Lucky Strike

Rich Kids | Kali
created by Finn Elliot Harlow
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last post by Finn Elliot Harlow
May 30, 2019 0:16:30 GMT -5
Finn Elliot Harlow Avatar
This small, dark and dingy place is a location where individuals can go to gamble away their earnings through betting on various activities. The top event to get betted on is Quidditch, of course. This shop even allows for bets on muggle events, finding there to be great amusement in that. Upon entering, one will find that it is not a very welcoming place, and that it appears even smaller once entering. If one is claustrophic, it is highly recommended that they do not enter this shop during rush hours.
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Rich Kids | Kali (May 30, 2019 0:16:30 GMT -5)
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