Magical Mayhem

MM Staff

Post by MM Staff on Jul 3, 2019 13:23:08 GMT -5


The wizarding world is almost unrecognizable from what we once
knew. The powerful enchantments concealing it from muggles
were broken; Diagon Alley and the Ministry of Magic were set
ablaze, and in a matter of hours the death toll had risen into the
hundreds. The unthinkable had occurred: the wizarding world was
exposed... and there was no coming back from it this time.

The Ministry tried for years to conceal themselves again and
distract from the revelation, but no amount of Memory Charms
and hoax claims could repair the amount of damage. Instead the
International Confederation of Wizards came to a difficult
conclusion: maybe this was how the Statute of Secrecy came to
an end. They overturned the law rather than force wizards to hide
when they no longer could, but to this day, not all wizards have
readily embraced the change. And not all muggles are so willing
to accept the wizards into their midst...

Once Ashton Fuller took control of the Death Eaters, the dark
organization shifted its focus from subtle takeovers to powerful
shows of force. Even more ruthless than those who came before
her, the brutal attacks increase in number and decrease in
recovery time. And she succeeded in doing something no-one
could have imagined: she sought out the last remaining dementors
in the world to recruit them to her efforts. One thing is for certain:
no-one, wizard or muggle, is safe from the new powers at play.

The wizarding world is on the brink of another catastrophe,
working its way through the foundations until everything we hold
dear crumbles beneath us. Where will you stand when it does?

• • • • • • • •

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