Bekah's Fam

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Post by Deleted on Jul 16, 2019 10:24:32 GMT -5

Hades despairing over his luck and options is completely doable, I can so totally hop on that! AH THIS IS EXCITING!

Oliver and Zeus can have a conflab in a bar then, any bar really, and have a good chinwag. They're close in age so depending on whether Zeus went to Hogwarts or nto, they might have been school buddies!

A Mermish convo that shall hurt everyone else's ears but their own! OR SWIMMING THREAD!!! Omg options.

Ima DM you on that front then bc this is so so so up my street mwahahah

When Sheri is made, and her club, she will spam you and everyone with threads! She's really cool I swear (At least to me anyways)

DANTE AND HADES HAS TO HAPPEN. Everyone & Hades. The more people who can try and make him normal the better! Watch out Radella, he'll have some form of finesse in no time.