Bad Things | Finli Flashback

Kallisto Ophelia Parkinson
Kallisto Ophelia Parkinson Avatar
187 posts
20 years old
Fourth Year Spell Invention Student at Locksley Institute
Model at Witch Weekly
Seeker for the Falmouth Falcons
Animagus: Raven
University Student
played by Jade
"I’d rather be the girl whose name dies at your lips every time you try to speak of me."

Post by Kallisto Ophelia Parkinson on Apr 16, 2019 18:23:30 GMT -5

I want you forever
Even when we're not together
Scars on my body so I can take you wherever

september 16th, 2018
paroxysm-finn's office

She had come here in search of him. So, why was it such a surprise to lay eyes on Finn Harlow? Why was anything and everything a surprise when it came to him? Because it was him--and he was different. He was different from anyone that she had ever known...and even as her life shifted and changed there was something permanent about him. They were tethered to one another. When his eyes met hers, her sense of gravity shifted...and she wanted to keep that feeling.

Before him, time and memory bent and shifted in her head. The moments of their past hit her--all at once, fractures of scenes flashed in her mind and it was so intense she felt weak in her knees. Every single scar story was still as fresh in her mind as when he had first shared it. And of course, the moment he had killed for her. Whether she needed the defense or not, he had killed for her. His possessiveness and affection had materialized as animal instinct and that still brought out a biological need for him in her.

He might not have been pure--but he was strong...and he was fierce...and he was handsome. And no matter what she did or who she laid with, her body still belonged to him. It ached for him. No one else touched her and set her skin ablaze. No one except him.

The sheer emotion of their past left her vulnerable and honest. When he echoed the greeting of her name and said it had been a long time since they had seen one another. Her answer was off her lips before she had a moment to think on what she was saying. "Too long-" A simple two word confession. But it was too honest. The words rang with unspoken truths. She had missed him--and that showed. The way her eyes were bright for him. The way she smiled even when she wanted to be coy and demure. She couldn't play when she was drowning in memories. She had to swim back to the surface. She had to put her mask back on.

But the truth was she didn't want to. She liked when he saw her. It was dangerous. It made her vulnerable, but she liked it anyway.

In for a knut, in for a galleon. She let more honestly fall off her lips, this was just a whisper, quiet enough that he could pretend she had not said anything if he wanted to. "I have missed you." And Merlin, she had. So much. Time refused to make it easier. Her longing for him just wouldn't go away. He had gotten to her--and no one else compared.

Kallisto was a mix of emotions. Seeing Finn was a surprise. Even if finding him had been her intention and hope for the night, being in the same room as him was still something that she had not been prepared for. The wizard floated in and out of her life over the years, but the magnetism between them never suffered for the time apart.

There was no one else like him. She knew that. It never changed. She never wanted him less. She never found a way to forget him. It made her feel weak to be in front of him. Surely, he did not have that same feeling for her. Maybe he once had, maybe when he had killed for her, but that was an age ago. The world was different now.

She should have been different to...but with him she wasn't. She was still the girl that came alive under his eyes. She didn't know why she had been so honest with him. Maybe because she wasn't sure she would get another chance. She had spent a lot of nights thinking of things that she wished to have said to him when she had the chance. Now, that she was seeing him. She saw no reason not to take those chances.

He looked so good. Too good. He had that damned smirk on his face. It was dangerous. The best sort of danger though--and she wanted to just stop time and savor seeing him like that. Time had been very good to him. His jaw was strong--and he was even more handsome than he had been before...and clearly, he had done well for himself to be sitting in this office. She was impressed.

His reaction to her whispered words was expected. It almost annoyed her, but he was coming closer and she was stepping towards him, too. Words were always overrated. Action was so much better. His hand slid around her neck and her body reacted to him immediately. She leaned into him. Rolling up on her toes to meet to his lips, Kali lost herself into his kiss.

Time had passed but his lips were still familiar. She knotted her hand into his shirt. A soft sound of wanting passed from her lips and was lost into his mouth. Merlin, she had missed him. Everything was a blur. They knew one another so well. No matter how long it had been. He marked her and she reciprocated. Possessiveness had always been very classic for the pair. She lost the ability to concentrate or comprehend time. Seconds were minutes and minutes were hours as they professed desire in the most animalistic of ways.

When they were finished, she didn't want it to end. She didn't want to say goodbye, not knowing when she would see him again. So, Kali did what she had done in the past. She traced a delicate finger over Finn Harlow's skin. She found one of his newer wounds and she flashed her ultramarine eyes up to his powder blue ones. "Tell me," she urged, asking in a very few words for the story of how the scar came to be. She never asked about the same scar twice...and she never forgot one of his stories. They were precious to her. Whether it was true or not, Kallisto believed that having that sort of knowledge about the Harlow set her apart.

• 1061
outfit sans the destroyed hosiery

Finn Elliot Harlow
Finn Elliot Harlow Avatar
31 posts
21 years old
Underground Fighter
Owner of Paroxysm
played by Morgan
"If you feel so filthy, so dirty, so fucked up--you're not the only one so get up, let's start a riot"

Post by Finn Elliot Harlow on Apr 20, 2019 21:08:49 GMT -5


[attr="class","ctopline"]Nothing's that bad
[attr="class","cscriptcriminal"]if it feels good
[attr="class","clyrics"]So you come back[break]
Like I knew you would

[attr="class","cbody"]Had he really seen himself as the sort of ponce that would own a businesss? Not a chance in hell. But here he was. Finn had always liked being in the fight. The rush of adrenaline, a good opponent, some well-calculated bloodshed. That was what the hundreds of people that came into this place didn’t really. Nothing was unplanned. The fights weren’t fake or any of that shit, but it wasn’t as simple as letting two blokes go at it. If a fight was too easy, too fast, people got bored. That was no way to make money.
When he’d been fighting, that wasn’t his problem. There had been more than a few times when he’d been told to make a closer fight where he’d just not been in the mood to let them get one punch in. As long as he got his money, why the hell did he care about the show? But now, he was the one that had to care about that shit. He’d made that decision for himself and while he didn’t hate it, there were some days when it felt like the stupidest decision he’d made in his life. If he still wanted to fight, he could technically. He wasn’t exactly the most vocal about owning the place. When he was up at the office, he stayed up here. When he went downstairs, he always came in from the front. He never just strolled on down from his office. The only people that really knew he owned the place were the people he employed.
But he still didn’t get in the ring as much as he liked. Too much shit to do up here. He got a good view of the chaos from his window, though, and that was how he had seen her. Kali. Without even knowing what he was expecting, he’d told security to bring her up here. He hadn’t even told them to tell her why—because he wasn’t all that sure she’d come if she knew it was him. It had been a long time. Too long, he thought, once she was standing in front of him and his eyes took his time in moving up her until he met her own. “Kali.” He smirked, before getting to his feet. “Been a while.” He couldn’t say for sure why it had been so easy for him to spot Kali out in the crowd. There was no good reason for it. The floor was crowded—it always was. It was a mess of people, the lights were dim, and he shouldn’t have been to able to make out a clear face of anyone. Hell, his mom’s ghost could have been down there, and there wasn’t a chance that he should have been able to pick that up in the chaos.
So, there was no reason at all for him to notice Kali, but he had anyway. He had just looked down there to see how the fight was going, and there she’d been. She had been the first person that she’d seen. Hadn’t noticed the bloke that was getting his ass handed to him in the ring, hadn’t noticed the unsanctioned fight breaking out between two drunks by the bar. He had just noticed Kali. Asking security to bring her up here hadn’t been something that he’d even thought about. He had just done it. He hadn’t even known what her reaction to seeing him would be after years had passed. He had figured that the reception might not end up being all that great. But he didn’t really care. She could throw something at him and he wouldn’t care—he was sure she wouldn’t miss, but that was fine.
Instead, she surprised him in another way. Anger was what he had been expecting—or at least, coolness. He had been the one that had just left without a word. They weren’t dating, they weren’t officially anything, but if she had just disappeared, he would have been pissed. It would have made sense for him to get an icy reception from the witch. But that didn’t come. He chuckled at her words, a smirk playing on the corners of his lips as he leaned back against his desk, facing her. ”Yeah. Too long.” It had. He wasn’t one for vocalizing feelings or anything like that, but in the time that he’d been gone, he’d thought about her a lot. A whole hell of a lot, actually. She had never been far from his mind, not that he’d say sappy shit like that out loud. ”Good,” his smirk only grew as he pushed up away from the desk and closed the distance between them. He had expected anger but had gotten honesty. In the end, they both knew that it was only going to end one way. So, a hand moved to the back of her neck and he brought her lips to his, kissing her fiercely.
When all was said and done, he knew that she wasn’t going to get up and walk away. Every time that they had ever shagged, it ended the same way. It ended with her hands trailing her way to a scar that she didn’t know about and asking him the story behind it. He had known it was going to end that way today, though the stories that he had now were a little more complicated these days. The nature of what he had done in Moscow was not something that he had told anyone in the United Kingdom. Generally speaking, it was better that way. But plenty of the stories he had told her in the past had come from his times of homelessness and poverty. How much worse was this, really?
The scar that her fingers had moved to was one on his bicep, thankfully. If she were to have asked about a couple of the other options, he might have hesitated to tell her about them. But this one had been relatively straightforward. It would likely still shock her, but it wasn’t a secret in the way that some of them were. “Oh, this one?” He paused, humming as if he had to consider his answer when obviously, he was very aware of it already. “I was on this train—on the way to Moscow from Omsk. This rowdy bloke had been drinking, was being really annoying. I gave him my opinion of that. Turns out he had a gun.” He said it nonchalantly because to him, it had been by far the least memorable part of the story. “Grazed my arm when he fired it, which is how I got the scar, but it did shatter one of the train’s windows. Whole thing had to stop for hours. Ended up getting off and spending two weeks in Yekaterinburg.” And those two works had been incredibly entertaining, so all in all, it had ended quite well for him.
[attr="class","cnotes"]1156 ● @ kali ● outfit
[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + ADOX 2.0

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Kallisto Ophelia Parkinson
Kallisto Ophelia Parkinson Avatar
187 posts
20 years old
Fourth Year Spell Invention Student at Locksley Institute
Model at Witch Weekly
Seeker for the Falmouth Falcons
Animagus: Raven
University Student
played by Jade
"I’d rather be the girl whose name dies at your lips every time you try to speak of me."

Post by Kallisto Ophelia Parkinson on Jul 22, 2019 23:58:32 GMT -5

I want you forever
Even when we're not together
Scars on my body so I can take you wherever

september 16th, 2018
paroxysm-finn's office

How many times had this happened before that Finn disappeared? A hundred? A thousand? Probably something in between... There had been occasions where time was short and moments had just been stolen for quickies, but many times they were able to share more lengthy conversations after. She had spent years learning about him-- learning all the stories of his scars. They had been glimpses into a life on the other side of the alley-- out in muggle London. The Parkinsons had not been wealthy. They had struggled. Donna built her business up-- Van abandoned them for the wrock scene, but Tara and Myles had given everything to try to give the lot the best life they could have. By the time she had been born, Donna had been able to help-- to make the financial struggle the Ministry's persecution had subjected the family to easier to survive. Not that anything could save Myles from the work camp and the back breaking work, he was gone now. Kali still felt that void, even knowing the truth about who her real father was.

That was a complicated mess she did not want to think about right now. She was in the after glow. She was content and sated in a way that she had not been in so long. Since the last time with Finn. Of course, nights with Amy had come close. Sort of. It had been different, but the same. Feelings were never voiced. Requests could only be made for so much, for so far. There were always limits on what her lovers could-- or would give her.

But Finn gave her stories. He gave her his memories and those were precious to Kali. She delighted in his touch, of course. There had been a great length of time that she had lived for it practically, believed it her very air she had craved it so. It had been foolish to grow attached liked she had. But how could she not? How could she not come to hunger the hands that had snapped a neck for her? Because of her? That violence matched her. The willingness to not simply drift but dive head first into the dark matched her. Finn Harlow matched her whether either of them liked it or not, whether either of them were willing to acknowledge it or take it beyond violent moments of bodies crashing together only to explode back apart until the next time.

When had it shifted from something casual to Kali belonging to him? She could not pin point the moment. It had to have been before he killed for her. Possessiveness like that did not simply spring into being. It had already existed and she had already wholly embraced the idea. That had just been a beautiful, exquisite manifestation of what they were--and the striking, dark, twisted danger they posed to the world when they were united.

Then he had gone. No word. No goodbye. There had been nothing for so long. She should have forgotten him. She convinced herself he had forgotten her. Kallisto had not been able to rid herself of him. The stories stayed with her just as much as the memories of the moments they had shared. But she had believed he had moved on, replaced her with something else warm and wet. She had forced her mind to best her heart-- to drown out the feelings and beat down the longing she felt for him with logic. He had left. He did not care. He would never care. Those were the things she told herself on repeat.

And she had believed it. Kali had convinced herself-- right up until the moment she saw him behind that desk. He had recognized her. He had spotted her and he had sent for her. That possessiveness was still alive in him. Everything was still there. For both of them. Time and distance had done nothing to erode it. Somehow, even without tending the flame, it was alive and more akin to a roaring inferno than dwindling ember.

Kallisto could have put on a front. She could have lashed out with the anger and hurt she had felt when he had vanished. She could have--she even gave thought to it. But looking at him after so long, the witch could just not see the point in it. Why lie? Why pretend? It had gotten her nothing but heartache before. The truth could not do worse. So, she had been honest. She had said she had missed him and even though he had not said the words back to her, his actions and the smart retort promised that he had. She knew it. She might have some doubts after she left, when she was alone in her bed... if she ended up there instead of spending the night with him wherever he was living now. But for now, she was confident.

Her fingertips on his skin, Kali sought a new scar. She let her touch drift over older ones. Her mind revisited memories of the times when she had learned of how he had been burned by a cigar, cut in an alley fight, and thrown against a hot stove. Learning things about how others had harmed him had a way of making her see red. The desire to hunt down old boyfriends of his junkie mum still lingered in the shadowed corners of her heart. Revenge was a vice the witch had a particular taste for.

She listened with interest as her lover shared the violent origin story. The tale was giving her more information than just how the scar was caused. Finn had just shared details of where he had been-- at least for a time. Russia. Very interesting. She would catalog that away. Had he a more respectable last name, she would broach the subject with Sierra-- but her well-behaved sister (well, her aunt, but she is going to continue to call her sister, because that is how they have always lived) would not approve of Kallisto's attachment to a half-blood. Kali did not want to risk her intuitive relation deducing the level of attachment she had to the man who had vanished and reappeared. Nothing good could come from that.

A smirk played on her lips as she shook her head. Sparks of amusement danced in the depths of vibrant azure orbs. "
A gun--how crude." A quick wrinkle of her nose at the muggle weapon vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared on her face. Her tongue swept over her pink petalline pout as she looked at Finn. Mischief was tugging the corners of her smirk up towards a smile. Her gaze went from meeting his to locked on his lips. "That mouth seems to always be getting you into trouble, Finn Harlow." She sealed that statement with a kiss, lingering against him without worry that it might be too much or unwelcome. She was too lost in the afterglow to worry about things like that.

Her hand came to rest against his chest. She could feel the beat of his heart under her touch. It made the witch smile, a genuine and honest expression banishing the last vestiges of her smirk. Looking up to meet his eyes again, she gave honest words to go with smile.
"I am glad you're not dead," she told him, mirth twinkled in her eyes. Feeling emboldened or perhaps just reckless, she decided to push for a bit more information. Her gaze dropped to his chest, fingertips making lazy circles against bare skin as she leaned into him ever so slightly. "Were you in Russia long?" Kali asked. There was a bit of curiosity in her tone, but her soprano was not overly eager. There was interest there--genuine, that she did not hide. But she would not press if Finn did not wish to talk to her about it further. She always accepted what he would give and never pushed for too much more. She just didn't mind asking. That had worked out for her very well historically with him. How different would life have been if she had never asked about that first scar? Kallisto could not even imagine...

my past is my present again • 1369
outfit sans the destroyed hosiery