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Post by Deleted on Oct 3, 2018 8:36:23 GMT -5

Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrinen,
('Alas! golden leaves fall in the wind,)
yéni únotimë ve ramar aldaron!
(long years numberless as the wings of trees!)
yéni ve lintë…
(Long years like swift…')

Apple orchard, Suffolk, England

Diana didn't like apples. She didn't quite know why, actually, and never bothered to find out. There were none growing in Eryn Galen, for one, and she'd spend most of her time out of it in places where they weren't all that common either. Yavannamírë's fruits was the closest she remembers from the eryn where she grew up and the taste was wildly different - as it seemed to be with just about everything outside the verdant galadh. In comparison, these caran - or calen, they seemed to come in diverse colours - were bland and weird. They had a name for them, if Diana wasn't mistaken. Cordof. It was rarely used, if ever, and she'd heard from one of the few traders that were ever allowed inside Eryn Galen. He had, incidentally, been the one to introduce her to the fruit itself back in the day and the reason to her dislike of it. Maybe it was unfair, maybe his cordof had been faulty. She couldn't be sure - and didn't care. Diana's life was very good without the addition of it, thank you very much, weird human saying aside. Eun-Ji would say that her dislike was irrational, based on a memory of many years ago, but Eun-Ji had some pretty irrational dislikes herself and absolutely no high ground to speak of Diana.

Speaking of her melethril, she was the very reason why Diana was traipsing the countryside of England, in Suffolk of all places, hunting down the blasted fruit. Fair, she could've gone to the market and bought some but it wouldn't be the same. Anything that she didn't feel herself, that she didn't pick herself from the tree or the bush didn't fit all that well. And, as for everything, Diana depended heavily on her powers to cook. It probably sounded strange but all that people consumed came from the earth and, therefore, had a connection to her. A recipe could go very wrong in her hands if she didn't get a feel of the ingredients before hand. That was why she planted most of what she used. But since she refused to plant apples, there she was. Going from orchard to orchard, trying to find the one that would call to her enough to entice her reluctant self to pick some of them. Valar, Diana hated fall. No, that wasn't it. She hated fall here, in Britain - the same way she'd hated it in Kathmandu. The only place she'd liked it was...home.

This strange melancholy that had been hitting her likely had something to do with her melethril being sick. Eun-Ji didn't do very well with that and Diana didn't know how not to respond to her distress. It was...confusing. To find herself so unsure of things, even though she already knew how they'd end. The curse of certainty, she supposed. To know the ending but to have to suffer through the entire way. It was a price she'd pay gladly time and time again, she found, even though it also meant that her days were terribly busy. Watching over her hervess was no burden but her shifts in the hospital and helping make up for the teaching shortage was...taxing. Luckily, the disease seemed to be running its course. It would not get better, oh no. The hardest times were still to come. Diana was quite looking forward to seeing how it would play off, actually. But she couldn't let the mood of the moment affect her any more than it already was.

Walking through this eryn was...not the same as home - and not the same as, for example, the Forbidden Forest - but it was refreshing. The sounds, the smell. Power thrumming in her veins, shifting beneath her skin. Diana smiled. Yes, this was the place. Slowly, she expanded her awareness around, trying to see which galadh would call to her most so she could pick its fruit. Cheering up her hervess was, after all, Diana's mission in life. And she rather thought some apple cider would do the trick.

Eryn Galen - Greenwood, the home of the woodland elves
Yavannamírë - 'Jewel of Yavannna', An evergreen and fragrant tree with globed and scarlet fruits
eryn - woodland
galadh - tree (trees)
caran - red
calen - green
cordof - apple (or the seeds of it)
melethril - lover
hervess - wife

tags: open
words: 678

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Post by Deleted on Oct 4, 2018 21:03:41 GMT -5

laurië lantar lassi súrinen
golden leaves fall in the wind

Why was she in Suffolk? Halima couldn’t have honestly said. She had thought that getting out of the school turned hospital was going to be exactly what she needed, and it had been. There had been plants there that she had wanted to see grow, and flourish again. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, after all, and no one needed to know that Hali had ended up taking some of the plants from the greenhouse with her when she had left. It wasn’t like they were going to miss them. It was simply a miracle that they had lived as long as they had with no one caring for them. She was far too interested in plants for that to happen again. She would care for them and bring them back. And then perhaps she would plant them outside. Or maybe she would give them as gifts.

Her mind drifted back to the blonde witch that she had yet to seek out, but she was curious about her. There was something about her that had captured Hali’s attention. Not that she was going to admit that to anyone, but she was curious. She thought that there was a good chance that things like that were going to be a little more difficult to hide from her mother, but it wasn’t like she was going to marry the witch. She just wanted to, well, she didn’t even know. But she thought that she might like to meet her. Properly. Because the annoying way that she had stood on the desk and called everyone out had stuck with her. For nearly a month now. She was going to have to do something about that.

There was no way that she was going to get anything accomplished if she didn’t get her head in the game. Mercifully she could do her job without magic. And that was wonderful. If she hadn’t, she didn’t quite know what she was going to do. But Campaign Manager didn’t exactly mean that she had to have all of the magical answers. Just all of the ones that provided the most funds. And fundraising was something that she could do with her eyes closed. No matter what campaign they were pursuing, she thought that it was worthy of her time. And she liked Rubi. She thought that the woman was smart, and good enough to work for. It was worthy of her time, and her efforts.

She didn’t put effort into things that weren’t going to be good for her in the end. This was good for her. This job was good for her. And she wasn’t going to blow it. She wasn’t going back until tomorrow though. She had decided that she was going to take a couple of days for herself between checking out, and actually going back to the office, and at this point, she didn’t really think that anyone else was going to know the difference. So somehow, she had ended up out here in Suffolk. Looking at apples.

The thing was, she didn’t even like apples. It had just seemed very autumn. And very peaceful. And Hali could have done with a bit of both. Besides. She could give apples to her friends. That was something that could easily be done. Or apple treats. Turnovers, perhaps. She could make apple turnovers. Turning around one of the bends in the orchard she saw that she was not the only one in wandering amongst the trees. There was another witch about, and Hali paused only a second on that word. Were they still witches? Well that was just wonderful. She didn’t even know what she was. Delightful. Shaking her head, she made her way slowly towards the other woman, who seemed deep in thought. “Good afternoon.” She offered softly, not meaning to disturb, but also wanting her to know that she was there.

@ diana • 649 • halima's outfit

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Post by Deleted on Oct 21, 2018 18:20:57 GMT -5

It was easy to forget the world whenever she was in the middle of galadh. Her powers literally pulsed under her skin, no matter what she did to tone them down, and the laer that resonated in her bones was almost the boom of the war drums. She'd been a hên when she'd heard them and it had terrified her to the core - at the same time that it had roused something primal inside her. It had never happened again and Diana was glad for it. War was a terrible thing and it had made a strange, sombre atmosphere hang over Eryn Galen for the entire length of the campaign. Diana remembered those days clearly, as Rîs Melian had often required her company for distraction. The aran had ridden with the army and his hervess worried deeply. Diana, as one of the few hîn of the entire century, was a bit of a novelty and almost like a commodity. Everyone wanted to spend some time with her, teach her something - sometimes only braid her hair. It used to be very amusing and sometimes she misses it. Even after she grew up, they still saw her as a child.

This place was nothing like that, the people she knew now were nothing like the others. And yet, she'd found glass. In the middle of chaos, of all that was different, she'd found glass and meleth. It was strange, how things worked, and how Diana herself had changed. So detached from the world from the moment she'd stepped out of Eryn Galen and she leads a life like they do. Now she does silly things like help students out and laugh with some coworkers. Shares her highly suspicious moonshine and pretends she doesn't know about the efficiently run contraband inside the school. More than anything, she shares her life with a firieth and would not want it any other way. Five years ago, this would have been inconceivable. She had not been someone who would be happy in such a life, who would find glass in the simplicity and frailty of it. It was a good change, as far as she was concerned, but some would not see in such way.

And yet, here she was. In the middle of an orchard, even though she hated apples, picking them because her hervess was sick and Diana enjoyed spoiling her. Eun-Ji would be happy with some apple cider and Diana wanted her happy. The oranges, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg would come from their garden. They were grown by her own hand, her own magic and they reminded her of bardh. Besides, not that she wanted to be that person, but they also tasted better. Better than even those organic grown things because- it was different, wasn't it? When the Nature's own magic had a hand in nurturing them into growth. Maybe she'd bring some of the cider to share with the other professors. Just because Diana hated apples, it didn't mean that the general population did as well. They usually had terrible taste in everything else as well but Diana wasn't going to say it.

The eryn around her warned Diana of another presence even before she could hear the footfalls but she hadn't moved. Standing in the middle of it, feeling the power overwhelm her, a vague smile on her red lips and head tilted up, Diana was pretty sure she looked crazy. Or, at the very least, stoned. Diana still wasn't sure that she wasn't both. However aware of the other woman's presence she had been, the witch gave no indication of it. "Nathlo! Gi suilon," turning to the witch, Diana smiled at her. Had they seen each other before? No, she didn't think so. It was hard to separate what she knew from her powers from what she knew from experience, sometimes. "I don't like apples either, you know. But we can pick something decent together, if you'd like."

galadh - tree(s)
laer - song, poetry
hên - child
Eryn Galen - Greenwood, the home of the woodland elves
Rîs - Queen
Melian - Queen of the Woodland Elves
aran - king
hervess - wife
hîn - children
glass - joy
meleth - love (noun)
firieth - mortal woman
bardh - home
eryn - forest
Nathlo! - welcome!
Gi suilon - I greet you (inf.)

tags: @ halima
words: 662

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Post by Deleted on Nov 5, 2018 20:36:39 GMT -5


Trying her best to free herself of the thoughts in her head, Hali thought that there were plenty of things that she was going to want to do. She didn’t know of there was a reason that things happened the way that they did, but she was curious about what it was that they were doing. She didn’t know if there was a reason that things stuck with you the way that they did. Something though. There was something that was different about this situation. There was something different about this witch. Because this being here. This trying to go anywhere, and worry about anything else, was just another way of trying to clear her head. Hali didn’t want to think about what it was that she was all caught up on.

It didn’t work like that. She couldn’t help but think about her, and she didn’t know what it was that she was going to do with that. It wasn’t like she was going to keep it that way. It wasn’t like she was going to worry about things like that. Hali had plenty to worry about. Plenty that wasn’t this. Plenty that wasn’t what she was going to do with the things that she was doing now. Plenty to worry about that wasn’t the witch that had caught her attention. Because she had gotten sick, and now she didn’t have magic. That was a bigger issue than whatever it was that she was worried about here. There were plenty of things that she could try and focus on instead.

In fact, she thought that coming out here, she might try and focus on Desirae, and her family. She had had a baby over the summer, and Hali thought that she could make something nice for her friend, and her children while she was getting the things that she needed from this orchard. She didn’t know what had even led her here. It was just where she had ended up. Nd that was something that she wasn’t going to try and explain to herself, or to anyone else. It was just what was, and she thought that there could be plenty that was said about that. Plenty that she wasn’t going to let herself think.

Suffolk wasn’t exactly close to anything. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing. But picking apples, when she didn’t like apples, was a good distraction. It was something else to think about. IT was something else to let occupy her mind. Which would work, for a little while. She thought that there was a good chance that she could make it the rest of the night without thinking about a certain blonde witch that she hadn’t done anything about. Or without worrying about her sister. If she did it right. There were always chances that she was going to need to do something else. That she was going to get distracted from her current train of thought, and that things were going to go a little crazy. But she thought that she could do it, for a while.

At least until she had come across this other witch. She had wanted to be alone, but she thought that perhaps this other woman had too. Then they would not be bothering one another in the least. If they were alone together, it might have been better. The woman’s words took her aback a little bit. She didn’t think that she was visibly put off by the apples, but maybe she had been. Maybe there had been an upward turn of her nose or something… “I… Um…” Hali knew that that wasn’t particularly articulate, but she was still trying to figure out how to take this woman. She deemed her more, otherworldly than anything. “I suppose that would be alright. I don’t know much about apples, really. I’m Halima.”

@ diana • 644 • halima's outfit

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Post by Deleted on Nov 23, 2018 19:23:41 GMT -5

[googlefont="Wire One"]
Ai! Laurië lantar lassi súrinen,
('Alas! Golden leaves fall in the wind,)
Yéni únotimë ve ramar aldaron!
(Long years numberless as the wings of trees!)
Yéni ve lintë…
(Long years like swift…')

Diana was...very aware that she sometimes scared people. Confusing them was normal and something she was already used to, something that she expected from everyone. After all, Diana did not dress like they do, she never got into the habit of speaking fully in English and her mannerisms were not...local. Anywhere but in Eryn Galen. And that wasn't normal. It was okay for people to find her strange, that was the obvious conclusion. Witches and wizards could be awfully judgemental for people that made such terrible choices, in her opinion, and Diana thought they'd have been a lot better off without worrying overly much about what other people were doing or thinking. In the end, the measure of a person was to be taken for what was inside, not what they portrayed. Diana knew many things because of her powers but she didn't need them to be sure of that. She didn't need strong faith in the Valar to know that they would not be fooled by glitter and gold - nor would they have ridiculous preconceived notions of what should be or not be.

Scaring them, though- that was something she'd been surprised by when she came to Britain. In Kathmandu, everyone seemed to be less inclined to fear what they could not understand - at least the magical folk. They in awe and curious but rarely, if ever, afraid. And Diana, after living her entire life among those who believed her and her powers to be nothing but something to be celebrated, hadn't expected the strong reaction she got from wizards and witches in the rest of the world. Britain especially, full of secrets and old skeletons. There were things everyone thought buried, that they thought should still be buried. Secret allegiances everywhere, betrayal and double dealings. None of that ever fooled Diana, it couldn't, and it scared them when they realised just how much she knew - how much she would know. Because nothing was hidden from her for long. Even if she wanted not to know, it was impossible. Her gift was not hers to control.

It was...for the best, she thought. After all, it showed her what she needed to know. What was - or would be - necessary one day. Powers such as her own weren't there by accident, they weren't a mistake or a coincidence. Things didn't work like that. The Valar, especially, didn't work like that. And whilst Diana had never been called to use her powers for anything actually big, it didn't mean that it wouldn't happen. Neither did it mean that she wasn't already fulfilling the role that had been intended for her. Sometimes, doing small things for a long time worked better than doing one big thing once. Or so she thought, anyway. It certainly felt so, every time she healed someone or that her Cened pointed her in the right direction.

Like now. Diana had wanted apples - not for herself, she hated apples - but for her hervess who liked apple cider. And Diana liked making Eun-Ji happy so she'd come here. Here, to this orchard. Not to any of the five others she'd visited before, five orchards that struck her as wrong even though everything was perfectly alright with them, nature speaking. No, something wanted her to be here and there was another witch now - it couldn't be a coincidence because such things didn't exist.

"Oh, I don't know anything yet. But I'll find you soon enough. They speak very loudly, here," her hair, unbound as it had been, fluttered in the wind. Maybe she should've asked Eun-Ji to braid it for her but she'd been nursing a slight headache from overusing her powers in the hospital. Anything restricting would make it worse. "I know," Diana laughed, silver bells in the wind, cold water running down smooth stones in a forest, at the introduction. The sound echoed. "I eneth nîn Diana- My name is Diana," she hastily corrected herself, trying to force her brain into English proper. The wind blew again and a whiff of perfume came over to Diana and she- "Oh! You're a good person. Helping others is a noble calling," a philanthropist, working with causes greater than herself. There wasn't much Diana had seen from that small thing alone but it was enough to know that she'd like this witch. She beamed.
@ Halima ⁂ outfit ⁂ 731 ⁂ notes
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Post by Deleted on Dec 18, 2018 16:42:01 GMT -5


There was so much going on, and Hali knew that no one really knew what was going to come next. Realizing that they were without magic was hard enough. Figuring out how to exist like this in the long term? She didn’t know what to think about it. She was just glad, on some level anyway, that her twin had gotten sick too. If they were truly identical, and somehow Nazia had been spared she would have been furious. And even more than furious, she would have been disappointed in herself. She would have been upset by the fact that she wasn’t even good enough to not get sick when her sister was once again perfect.

But she didn’t have to worry about that. She could worry about everything else that was wrong with the world right now. She could worry about fundraising and trying to decide what it was that she wanted to focus the winter campaigns on. Because there were options that she didn’t think that anyone else really wanted to think about. But she knew that she had to. It was her job to figure it out, and then Rubi just had to sign off on it, and that was all that there was to that. But she didn’t know if she had the answers. She didn’t know if there was anything that she was going to have her eye on that was going to just wow everyone this season.

A party was a party, and fundraisers were always good, but she didn’t want to have it at Christmas. She though that a mid-winter fundraiser would be better. People would be more inclined to donate if they had a party in the middle of January, after the holidays were over, than if they did it in December. People were more likely to be desperate for something happy the longer that all of this drug on as well, and she didn’t think that a party could ever hurt something like that. Campaigns and fundraisers were her forte, and she thought that this season would be no different. Magic or no, they would be okay. That’s the kind of hope that they needed right now.

Coming out here to pick apples was not a part of any of those plans, but it was something to do, and it was something to get her mind off of work. And off of a particular blonde, but that was another story all together. She thought that she could do something useful, and apples could be useful. For people that actually liked apples anyway.

The woman that she encountered was strange, and yet, she was somewhat mystified by her. She offered a perspective that Hali couldn’t quite come to grips with. She unnerved her, but she didn’t know that she was going to cause her any harm either. “Diana…” She had already known her name, and Hali felt like she was at the disadvantage, but she didn’t know what to say either. There was just something about her that she wanted to be around, but something that she wanted to get away from at the same time. It was a perplexing feeling more than anything. “I.. Um… What?” What did she know about her, and how did she know it? Those were the loudest questions rolling around in her mind right now. Who was this woman?

@ who are you? • 563 • halima's outfit