Walk on water [Silence]

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Post by Deleted on May 10, 2018 20:18:41 GMT -5

Listen up, hear the patriots shout
times are changing
Hank had his youngest with him, Parker it had seemed had liked getting into trouble at the day care, and thought it was funny. His son was a troublemaker and as much as Hank wanted to blame his son for it, he knew that he couldn't. He had been working so much lately and it was kind of showing with the kids. It showed in how much that he was around and how Parker acted like he barely knew him. So he had made a point that he would take the rest of the day off and the following day. Not because Parker had shown out, and gotten into trouble, but spending time with his son was a good thing. Tara was included in that as well. He could hardly believe that his children were getting so big. Becky’s birthday was around the corner so he was thinking about having a family dinner. He wasn’t sure really, but he liked the idea of it, and he knew that if he could get all of the kids together, then it would be fine. Maybe he would just do something small and gave her money to go do what she wanted to with.

This wasn’t a milestone birthday or anything, she was turning twenty-four. She would be fine. His youngest, however, was a pain in his side on this day, his deep blonde hair lay in ringlets on his head and his chubby cheeks only made Hank smile, but Parker was in trouble. So rather than take him home like the child wanted, he had instead made plans to take the little chap shopping. It was quiet outside and he liked to thank the weather for that, so walking with his son’s hand in his own he entered the shop and began to look through clothing for the child. ”I you help me pick out some summer clothes and try them on with no fit, I will stop and get ice cream for after dinner”

The boy laughed and then agreed to do as he was told, moving to the shoes. He was four but he was no infant, the boy was smart. Hank looked at a shirt and was laying it over his arm when someone ran into him.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 5, 2018 16:09:39 GMT -5

Silence had practically begged to go with her grandfather on delivery. Often times they had to be done by hand when people ordered items or quantities larges than an owl could carry. Sometimes they just did it because they were in the vicitinity doing something else. This time it was a whole box of something yucky which Silence did not care about enough to listen when she was explained what it was. She had been told to stay in the door way as her grandfather made it up to the floor where the customers apartment was - carrying the box which was labelled 'Sinclair's fruit delivery' for muggle-fooling reasons.

Of course Silence had not stood there long before she got bored and started to look around, blowing annoying locks of hair out of her face repeatedly. On the opposite side of the street she saw a store which seemed to be full of baby clothes. In the window she saw a little mannequin wearing a dress. I wonder if that could fit a doll. Silence didn't generally play with toys as she was much too old but no one had told her grandfather that and he still let her have her mother's old dolls which she was to take good care off. They mainly just stood there in her room. They wore all sorts of frilly and girl clothes which Silence would not ever have worn herself. Perhaps they could be upgraded a little? She looked back over her shoulder before she ran across the street, getting a few horns honked at her.

Silence stepped into the store and looked around. At first glance it seemed like the store was full of kids and mothers and brightly coloured clothes all around. Silence got a little overwhelmed by all of it and spun arounda few times to spot somewhere she'd not feel in the way as much. She hurried a little to get out of the way of a woman with a large pram holding a set of twins and accidentally bumped into a man standing there looking at the clothes. "Sorry!" she gasped and tried to move past him only to trip and dive into the clothing racks and landing on the floor beneath. She wasn't hurt but she huffed none the less just to tell gravity she didn't approve of it.