Praying for Rain | AU Kingsmione

Hermione Jean Potter
Hermione Jean Potter Avatar
482 posts
39 years old
Assistant Director of The Rising Phoenix Project
Vice President of the Board of Directors for The Rising Phoenix Project

Order of the Phoenix
played by Morgan
"So I can stand tall in a storm like a live oak tree."

Post by Hermione Jean Potter on Jul 10, 2019 18:35:47 GMT -5


[attr="class","ctopline"]So I can stand tall in a storm
[attr="class","cscriptorder"]like a live oak tree
[attr="class","clyrics"]No one in this world's gonna[break]
ever get the best of me

[attr="class","cbody"]When Kingsley had asked to come work with him on his campaign, she had not hesitated in saying yes. It was absolutely the right thing to do, in her mind. She wanted to do something to help, after everything that had happened. After the registration, after the epidemic, after everything, the best way to start moving the United Kingdom in the right direction was to make sure that the right person was in charge. There was no doubt in her mind that that person was Kingsley. He was the right person for the job. He had been before, and he was now. Hermione wanted to do everything that she could to make that happen.
Merlin knew that they needed somebody different in power than Andromeda. That was just never going to be okay with her. Hermione couldn’t ignore the changes that the woman had tried to make, but everything that she had done had been in her benefit. It had been at the right time for her. In Hermione’s opinion, the woman’s tendency toward self-preservation made her exactly the wrong person for this job. Her tendency to put herself on a pedestal and act as if she did nothing wrong did nothing to endear her either. Her time as Minister needed to come to an end, and since the International Confederation of Wizards had insisted on overseeing an election before they left, they would luckily be seeing the end to her term before too long.
But she knew that she couldn’t get ahead of herself either. They hadn’t won yet. They had the campaign to focus on. They had to make entirely sure that they got every voter they could on their side. There were a couple names up for election that absolutely could not win—over her dead body, and there were a couple more that wouldn’t be awful but certainly would not be as good as Kingsley would be. There were voters that would stick to the candidate they were leaning toward in the beginning, and there were those that they could sway. They needed all of those voters on their side. The last thing that they needed was the Death Eaters and purists coming together to vote for another horrible candidate. Hermione didn’t think they needed to worry about Andromeda winning—she’d lost favor with the Death Eaters, and no one in the Order could trust her either after what she’d done. She would get a handful of biased votes at best.
Now that she was occasionally a part of Kingsley’s campaign, it was her job to know all of this. It was her job to look at the polls, at the demographics, and to see where they were doing well and where they were falling short. So far, she liked her chances, but she knew better than to think that they had it in the bag already. Getting cocky was not a way of getting results. She was not going to stop working until the ballots were in and Kingsley was officially Minister again.
She had plenty of time to invest in the work. She and Harry separating had not been an easy thing for any of them, but it had just sort of… happened. The registration had been a risk to Harry, to the kids, and she was not going to let that happen. She had chosen to go on the run, she had chosen to go into hiding herself to keep her family out of it, and so much had changed in that time. It was just difficult to go back to the way that life had been before, so she hadn’t. They hadn’t. Maybe they would in time but, for now, she couldn’t even think about that. It was much easier to think about the campaign.
Hermione tended to be the last person in their headquarters by the end of the night, and tonight was no exception to that. There had been a debate a few days prior, and they were getting in a lot of statistics on their numbers since then. It had been mostly good news—78% of those that had tuned in considered Kingsley to have been the ‘winner’ of the night, which was definitely positive feedback. More than a clear majority. Of course, the question on what impact the debate would have on changing who they were voting for had been much lower, so they couldn’t go celebrating too soon.
There were still dozens more results to go through, and the fact that the sun had long since set made little impact to her as she kept reading.
[attr="class","cnotes"]769 ● outfit
[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + ADOX 2.0

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