Out And About [Percy]

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Post by Deleted on May 30, 2018 22:30:45 GMT -5

it's a beautiful day
if you don't mind the rain
@percy | outfit
The work day had gone by swiftly and the last hour or so of his shift Elijah hadn't even notice that it had begun to rain. His mind was focused on other things like the jitters he still had from his junk food lunch and how excited he was for Cara's shift to be over. His own shift had ended at five and soon enough hers would be over too. Neither of them had the luxury of having predictable jobs, so the evenings he got to spend with her were very dear to him. The evenings without...not so much. She had been working quite a few of the overnight shifts lately and he found it extremely difficult to catch any sort of shut eye when she wasn't around. He found that most of his sleep was caught napping on the couch with her as she watched television or read before work.

He had tried to concoct a simple sleeping potion not too long ago only to find that his old cauldron had been cracked. It had been quite some time since he had used it last and he wasn't exactly sure how the crack had gotten there. The only thing he knew was that it was damaged, and he had found out as his ingredients came oozing out the side as he made his potions attempt. He knew that it buying a potion would do just as well. Watson's had plenty of potions to choose from in the way of getting some sleep, but he preferred his own. Not to mention the fact that it gave him something to do when Cara wasn't around. 

Elijah was looking through the vast array of cauldrons when he felt himself bump into someone. He had been standing back, toying with the scruff of his beard trying to decide which one would best suite his needs when the bloke had walked behind him, possibly to just pass by. Or maybe he had been looking as well? "Sorry, mate." Elijah stopped, turning to the older fellow. "Really didn't see you there. You've got quite the sneak, yeah?" He was still quite chipper from his day and it came through in his voice as he spoke. He hoped the man didn't become offended by his informalities, but he looked like a decent enough chap.

(Hope this will help with AR haha)
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Post by Deleted on May 31, 2018 21:36:59 GMT -5

Percy didn’t really brew much, if at all, but Terrianne did. She liked to brew during the summer when they needed stuff for the house and though potions was never his best subject, he liked the time that it gained him with his daughter. Something that they enjoyed together. During breaks she usually didn’t have a lot of time with her, because of dance or whatever else she had to do. He didn’t want to think of her being with boys, because she was his baby girl but it was a sad truth.

He was out shopping for a new cauldron, after he dropped the other one while moving things about the house after the wedding. He knew that she would be rather upset about it so he had set about getting the new one. He hadn’t told Penny about it just yet, as he knew that she would be upset with him as well. Thus was the life of the Weasley men though, and like his father he was a master at trying to appease the wife.

He walked slowly, his shoes not making much noise as he looked through the shop and looked about trying to find what he needed when someone spoile to him. He smiled at the man and gave a small smile. ”Old habits die hard.” He said with a chuckle. The man looked a little familiar but Percy couldn’t name where he knew him from. He held out his hand to the other man. ”Percy Weasley.”
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Post by Deleted on Jun 9, 2018 20:50:34 GMT -5

It wasn't every day that Elijah was in such a swell mood. More often than not he was in a decent enough mood, when he was around Cara he was often in an even better mood but he had his days. His depression and PTSD reared their ugly heads every once in a while and turned everything into absolute hell. Even Cara's sweet self couldn't save him on those days, but he managed. He managed as best as he could with the medication he received from the muggle world but he hated it. It made him feel foggy at times. He didn't like that, especially since his injury. Things could be foggy enough on their own without having those damn pills to make things worse. He wanted to find someone who was currently taking Liquid Sunshine. There had been a lot of good things said about it, but he was leery. The name, perhaps, threw him. It sounded like more of a cover up than a cure, but wasn't that what he was really dealing with anyway? Nothing could cure his ailments, could it?

Elijah had put off asking any healers about the prescription; He'd much rather get a few first hand counts before it came to that. There had been a few times that he tried his hand at concocting Draught of Peace, but he nearly always mucked it up. It was a potion for anxiety and was very similar to the Xanax he was already taking for sudden attacks, but creating the damn potion was enough to send him into one. Potion making was typically a calming experience for Elijah but that damned potion. Wooh, it was something else. So precise and demanding, and nearly impossible for him to create. He knew that eventually he would try again, persistent as he was, but for now he only cared about the sleep potion. Cara had many overnight shifts coming up. He needed the rest and, therefore, the cauldron.

"Elijah Alrest," he smiled, shaking the man's hand firmly. He glanced between the man and the cauldrons feeling quite social. "Must be in the market for a cauldron, too? My old one broke, blasted thing, not even sure how it happened. Can't even remember the last time I've had to buy one! You wouldn't happen to have any recommendations, would you?"