Save The World Or End It [Mikhael]

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Post by Deleted on May 30, 2018 21:34:45 GMT -5

and maybe they'll remember me when i'm gone
That's all i could ever want, it's all i want
Elijah was finally finding a good rhythm going again. It had been a bit chaotic when the Minister had informed them that in addition to their regular workload they would also be taking over the registered muggleborns. He had thought it good news at the time but the weeks that followed had been difficult. There had been days filled with meetings and inspections as the people began moving out of Kolna and out into the world. As large as the load had felt he was happy to bare it, especially when he saw how grateful his new clients were to be reunited with their families. Not all had chosen to go back, and not all could. Many families had been obliviated to keep things quiet and returning simply was not an option. His heart went out to those people, those who had literally lost everything in the registration process. He knew what they were going through, and he knew that it was far from easy.

Well, he couldn't exactly say he knew what they were going through fully. He had never lived in conditions such as Kolna and he knew how terrible those conditions really were. One of his very first clients had actual bite marks from rodents on her arms. It was enough to make his stomach churn. He couldn't imagine how they survived being there, and he knew that wasn't even the worst of their problems. Still, he was happy to see the issue of Kolna being eradicated for some. None of his clients had said it, but he wondered if they were bitter about their situation, specifically regarding the housing. He figured he would be if he had been locked in such horrid conditions for a year only to be let loose for seemingly no reason. Sure, there had been a change in power but that didn't excuse the fact that the ministry was still filled with death eaters.

Surely they were resentful, though they were likely more grateful than interested in petty revenge. It would have been pointless now. They could clearly see the situation they were walking away from and any sort of out-lash would likely drive them right back. It explained why things had gone so peacefully with his clients, why they hadn't tried any funny business. At least, they hadn't yet. Elijah liked that things were peaceful for the time being. He especially liked that his clients had been following the rules he had set for them. He was sick of hearing about the torture they endured, sick of hearing about another muggleborn death at the hands of a death eater. As long as they followed their rules they would be safe. He had to believe that. He hoped it was true.

It gave him strength to believe. Cara had taught him that in some unexpected way, she had taught him to be a believer and a dreamer. He wanted so badly to think things would continue to get better for them. He knew that the moment one of his clients did slip up he would probably be forgiving, more forgiving than he should be, but he wanted them to know that he could show compassion. The meetings he attended earlier in the day reflected that, or so he thought. It had actually put him a good mood and mixed with the slight sugar high he had gotten from stuffing his face with junk food at lunch had made him even more chipper. Elijah bopped perkily to his desk to go over the paperwork from the morning, but he was feeling a bit chatty instead. He spun his chair to another auror at their desk. Elijah peeped a bit at what the man was doing, "How goes it?" He said nodding casually at the lad's task. 
Mikhael Albert Travers
Mikhael Albert Travers Avatar
69 posts
28 years old
played by Tyra

Post by Mikhael Albert Travers on Jun 11, 2018 17:04:07 GMT -5

Becoming an Auror came with its challenges, Mikhael was not that cocky that he would exclude them completely. He would be a poor Auror if he did that. After all it was imperative that he knew what dangers he could face when he was on mission. He remembered that they had covered so many scenarios in training. But they could not have foreseen every single situation, after all people were as unpredictable as magic was. He had learned to hone the latter and control it from a young age. It was something that he thought every witch or wizard did when they first showed signs of magic. Astrid was the exception to it but she had still succeeded in her own ways. Mikhael was too proud to tell her that be he knew he ought to so at least it went some way to repair their fragile relationship.

Mikhael was not one to be the first to admit he was wrong but he thought he should given that he was getting married. The exact date of his and Amelia’s wedding was still not finalised but he would approach the subject when the witch came home from school. He knew it would not be an easy subject but then again, theirs was an arranged marriage and the age gap did little to help matters. But he trusted his parents that they had made the right match and had thought about the age difference with him and Amelia. His parents were meticulous like that. They weren’t in the country still, he knew why but he was here not shying away from the problem. Yes, he had gone for weeks without talking to Astrid but then had come the night he had been injured and she had come across him. He couldn’t have escaped for that. His avoiding her would have been far too obvious. But she had helped with some kind of immediate first aid and for that he was thankful. He only hoped that he could help her in some way but was unsure how..

Perhaps he would open up to Amelia and she would advise him how he could help his sister. Any help would be welcome because he was unsure how he could help a squib. He wasn’t even sure that she would accept her help. Their time apart had really severed their relationship and while their parents were at fault, he wasn’t completely free of the blame. He was at least helping her indirectly with his work as an Auror. Well, he was helping more than her but he was doing what he could. Mikhael was now also charged with helping and watching over the mudbloods. At least no one would know he called them that in his head. He would just have to watch how he addressed anyone of them or how he talked while in the ministry. He knew he worked with people who were on the same thought process as him as well as people who had the complete opposite outlook. Mikhael would just choose his words carefully.

Being in the office this morning he would have watch what he said and to who. It would be unfortunate to start the day off on the wrong foot with someone. He was just getting together his paperwork from his case the previous day before he went into his next briefing. He was just staring at his bleeding fingers. He had been attempting to stick all the papers together but of course they didn’t have a stapler here. Truthfully he didn’t even know how to use one, he had just been fiddling around with spell he thought would achieve a similar outcome. Looking up he saw someone speaking to him, his fellow Auror. ”It would be going well if I knew a spell that would act like a muggle stapler?” he laughed as he held up his bleeding fingers. He wanted a stapling spell not just a sticking charm.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 17, 2018 12:42:22 GMT -5

Dealing with the muggleborns was interesting to say the least. He was used to being on guard and being prepared for magical interference at any time but with them... Well, the worst he could see coming from one of them was an accidental shoe shine thrown his way. Those poor excuses for wands that they had been issued were pitiful at best. Still, he checked them all thoroughly during his visits to make sure there was no tampering evident. Their wands may have been pitiful but his guard was never down. It would never be fully down, not while he was working. He knew the dangers that came with being an Auror. Elijah had been working the job for coming up on six years, before that he was a student and intern at the Ministry. They didn't allow for interns to actively work alongside aurors, but he still found a strong interest in their work. 

In truth, Elijah had become interested in the work long before he ever became an intern. When his parents had been arrested in his youth he swore that he would become an auror just like those who had taken them away. He swore that he would be more just, more compassionate than they had been. His young mind swore that he would never take the parents from a child, not when he became an auror. No way. Elijah had been much more niave then. Experience would prove that he would do that and much worse, but his sense of justice had grown along with him. He knew now that consequences came from poor actions, and that poor actions could not be excused no matter the other circumstances. There would always be criminals, even criminals with families and babies of their own to look after. If he needed to take them in to custody, even if that meant leaving a child in the same way he had been left, he would do it. He had done it time and time again.

That was one portion of his job that he had always found unsavory. He knew that it was not by any fault of his that those children would be left alone in the world. It was no ones fault but their parents. He could never imagine why someone would choose a life of crime over that of their children, but they did. Time and time again they did, just as his parents had for him. There were those who broke laws in order to survive, and for those people he did show compassion, but there was also those who's criminal intent was for selfish reasons. His parents fit that mold. They had made a choice. They could have been parents, good parents, or they could serve the dark lord. They had made their choice and as a result Elijah had grown up in foster care. He did not let their decisions ruin his life as it had ruined theirs. Instead he sought to prove that he could survive, neigh, thrive without them. It had been yet another reason he had chosen to become an auror. He selfishly wanted to carry the prestige of it on his name. He wanted to show them that he never needed them or anyone, really. He could make it on his own and he had.

Elijah was actually quite proud of the life he had built for himself. He had the job he wanted, a nice flat which he shared with a woman he loved. There were things he wanted still: marriage, a family. Those things would come in their own time. He knew that he wanted that with Cara. He wanted her to stick with him, much like this lad wanted his papers to stick together. Elijah rocked in his office chair as he thumbed the edge of his quill's feathers. "Hmmm, can't think of one. Perhaps you could summon a stapler?" Elijah chuckled slightly, looking at his own desk for a stapler. He didn't have one either. "I've got paperclips but-" he tried to grab one but they came all in a string. He had forgotten that he had strung them together in a fit of boredom the other day. "Well, I don't think they'd serve the purpose you need. Unless you need a lovely necklace, in which case, they'd serve it perfectly."
Mikhael Albert Travers
Mikhael Albert Travers Avatar
69 posts
28 years old
played by Tyra

Post by Mikhael Albert Travers on Jun 21, 2018 21:40:03 GMT -5

When his parents had left England following the discovery that Astrid was a squib he had followed blindly. However, he did understand their reasoning and he knew it was the best decisions for both parties. It made him thinking what if when he got married, he and his wife went on to have children who were squibs. He prayed that would not happen but that was not for him to decide. He wondered if he and his wife would make the same decision to leave the country. Was that even acceptable in pureblood society anymore? He actually didn’t know. Until his engagement he had not even thought about it but now that Amelia was for be his wife, he knew he should talk to his parents about it.The only difference was that his betrothed was a halfblood. Their union was to improve the status for her family and Mikhael was willing to do that. But he had made the decision to actually get to know her. After all she was still much younger than him and while she was about the age when she would be matched with a suitor, he wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible.

Amelia would of course be dealing his mother after all and he knew first hand what she was like. Some older purebloods may see his attempts of getting to know her as silly and pointless but he didn’t care. He was doing it for them both not for anyone else. Mikhael would have been out at clubs with his mates and picking up girls easily. He knew he had the looks and charisma that witches desired. Instead, he was stopping himself when girls threw themselves at him. Sure had had multiple bed mates in the past but he knew he should cut that down. Perhaps he would not cut it out completely just yet, he was a young pureblood male after all and he didn’t have a wedding ring just yet. But it made him thinking how would he explain all this to Amelia. Would she think he was just using her as some kind of pretty hard candy when they were invited to functions together? She could very well have that idea. He didn’t know if she was the type to jump to conclusions easily or not. He would definitely have to spend more time with her to know more about the kind of person she was.

After all he wanted to know everything he could about her, especially if she was to be his wife one day. Mikhael at this stage didn’t know if Amelia wanted to know the reverse given that they had very little time to talk on the few times they had seen each other until now. But he had decided that once she was back from Hogwarts for the summer they would spend more time together. He had been informed that her birthday would be soon after she came home from Hogwarts and he couldn’t think of a more appropriate time for him to take her out. She would be an adult after all. He of course would see what his parents had to say when it came to the two of them courting. They were unaware of Mikhael’s extra curricular activities and for good reason after all. He of course practised discretion when it came to that part of his life.

He wondered if his colleagues were even aware of how many women he spent his time with. When he was in the ministry it wasn’t obvious given that he didn't’ see any of the girls he was with in the office. There was the possibility of him seeing one of them while they were out but even them it wasn’t the case where they stole glances or they openly flirted. He knew how to be discreet when it came to how he spent his free time.

Mikhael rolled his eyes and shook his head and looked around from where he stood to the other desk around them and shook his head before he cleaned the fingers of the blood. ”If there is one good thing mudbloods are is that they invented some convenient things” he shrugged before he glanced at the string of paper clips. ”No thanks mate, don’t think it goes with my outfit perhaps you can wear it to the club you’re heading to tonight.he suggested with a faint smirk. ”How did you find the time to make that anyway?” he asked wondering if the bloke had any cases on the go or not.