Gone Give it to ya [Kris and Wyatt

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Post by Deleted on Jun 25, 2018 21:07:07 GMT -5

Knock knock, open up the door, it's real

Wit the non-stop, pop pop and stainless steel

Go hard gettin busy wit it

But I got such a good heart
First we gonna ROCK, Then we gonna ROLL
@kristina @wyatt  
Location: Kent, England
date: May 31st 2018

They had done it. Okay she had done it. He had been in a box pretty much pretending that he didn't exist. He had gotten himself into the mess and Wyatt and this chick, Kristina had gotten him out. She was a hot little thing and he had been flirting up a storm, smirking and watching her kick some righteous ass. Oh and the accent added into it. He was going to have a hard time not giving Wyatt shit over her, and of course this meant that he was totally going to chasing after her. He was not going to let this go, not by any chance ever.  He wasn't going to let anything get in the way of him getting this girl and he was almost certain that she could tell. 

He was sure that Wyatt was going to give him shit but he didn't care. He was sitting at the table drinking his lemonade like nothing had happened, like he didn't have broken ribs, fractured fingers and a concussion but it was all good. He didn't care about anything other than being free. He was happy to just be going home. He wanted to sleep but he knew that he couldn't 
he new that he wasn't gonna get any, but just getting to lay on his couch would be great. 

"Know when he's gonna show there sweets?" 
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Post by Deleted on Jun 29, 2018 23:29:15 GMT -5

me to you, you to me
i'm loving every whisper, love the way you tease
@ezra | @wyatt | outfit
Getting Ezra into the UK was a little challenging and she was more than proud of her accomplishment. It had been the first time she had ever smuggled someone from so far and she had done so from an entirely different country. She was so entirely pleased with herself and she was anxiously awaiting Wyatt's face when he saw proof of her diligence. It would be like watching a kid open a gift at Christmas. Well, maybe. She had no idea, actually. This was her first ever reunion. Usually she got folks in or got them out; she had never really hand delivered anyone before. Something about Ezra told her it would be a good idea to do so. He was, obviously, prone to shenanigans. Couldn't let him leave her sight for a moment. Or maybe she just didn't want to stop looking at him even for a moment?

The picture Wyatt had given her in his file hadn't done him justice and his voice? Merlin have mercy, he made her weak. It didn't help that every time he seemed to show off his handsome accent he was saying something so utterly flirtatious that she was having a hard time not flirting back. She had blown him off at first but damn was he persistent. Her naturally flirty behavior had sort of made an appearance once they were back in the UK. She was determined to watch her tongue in front of Wyatt. She was, after all, a professional. It would be bad business to be flirting with the cargo.

"He shouldnae be much longer--" She said flashing him a smile. Sweets, aye he's at it again. "--After all yer paid for, babe. And I'll no being giving returns." Kris winked at him before turning to look at the door just as someone entered.
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Post by Deleted on Jul 13, 2018 9:28:32 GMT -5

Why was it so hard to get the smirk off his face around this woman?! He had worked with women before, yes. He did it all the time. Maybe it was because it had been so long since he had needed to have his ass saved by anyone but Wyatt? Years maybe? He could usually work his way out of that, and more often than not ended up finding a job for the crew while he was doing it, but that was easy. Getting back to the crew and not losing his cover was the harder part. High profile jobs often meant expenses and he had run out of funds a long time back. She had somehow managed to get him back in though and he was pretty impressed. Whether or not she ended up joining the crew, that was another matter entirely.

She was a Scot and he an American. Two different sides of the pond and yet two people that most Brits underestimated. He could easily say that he had enjoyed every dangerous moment when they had been together. ”Well, here I was thinking that you would just keep me until he paid, but lookie here, Kane paying up front like a gentleman and all.” He smirked and rolled his eyes. Wyatt would be there shortly but the door that opened wasn’t him.

”He’s probably held up with something, knowing him he rode on his bike and I get to ride bitch again with that little pink helmet. Bastard.” He knew that she would laugh at him, he was funny after all, but watching her flirt and knowing that he was getting under her skin was so worth it. ”Ya know, if you keep flirting back like this, I might just have to take you seriously and call your bluff. After all, I won the bet about the bridge and you still owe me that kiss you know.” He had called that the bridge they had needed to be open would be closed and it had added hours to their journey, but he had won and they had shaken on it. So now he was just waiting on the payment.

He leaned closer and was smirking, his eyes locked on hers when the door opened and he shrugged.” But it looks like will have to wait for another time,.” he said as he leaned away. ”My idiot in a tinfoil hat is here.”
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Post by Deleted on Jul 15, 2018 21:28:42 GMT -5

Her life had been in shambles, then disarray, and now she was finally starting to get things in order. Every part of the last year had felt like a necessity in creating the life that she wanted for herself, one that wasn't so fucking boring that she wanted to cry. One that she actually felt content waking up to; one that didn't make her feel like she was falling into a sinkhole that was only sinking further every day. There were a lot of habits she'd started that weren't exactly great, but she was dealing with them. Drinking, for one, or rather trying not to drink so damn much was one of the many things she was working on. In January, after her breakdown, she had been drinking to the point of excesss. She had been masking her fear and feelings with a fifth of vodka every chance she got and it wasn't good for her. The things it brought weren't good for her.

The drinking had been the first domino to topple. It felt innocent and fine at first, after all she had drank before. She was a casual drinker before which made it even easier to brush off the fact that she had been indulging a little too much. She had been a casual smoker too, and not the type that smokes cigarettes. But that had been the next domino to fall. Mary-Jane wasn't exactly the biggest drug problem she had but the fact that there was even a problem to be had said something. She had begun doing a lot of drugs when the drinking hadn't been enough. Muggle ones, wizard ones, whatever it took. She liked the feel especially of club drugs. Molly's, MDMA, anything that paired well with a drink. It made things fun, made her life feel fun again. She needed that. 

The drugs had sort of segwayed her into the casual sex scene. Everyone wanted to get high, get drunk, and get laid and she was no different. Those types of drugs made it even more appealing and once she started she didn't really know if she wanted to stop. That was until she began really thinking about her business, or rather the business she could have if she tried. Smuggling had come to her as a joke. She had been supplying a few friends with her own home-grown variety of plants, as well as a few potions she had mixed up herself, and they had jokingly said that she aught to start a business! She could smuggle her goods all over the world! Well, that sort of self-destructive plan sounded really damn good.

So she had started the business and with that she began to slowly reel herself back. Did she still drink? Oh hell yes. Did she still do drugs? Meh, occasionally, though still a smoker through and through. And did she still partake in casual sex? From time to time. She wasn't exactly ashamed of that fact either nor was she ashamed to admit to herself when she was tempted to give in to her wants. Ezra hadn't been making that very easy but, just as her business had reeled her in before, it was reeling her in still.

"Aye, and who say's I might no' keep you still? You're already paid up, yer in my care, I'd say that makes ye as good as free." Kristina crinkled her nose with a smile, perking her brow at him. "Unfortunately for you, babe, I'm a decent enough business woman to keep my word. So I've got to deliver you. What a shame." She shook her head sorrowfully though the smile still on her face played off that she was kidding. Speaking of delivering where was Wyatt? Kristina glanced at the watch on her wrist as her fingers drummed against the table. She was in no hurry to get rid of the lad, far from it, but she wanted to know that the job was complete. She delivered, things were done, and her wages had been well earned.

Ezra spoke of Wyatt being on his bike and she couldn't stop herself from laughing. It came out a burst at first but she had quieted herself, and was snickering into the back of her hand just imagining the pink helmet atop his rugged features. "Now I'm hoping he did--" Kris said taking Ezra's lemonade and drinking it for herself with a playful grin, "--I want the last memory I have of you to be riding off into the sunset with a pink helmet on. Though I doubt I'll not be seeing the likes of you again.

Kristina couldn't help but be a little flirtatious, especially when he was so...well, himself! She was actually sort of sad to know he'd be going and that, maybe, she'd never see his goofy self again. That was part of the job, though. She wasn't paid to befriend, she was paid to deliver him safely. "Aye," she smiled putting his glass back in front of him, "I'm still in your debt. Maybe I'll repay you once you get on the back of the bike." She crinkled her nose again in a playful smile. "That way everyone knows yer the one wearin' the pants, even if you're riding bitch."

He had begun to lean toward her and she felt her heart quicken a bit, her eyes playfully set on his. Merlin, it was like a school aged crush all over again. For a real moment she thought that maybe he would kiss her, or her him, payment or not she had wanted to. It was then that the door bell had chimed again and another person had entered. This time it had been Wyatt. Kris blinked herself out of their moment as he leaned away, making herself refocus on the job at hand. She turned her head to see Wyatt as he came to their table.

@ezra & @wyatt | OUTFIT

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