Beautiful Undone

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Post by Deleted on Jun 27, 2018 11:46:10 GMT -5

I took you walking
Through the murmurations of my mind
And I got you talking
About the ones you thought you left behind
@corwin - outfit
It was a slow process, trying to get herself out of the house more often. She liked to think that she was managing it better lately. She went out for walks every day at least, she went to the local shops for all her necessities instead of ordering by owl. It made her interact with other people more and it was harmless in such a small village as Sidhe. There were only magical folk, people who had known her grandparents and parents. They were kind, though they were always surprised to see her. It made her a bit embarrassed, as if her staying in her house all the time had been common knowledge of the entire place. She hadn't meant for it to be so... generalised. She realised that people didn't know that she did go on walks through the forest and the fields every day, if only to clear her head, but she didn't think they'd so readily assume she was a shut in. Which she was, but it was still somewhat... not exactly something she wanted to admit to. She was working on it, she was trying to get better. She tried to go to Diagon Alley often, though she did usually escape to the shop's silent sanctuary. Other times she just went to bookshops or got ice cream, or tried to find a quiet table in a corner somewhere. She liked watching the people, she was slowly getting used to crowded places, but interacting with them was something she was still nervous about.

Even so, she had talked to Gal and they had agreed that it would help her to go to the shop more often. She knew everything about the wands just fine, she was a wandmaker herself. If she somehow had to deal with clients, she could. Otherwise, she would just be visiting. That was nice. She tried to be there a few times a week, she had managed several hours on Monday before she'd realised she was too tired to keep talking to anyone. Socialising was an exhausting thing, though she liked to think she was improving. Even today, she had not talked herself out of going, unlike yesterday. No, today she'd gotten up. Done her job. Cleaned up a bit. Taken a bath, and then gotten ready to go to Diagon Alley. It was a simple enough process, but her anxiety made things a bit harder than it ought to be. She'd not always been an anxious person. Somehow it had surged after being cooped inside the house for many years. Ollivanders were quiet people, at least on her side of the family, and having lived with only elderly Ollivanders most of her life had made her appreciate such conduct. That was not to say that she couldn't interact with others. It just left her a bit thrown.

Were her efforts to get out of the house more prompted by Corwin Slughorn's prodding at her self imposed isolation? Perhaps. They'd met only once and had written a few times since then, but he always did ask if she'd managed to get out of the house more. She could when she wanted to, she'd just never seen much of a reason to. People couldn't all be social butterflies like him, Merlin's sakes. Still, Gael would admit that it had prompted her to try a bit harder. She'd never been a contrary person, but she here she was. Doing her braids to go out and not look like a complete slob. How had she gotten to this point? That was the question. Her nan would have a right laugh if she'd been alive to hear a man had taunted her into doing anything at all, especially one younger than her who she'd met exactly once. One time. Merlin and Morgana.

Halting, she heard the doorbell. That was odd. She wasn't expecting anyone. Her only visitors were clients. So she went downstairs, looking through the peephole in the door. "Corwin?" Speak of the devil. That was right, though, wasn't it? He'd mentioned he would stop by this week. Or... last week. At some point. She imagined he was a busy person. Swinging the door open, she looked up at him with surprise on her face. "I wasn't expecting you. Uhm- come on in." She stepped aside to let him pass.