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Post by Deleted on Apr 9, 2016 22:55:39 GMT -5

Artemis laughed when swatted at her arse. She had known the other seeker since their Hogwarts days, and she had to admit that if anyone was going to touch her arse, at least he was rather nice to look at. She knew that he flirted with everyone, and she thought that he was one that would never settle down. Something that she had learned the hard way had been a bad decision. “Oh I’m so dreadfully sorry.” She drug out her words and then she winked back at him and smirked, she wasn’t sorry in the least.

Seeing the blonde woman that was standing nearby she smiled and moved to the other side of @murphy, where the young woman was standing. “Hi.” She smiled at her, “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Artemis.” The brunette offered a hand to the young woman. “You don’t look like you fit in here. Are you a friend of Jaxon’s then?” She hadn’t meant to be rude with her comment, she just didn’t think that the woman was a quidditch player, which meant that she had to know Jaxon from somewhere else.
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Post by Deleted on Apr 20, 2016 19:24:51 GMT -5

Val had been standing with an arm around @murphy's shoulders when @ringabell approached her and complimented her. Her reaction was rather more forward than what she'd ever let herself give in return so far, as she winked at her older teammate. She would be lying if she said she didn't appreciate Katie, she'd be a lying liar who lies because damn if she wasn't very tempted to reciprocate every time the woman flirted with her. Which was often, and every time she came closer to breaking her -no sleeping with teammates- rule. 

At Murphy's suggestion she grinned and slapped a hand lightly on his chest, slipping her arm away from his shoulders. "You're on, Shepherd. I knew you could have good ideas sometimes." She joked at her upstairs neighbour. Really, when had that building turned into the Quidditch building? There were at least four of them already.

Val smiled in greeting when @artemis arrived before laughing in approval of 's request for shots. Oh, they'd only just arrived and they were already starting the party on the deep end. To be honest, they always started the party on the deep end and it got progressively worse as time went on. It was lots of fun, always.

She looked at Katie for a few moments when the woman offered to pair up, before smirking. "You're on, Bell."
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Post by Deleted on Apr 20, 2016 19:54:45 GMT -5

Raellyn knew she was running a bit later than she wanted to, especially considering this was a celebration party for . The invite had arrived and, of course, there was no way in hell she would miss it. He was finally being named a captain, though it meant a transfer. She wasn’t too sure how well @murphy was going to take it. He would be happy for his teammate, but it also meant change. They had been on the same team for so long that that was a lot of change to take in and get used to. She supposed that was the point of the offseason.

Entering the Leaky Cauldron Lynn immediately spotted the group. The witch couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face. Seeing the whole group together really was something. “Jax, congratulations,” she said, pulling the man down to kiss his cheek. They were all friendly. It was hard not to be when they spent so much time partying together. “Sorry I am so late,” she said before helping herself to a drink.

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Post by Deleted on Apr 25, 2016 1:51:47 GMT -5

There were plenty of friend groups within the league teams… big, and small, some that overlapped and some that didn’t; but there were few people that he enjoyed spending time with more than those that were already in this room. His teammates, especially, and several of the Harpies that he was close to. Then there were some others that he didn’t hang around more than he necessarily had to—more often those were the times that his friends invited them along, because they were friends with them. It was the older generation, mostly; he wasn’t normally an arsehole, but there were people that he truly thought just needed to retire already, and they were mostly the ones that he didn’t care for all that much. He was nice to them, because he was amiable with nearly everyone, but he didn’t go out of his way to talk to or interact with them. One such individual was approaching now, but an amused grin formed on his face as opposed to any other reaction. “Hello to you too,” he chuckled as @ladywatson joined the group, before turning his attention back to the rest of them.

He liked drinking, but frankly hoped that he wasn’t still trying to hang out with people ten years younger than him when he’d hit thirty. But competition or no competition, he was never one to turn down shots. He didn’t much care if there were partners or not, something that Jaxon ended up vocalizing moments later, after ordering firewhiskey to the table. There was something about get-togethers like these that always resulted in a heavy amount of intoxication—probably literally because they were all the competitive sort that could turn absolutely anything into a contest, especially drinking.

He didn’t particularly think he needed a partner… if he did, he’d go for @ainsley, simply because… well they were friends and he didn’t need much more of a reason than that, but she didn’t seem to be one to drink to excess. She always had a drink, he knew that much, but he’d never seen her all that interested in shots or anything like that. “Well, I’ll start us off then,” he said, figuring there was no reason to wait, particularly when everyone seemed to think they had the victory in the bag before it even started. He picked up one of the shots, before downing the firewhiskey in one gulp. The familiar burn was felt down his throat, and he figured it would not be more than a few moments before everyone else followed suit and took their first shot… or two.