Resurfaced | Liam

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Post by Deleted on Oct 3, 2018 13:43:14 GMT -5

Dublin Square #1A
Dublin, Ireland, UK
3 October 2018

@faust ,

How are things? I know, long time no see... or no hear, I guess. I kind of fell off the face of the earth there for a bit. So first things first: I'm sorry about that. It was really nice seeing you again, and you should know I didn't forget about us you, or anything like that.

I got sick. You know, that whole sickness that is getting to everyone? The one with the magic loss. Well, anyways, I got stuck in the hospital because of it for most of September. The whole last month has been something of a blur, seeing as I've basically been living out of a hospital bed. So that's what happened there. Has it caught you? I hope not... it was a mess to deal with. Still is, if I'm being perfectly honest. No one really knows what it is, but it's leaving nothing but pain in its path.

Anyways, I'm better now, and I've been thinking about how I owe you a coffee date. See, told you I remembered. A few weeks late, I know, but I like to think that I'll be able to make up for it. There's a quaint little place just on the edge of Phoenix Park in Dublin. We can grab a cuppa to go and then go for a stroll. Not sure if you've ever seen Dublin through the eyes of a true Irishwoman, but here's your chance. Tomorrow at noon? Let me know.

Don't be a stranger,

Anna Peters