Is This Too Cheesy?

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Post by Deleted on Jul 8, 2018 20:58:52 GMT -5

Remember when we use to be
Everything they ever need
OPEN | outfit 
Harriet was driving Autumn absolutely mad, as of late. She was a Welsh Green that Autumn looked after at the Institute and, normally, adored. But the teenage dragon was going through some sort of sassy teenage phase and it was getting old. She had heard from her mother and a few of her friends that teenage girls were an absolute nightmare but she never dreamed it would translate to dragons as well. Teenage girls may be sassy but at least they weren't spitting fire. Harriet had nearly gotten her twice in the last month and, had it not been for quick wand work, would have gotten her again today. As annoying as it was Autumn enjoyed it. She was getting older, her maternal instincts were still strong, and with no babies of her own to care for she found the dragons held the space in her heart for such things.

It was the reason she had come to Caw's in search of cheese. She had found only recently that Harriet was a sucker for Gouda cheese. If Autumn kept some on her person then the grouchy girl would simmer down enough for her to do what needed to be done. Today she had, unfortunately, run out as did the dragon's patience. So she had made the trip to stock up in hopes that she wouldn't run out again in the middle of her duties with the dragon again. Autumn held about four moderately portioned wheels of the cheese in her arms when she heard someone come up next to her. "Hello," she greeted politely, briefly glancing at them. She realize how cheese crazy she must have looked to whoever it was next to her and she looked back at them somewhat embarrassed. "This cheese isn't all for me--" she chuckled trying to explain herself. "I promise, I'm not a cheese crazed maniac."