Language is my art form.

Jarred Linden Rookwood
Jarred Linden Rookwood Avatar
8 posts
27 years old
Civil Division Lawyer
Member of the Wizengamot

Forensic Linguist

Lufkin University and University of Cambridge Alum
played by Jade
"The question isn't who is going to let me, but who will stop me."

Post by Jarred Linden Rookwood on Jun 5, 2019 23:21:02 GMT -5

Jarred Linden Rookwood
by Jade
blood status
sexual orientation
epidemic x status
Wizengamot Member
Civil Division Lawyer

Forensic Linguist

"I am entertaining the idea of teaching a civil law class at Lufkin in the Fall."
general appearance
Jarred is always well put together. The wizard is built like his father was in his youth: tall and muscular. Jarred stands 6'2" and exercises regularly to keep his body fit and his muscles defined. He has a vanity about it that makes him take care with his appearance. He is rarely seen in anything except a suit--and all those are fine garments, bespoke for him. He has not worn a suit that was not tailored for his figure at any point in his adult life. The man cares deeply about looking the part of the heir and Lord of House Rookwood. 

former school
former house
1, 2002-2003
  • Dueling Member
  • Mock ICW Member
  • Mock Wizengamot Member
  • The Advocate Member
  • Wizarding Chess Member

2, 2003-2004
  • Dueling Member
  • Mock ICW Member
  • Mock Wizengamot Member
  • The Advocate Member
  • Wizarding Chess Member

3, 2004-2005
  • Dueling Member
  • Mock ICW Member
  • Mock Wizengamot Member
  • The Advocate Member
  • Wizarding Chess Member

4, 2005-2006
  • Dueling Member
  • Mock ICW Member
  • Mock Wizengamot Member
  • Runology Member
  • The Advocate Member
  • Wizarding Chess Member

5, 2006-2007
  • Slytherin Prefect
  • Dueling Leader
  • Mock ICW Member
  • Mock Wizengamot Leader
  • Runology Member
  • The Advocate Member
  • Wizarding Chess Member

6, 2007-2008
  • Slytherin Prefect
  • Dueling Leader
  • Mock ICW Member
  • Mock Wizengamot Leader
  • Runology Member
  • The Advocate Editor
  • Wizarding Chess Member

7, 2008-2009
  • Head Boy
  • Dueling Leader
  • Mock ICW Member
  • Mock Wizengamot Leader
  • Runology Member
  • The Advocate Editor
  • Wizarding Chess Member

Voted Most Likely to be Minister of Magic, Most Likely to Succeed, and Most Attractive.

Lufkin University
University of Cambridge
university major(s)
Political Science & Law.
years attended
Political Science: 2009-2011
Law: 2009-2013
Linguistics: 2013-2014

CHARM ♔ Well-bred, well-spoken, well-educated, well-put-together: Jarred is a likable man. He has a knack for making another person feel heard and seen. He is mild mannered. Though surely and undoubtedly masculine, the wizard has a gentleness to him. His charm is not that of a sleazy lawyer, but an empathetic wordsmith. Jarred always has good diction whilst engaging in a conversation with an active attitude. He will look straight into your eyes when he is talking to you, he always looks and usually is genuinely interested in what you have to say.

CHESS ♔ His acumen for strategy and foresight shine in life, as well as on the wizarding chess board. Jarred tends to play a defensive white style and an aggressive black. 

DECISIVE ♔ Jarred does not hesitate to make a decision. Whether in the court room, in a dueling match, or in life, Jarred is confident and capable of making hard decisions. He does not question himself. He trusts his judgement and the information he gathers. 

DUELING ♔ The wizard makes his living with his intellect, but he is a professional dueler. He is highly skilled with martial magic. He competes regularly and has won numerous dueling tournaments. He is the top ranked dueler at The London Social and Dueling club. 

HONOR ♔ Jarred Rookwood is a man of integrity. He strongly believes that having integrity is a very important characteristic required to become a great man. This means he will stay true to his word and true to himself. If he tells you that he is going to do something, he will do it. Jarred is the kind of guy you can rely on, knowing that he will always be there for you. He expects to be respected and in return he gives respect to others. Admittedly, he may require you to be worthy of his respect before he offers it to you because of his high moral compass. He want others in his life to share his values. 

LANGUAGE ♔ The wizard does not only have an impeccable vocabulary and practiced eloquence, but he is truly skilled in the four key aspects of language mastery: speaking, reading, writing and listening. Jarred is fluent in a number of tongues, primarily European. He speaks English, Welsh, French, Italian, Spanish, and Latin. He also reads and writes Runic and Arabic flawlessly. His diction in Arabic --according to his perfectionist outlook--still needs work, despite fluency, but he's actively working to improve elocution.

LEADERSHIP ♔ Social ability, self-confidence, assertiveness and boldness are all the characteristics of a natural born leader that Jarred possesses. With extremely high emotional intelligence, Jarred is able to understand the way others are feeling and empathize with them; this helps the man become a more trusted and well-liked.

MANIPULATION ♔ The Lord Rookwood is very adept at getting what he wants. He has a true skill for planting an idea in another's head and growing that seed until the individual believes it was their invention from the start. 

MATURITY ♔ Jarred is very mature.  Being mature means a man is able to care of himself and he approaches problems in a calm and collected manner. The Rookwood understands the importance of being the family heir, being independent and he values what he has. He approaches problems in a calm and collected manner. He looks to the future in all things. 

OBSERVATION ♔ Jarred sees and notices everything. He catalogs information constantly. 

WANDLESS ♔ It became necessary and practical for him achieve mastery over his magic sans wand to be truly competitive in all forms of international dueling competitions. Of course, the World Dueling Championship does forbid the use of wandless magic in the main championship, but he means to be both the World Dueling Champion and the World Wandless Dueling Champion. He presently possesses Intermediate skill with wandless magic, but is continually working to grow his abilities. 
AMBITION "I do not put my own desires over my duty for family." Your ambitions are not simply to rise yourself, but are also to elevate the Rookwood name. "I fail to see the issue with wanting to better one's self and family. Such an endeavor might even be deemed noble."

DAMSEL IN DISTRESS ♔ "I'm a gentleman." No, you just like to be the hero. You have a need to be needed, good sir. "It's not gentlemanly to step in the first chance you've got. Girls don't need you to be a hero all of the time. You need to be the hero. That says something about your psyche, brother." "No one asked for your input, Saffron. Go back to your Dark Lord and bloodletting. I have no interest in so-called girls; it is true ladies that have the capacity to draw my attention--and they still appreciate a bit of chivalry."

FAMILIAL COMPLICATIONS"Are we talking about the shame my mother and her wife's Devil worshiping brings on the family name?" No, we are talking about the way that you feel the need to live up what a man is supposed to be, because you had no good male role model in your life growing up. "That is not true. I had my father for years and then could consult his journals. He is with me still." "Your father was not a good role model. He beat me and YOU! Besides, his journals are archaic. You're better than that, Jarred Rookwood." "Go away, Mother. Please."

GAMBLING "This is a hobby, not a weakness! You make it sound as if I have an addiction, when I merely enjoy a nice wager." So sensitive, perhaps I should list that as a weakness. Jarred is not a gambling addict. He just is not one to pass up a wager. He takes great offense to match or bet fixing. That is dishonorable--and he is a man dedicated to honor and duty. 

INABILITY TO ACCEPT CRITICISM ♔ "That implies there is something to criticize." Jarred...Do I need to go back up and add arrogance to this list of weaknesses? "It seems unnecessary to list that insult against my character twice, or have you already forgotten you listed that in the negatives box below?" "Such sass, young man! You did not have all of this haughty commentary to make when she was outlining your skills. I do believe that serves to prove her point on this weakness well enough." "Amaryllis...Mother...Please, I do not wish to have to use a silencing charm." "You would not dare!" 
positive traits
Alert ♠ Articulate ♠ Charismatic ♠ Charming ♠ Clever ♠ Competitive ♠ Confident ♠ Contemplative ♠ Discreet ♠ Focused ♠ Forceful ♠ Hardworking ♠ Insightful ♠ Intelligent ♠ Knowledgeable ♠ Logical ♠ Methodical ♠ Observant ♠ Old-Fashioned ♠ Organized ♠ Personable ♠ Persuasive ♠ Polished ♠ Practical ♠ Precise ♠ Principled ♠ Punctual ♠ Rational ♠ Realistic ♠ Resourceful ♠ Sophisticated ♠ Sporting ♠ Stoic ♠ Strong ♠ Thorough ♠ Well-bred ♠ Well-read 
negative traits
Ambitious ♠ Arrogant ♠ Cautious ♠ Contradictory ♠ Crafty ♠ Deceptive ♠ Devious ♠ Haughty ♠ Impulsive ♠ Morbid ♠ Prejudiced ♠ Private ♠ Proud ♠ Questioning ♠ Reserved ♠ Strong-Willed ♠ Stubborn ♠ Venomous ♠ Vindictive ♠ Willful
Catholicism ♔ Languages ♔ Gambling ♔ Dueling ♔ Dark Arts ♔ Martial Magic ♔ Magical Knowledge ♔ Writing ♔ Society ♔ Politics ♔ Law ♔ Secrets ♔ Power ♔ Card games ♔ Distilling whiskey ♔ Potions, but only to have things to do with Sorrel 
United Kingdom Dueling Champion: 2019, 2017, 2015
World Dueling Championship Quarter-finalist: 2017
World Dueling Championship Semifinalist: 2015

European Collegiate Dueling Champion: 2013, 2011
European Collegiate Dueling Championship Runner-up: 2014, 2010
European Collegiate Dueling Championship Semifinalist: 2012

character history
The birthing of Jarred Rookwood began at dusk on March 3rd, 1991. The boy did not come fully into the world until the wee hours of the morning on the 5th. Despite this harrowing experience, The Lady Rookwood did not dare attempt any contraceptives. The Lord Rookwood would have not hesitated to end her life had he caught her doing that. Linden allowed his wife much leniency. He encouraged her education, but he would not have been accepting of her denying him her body or more children. The man wished for more sons, but was only bore two daughters instead. 

"Mother has a very different recollection of the years prior to my departure for Hogwarts. She insults Father, implying madness when there was none. The man was sane, albeit deeply invested in his work. Time is a fascinating quandary--it is easily understood how one could be consumed by the search for understanding of such for a man dedicated to infallibility." 

"As for the other unsavory pronouncements the woman insists on flouting about--once again, she sees the memories only through her own arrogant eyes. Father was stern and heavy-handed, but there was never brutality or savagery in our home. He guided me towards respectability, duty and instructed me to always be a gentleman. Perspective is key in all things."

Jarred is no more impartial and unbiased than his mother. The truth of the years between his birth and the family departure for Hogwarts lies somewhere in between the stories lain out by the two of them. Linden did believe in corporal punishment as a means of disciplining his wife and son. He was no sadist or masochist, though. He truly believed he was guiding them towards the path of righteousness. 

During the wizard's time at Hogwarts, Jarred was highly involved. His mother was present on staff, which encouraged him to be on his best behavior. He did not go through any rebellious streak, not even when his father passed. Truly, when the man was murdered, Jarred redoubled his commitment to academic excellence and purist wizard perfection. 

"I had to become The Lord Rookwood. I had expectations lain upon my shoulders by my mother's decision. She thought nothing of what her choice would mean for me. The woman cared more about carnal pleasure than familial duty. It is vulgar." 
"The man had practically killed himself already, Jarred. I might have taken the action that halted his last breath, but your father and his experimentation was what took his life."

"This is my history. She gave her telling already. My mother murdered my father. No matter her defense of it, that is the most basic truth of the matter. The man was taken from me too soon, but he was expectant of this tragedy. Before his passing, Father took me to Gringott's. He showed me the private library vault holding the journals of our ancestors. He added his to that library and passed all of the familial knowledge to me. These are the most precious possessions I will ever have." 

Jarred began to read the journals immediately upon his father's passing. He began with his father's and progressed chronologically back into history. He has reviewed the writing left behind by a number of generations. This motivated his mastery of Latin and Runic as the oldest of the writings are written in the ancient tongues. 

There were many linguists and academics in the Rookwood archives. For many years, Jarred was committed to continue his father's legacy at the Department of Mysteries, but being capable and competent in serving as the Rookwood representative on the Wizengamot guided him towards other academic and career pursuits. Law was something he took to immediately. He enjoyed even the most dull of the law classes, excelling even in Torts. 

Religion was part of the Rookwood children's lives before Amaryllis took up with the devil worshiping halfblood.  Jarred was raised by his father to be a practicing Catholic, as was the family tradition. He has not missed a Sunday mass since his graduation from Hogwarts. Connection to the Catholic Church is rich in the familial histories, and Jarred will not break from that.  "There is a peace that can only be found in the Cathedral. I would not expect a heathen to understand." 

His time at Lufkin and Cambridge was largely spent dedicated to his studies. However, he always set aside time to maintain and grow his dueling prowess. Perhaps it is the Avery in him, but the wizard is highly skilled at all forms of martial magical. He competes regularly in dueling competitions and rarely loses. His magical arsenal blends offensive and defensive martial magic as well as useful Dark Arts spells. The man has not performed an Unforgivable, as such severe casting would be dishonorable in a duel, but he is confident he could execute the spells if necessary. Jarred would be most likely to use the Killing Curse in self-defense or defense of another person. 

There are those who ask why the man is unwed, to them he says: "Work and hobbies fill the days--as does time well spent with Sorrel. There has been no one notable to speak of romantically in my past, but my hope is to find a respectable match soon. Life is not meant to be lived alone."  It is difficult, though, to find someone he believes will be a true match for him. Jarred has incredibly high standards. 

Father: The Lord Linden Huxley Rookwood- Deceased - Member of the Wizengamot | Unspeakable | Spell Inventor | Linguist - University of Lufkin Alum

Mother: Amaryllis Avery Greengrass Rookwood Blackwood - 48 - Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts | Head of Hufflepuff House | Herbology Professor | Herbologist - University of Bangor Alum
Sister: Saffron Amabel Rookwood - 25 - Magical Naturalist | Herbologist | Occultist - Şolomanţă Alum

Sister: Sorrel Huxley Rookwood - 23 - Potioneer at Desiderium | Alchemist | Potioneer - University of Bangor Alum
"I have yet to carry on the Rookwood line. I do mean to have several children, though. At least two sons and a daughter."
"Aunt Rosalind would have me take her daughter as The Lady Rookwood, but I am uncertain about this arrangement. A particular princess has caught my attention. She truly brings out the best of me. I want to protect her and support her. But she wears another wizard's ring." 
other family
Uncle: Lord Alder Greengrass

Aunt: The Lady Rosalind Nott (née Greengrass)
Uncle: The Lord Lester Nott
Cousin: Lord Ophion Nott
Cousin: Lord Caerus Alton Nott
Cousin: Lady Rhea Amberly Nott
family history
Rookwood History:

The Rookwood family is a long established Anglo-Saxon wixen line. Old patriarchal journals handed down from generation to generation are the means with which Rookwood traditions are carried on.
Education and societal responsibility is key for all Rookwoods--male and female alike. Nearly always sorted into Ravenclaw or Slytherin, the Rookwoods are almost as well-known for their dignity and pursuit of knowledge. Many of the family members are academics and politicians. Sons and daughters are encouraged to pursue education--particularly the mastery of language. 

The family motto is 'compos mentis, concordia cum veritate' or 'in control of the mind, in harmony with truth.'

The Rookwood family papers give a significant insight into the economic, social, and political lives of a substantial Catholic family in early modern England. The Rookwoods of Coldham Hall in Stanningfield, Suffolk, were a remarkable family who managed to maintain their connections to the Catholic church in spite of contemporary penal legislation and an association with treason that started with Ambrose Rookwood's involvement with the Gunpowder Plot in 1605, and was revived with his great-grandson's embroilment with an attempt on the king in 1696. On either side of these moments of political intrigue the family struggled and, through a combination of pleading, legal maneuvering, and dedication to their religious practice, succeeded in maintaining their estate, religion, and position in local society with relatively little disruption. In the detail it gives of legal measures and estate matters this collection of papers will be of especial interest to those seeking to understand the practicalities of Catholic survival in this period. The collection also throws light on the local and domestic life of the family in the first half of the eighteenth century; this serves as a welcome encouragement to scholars to pursue the social and economic history of English Catholicism in this still under-studied period.

Avery history, compliments of Hyperion & Roma's applications:

The Avery family has been a part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight for as long as such a list has existed. They weren't the largest of lines, by any means, but no one could really say that they were going to over take the Blacks there. Everyone had at least one Black relative in their family. That was just how it worked. And the Averys were no different. If you went back far enough, there were sure to be lines that crossed.

The Avery family is one of the old Celtic lines in the country, well-known for preparation and prowess in battle. When not warriors, many members of the family are strategists or spies, and it's not uncommon to be a mix of all. Nearly always Sorted into Slytherin, other than the odd Ravenclaw, the Averys are almost as well-known for their blood purity and Dark magic as they are for their fighters. Their words are Semper Paratus, spun off the reputation they earned in words and actions.

The Ever-Ready Averys continue to honor the traditions of their ancestors, and many are as fierce as ever. Marriage alliances with fourth and fifth daughters are given the same consideration as first-born sons, to consistently prepare for the future. It has not been uncommon for the husbands of Avery brides to rise to the eventual head of their family, or to achieve renown in their fields.

Greengrass history, compliments of Asteria's application:

The Greengrass family originally hails from Greece-- more specifically, around Eleusis in West Attica, an area said to be favored by Demeter. There the family prospered for centuries, until the Roman empire began to split. Their ancestors then immigrated to Britannia, settling in Wales. Their success with growing continued, and they made a name and fortune for themselves, growing and selling rare or decorative flora. Every so often, there might be a member of the family who turned to farming instead, and made crops prosper, however those were rare.

They were named for the lush grasses that marked the borders of their lands. Though the land is now covered by woodlands, some of the greenery continues to grow in carefully-tended areas on the Head's estate in England. The main Welsh estate is where children are raised, and while remnants of their Greek heritage linger in naming, a few sayings, and architecture, the family overall views itself as Welsh, no matter the English, Basque, Scottish, Irish, or (more recently) Turkish blood that's married in.

Sons were raised to be researchers and Herbology masters, daughters to tend their plants and make Potions. Even a poor horticulturalist might find luck in discoveries or in a cauldron. As the years went through, inheritance customs changed with the times, into some odd mixture of English custom (the land the Head would reside in) and Welsh (where the family would be raised). Heirs must be acknowledged by the head of the family, and acknowledged natural children had the same chances as legitimate children, in deference to Welsh customs. The titles and honors passed in a male-preference primogeniture, where brothers stood before sisters, and daughters before uncles-- if all were acknowledged by the Head of the family, that was. No natural son would come before an aunt, unless the head of the family marked him as heir. Still, messy situations were kept from happening for the most part, due to the Head of the family selecting who was to be counted in inheritance.The Greengrass family originally hails from Greece-- more specifically, around Eleusis in West Attica, an area said to be favored by Demeter. There the family prospered for centuries, until the Roman empire began to split. Their ancestors then immigrated to Britannia, settling in Wales. Their success with growing continued, and they made a name and fortune for themselves, growing and selling rare or decorative flora. Every so often, there might be a member of the family who turned to farming instead, and made crops prosper, however those were rare.

They were named for the lush grasses that marked the borders of their lands. Though the land is now covered by woodlands, some of the greenery continues to grow in carefully-tended areas on the Head's estate in England. The main Welsh estate is where children are raised, and while remnants of their Greek heritage linger in naming, a few sayings, and architecture, the family overall views itself as Welsh, no matter the English, Basque, Scottish, Irish, or (more recently) Turkish blood that's married in.

Sons were raised to be researchers and Herbology masters, daughters to tend their plants and make Potions. Even a poor horticulturalist might find luck in discoveries or in a cauldron. As the years went through, inheritance customs changed with the times, into some odd mixture of English custom (the land the Head would reside in) and Welsh (where the family would be raised). Heirs must be acknowledged by the head of the family, and acknowledged natural children had the same chances as legitimate children, in deference to Welsh customs. The titles and honors passed in a male-preference primogeniture, where brothers stood before sisters, and daughters before uncles-- if all were acknowledged by the Head of the family, that was. No natural son would come before an aunt, unless the head of the family marked him as heir. Still, messy situations were kept from happening for the most part, due to the Head of the family selecting who was to be counted in inheritance.

ENFJ-A Personality Type 

Protagonists are genuine, caring people who talk the talk and walk the walk, and nothing makes them happier than leading the charge, uniting and motivating their team with infectious enthusiasm.

Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.

People are drawn to strong personalities, and Protagonists radiate authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said. They find it natural and easy to communicate with others, especially in person, and their Intuitive (N) trait helps people with the Protagonist personality type to reach every mind, be it through facts and logic or raw emotion. Protagonists easily see people’s motivations and seemingly disconnected events, and are able to bring these ideas together and communicate them as a common goal with an eloquence that is nothing short of mesmerizing.

The interest Protagonists have in others is genuine, almost to a fault – when they believe in someone, they can become too involved in the other person’s problems, place too much trust in them. Luckily, this trust tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Protagonists’ altruism and authenticity inspire those they care about to become better themselves. But if they aren’t careful, they can overextend their optimism, sometimes pushing others further than they’re ready or willing to go.

Protagonists are vulnerable to another snare as well: they have a tremendous capacity for reflecting on and analyzing their own feelings, but if they get too caught up in another person’s plight, they can develop a sort of emotional hypochondria, seeing other people’s problems in themselves, trying to fix something in themselves that isn’t wrong. If they get to a point where they are held back by limitations someone else is experiencing, it can hinder Protagonists’ ability to see past the dilemma and be of any help at all. When this happens, it’s important for Protagonists to pull back and use that self-reflection to distinguish between what they really feel, and what is a separate issue that needs to be looked at from another perspective.

People with the Protagonist personality type are passionate altruists, sometimes even to a fault, and they are unlikely to be afraid to take the slings and arrows while standing up for the people and ideas they believe in. It is no wonder that many famous Protagonists are cultural or political icons – this personality type wants to lead the way to a brighter future, whether it’s by leading a nation to prosperity, or leading their little league softball team to a hard-fought victory.


Tolerant – Protagonists are true team players, and they recognize that that means listening to other peoples’ opinions, even when they contradict their own. They admit they don’t have all the answers, and are often receptive to dissent, so long as it remains constructive.

Reliable – The one thing that galls Protagonists the most is the idea of letting down a person or cause they believe in. If it’s possible, Protagonists can always be counted on to see it through.

Charismatic – Charm and popularity are qualities Protagonists have in spades. They instinctively know how to capture an audience, and pick up on mood and motivation in ways that allow them to communicate with reason, emotion, passion, restraint – whatever the situation calls for. Talented imitators, Protagonists are able to shift their tone and manner to reflect the needs of the audience, while still maintaining their own voice.

Altruistic – Uniting these qualities is Protagonists’ unyielding desire to do good in and for their communities, be it in their own home or the global stage. Warm and selfless, Protagonists genuinely believe that if they can just bring people together, they can do a world of good.

Natural Leaders – More than seeking authority themselves, Protagonists often end up in leadership roles at the request of others, cheered on by the many admirers of their strong personality and positive vision.


Overly Idealistic – People with the Protagonist personality type can be caught off guard as they find that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against them and defy the principles they’ve adopted, however well-intentioned they may be. They are more likely to feel pity for this opposition than anger, and can earn a reputation of naïveté.

Too Selfless – Protagonists can bury themselves in their hopeful promises, feeling others’ problems as their own and striving hard to meet their word. If they aren’t careful, they can spread themselves too thin, and be left unable to help anyone.

Too Sensitive – While receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it’s easy for Protagonists to take it a little too much to heart. Their sensitivity to others means that Protagonists sometimes feel problems that aren’t their own and try to fix things they can’t fix, worrying if they are doing enough.

Fluctuating Self-Esteem – Protagonists define their self-esteem by whether they are able to live up to their ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what they could do better. If they fail to meet a goal or to help someone they said they’d help, their self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet.


People who share the Protagonist personality type feel most at home when they are in a relationship, and few types are more eager to establish a loving commitment with their chosen partners. Protagonists take dating and relationships seriously, selecting partners with an eye towards the long haul, rather than the more casual approach that might be expected from some types in the Explorer Role group. There’s really no greater joy for Protagonists than to help along the goals of someone they care about, and the interweaving of lives that a committed relationship represents is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Their Intuitive (N) trait helps them to keep up with the rapidly shifting moods that are common early in relationships, but Protagonists will still rely on conversations about their mutual feelings, checking the pulse of the relationship by asking how things are, and if there’s anything else they can do. While this can help to keep conflict, which Protagonists abhor, to a minimum, they also risk being overbearing or needy – Protagonists should keep in mind that sometimes the only thing that’s wrong is being asked what’s wrong too often.

Protagonists don’t need much to be happy, just to know that their partner is happy, and for their partner to express that happiness through visible affection. Making others’ goals come to fruition is often the chiefest concern of Protagonists, and they will spare no effort in helping their partner to live the dream. If they aren’t careful though, Protagonists’ quest for their partners’ satisfaction can leave them neglecting their own needs, and it’s important for them to remember to express those needs on occasion, especially early on.

Protagonists’ tendency to avoid any kind of conflict, sometimes even sacrificing their own principles to keep the peace, can lead to long-term problems if these efforts never fully resolve the underlying issues that they mask. On the other hand, people with the Protagonist personality type can sometimes be too preemptive in resolving their conflicts, asking for criticisms and suggestions in ways that convey neediness or insecurity. Protagonists invest their emotions wholly in their relationships, and are sometimes so eager to please that it actually undermines the relationship – this can lead to resentment, and even the failure of the relationship. When this happens, Protagonists experience strong senses of guilt and betrayal, as they see all their efforts slip away.

ENFJ information sourced from here
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Post by Admin Morgan on Jun 19, 2019 19:59:58 GMT -5
