Wizarding School Canons

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 20, 2017 12:35:35 GMT -5

Below I will list all of the wizarding schools and the code to post our canons for them. Nothing is approved until it is accepted! Determinations for whether or not they will be accepted will just be realism based on what we know of the countries and the wizarding world! You do not have to have a student going to this school or as an alumni of this school in order to post here! Anyone can contribute! The exception to this is if anyone makes up an original school. If you go to all of that work, then anyone that wants to contribute to an original school needs that person's approval! If you are interested in making an original school, contact Administration for more information!

Canon Schools
I. Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
II. Castelobruxo
III. Durmstrang Institute
IV. Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
V. Koldovstoretz
VI. Mahoutokoro School of Magic
VII. Uagadou School of Magic

Original Schools
I. Uluru School of Magic
II. Kriaturas de Endor Yeshiva
III. Şolomanţă
IV. Agastya School of Magic

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Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 20, 2017 12:36:29 GMT -5

Beauxbatons has a unique sorting method. In order to be sorted, you must shoot a silver arrow across the room. After several seconds, the arrow will burst into sparks of your house color. If there are sparks of different colors, the student may choose between houses. The houses are based off of a tarot deck. Monde is the World card, Épée is the Ace of Swords card, Étoile is The Star card, Amoureux is The Lovers card, and Prêtresse is the High Priestess. Upon sorting, each student is given a tarot card transforms throughout their years at Beauxbatons, uniquely changing to reflect their own accomplishments.

  • Monde, this is the house of the honest. The trustworthy. The righteous. Those that find themselves in Monde are those that do the right thing, against all odds. When faced with difficult decisions, they rely on their moral compass to be their guide. Upholding honor, and tradition, and keeping with the values that they deem right. Their house color is blue and their mascot is a dolphin.
  • Épée, this is the house of the valiant. The courageous. The bold. Those that find themselves in Épée have a nerve that sets them apart from the others. They are the ones that will put all of their heart, and soul into whatever it is that they are fighting for. They strive for the greater good, and they push themselves to the limits of what they know that they can do, in order to do even better. Their house color is purple and their mascot is a lynx.
  • Étoile, this is the house of the passionate. The eager. The spirited. Those that find themselves in Étoile take pride in what they do. They pursue their aspirations and work towards bettering themselves and the world around them with a vigor, and an energy that they can pull you in, make you believe that anything is possible if you just believe. Their house color is gold and their mascot is a Palomino horse.
  • Amoureux, this is the house of the graceful. The courteous. The compassionate. Those that find themselves in Amoureux often possess a simple elegance about themselves. They conduct themselves in an almost fluid manner, with a finesse to everything that they do. They conduct themselves with poise, and are often looked to as mediators, and non-partisan judges in tense situations. Their house color is red adn their mascot is a swan.
  • Prêtresse, this is the house of the truthful. But it is also the house of the deceptive. The intermediary. Those that find themselves in Prêtresse are often grey in a way that cannot be explained. For the truth itself is something that one must seek for oneself. Finding a home in this house can often lead one to realize that there is more than one way to view the world around oneself, and provides a reprieve for those that find themselves making their own way, and playing by their own rules. Their house color is silver and thehir mascot is a spider.
Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 20, 2017 12:36:48 GMT -5

In the depths of the rainforest, in Muaná, Brazil, Trouxa eyes might find some old ruins. Really, just an empty field with nothing else but some ancient rocks. But magical folk... they can see the ruins for what they truly are. A towering castle, marked by the unique architecture of Portugal in the 1500s. This is Castelobruxo. When Portuguese colonizers came over to the South Americas in search of the supposed New World, they brought something they didn't think they would bring - wizards and witches from Europe. Magical people that were determined to at least try to prevent the persecution of magical folk that had happened in their homes from happening in this new land that was being discovered. It didn't take long for the Portuguese wizards and witches to figure out which of the Tupinambá of the Brazil coast practiced magic in some form, and they wasted no time to propose their idea for a magical school. Better to set it up before people started getting burned at the stake, after all. If there was something to be learned from England, it was this much.
  • The castle was constructed in partnership with Portuguese wizards and witches and the Tupinambá people. In the first couple of centuries, the school taught its classes in Portuguese; however, as more settlers came over and the Americas began to take shape, Castelobruxo switched to teaching in Spanish to service a greater portion of South American magical folk that might feel persecuted by Muggles. The school possesses a standard-size Quidditch pitch, the seating of which is nestled in the dense treetops of the Amazon rainforest. 

  • Students begin schooling at eleven years old, and for their first through fifth years, they are required to take the following core classes: Magizoology, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Magical Combat, and History of Magic. Starting in year three, students may take a minimum of two of the following electives: Tribal Magic, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Divination, Xylomancy, Magical Naturalism, Alchemy, Marine Magizoology, Magical Agriculture, and Healing Magic. In their fifth year, students take comprehensive written and practical exams, after which they choose a minimum of five of their classes to continue. Wands are not used at Castelobruxo.

At Castelobruxo, there are five houses to service the massive size of South America. These houses are based on the mythology behind the beliefs of the Tupinambá people. When students are sorted, they are handed the petal of a magical orchid by the headmaster or headmistress. This orchid will change colour to assign the student to the respective house. In the case that the orchid chooses more than one house, the petal will glimmer with the multiple colours until the student chooses a house themselves by whispering the house name into the petal - after which the orchid remains that one colour. Many students keep their Sorting Orchid Petal for the rest of their lives, as the magic perfectly preserves the delicate flower. Below are the five houses of Castelobruxo:
  • Casa de Tupã. Their sigil is a golden sun on a forest green backdrop. This house pays homage to the supreme god, Tupã, creator of the universe and of light, teacher of medicine and tribal magic. It is the house devoted to caring for others, healing, emotional guidance, and compassion. People in this house tend to be selfless, altruistic, and caring.
  • Casa de Caramuru. Their sigil is a red dragon on an ocean blue backdrop. This house pays homage to Caramuru, dragon god of the seas and oceans. It is the house of courage and confidence, facing the mysteries of the world head on. People in this house tend to be brave, confident, and outgoing.
  • Casa de Sumé. Their sigil is the golden scales of justice on a blood red backdrop. This house pays homage to Sumé, god of rules and laws, the discipliner. It is the house of judgement, pursuers of truth, and ambitious leaders of the world. People in this house tend to be hard-working, determined, and resourceful.
  • Casa de Jaci. Their sigil is a pale silver crescent moon on a purple backdrop. This house pays homage to Jaci, the goddess of beauty and the moon. It is the house of open-mindedness, embracers of beauty of the world, and inventors of the future. People in this house tend to be creative, intuitive, and innovative.
  • Casa de Tumé Arandatu. Their sigil is a brown feather quill on a golden yellow backdrop. This house pays homage to Tumé Arandatu, son of the first humans, a god of wisdom. It is the house of a desire to learn, passion for knowledge, and intellectual motivation. People in this house tend to be studious, curious, and philosophical.

Brazilian Wixen Terminology:

  • Trouxa (Muggle)
  • Nascido Trouxa (Muggleborn)
  • Sangue-Ruim (Mudblood)
  • Sangue Puro (Pureblood)
  • Meio-Sangue (Halfblood)
Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 20, 2017 12:37:04 GMT -5

last updated: 14 august 2018 
Durmstrang Institute is well-hidden in the depths of Mallan luonnonpuisto (Malla Strict Nature Reserve) in Finland, but right on the border with Norway and Sweden. Although muggles see it as a well-protected nature reserve, the castle that houses Durmstrang Institute is nestled right in the centre of it, with a vast network of tunnels even extending underground and beneath the lakes in the area.

Durmstrang accepts a variety of students from all over Eastern and Northern Europe. As a result, each new Headmaster re-casts a massive spell on the castle that allows all of the students to understand everything spoken in the castle in their native language (or whichever language their brain happens to be thinking of at the moment). It was meant to strengthen solidarity among a varied population of students with intense cultural conflicts. The spell is a well-kept secret of the Headmasters of Durmstrangs. Each new Headmaster must make an Unbreakable Vow that they will never reveal the nature of the spell to anyone but other Durmstrang Headmasters, ensuring that the spell is not unleashed into the world to be used for darker purposes.

Like Hogwarts, Durmstrang has four houses. They are detailed below (I'm open to modifying the names, just kinda liked the divison of the houses hahaha). The Sorting Ceremony at Durmstrang involves touching the sword of Nerrida Vulchanova, which has four jewels on the hilt. The jewel that glows belongs to the house that has claimed the student. In the case that more than one jewel glows, the student may choose:

  • Tempestas - The House of Storm. The House of the Blue Jewel - People sorted into this house are forces to be reckoned with. They are ruthlessly ambitious and are not afraid to go to great lengths to achieve their goals. They are fiercely independent and prefer to assume leadership positions. However, they do not mind leading from the background if it is necessary. It is not so much recognition that they crave as it is power. Positive personality traits of Tempestas members include ambition, determination, and independence. Negative personality traits including cunning, cynicism, and arrogance. Their mascot is a cougar.

  • Floresco - The House of Bloom. The House of the Green Jewel - People sorted into this house tend to express a great deal of empathy and perception. Their primary goals in life are to help other people and be there for others, in whatever way they can. While members of Floresco do care about their own achievements, their goals are more focused on the improvement of society as opposed to the individual. Positive personality traits include selfless, compassionate, and empathetic. Negative personality traits include disorganization, clinging, and shyness. Their mascot is a bear.

  • Ignis - The House of Fire. The House of the Red Jewel - People sorted into this house are notoriously brave. They are the daredevils of the world. The ones that don't hesitate to go where no man has gone before. They are much more motivated by the idea of being the first to do something than being around long enough to know the feeling of being the first. Their bravery can be directed both towards others or just reserved for their own good. Positive personality traits include fearless, outgoing, and courage. Negative personality traits include careless, impulsive, and thoughtless. Their mascot is a wolf.

  • Sagacitas - The House of Insight. The House of the Purple Jewel - People sorted into this house have a deep penchant for learning. They believe the key to a better world is intelligence and awareness of the way things work. Sagacitas members do not crave leadership or power but will not hesitate to use it if they think it is the best way to teach others. They are instead more motivated to improve their own awareness and pass that legacy on to family and close friends. Positive personality traits include intelligent, philosophical, and observant. Negative personality traits include pessimistic, dogmatic, and truculent. Their mascot is an owl.
Admin Morgan
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26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 20, 2017 12:37:20 GMT -5

The great North American school of magic was founded in the seventeenth century. It stands at the highest peak of Mount Greylock, where it is concealed from non-magic gaze by a variety of powerful enchantments, which sometimes manifest in a wreath of misty cloud.

The robes of Ilvermorny are blue and cranberry. The colours honour Isolt and James: blue because it was Isolt’s favourite colour and because she had wished to be in Ravenclaw house as a child; cranberry in honour of James’s love of cranberry pie. All Ilvermorny students’ robes are fastened by a gold Gordian Knot, in memory of the brooch Isolt found in the ruins of the original Ilvermorny cottage.

While the rest of the school watches from the circular balcony overhead, new students file into the round entrance hall. They stand around the walls and, one by one, are called to stand on the symbol of the Gordian Knot set into the middle of the stone floor. In silence the school then waits for the enchanted carvings to react. If the Horned Serpent wants the student, the crystal set into its forehead will light up. If the Wampus wants the student, it roars. The Thunderbird signifies its approval by beating its wings, and the Pukwudgie will raise its arrow into the air.
  • Horned Serpent: Named by Isolt Sayre after the great horned river serpent that has a jewel set into its forehead; Horned Serpent house is sometimes considered to represent the mind of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Horned Serpent favours scholars.
  • Pukwudgie: Named by James Steward, after the fiercely independent magical creature the Pukwudgie; Pukwudgie house is sometimes considered to represent the heart of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Pukwudgie favours healers.
  • Thunderbird: Named by Chadwick Boot after his favourite magical beast, the Thunderbird, a beast that can create storms as it flies. Thunderbird house is sometimes considered to represent the soul of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Thunderbird favours adventurers.
  • Wampus: Named by Webster Boot after his favourite magical beast, the Wampus; a magical panther-like creature that was fast, strong and almost impossible to kill. Wampus house is sometimes considered to represent the body of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Wampus favours warriors.
Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 20, 2017 12:37:35 GMT -5

Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 20, 2017 12:37:49 GMT -5

There were no houses of any kind upon the creation of Mahoutokoro School of Magic. It simply was not a system put in place in Japanese schools. However, when that infamous band of foolhardy Hogwarts students taught the school about flying and Quidditch, the school immediately picked up the sport and has since become a school with an outstanding reputation for Quidditch. As the years went on, the school introduced groups by which to separate the students in. These are used exclusively for Quidditch and school leadership. Housing and classes are done alphabetically and by year.

Not all students of Mahoutokoro are Japanese. When the Muggle wars broke out halfway through the last century, they offered to house the students of the higher classes of the rest of east Asia; so they also teach a small minority of non-Japanese students. Provided, of course, that they know sufficient Japanese.

To put students into their groups, there's a giant silver bowl and students take dirt from the sacred jade garden outside the castle and toss it into the bowl when their name is called. If Füi, it burns. If Chi, it hardens to rock. If Mizu, it becomes the purest of water. And if Fü, it disappears into a thin mist! If Kü, the dirt rises back out of the bowl.
  • , mentally and emotionally, Fū represents an "open-minded" attitude and carefree feeling. It can be associated with will, elusiveness, evasiveness, benevolence, compassion, and wisdom. The group's color is green and its mascot is a green pheasant.
  • Chi, emotionally, Chi is predominantly associated with stubbornness, collectiveness, stability, physicality, and gravity. It is a desire to have things remain as they are; a resistance to change. The group's color is yellow and its mascot is a macaque.
  • Ka represents our metabolism and body heat, and in the mental and emotional realms, it represents drive and passion. ka can be associated with security, motivation, desire, intention, and an outgoing spirit. The group's color is red and its mascot is a dragon.
  • Mizu, can be associated with emotion, defensiveness, adaptability, flexibility, suppleness, and magnetism. The group's color is blue and its mascot is a koi fish.
  • , Bodily, kū (void) represents spirit, thought, and creative energy. It represents our ability to think and to communicate, as well as our creativity. It can also be associated with power, creativity, spontaneity, and inventiveness. The group's color is silver and its mascot is a crane.

All after-curricular activities are managed centrally by the teaching staff. All sports must have an overseeing member of staff. There are internal competitions for each sport every year.
Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 20, 2017 12:38:07 GMT -5

Uagadou School of Magic is nestled in the Rwenzori Mountains in western Uganda. At least, the Muggles know this mountain range as such. The magical folk of Uganda and the rest of Africa have referred to these ranges as the Mountains of the Moon. In both the magical and Muggle worlds, they are revered as the source of the Nile River. And this is actually how Uagadou was first founded.

The year is 110 AD. A simple merchant by the name of Diogenes made the trek from Rhapta, a marketplace in Malawai, to the mountain ranges in Uganda in just 25 days. An impossible feat - that is, when you ignore the fact that Diogenes was a skilled wizard and animagus. A trip that should have taken over 50 days on foot took him just 25, thanks to his cheetah form. Unsurprisingly, the legends avoid his true motivations for seeking out the source of the Nile. Africa was very open to the idea of magic, at this time. Magical folk (Kichawimoja) and Muggles (Bilauchawi) lived in harmony, learning and helping each other in impressive societies based on cultures that respected magic and non-magic activities. But with the increasing presence of the Greeks, Kichawimoja began to worry. Diogenes, a respected member of the Chewa people, was sent by his tribal chief to seek out a prosperous and natural location, should Kichawimoja ever need to hide from the invading Europeans.

So Diogenes stumbled upon what he called the Mountains of the Moon, snowcapped peaks stretching into the skies above, surrounded by greenery and, above all, the source of the prized Nile River. He returned to his tribe and drew maps, telling them of the wonderful mountains. Preparations were made accordingly, and in 120 AD, Shule ya Uagadou ya Uchawi was officially opened. It was one place where Kichawimoja could be united, regardless of tribal rule, under the premise that they all had magic. At this time, it was mainly concerned with the magical studies of Astronomy, Alchemy, and Transfiguration. However, over time, the combination of this educational segregation and the Greeks slowly but surely making their way into Africa resulted in Uagadou becoming more and more hidden from Bilauchaw - until, finally, the Kichawimoja were such a legend that the secret became a necessity.

Today, Uagadou offers a wide variety of classes. The mandatory core classes are Alchemy, Astronomy, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology Defence Against the Dark Arts, and African Magical History. From years 1 to 5, students must take all of these classes; at least one of Wandless Magic or Self-Transfiguration; and at least one of Vodoun Religious Studies, Arithmancy, Xylomancy, Divination, Ancient Runes, Magizoology, and Magical Agriculture. Students then write and perform examinations in their classes, choosing to continue a minimum of five of their classes for years 6 and 7. It is mandatory that students keep their Wandless/Self-Transfiguration class as one of the five, as these were both prized skills of the founder and first Headmaster, Diogenes (however, in present day, not all students keep up with the skills learned in these classes after graduating). Presently, all classes are offered in both English and Swahili.

Potential Uagadou students find out they have been accepted from Dream Messengers, which are sent by the Headmaster/Headmistress. These Dream Messengers leave a token in the form of an inscribed stone (with the Uagadou school crest and a number) in the child’s hand so they may find it upon waking. The inscribed stone is actually a portkey, enchanted to transport the student to Uagadou on their first day of classes.

Once the portkey transports the student, they find themselves facing the gates of Uagadou. The front gates are perched on a ledge, carved out into Mount Baker in Uganda, and shrouded in mist. Once all portkeys have arrived, the gates to Uagadou swing open and students are filed into the front yard just behind the gates. Numbers are called by the headmaster/headmistress, corresponding to those on the inscribed stone, and the student must walk up to them. Here, the student is passed a wooden bowl - carved by Diogenes himself and preserved by some very powerful magic - filled with water from the Nile River. Uagadou legend says that this is the very same water that Diogenes first drew up when he found the source of the Nile. The student must stare into their reflection in the water, at which point the reflection will shift to show in which house he or she belongs.
  • Uzoefu - This is the house of the imaginative. Creative minds with great ambitions. The Water of Diogenes is careful what students it places in this house, as it is one filled with forward thinkers and people that are unafraid to break (or, as they prefer, bend) rules. The feeble simply will not survive. House Uzoefu students are known for their incomparable creativity and innovative thinking. They are resourceful, the sort of people that find a way out of any predicament, and often have a unique approach to learning that may leave others with some skepticism - but they will always come out on top, somehow. However, Uzoefu students also have a tendency towards arrogance and selfishness, due to their belief that no one can think or see the world quite like they can. Uzoefu produces artists, designers, and people that are required to work with a great deal of problem solving (such as in crime). Their mascot is a zebra and their house colour is green. The Water of Diogenes reflects a zebra dashing through tall green grass when it claims a student.
  • Huruma - This is the house of the compassionate. Caring persons with a motivation to look after others. The Water of Diogenes places only the most benevolent and selfless of people in this house, as it is meant to nurture one’s charity and honesty. Those that have a tendency to keep secrets will instantly feel out of place. House Huruma students are known for their helpfulness and sociable attitudes. They feel that everyone has something to offer, and that it is their duty as human beings to make this potential shine through. They are tender and warmhearted people that are eager to help. However, Huruma students also have a tendency to burn themselves out in this way and let others take advantage of them. Huruma, more often than not, produces Healers and Nurses - but you’ll find these students in any position that allows for the opportunity to help others. Their mascot is a crocodile and their house colour is a gold yellow. The Water of Diogenes reflects a crocodile pacing around the golden grass of a savanna when it claims a student.
  • Wanaogopa - This is the house of the daring. Brave souls that approach everything in life without fear. The Water of Diogenes places only the most gallant and courageous students in this house, as those that are unable to push their fears aside in the name of what must be done will not survive. House Wanaogopa students are known for leading the pack in a charismatic way and are often motivated by the idea that they might be the first to do something. They feel that humans will never reach their true potential if they cannot get rid of their fear of the unknown. They are adventurous and strong-willed people with a desire for recognition. However, Wanaogopa students also have a tendency to be foolhardy and reckless rarely thinking things over long enough and thus making rather impulsive and brash decisions. Wanaogopa tends to produce Spell Inventors, Curse-Breakers, and Magizoologists with a penchant for danger (read: Dragonologists) - but you’re likely to find them anywhere where there’s the potential for some record-setting. Their mascot is a leopard and their house colour is purple. The Water of Diogenes reflects a leopard prancing through a field of purple flowers when it claims a student.
  • Inajulikana - This is the house of the knowledgeable. Lovers of learning and all things related to it. The Water of Diogenes places only the most astute and brilliant minds in this house, as those that can be intimidated by learning barriers will feel out of place, as there is no challenge more honourable than that for the Inajulikana. House Inajulikana students aren’t just intelligent, although that much is obvious - they love learning. Love it. Like nothing else. They are driven by an eagerness to learn everything around them and what that information means for humanity. They believe knowledge is the source of all power. However, Inajulikana students have a tendency to develop tunnel vision, as a result of this, and become too engrossed in technicalities, especially when things don’t go quite as expected. Inajulikana tends to produce people that work in professions based on learning, such as Magical Historians, Archivists, and Lawyers - but you’ll find them in any academic capacity. Their mascot is an antelope and their house colour is blue. The Water of Diogenes reflects an antelope drinking from the bluest waters when it claims a student.
  • Kuamua - This is the house of the determined. Ambitious people that will let nothing get in their path to success. The Water of Diogenes is very careful as to who it places in this house because it is filled with nothing but shrewd competition. The weak will crumble under the pressure. House Kuamua students love the spirit of competition and desire to always be at the top, no matter what. They make fine leaders, filled with a perfect balance of charisma and ambition to bring together even the most divided of people. However, they’re desire to take charge also means they have a tendency towards being rather hubristic and controlling, especially as their power increases. Kuamua tends to produce people that strive for leadership positions and actually obtain them. Deans of universities, headmasters and headmistress, CEOs, Ministers, elected leaders - you name it, and it’s probably a Kuamua. Their mascot is a lion and their house colour is red. The Water of Diogenes reflects a lion prowling through a shallow pond filled with red water when it claims a student.
Admin Morgan
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26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Sept 27, 2018 12:49:08 GMT -5

LAST UPDATED: 20 January 2019
To the muggles it is a natural rock formation that holds a great cultural significance to the Pitjantjatjara people. It has been a part of their culture for generations. ‘Discovered’ by a muggle surveyor in 1873, what he didn’t realize that he had stumbled upon, was a school.

From the outside it looks like a rock formation. It looks like something that you would see on the cover of National Geographic. But it is so much more. Formed originally in secret caves that can be found along the mountains base, those of Aboriginal descent had been learning, and teaching one another, about magic here since the dawn of time. No one remembers who started the school, or exactly how people began to hear about it, but they did, and it was within those caves that they learned to harness their magic, and with it, some control over the land around what would become the school.

For hundreds of thousands of years, they practiced magic in the caves, and as they and their powers grew, so did the school around them. They turned the caves into tunnels, and soon the tunnels became a networking series of rooms all throughout the mountain. As magic evolved and changed with the times, so did the people, and so did the school.

Boundaries were set into place, the windows to the heavens were sealed with a magic so powerful that it has held for thousands of years. No one can see in, but those that live within the mountain can most certainly see out. Given the nature of the school, and how those that came to study there were brought up, Uluru teaches that magic is an energy. It ebbs and flows with the times. The more you use of it, the more of yourself that you give away. There is a gentleness to its power, but like all power, magic can most certainly corrupt. In order to preserve the balance and the synergy between the worlds, you must first learn to find the balance and the synergy within yourself.

Children are allowed to begin attendance at eleven years old, like most schools. With instruction in several subjects that rotate with the seasons. Astronomy, Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology are all taught in every term. Classes such as Magizoology, Divination, Aboriginal Culture, Arithmancy, History, Meteorology, and Languages are all offered on a loop. No two classes will be exactly the same, and no two classes will be repeated in back to back terms. The only class that is required for all seven years of attendance, with no exceptions is Magical Theory.

Until the age of 15 all classes are taught without the option of using a wand. This dates back to the Aborigine ways, and the fact that wands themselves were brought to Australia with the Europeans much later than Uluru began its teachings. This means that all of the graduates of Uluru School of Magic, are proficient in wandless magic. You must be, or you will not graduate.

There are houses, at Uluru, but while you choose one within your first week of school, you may float between them as your magic, and your spirit guide you through your education within the mountain. The house of your choosing will be the one in which you reside, your belongings will find themselves in the dormitory that calls to your energy the most. When they stop moving of their own accord, that is where you will remain. This will also be the house for which you will align yourself in regard to quidditch.
  • Manipura – Balance. Wisdom. Decisiveness. And a sense of Personal Power are all associated with this house. If you find that you are meant to start your journey in Manipura you may find yourself to grow into a powerful thinker, teacher, and leader. You hold within yourself a personal truth, and you wish to fulfill it. The House color is Yellow. And the symbol is Chimaera.
  • Anahata – Compassion is what drives you. While all of the houses at Uluru are focused on the positives, and the uplifting feelings that bring about a sense of peace in the world. It is the Anahata that truly floor everyone with their compassion. They are tolerant of most everyone, and they find that while they are quick to defend, they are not quick to judge. An Anahata will pass judgement on you months, even years, after initial meeting. The House color is Green. And the symbol is a Granian.
  • Vishudda – Love. Kindness. Truth. And a sense of Clarity are all associated with this house. Finding yourself aligned with Vishudda at the start of your journey may well point you towards a life of enriching others. You may find yourself a mentor, or a caregiver. Someone in tune with themselves, and at home in nature. The House color is Blue. And the symbol is a Griffin.
  • Sahaswara – Energy. Spirit. And Consciousness. This is the house of the pure. Of the soulful. Those that are going to find themselves as one with the universe, and in touch with the world around them. They learn to balance, and conquer, all aspects of their lives. Most healers, and often spiritual leaders, will find themselves in this house. The House color is Violet. And the symbol is a Demiguise.
Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Sept 27, 2018 12:55:31 GMT -5

  • This is a religious magical school located in Barcelona. The school itself is less than a hundred years old.
  • At the Daughters of Endor Yeshiva, there are eight years of study -- from the day before their tenth birthday (if born before APril) to the day before their eighteenth birthday
  • The seventh year is completely nonmagical, and it's a lot more study of history, philosophy, spell theory and history, and nature. Students are not to use magic, unless it is to save lives/help people.
  • The Jewish holidays are observed, and on Shabbat, there's the "Shabbat Girls" (there are usually around two in the school) who are more secular who cast spells, and are definitely taking care of the lights.
  • Years 1-4 are strictly wandless, and years 5,6, and 8 offer the option to learn magic with wands, though only the girls who are more assimilated into European culture do so.
  • From first to third year, there's also Torah study, where girls practice for their bat mitzvah (typically called Cheder portion).
  • Fourth year and up, it's more into Kabbalaic spells (typically called Metivta OR Ketana portion).
  • Study is usually done through lectures, and in study pairs called Cḥavrutas for both portions. Cḥavrutas get louder as students get older.
  • The school uses golems to do cooking, cleaning, and protection/check up on wards. How to make a golem is not quite taught, though the basics are known.
  • The classes are taught in Djudezmo and Hebrew, the latter of which is usually used for conversation between people, as not all students are from Spain.
  • Certain spells are identical to miracle acts, but left for students to debate.
  • The school has ties to other yeshivas.
  • Within recent years, the yeshiva has started biannual meetings with a Midrash.
  • There is no Quidditch (not large enough of a school), but gaga (a sport) is life or death. There have not yet been recorded deaths, but there have been a few broken necks and several suspicious accidents before and after.
  • There is a Maccabiah (a color war) for school glory.