Red Right Hand | Athena

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Post by Deleted on Apr 27, 2017 22:02:33 GMT -5

Red Right Hand
March 28, 2016
Bojovník Paseka Manor
Outfit | @attie

There was enough on his plate right now that Ares didn't think that he really needed all that much more, but he didn't have a choice. He didn't have a  choice in any of this, and so he had to wonder if maybe things weren't going to get easier? If this was the new normal now? If it was then he thought that he was going to have to get used to it, and fast. He had an entirely new department in the works, he had one in his mind that he was going to need to try and flesh out, and there were a million things on his desk at the office that he couldn't seem to find, and everything around here seemed to be piling up on top of one another. There wasn't so much as room to breathe, let alone time to think. He didn't think that he could turn around without some sort of disaster happening while his back was turned... He didn't know if they were ever going to catch a break right now, but they had to try. They had to try and do something, and tonight he was planning on talking to his sister about what was going on in the Ministry. He had already decided that they were going to be establishing the new department, and he knew who it was that he wanted to run it, but getting there... It was the getting there that they were going to have some trouble with, and figuring out where to put them. 

It wasn't like there was all that much space in the Ministry, he supposed that they could make space if they really had to, but he thought that his sister knew the Ministry in that respect better than he did, and so bringing up the establishment of a new department was something that he wanted to do before he got too far into the planning of it. He was going to do it, he wasn't asking her for her permission, he didn't ask anyone for permission to do things anymore. He was going to do this, he just wanted to know what she thought about it and what she thought that they needed to do differently. The plan was a good one, a solid one, and he thought that she would approve of the man that he had selected to run it. He thought that Avery would do well there, and it was something that he thought that they could make moves on shortly. They had gotten side tracked, and there had been plenty of times when they should have been doing more already, but things had kept cropping up. He had mudbloods to eradicate, and he had four countries to run while he was at it. 

Inviting his sister to the Manor was not a common occurrence. The tension between Athena and Aurora was palpable. He knew that it had something to do with him, it always had something to do with him, and he wasn't even being conceited about that. It really did have something to do with him. The fact that they were both in love with him had something to do with it. His wife was carrying their second, biological, son though, and they had two older sons as well. Nick and LJ and Orion made it pretty clear, if Athena hadn't already figured it out, that Ares was not going to return whatever rather, unique, affection she had for him. He knew that his sister was dangerous though, and she was wicked smart, and for that he was glad to have her on his side. It was easier to keep track of her, to make sure that she wasn't getting herself into any situations that she was going to need any help out of, and it helped him keep an eye on things. When Denali's ears pricked up next to him, and she sat up on her haunches from where she had been laying on the floor it only took him half a second longer to hear the tell tale click of her heels on the floor. Aurora didn't wear shoes in the house, and the footfalls were too heavy to be his other sister, so it must have been her. Looking up from what he was doing Ares put his pen down on the desk to wait for her. 
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Post by Deleted on May 1, 2017 12:51:54 GMT -5

Athena couldn't say that she wasn't shocked to be invited to her brother's home. It was an unusual occurrence that must have been borne out of necessity. She knew why she wasn't often there. The animosity between her and Aurora was great. The woman wasn't good enough for her brother, not really. She wasn't as refined as she ought to be, and was quite weak in her opinion. It wasn't as if anyone was asking Athena, though, despite the fact that she had voiced her opinion more than once. Ares deserved someone better, someone stronger. Someone that could be at his back when he needed her, someone who could hold her own and offer advice that was able to be heeded. Someone like Athena. But she had been warned, told off, and lectured. That didn't mean that her feelings had gone away.

That just meant that she had to keep them hidden better. Which was why, when she was asked to meet at the Manor, Athena had selected her outfit (and her attitude) carefully. She dressed herself in light, calming colors and had done herself up in light makeup. Only a few bracelets made up her jewelry for the moment so that she wasn't being perceived as 'trying too hard'. She was simply dressed for the day, nothing out of the ordinary. Of course, she thought that the the light blue was a color that looked the best on her, and the bracelets shined in the light gently. She was prepared, both to meet with her brother and whatever other person was wandering around the home.

She knew what this meeting entailed. She knew that he probably needed her help, or at least some advice. There was a lot to do at the moment, and things were piling up on Ares. She knew that he needed someone to help sort through it all, and he probably had a few more things that he needed help trying to figure out. Which meant that he had called on her. She was honored, of course, and already her mind was whirling in overdrive. She was trying to figure out what exactly Ares needed, what he wanted. She was going to do her best to help, so that he could see what a good right hand was. At least, that was what she decided as she let herself into the building, her heels clicking as she made her way to her brother's office. Her head swiveled casually as she observed the decor and the area, her nose twitching slightly. It was alright; not entirely her taste. But that was besides the point. Coming to a rest outside of the office, Athena opened the door, letting herself inside. "Ares!"

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Post by Deleted on Jun 11, 2017 13:37:40 GMT -5

Taking care of Attie had been Ares’ job since he was old enough to understand that that had been his job. He knew that his mother kept track of her too, but she was something of a nightmare walking around with skin, and while that was a good thing when they put it to work in their favor, there were moments in their history, where that wasn’t a good thing at all. They were more careful now than ever, and he knew that they hadn’t had this sort of pull before, but he also knew that his sister was better at the politics than he was most of the time. He had a degree in Economics, and in Political Science, and that was exactly what he planned on employing for all of this, because while his sister was the people person, while she was the one that could charm just about anyone into giving her her way, Ares was the one that was going to have to deal with the fall out. He thought that they could make this work though, he thought that together they could do this, because if there was one thing that he did know it was that it wasn’t Aurora that he needed at his side when it came to dealing with the politics and the Ministry. She didn’t know what she was doing and when to keep her mouth shut. Athena did. She knew when staying quiet would gain her more, she had grown up in this world, she knew what she was doing, and Ares was counting on that. On the fact that his sister was better at being his other half politically than his wife was…

He knew that inviting Athena here was not something that Aurora was going to like, but she was going to have to get over it. When it came to this it was his sister that he needed to talk to more than it was her. She was going to have to settle for not being his equal in this. It wasn’t that Athena was completely his equal either, but she was better suited for this than Aurora was. He would have talked to his other sister, that was really his cousin, but he still called her his sister… but Anicka didn’t know what to do about this either. They all had things that they were good at. They all had things that they were going to excel in, and when it came to the Ministry, and who was going to know the most about all of this… It was Attie that he was going to need closest. At least for a little while. He had to balance that though, he didn’t want his sister over thinking what it was that he was doing choosing her above the other women in his life, but there was no doubt that she was the one that he needed right now, and he knew that that would likely cause problems that he wasn’t going to want to deal with, but he had to think about what was bigger than the family dynamic right now, and he had to think about the countries as a whole…

There was no need to worry about Aurora now, he had everything that he needed for his meeting with his sister laid out on his desk in the study, and he heard her voice through the house only moments after he had felt the wards shift to allow her in. He hadn’t bothered to inform him wife that his sister would be here when she got home, but at this point he didn’t particularly care. She was already going to be annoyed that he was consulting with Athena in the first place but that wasn’t her place, and if she didn’t soon learn her place she was going to be sorely mistaken for just whom she was. He would restrict her access and he would pull her funding for her school. She could have her pet project in that castle, but she was going to have to concede to him sooner or later, and if she didn’t then she would have to be removed the school, and brought home. He knew that the baby was messing with her emotions and making her a little more prone to things that she hadn’t been before hand, but if she refused to listen he would find someone to do her job that would listen. This was not a democracy, this was a dictatorship, and if she couldn’t adhere to that, he would find a suitable replacement. For a moment he thought about putting Attie in her place, someone he trusted… But then he thought that he rather needed her to be his right hand in the Ministry. “In here!” He called in response, figuring she could find her way down the hall to the study on her own.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 17, 2017 22:47:04 GMT -5

Athena knew that the family dynamic was messy, she wasn't blind. She and Anicka couldn't stand one another, and she held a distinct dislike for the halfblood witch that was warming her brother's bed. The three women were all on their own little tier with one another, and although she hated to admit it, Ares seemed to be the one that they were all trying to impress. It was terrible and she hated it, but she knew that she couldn't beat her brother. She had tried, and it hadn't worked; she had simply been his right-hand at the Ministry instead, helping him and the other two figure out what they were supposed to do once they actually managed to overthrow the old government. As much as she was willing to admit all that, though, it was harder for Attie to admit that she was part of a group that needed everyone to function together well.

She was the one who knew how things worked at the Ministry. She needed to accept that, she needed to focus on the fact that she had something valuable that her brother required. He and Anicka weren't good with certain aspects of socialization, though she couldn't say that neither of them were overly rude. They were charming in their own rights, they just didn't understand certain dynamics like she did. And he needed her over Aurora, which was definitely something that she was holding as a win. She was better than his wife. She didn't allow herself a moment to beam over that, though, as she was making sure not to disturb anything in the house that she couldn't immediately put away.

As she looked at the little knick-knacks that were left here and there, Athena tried not to crinkle her nose. Everything wasn't her taste, and she wanted desperately to redecorate. It was a good distraction for her to rearrange her features into something neutral as she stepped into her brother's study. He was sitting in a chair, his dog by the side. Grinning at the wizard, she took a look around the room. "I heard you needed some help, brother," she cooed. 
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Post by Deleted on Jul 12, 2017 21:36:42 GMT -5

He knew what went on around him, and he knew that the witches in his life all played a distinctly different part. They all played a part that he knew that each of the others couldn’t play, and it was a delicate system… He had his wife, of course, and she had a distinct place at his side, though it was one that she frequently seemed to forget how to inhabit correctly… And then there was Anicka, the cousin that he had chosen as his sister when she had been forced into moving to England… She was a Death Eater, and she was someone that he thought that he understood in a way that he didn’t take the time to understand others. That wasn’t something that he had ever done, and he hadn’t bothered with anyone that wasn’t a member of his immediate family in years… Or at least he hadn’t thought that he was going to need to. Now though, he thought that there were some accommodations to be made there, some people he was going to have to let in, because others had let them in, and he knew that he would do anything to see his sister taken care of. His older, younger sister, because Attie was the baby, but Athena knew how to take care of herself. Not that it wasn’t his job to take care of her, as brothers do, but he also knew that what had happened to Anicka had not happened to Athena. His youngest sister had some rather unique influences all on her own.

When it came down to it Ares thought that really they needed to work together. The three women needed to figure out some way to work together and co-exist that didn’t make them want to kill one another, and while he thought that it could be accomplished between his sisters, if someone were willing to convince Anicka not to light Athena on fire for long enough to hear the woman out, he doubted very much whether either one of them were going to tolerate his wife, and in a way he thought that might help. Perhaps they could bond over their mutual distaste for how Aurora was carrying herself these days. He needed to stop, he knew that not all of it was her fault, but he also thought that she was perhaps one of the neediest pregnant women that he had ever encountered, and he had been around his sister when she had been pregnant with twins and couldn’t stand up on her own. No, right now he didn’t need his overly hormonal, pregnant, wife. Right now, tonight, he needed the sister that knew more about the Ministry and its inner workings than any of them.

He had felt the wards shift when she had first arrived and he knew that there was someone here, but he had been expecting her, and so he hadn’t stopped what he was doing. He didn’t hide work things from Athena, he didn’t shut them, or set them aside the way that he did when Aurora walked in the room. His sister saw everything that he did, and he made the decisions, but Athena was one of the few people who’s opinions he would truly take into account. He needed her, he needed the system and the since of checks and balances that came with having someone that had known you your entire life telling you that you were wrong. He had a tendency to listen to her when really all he wanted was to curse his advisers and those that he considered his friends, when it came to them telling him something. Ares looked up at the sound of her voice though, and he nodded, “I do. Shut the door?” He didn’t want Aurora to wander by and hear what it was that he was planning, because he had a feeling that his wife wasn’t going to like any of this, she wouldn’t appreciate it the way that his sisters would. It took being a pureblood to truly appreciate what he wanted to do, and he thought that Attie would be the perfect person to pitch it to first.
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Post by Deleted on Jul 17, 2017 10:00:15 GMT -5

They were siblings, so they looked out for each other, and always. There was never a doubt in Athena's mind that Ares would be there for her, because he had been since she was young enough to remember. He was there for her throughout Hogwarts, even if they feigned separation. They looked out for each other, and Ares made sure that she was fine during school and after. He was the other half to her, a missing piece that she actually felt when they were apart. The fact that he had essentially replaced her with two other witches hurt, and she was tempted to hex both of them in order to regain her spot as the most important. It wasn't the best way to go about things, and she knew it, but Athena was jealous and she knew that it was past time that she admitted it. She was close to Ares, even if they had drifted in and out of waves of connectivity. Ares was hers, he was her brother, he was her second half, he didn't deserve the halfblood witch that had clung to him. If her silly pureblood dalliances at Hogwarts were enough for curses, than Aurora was far past it. She deserved something far worse, something dangerous. But she loved her brother, and Athena couldn't get rid of one of his toys without asking. She had to accept the fact that he had chosen the disgusting excuse for a witch, even if she hated it.

And she did hate it. She was full of jealousy, but now she was full of pride. After years of helping on the sidelines, a thing that was quite fine with her, Attie had been taking leaps and bounds to the front. She pulled strings for Ares, and she would due absolutely anything for him. He only needed to ask, but she felt like she would get to the point that she could do anything without the wizard even needing to mention it. Athena was going to prove that she could do anything far better than the other two witches, even if it took violence and murder. And how she was good at that. The thrill of the kill was something that she would never outgrow. The ability to look at someone's anatomy, to pick apart what made their brains tick and their magic hum... She would gleefully do all of that for her brother, and he wouldn't even have to ask. But she couldn't help but wonder if that was what he needed. She wasn't an advisor, she was Senior-Undersecretary, but she felt like her duties could be extended because of her familial relations. She could do whatever he asked, but if she really needed to get her hands dirty it was a good thing that she had connections. Years of acquaintances and networking had placed her in the good graces of most of the Ministry, and although she would kill someone, she really had to think about it. It could hurt her image, and she really couldn't do that to the Ministry right now. It was too wavery and weak for such an issue.

She hoped that her brother needed her for something that was less problematic. Anything in the Ministry would take time, and she was glad that they were meeting somewhere where she could wonder and think without hiding her emotions in front of the rest of the staff. She could be herself around Ares, and that meant that she could be just as explosive as she really needed to. Hopefully there were no messes to clean up, and that his wife didn't mess something up in Hogwarts, because, really, she wasn't sure she could clean up both messes. When he spoke, she nodded, shifting immediately to shut the door. She could appreciate his tact, the way that he didn't want the halfblood to know what was going on. It must be something grand, something on a scale that she didn't need to overhear. Athena nearly swelled with pride, glad that she was the one that he brought whatever this was to. She was the person that Ares wanted to talk to, and she was the one who was going to help. "Of course," she said, taking another step in and avoiding the dog in the room. "Now, whatever seems to be the problem?"
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Post by Deleted on Aug 14, 2017 12:23:57 GMT -5

Ares knew how their world worked, and he knew how their family worked. He was well aware of everything that was going on in this house, and on these grounds. He knew that the two women that lived here were at each other's throats, and he knew that his sister would be more likely to back Anicka than Aurora in that argument, even if he knew that between his sisters there wasn't much that he could do to keep them from bickering if they were around one another for too long. He thought that they would have to work on that, a united front as a family would be needed, even if that was a united front against his wife. He knew what Anicka's worries about Aurora were, but he also knew that he couldn't do anything about them, and so he was avoiding them. He avoided a majority of the issues that were caused by his wife, because he hadn't really had much of a choice. It was avoid them, or have to deal with the outcome of getting on her about them, and if he thought that he was going to find a moment of peace anywhere in his life, he couldn't continue telling his wife that she wasn't acting appropriately. He had let Anicka do it the last time. He had let her into their bedroom, and he had let her talk to Aurora. It wasn't something that he liked doing, but he knew that his sister knew her place, and would be the only one that had a shot of teaching Aurora hers.

She knew how to act the part that she had to play. She was brilliant, both of his sisters were brilliant, but in different ways. Anicka knew the political system in a way that Athena didn't. She knew it from the wives side, she knew it from the hostess side. The side that knew how to make it look like a party, when it was just about the furthest thing from it. Athena knew how to work the man's side of politics. She knew how to do the back room, and Anicka knew how to set up the smoke and mirrors to get her there. They were the two that he needed. And not because they were just his sisters, but because they were good at it, and they were purebloods. They were born to do it. There would be a time, and a place, for both styles, and right now he knew that he needed Athena. If there was anyone that was going to understand his plans for the mudbloods it was going to be her. Shutting the door, well that just made sense. Everything in his life was secrets, and shadows, and this was no different.

"Not a problem, just a proposition." He thought that he knew his sister well enough to know that that would get her attention. He was going to share something with her that he hadn't shared with anyone else yet. The ideas had come from both Olivia Graves and his own wife, but he had taken what they had given him and changed it just enough. Enough that they weren't exactly replicating what had been done before, but he wanted it to be clear that they were different. He was going to make them register, and he was going to move them into their own forms of housing, he was going to take away the magic that they didn't deserve. Ares was tired of the mudbloods having any sort of power in their world. This was not their world, they did not belong here, and if they were going to insist on staying, he was going to make sure that they knew just how little they meant. They would be no better than gutter rats, they would be hunted down, and killed like vermin, and he had no qualms about that at all. "It's time we went a step further. It's time to eliminate our pest problem. I want to eradicate the mudbloods. And I need your help." He didn't admit to needing help very often, but Ares knew that he was going to need Attie's help with this. "I need you to help me set up an entirely new department in the Ministry. And I need it kept quiet until we're ready to reveal it."
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Post by Deleted on Aug 16, 2017 20:03:40 GMT -5

Propositions and plots were her favorite, especially when they regarded a steady hand. Athena felt like she would have been a great surgical healer, if only because she believed that her hand was both focused and methodical. She had never gone into healing, because it wasn't something she was overly passionate about. She enjoyed taking things apart, figuring out how they worked, and putting them back together. She wasn't the type of person who liked putting people back together. If they were weak enough to get ripped to pieces they most certainly didn't deserve her help being made whole again. She was a witch who took things apart. She knew how Muggles worked, she knew how animals worked, and she was fully aware of how her family worked. She knew that it would be an odd time if she ever spoke to Anicka without being forced, and she would rather be forced to relive her sixth year than speak to Aurora. She knew that it left her as a rather strange organ in her brother's family, because she had no relationship with the children. It didn't bother her that much, though. She didn't care about the attention she got from her nephews, they really were just little pests in her eyes. Even Anicka's girls were nothing to her. It was Ares and her parents, they were her family.

She was good with subtly. Talking upfront about politics was just as well, and thoroughly enjoyable. Athena liked discussing it over dinner just as much as she enjoyed meeting in offices over it. Both situations offered something interesting, something for her to think about. The fact that the door was shut meant that Aurora wasn't allowed to be in the know, and Athena knew that this was a situation that required subtly. She couldn't allow a word of this to be breathed. This was not a time for her to drop hints to others in order to gain their approval or trust, and such manipulations were going to have to wait for another time. This was when she needed to be quiet and sweet, when she needed to keep Ares' trust in her. He had wanted to see her for a reason, and that meant that this was a job that couldn't be completed by Anicka. This meant Ministry discussions, this meant something that only she could help with. She knew it was not time to gloat, it was time to listen and be attentive. Her father had taught her that years ago, when she was young. 

The proposition was just as delicious as it sounded. He wanted to get rid of the scum of the earth, the people who had somehow manipulated their way into the world. This would get rid of their problems, this would preserve their magic. She felt her lips pull into a wide smile. He had trusted her with this knowledge. He wanted her help. "Why, Ares, I feel like this the best idea you've had in some time," she teased, her features light. Just the thought was enough to brighten her mood. She wanted the mudbloods out of her world. They didn't deserve the cushy jobs that they had in the Ministry, and they certainly didn't deserve anything that was above even a halfblood. They should be picking up trash, or simply killed on sight. "This won't be easy to keep quiet." It was going to happen, of course. There would be no peep of it since she had a say, but she wanted it known that silence would be a more difficult task. Promotions would need to happen, interviews, budgets... That would need to be a secret, not a public document. "It will happen, of course, but it will be difficult to hide an entire department away."
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Post by Deleted on Aug 31, 2017 13:56:04 GMT -5

It was a juggling act, that was going to slowly turn into a balancing act if they weren’t careful. Ares needed all three of them, but the fact that he needed his sisters more than he needed his wife told him something. He knew that he didn’t have time for mistakes right now, and when it came to Aurora all he had were mistakes that she was making. Things that kept coming out of her mouth before he could stop them, and he had to get a handle on it. She had to figure out that this world, was not going to bow to her. She was the halfblood, she was the wife, and really, she was nothing… In the grand scheme she didn’t matter all that much, and that wasn’t what anyone liked to hear, but it was the truth. If they wanted to focus on wiping the mudbloods out of their society they were going to have to do that. They were going to have to wipe them out, and she couldn’t let her feelings be hurt by that. She couldn’t try and coddle them, just because they were children. That was her biggest hang up and he had to hope that she would get over that by the time that their son was born, because he didn’t think that he could handle any more of this. He was sure that if her attitude didn’t change, she would be losing her command of the school, and with that she would be here. In the manor. And she wouldn’t be doing anything other than raising their son. That would be her job if that was what it was going to take to make sure that this happened.

He knew that that would piss her off, but he also knew that it was the only thing that he could think of to do that would make a damned bit of difference. He needed her to get it through her head that she was second, and not even really second. She was his wife, yes, and that made her the Lady Wentzell, but that didn’t give her any real power. That didn’t get her anything other than a ring on her finger, and his name after hers. She didn’t get to pull stunts like she had been lately, and think that it was okay. This was not a feminist world. This was not a world where she could think that she was in charge, and that she had earned her way there all by herself. Ares had been taking care of her without her knowing for a long damned time. He had made sure of things, he had bought her things. Things that she thought that she had earned all on her own. She had her job, because it had been designed that way, she had her job, because it had been the fastest route between him and control of that school. When he had thought that there was a chance in hell that she could be reconnected with their family, he had made her the Headmistress, and then he had married her back in. To Dominick, first, but that had been what he had thought that she wanted. Something that couldn’t be changed now, but that they had rectified in the end. She was his wife, and it was time she started acting like it.

His sisters though, they knew their places, they knew what they were good at, and they played their parts with the grace and ease that they were born with. This was not a world that you could learn to be a part of, not coming from the background that Aurora had anyway. No, Ares thought that he needed someone to try and make her see… But that could wait. Right now was the time for Athena to get her moment. This decision, this choice, this was something that only she could help him with. Because they all had their parts that they played, and this was hers. This was her wheelhouse, this was what she was good at. “I’m glad you approve.” He chuckled at the smile that spread across his sister’s face. “I thought you might. It’s time for them to go. We need them out of our world, but you’re right.” He paused and let that sink in for a moment, “It’s not going to be easy, but we don’t have to keep it quiet for long, a month perhaps? However long it takes to actually form it… Put them in the empty offices on the Law Enforcement floor, and we should be able to avoid questions for a few weeks at least… And if we’re clever, a few weeks is all we’re going to need.”
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Post by Deleted on Sept 4, 2017 20:30:26 GMT -5

Athena knew that she acted jealous around her brother, she couldn't help it. She didn't care that she acted like a petty little brat; she wasn't spoiled and she knew that. But Ares was her brother, not anyone else's. He was her big brother and she loved him more than anything. It bordered on obsession to her and to others. She could depend on him, they were close. Even if he tried to push her away with his wife and his children, she knew that he needed her and vis versa. They were siblings, they relied on one another for things, just like they had when they were younger. She worked directly under him- and sometimes over when he didn't know what he was doing... She knew Ares needed her. They had both been named after war's personifications. Athena and Ares... It fit so perfectly together, he needed to admit that. It made more sense than Ares and Aurora, anyway... And Ares and Anicka... She should be the person that he came to first. She should be the person that her brother came to first, for attention. It should have been her first, not anyone else. They grew up together, they knew each other better than anyone. She shouldn't have to fight for his attention, she shouldn't have to battle two other women just to get her brother to invite her over. It should have been her over everyone, that was how she treated him. He wasn't fair, he wasn't acting fair...

She needed to calm down. He had been the one to calm her down when she was younger. Ares had kept her feeling like a child, not like a weapon of mass destruction. Athena needed to take a deep breath and try not to react. She was sure he wasn't doing it on purpose, and it was getting better now. He had invited her over, he had wanted to talk to her specifically. He could have tried to talk to Anicka. Honestly, she wasn't sure if he had already been down the line of siblings. But it was always possible... No, no. He had asked to see her. He needed her opinion not anyone else's. She was more important, she was the one that he had needed to speak to. She knew that she had the best Ministry ideas. Nobody else could rival her for that. She knew what was going on in the Ministry and she always had a way to fix it. She knew those people better, she didn't lord over them the way that Ares did. They still knew her as Athena Finley from Department of Mysteries, and now they knew her as Senior Undersecretary. She knew that it was strange for some of the workers, but it was now typical. But they knew what to expect from her, not from Ares... Some of them did, though, she couldn't deny that. Some of them were aware of who Ares was, truly, so they were a bit harder to get to listen to her... But those who were just workers, not Death Eaters... They knew her and liked her. And Athena thought it was amusing to help them.

He only wanted it hidden for a few weeks. She could handle that. A few weeks was easier than she had thought. She couldn't keep it gone for an entire year, or even a few months. People around the Ministry were nosy, they wanted things to do. If you gave them an inch they would pull even harder. They wanted to know where things were and how they worked. Athena couldn't blame their natural curiosity, but she could blame how they reacted. She didn't think it was so hard for someone to just curse their way out of boredom. They really didn't need to go poking around where they didn't belong. "We need them knowing their place and then promptly extinguished. However did you finally decide to do this?" She moved deeper into the room, fixating her brother with a little grin. It was a beautiful plan for him to have suddenly concocted, and she wondered what it was. A run in with Potter and his little mudblood wife? Just spotting one on the side of the road? Or seeing them run around the office and the school like there was no problem. "It will be harder to convince the new employees to keep their mouths shut. New promotions are so... difficult to keep under wraps. They'll want to toast the world."