Most Girls [Terrianne]

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Post by Deleted on Jun 11, 2018 20:21:28 GMT -5

Most girls are smart & strong & beautiful
Most girls, work hard, go far, we are unstoppable
@terrianne | outfit
Summer had finally started and Delia was so damn happy. Things had changed so much since last summer and everything seemed like it was turning around. Last year she had watched as she lost a great deal of friends to the muggleborn registration; She had watched Jesse be taken, too. It was strange to think she had actually been happy about that at the time. She knew the boy could be quite the pain in the ass and when she saw that he had headed her advice she felt as though a thousand tons had been lifted from her shoulders. He hadn't believed her about her gift at first, neither had her mum. It had been easier to convince her, though. Jesse hadn't listened to her first warning, the warning she and her mum had given him about returning to Hogwarts after the attack on Diagon Alley. They had pleaded with him not to go, but he was stuborn and did so anyways. When it came to her second warning he was a bit more cautious, and it had saved his life. She had told him, point blank, sign the papers or die. That was what she had seen in her vision, as small a snippet as it had been. She had saw him cursed and killed. 

Last summer had been extremely hard for her. The stress of seeing her friends taken away, being stuck in the castle during the shutdown, not being sure whether she, her mum, or her friends were safe. Or if they would ever be safe again... She had become very withdrawn, reclusive even. It wasn't like her, but then again she wasn't really her. Only an empty shell. She hadn't known how to cope, so she didn't. She had let the sorrow overwhelm her and it came to the point that her mother had to intervene. She basically had kicked Delia out and told her not to come back until she found her real daughter. It would have been comical, had she not been so down and out, but she did as told. She had wandered around London for a while before finding her way to a muggle friend's house. By the end of the day she was finally starting to unwind, it was easier in the muggle world to do that. There were no worries there, not like the wizarding world. So when her friends had asked her to go out she was actually willing. 

She hadn't expected to run into Jesse at the pub that night but she had. He didn't look the same, older somehow, but it was still him. She had practically abandoned her friends and spent the whole night talking to him about Kolna, registration and everything he had missed in the outside world. That encounter had changed her entire summer and she took on the new duty of being Delia-Do-Gooder. She spent so much of her time babysitting and doing odd jobs to make the cash needed to buy supplies to sneak in to Kolna and the rest of her time actually sneaking it in. Jesse was pretty good at being sneaky, so it had been her job to be a distraction for the most part. They had a system, it worked, and she tried her best to make things just the tiniest bit better for the poor people who lived in Kolna. Last summer she had a sense of duty, and purpose.

This summer was different. There was no more Kolna, no more muggleborn housing. They were living better lives now, and that meant that Delia-Do-Gooder was no longer needed. She was pretty happy about that. This was her last summer break before graduation. Her last hoorah before she became a true adult and had to begin working, or more schooling, or whatever the hell she was going to do. Honestly, she wasn't sure. She thought of becoming a journalist, maybe. Write horoscopes or something. That would be perfect for her. The pay probably wouldn't be much, but she wouldn't care. Money meant nothing to the girl. Happiness was the only thing that mattered.

Her goal was to be happy. Not just this summer, but forever! Maybe. Hopefully! Delia wanted to have as much fun as she could stand this summer, which was made slliiiightly difficult by the fact that her best friend Terrianne was going to be dipping out on her so much! Vacation, Spain, BLAH! She supposed that maybe she could hang out with Jesse and Truly, though he wasn't exactly sure about the second option. She seemed nice enough but Delia didn't know her. The way she saw it she had to start trying to get to know her. She was practically a member of her fucked up family at this point, Delia knew it as soon as she had saw the way Jesse looked at her. Never in all her years of knowing him had she seen him look at anyone quite like that. Or anything. Not even pasta, and that was saying something. Yes, Truly was clearly a big deal and so she would try and get to know her.

So, in her attempt at being a decent...Whatever the hell she was. Sister-type-ordeal-majiggy, she was going to make an effort. And Delia, being Delia, decided that meant buying Truly a gift. She had invited Terrianne along, not really explaining why other than she just wanted to hang out with her. The smell of wood chips filled the air as the two entered the noisy little shop. Merlin, did she freaking love pet stores. The smell of bedding, hooting owls, all that. It was her love of the place which had convinced her to try and find Truly's gift here. Delia walked in ahead of her friend scrunching her lips and wiggling them as she looked slowly around the store.

"I'm not entirely sure what it is I want here," she warned just as an owl came swooping atop her hat. It was a tiny elf owl bouncing around the wide brim of her hat. She turned excitedly to her friend trying to suppress a laugh. GAH did she love pet stores! The tiny owl was letting out a string of excited sounds as he hopped and she was absolutely certain that she was not going to ruin his good time. "OK, we've got a shopping assistant." Delia chuckled as she turned slowly back trying not to alarm the little creature. "So....Hypothetically-" she continued over the happy owl noises, "-if you were to buy a gift for someone whom you know nothing about, what would you likely give?"
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Post by Deleted on Jul 31, 2018 5:10:52 GMT -5

It was about time that the school year ended. Terrianne was beyond thrilled because this meant that she had not one, but two vacations coming up. One with her recently remarried parents, and one with her boyfriend. She hadn't gotten to spend as much time with him as she wanted to. She wasn't an intern second semester, and has just pretty much laid around doing nothing unless someone dragged her to Hogsmead. But then, she had seen him, and he has been so pathetic that it hurt. She had missed him and Merlin help her but she loved that blasted fool.

She wasn't sure why Delia had pulled her along on the trip, or why they were in a petshop. She wasnt sure if Delia could even keep a pet alive, but it could be for Isaiah, or Jesse for all she knew. She wasnt sure that getting a muggleborn a pet was a good idea when they had so little idea of what would happen in the future.But she had her own reasons for that, she pulled her red hair over her shoulder and looked around at the displays of kittens and puppies. Laughing as they fought to get her attention. Okay, so maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.

Terrianne picked up one of the little kittens and held it close to her and looked to her friend as she began to speak. ” Well, you would need to take into account her lifestyle, how much time she has to take care of said gift, and if she has any allergies to anything. “ she said laughing as the kitten began to play with her and attacked her hair happily.

”Theoretically, an owl or owl related items are great. However, if there is more than one person in the home to take care of it, a kitten or cat is always a good option in my opinion.” She said before putting the feisty kitten down.
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Post by Deleted on Aug 5, 2018 0:12:44 GMT -5

Take into account her lifestyle. Hmmmm. Delia scrunched her nose trying to think of just what sort of lifestyle Truly had these days. In school she always seemed to be a busy bee; she was head girl, running between classes and....some sort of internship. Delia didn't really know exactly what she was interning for but she was sure that if anything there had been an internship aspect to her life. Surely she had to reconnect with Jesse somehow? Or perhaps she had send an owl to Pyxis as as shot in the dark to start speaking with him again. Honestly, she didn't know and it really wasn't of any interest of hers to know. Not now, at least. It wouldn't help her to shop for the lass! She had to really think about this gift giving business from a new perspective.

"You would gift a stranger a whole cat?" Delia questioned as she turned slowly back to her friend with perked brow. "Well, of course and entire cat. Not that they come in pieces, that would be...morbid. But a pet of any kind might be too large of a commitment, don't you think?" The owl atop her had bopped around excitedly peeking over the edge at her with cocked head. "Then again, maybe it's the right sort of commitment. Like yes, you are in my life now, I've gotten you this kitten, you must now stick around. Wait--" she blinked slightly confused, "--that sounds like entrapment. I do know that this person does have an owl. Do they make, like.....owl bracelets?"

An owl bracelet. It seemed like a funny sort of gift, one that-- if it existed, she would actually purchase for her own owls. Delia took the hat from her head watching the owl as she slowly brought it out in front of her. Maybe this trip she'd even acquire another owl. She gasped, looking disappointingly at her friend. "What if she has a boy owl? I'd have to get him, owl watch. You know what, never mind. A kitten is sounding rather good right about now."