dead all day [Ingrid]

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Post by Deleted on May 30, 2018 20:44:08 GMT -5

Well i've been dead all day
could you tell? could you tell?
this is where i leave here and i save myself
@ingrid | outfit
The auror office had been a scattered mess since the closing of the registration office. It felt like every day Elijah had a new stack of paperwork regarding a new muggleborn he would have to look after and with graduation fast approaching he knew there would be even more. He hadn't really minded the new workload as much as his co-workers. Many of them had complained. They were not babysitters, they were busy enough as it was, they simply didn't care to help the muggleborns at all... He had heard many excuses, but Elijah himself actually found a small amount of joy in the work. He was able to meet new faces and help them transition back into the world. Maybe not the world that they could remember, but a world that was a little more accepting.

Elijah also enjoyed the constant travel that such things elicited. He felt as though he was constantly going in and out of the office all day. It made his days pass quickly and he enjoyed the steady busyness. It almost reminded him of his days at Hogwarts so many years ago, filtering in and out of classes and swamping himself with work. Now he was hopping between the office and his client's homes, swamping himself with paperwork on their reports. For the most part they were complying with the Ministry's new rules, which made for boring paperwork indeed. The way he saw it, it was only a matter of time before they began getting comfortable and slipping up. He was looking forward to it in a way. He liked to toss the idea around of being the good cop for a while. If he would catch them breaking their rules he would likely offer a warning first, which was more than he could say for many others. If they slipped again then he would, of course, have to take action.

Not that he could possibly imagine any sort of major slip happening. He had been handing out wands to his clients as he met with them at Kolna and their other places of residence, and those wands were.... Well, they were pathetic at best. Primitive, weak, hardly worth the trouble of carrying around in his opinion. He knew that their use was for simple tasks and he knew that just having a wand at all was a symbol of hope for them. Symbolic as it may have been, there was no hiding the fact that they were rudimentary at best. And he was no wand maker, but he couldn't see any of them being able to tamper with those wands and see any sort of improvement. Nevertheless he had done his job and checked them as he made a few appointments before lunch.

When he had finally finished with his last morning client Elijah had apparated back to the Ministry to turn in his paperwork and have a small lunch. Actually, he wasn't sure if he wanted a lunch or just a snack. He tossed around the idea of preparing a large dinner since he and Cara would actually be home for the evening together. They could always order take away and watch movies. Or they could go out... Elijah tossed the ideas around a bit more as he entered the Atrium but found his stomach quickly made up its own mind as he looked at the food choices for the day.

He had been much hungrier than he had originally thought and nearly everything he saw made his stomach do a little happy dance. He nearly did one himself but he quickly noted that he wasn't at home and that his coworkers might find that sort of behavior a little....unprofessional. And possibly weird. The tall man grabbed up a tray and maneuvered his way around picking seemingly random items to put on his platter, by the time he made it to check out he looked very much like a nine year old who had just been handed a twenty dollar bill at a petrol station and told to go crazy. He knew if Cara were here she would approve of his selection. Others? Maybe not so much.

He stood in the line behind a woman, though he hadn't been sure of her identity until she had turned her head and he could see her face. Elijah looked on at a display of granola bars as he waited his turn in queue. His eyes darted away from it and back again before he gave in and grabbed a bar from the display. Awkwardly enough he didn't have room for it on the tray, his hands dancing around with it looking for a spot to put it. The line began moving forward and he quickly shoved the bar into his mouth and moved forward with the others, reaching his hand to his back pocket for his wallet. It was then he noticed the woman looking directly at him now and he offered a polite smile through the bar between his teeth. "Hello!" He was muffled by the bar and hurried to grab it from his mouth once his wallet was in hand. "Having a bit of a late lunch as well Lady Klausen?" He was impressed at himself for remembering her name, but not too impressed seeing as he did look like a bear preparing for hibernation.