme Mugwump. There was Quidditch, too. Played nearly every year and was captain for my house for even more years than my brother. I'd never seen Raul so green as when he found out I was Tupã's captain, but he had not been chosen to take the reigns for Sumé. That was was an excelente day.

I got into politics, too, at Castelobruxo. Student leadership there is democratic, not like how I understand things to go at Hogwarts. It is not equal representation of genders in leadership by explicit rules--though there always seemed to be something of a balance. Only in your last year can you be the presidente for all the students. The election is held during the last month of the year before, so year six--and the person with the most votes is presidente, while the runner-up becomes vice-presidente.

My vice-presidente was Nívia Talita Gaviria. She, also, became my girlfriend during our term of service together. She was incredible. So creative, and with an indescribable beauty. It was not just her features that made her so captivating. It was her love of life and of the world. She and I had very different life plans. She meant to stay in Brazil, to go back to her family--to her tribe. They were a matriarchal clan, and she was the daughter of their leader. She would be their leader one day. She fought for policies at the school that gave more honor to native cultures--and she grew the seed of passion for Brazilian culture and magic that my mother had planted in me and that I had been tending with my dedication to the voodoo.

Though she was always staying in Brazil, she was the most supportive and encouraging of my dreams. She revised by Harvard application essay several times until we were sure it was the best it could possibly be. We never made promises we could not keep to one another, even though whispers of love fell off our lips more times than could be counted. We always knew our relationship came with an expiration date. 

After graduation, I saw her a few times when I came back to visit over school holidays. Until she completely vanished. I did not realize why for eleven years. I had gotten her pregnant, and she knew how committed I was to family. She knew I would leave Harvard to be with her and raise our son. I rotate between anger and thankfulness for her making this choice. I love my career. I loved my time in Massachusetts and Paris, but my heart breaks for the things I missed. It is mended, though, by what I gained. Because of Nívia's choice, I met Yvelisse. Because I met Yvelisse, I have Natália--and I love my daughter an incomprehensible amount. She is the light of my life.

So, Harvard--it was brilliant. Everything I had dreamed. I loved it. I was challenged in ways that I had never been at Castlebruxo. I fell into a close group of friends. We were all international wixen students--all studying different social sciences. We were living our own renaissance--as philosophers, sociologists, political scientists. We all had so much hope and optimism. We were going to change the world.

We fractured apart after graduation. I went to France. I loved Harvard. I do love Harvard still, but I wanted to experience more of the world. So, while I worked on my Masters, I went everywhere in Europe. Just portkey to wherever for the weekend. It was amazing. I got to see so many different cultures. My understanding of the world grew exponentially. I was and had learned so much in the classroom, but it didn't mean something until I was in all those different places with all the different people.

When I first went off to undergrad, I had thought I would end up back in Brazil...and maybe I will one day. But by the time I got to Paris, I knew there was too much world out there to just go back home. I could go back to Harvard, though. And I did. The program was too good there to get my doctorate anywhere else...and there were a few of us from that undergrad renaissance group coming back. We all taught together while we worked on getting into the ICW.

That was always the end game. We were going to get into the ICW. That was where we could effect the most change--or at least be party to the most interesting socio-political discussions of our time. Yvelisse shared that dream with me. We fit together so perfectly. Everyone believed we were made for one another. Our love was deep and complex. Founded in shared values and interested, grown through deep intellectual curiosity, we were friends, lovers, and supported one another in every endeavor. That's still true. All of it. So, why aren't we still married? That's a story that takes a lot more time and a lot more tequila that we have right now. We made something beautiful, though--better than either of us, better than us being us, which is incomprehensibly great. Our daughter is the true gem.

She is why I'm going to go to the United Kingdom. It's a risk. But there is injustice there--there is tragedy there. It's where the need is. So, no matter the risk, no matter the cost, I'm going to make a difference. I'm going to lend my knowledge and understanding. I'm going to help them make the changes that are necessary to overcome this purist oppression and mysterious epidemic. I have no means to help cure the sick, but I can help the country find its way...a way that will truly be best for all."

Rafael Raul Almeida, 76
Senior Undersecretary to the Brazilian Minister of Magic
Former Coach for the Brazilian National Team
Former Keeper for the Brazilian National Team
Former Keeper for the Rio de Janeiro Cobra-Grandes
Castelobruxo alumni, Casa de Sumé

Yasmin Almeida nee Silva
, 72
Director of Hospital Copa D'Or
Former Head Trauma Healer, Hospital Copa D'Or
Castelobruxo alumni, Casa de Tupã
Raul Carlos Almeida, 48
Twin Brother, first born
Coach for the Brazilian National Team
Former Keeper for the Brazilian National Team
Flying Professor at Castelobruxo
Castelobruxo alumni, Casa de Sumé
Dr. Carlos Silva Almeida, 29
Castelobruxo alumni, Casa de Tupã
Harvard Medical alumni, Neurobiology
Harvard alumni, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Estranged as for many years Luiz did not know his son was his, however pulling the strings to get Carlos into Harvard as a legacy has improved their relationship considerably. 

Natália Yasmin Almeida, 12
Castelobruxo student, Casa de Jaci
He has always been a devoted father to Natália. He has given her every opportunity and has traveled the world with her since she was a small child. She was given the choice of any wixen school in the world to attend and she chose to go to the same one as her father. She's a total daddy's girl.
She was the one factor that made coming to the United Kingdom difficult. He does not know how long it will be before he is able to see his daughter again, but he knows that it is his duty to serve. He visited her before he left, though, just in case--she told him he had to go and that she was proud of him. Before departing for the United Kingdom, Luiz left offerings in the sand to the goddess Iemanjá, the queen of the ocean and the protector of family and children, asking her to watch over Natália while he is away.
Former partners
Nívia Talita Gaviria, 48
Magical Naturalist, Tribal Magician
Castelobruxo alumni, Casa de Jaci
Castelobruxo girlfriend, mother of Carlos

Dr. Yvelisse Pérez Almeida, 49
International Confederation of Wizards Strategist
Currently stationed in India
Ilvermorny alumni, Horned Serpent 
Yale alumni, Bachelors of Political Science
Brown alumni, Masters of Sociology
Harvard alumni, PhD of Social Policy
Ex-wife, mother of Natália
other family
Aelita Lehder Rivas Almeida, 37
Sister-in-law, wife of Raul the younger
Seeker for the Brazilian National Team
Seeker for the Rio de Janeiro Cobra-Grandes
Castelobruxo alumni, Casa de Sumé

Fernando Ochoa Almeida, 16
Nephew, son of Raul and Aelita
Castelobruxo student, Casa de Sumé
family history
Rafael Almeida fell in love with quidditch when he was just a boy. By the time he got to Castelobruxo, the wizard knew the names of every single Brazilian athlete--and more than few of the foreign athletes. He was a natural flyer. The man tried out all the positions. He was a fantastic chaser, but he found his home at the goal hoops. He did enough to get by with school.

Charms were a strength both on and off the pitch for Rafael . He left a long string of broken hearts at Castelobruxo and then all over Rio de Janeiro when he joined the city's professional quidditch team right out of school. He won rookie of the year in his first season. In the subsequent season, he allowed the least goals of any keeper  in the Latin America league. That success and the retirement of the Brazilian National team's keeper allowed him to be the youngest player to join the National Team.

The following season a brutal bludger hit put him in the hospital. It was there Rafael met a lovely healer trainee that captured his attention in a way that no witch ever had. Yasmin Silva wanted little to do with the quidditch celebrity. She had never cared for the sport--and just wanted to a have a simple life helping people and enjoying the simple pleasures that the old tribal magics brought her. 

Yasmin Silva had grown up one of seven children. Born right in the middle of her brothers and sisters, she was never the pride and joy or the baby. But she was loved. Still, it was easy to get lost in the crowd at the hectic Silva house. She found her place at her grandmother's side, mastering the practice of Macumba. When time came for her to go to Castelobruxo, she kept her love of the tribal magic alive, becoming close friends with the naturalists and spiritualists at the school.

Potions and charms were strengths for the witch. A deep streak of compassion sent Yasmin into the healer trainee program. There she met a very persistent quidditch professional. Other healers told her of his reputation--Yasmin had seen him in the gossip magazines. She had no interest in being one of Rafe Almeida's conquests.

It took a year of Rafael sending owls back and forth to convince Yasmin to give the keeper a chance. The gossip magazines had gone crazy trying to figure out why the quidditch pro had stopped his manwhoring ways. When he and Yasmin went out that first time, the gossip columnists were not kind to her. Rafe was furious and went out if his way to change his lifestyle even further. He played quidditch, but he changed the way he played the celebrity game. He gave time to charity, to philanthropy, to the community.

By the time that he and Yasmin got married and started a family, Brazil knew a very different Rafael Almeida than they had obsessed at over in his early quidditch career. He and Yasmin and their boys became a family the Brazilian people loved.

ESTJ ◊ Neutral Good 
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Admin Morgan
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26 years old
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"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on May 2, 2019 18:34:39 GMT -5
