Fools Gold [Kristina]

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Post by Deleted on Jun 18, 2018 15:51:26 GMT -5

I fell for fools gold 
Did it all in the name of love
Outfit @kristina
He had insisted that they meet, after all his friend and his girlfriend, why shouldn't they meet, right? They were connected by Alfie and that was the most important connection to As I. She had so few friends . With Sera gone she didn't have many people to count on any more. She had Nick, but he was in the same boat as Alfie, constantly busy. She wanted more friends, she needed them really, but it always seemed like the people that were around were not people that she could trust, people who did not trust her. With her past she liked to think that it was understandable, how she could be. So odd, so disconnected from the world around her, and yet somehow so present. It didn't make things any easier for her in the friends department, but she was trying.

Alfie was pretty much the only good thing in her life, the only good thing that she had had, something to look forward to, and maybe someone to come home to some day. That would be something good, something worth fighting for, but to her at least they already were the thing, the one thing that meant more than anything else in the world. She didn't ever want to loose it or jinx it, because she knew what what would mean, how dangerous for her that it would be. She had fought so hard to recover to where she was, to make things better for herself. Her life had been robbed from her, it had been taken along with her family and she had been nothing more than a pawn, a token in a war that didn't even exist. A prophecy that had only been about Katarzyna and her life, not a bout anything super serious if that was even serious after all what is one less insane Death Eater.

A diner seemed like good plan for them to meet. Then she could hide her emberassment behind her milkshake and burger. She snagged a booth and began looking over her menu while she waited on the other woman to arrive.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 27, 2018 20:48:28 GMT -5

I was feeling like myself for the first time
In a long time, 'Till I bumped into some of your friends
@arianna | outfit
Arianna was someone Kris had saw as a friend many moons ago. In school she had thought them close but after graduation they had lost touch. Kris had lost touch with pretty much everyone, that was no surprise, but when she had returned their friendship sort of sputtered until it stopped. She couldn't even remember the last time she had seen the lass, let alone went to lunch with her. And this time it felt....odd. Awkward, a little. Alfie had become a good friend of hers and they had gotten intimate, more intimate than any standard dealer-buyer relationship really should have but she didn't care. She had liked him since forever. He was funny and so, so cute. So why wouldn't she have let things go as far as they had? It wasn't as though he was in a relationship back then. She was pretty sure he hadn't...though it wasn't really like she had asked. It was more assumed than anything. Alfie didn't seem like the player type, certainly he had been single.

Now he wasn't though and Kris, being a now decent friend of his, was obliged to meet his girlfriend. Well, meet her again. Meet her some more, she guessed. It had been so long since they had really been friend friends, maybe she was a different person now. Maybe it would be a good thing to meet her and catch up. Kris had cared a lot about her, once. She was actually looking forward to hearing how her old friend was.

Kris had, in proper Kristina fashion, been late. Not much! A few minutes was all it was but it had made the likelihood of Arianna beating her and snagging a booth much more likely. She had saw the brunette woman sitting alone just as she suspected the might be. A cheerful smile perked across her lips as she made her way over. "Ari, babe, it's been ages!" Merlin, hopefully this damn girl remembered her or she'd look batty as all get out. "How are things, love?" Kris scooted in the seat opposite of the beautiful woman.

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Post by Deleted on Jul 19, 2018 20:31:39 GMT -5

With her history there were times that she wished that she hadn’t fought it, that she had just given in and been who they had told her to, done what they had told her to. Maybe She wouldn’t be so scared, so broken and uncertain about every little thing in her life. She had been through so much in the last few years and she knew that a lot of it was all on her own shoulders. That it was her own fault. WIll, Seamus, LIam. She had a problem and she had been trying to handle it. She didn’t need them to be okay. She needed to be needed and she had that with Alfie.

She wasn’t self conscious about herself anymore. He told her on a daily basis that she was pretty. He told her all the time that she was worthy, and that she had no reason to feel like shit about herself, he made her feel like she ws a goddess,and that had made her confident. He spoiled her, cared about her and it made her heart pitter patter.

Kris had been a friend a long time ago, back when Ari was broken, when she had secrets that she couldn’t tell. When she was hurt and bleeding but had to put on that smile and say that she was okay. After school had ended she had not been allowed to keep contact with much of anyone. She hadn’t been able to have friends or anyone that she could tell what was happening to her. Then when she had escaped she hadn’t been in a place to speak to anyone really. It had taken a long time to put herself together again, but she was better now. She would be okay now.

The woman walked in and Ari smiled. She had not changed much at all and it made her smile. ”I ordered a minute ago but they said that they would wait for you to get here before making it for me.” She said with a small smile and tucked hair behind her ear. ”Things are good! Much better than… well ever, really.” She said with a weak smile. ”How funny is it that we reconnected through Alfie?!”