Announcement: Site Closure

Admin Morgan
Admin Morgan Avatar
8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Aug 23, 2019 20:13:27 GMT -5

I do apologize for the dramatic sounding title, but obviously there is not really any other way to title this other than just getting right down to it. As I am sure a lot of you have noticed, I have not been on this month and most of our staff has left the site. That is because all good things do eventually need to come to an end!

Insurrection has been a massive part of my life for the past four years and I love and cherish every moment spent on the site and everyone that I have met through it. You have all become so important to me and that is never going to change. However, I have changed and because of that, Insurrection is something that doesn't have a space in my life anymore. Adminning grew more into a chore, everything became more stressful than it needed to be, and I constantly had to worry about who I was upsetting for any decision that I made. All in all, running Insurrection became more stressful than fun and I know there are others that have shared in that opinion as well.

So, because of that, I will be stepping away from the site. Obviously, I am not the only one that has come to this decision in past weeks and I feel like it was just sort of the end of an era, and we all knew it. Since my promotion at work and starting classes this fall, I don't have the time to commit or to bring the site back to life, and sometimes I just think that things need to end in its right time instead of dragging it out. That is where I feel like we've made it to on Insurrection.

But it was fun while it lasted, wasn't it? I know that I will love and appreciate all of you and your characters for years to come and will never forget any of you. I am always free to talk to on Snapchat or Facebook or if you want/have my phone number, feel free to send me a text at any time. I love you all and that is never going to change!

Now, I am not deleting the site or anything all that dramatic. For those of you that still have accounts, don't feel like you need to either. I am keeping all of my accounts if we're being perfectly honest. I am keeping the site open for anyone who wants to come back and read their old posts and reminisce in the future. I'm leaving it open for anyone that wants to stick around and still write from time to time, if those people exist. This site is not going to disappear off the face of the internet and will always be around for you all to read and enjoy the four amazing years of writing that we had here.

I love you all endlessly, and maybe we'll meet again someday.

