Sicker Than Siq [Z]

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Post by Deleted on Sept 4, 2018 20:10:16 GMT -5


On a scale from one to dumb as shit how would you rate our brilliant idea to go out with WS2? haha Girl I am so fucking sick this is an abomination! Like I kind of thought when Van said he was sick he meant like siq, like has mad skills. I don't know, I'm obviously too many bowls in on this life and my two working brain cells are hanging by a thread. Thought I'd use em to write you and see how your fine ass is feelin? If you're healthy then suck a pickle I hate you haha nah I'm just playing I hope you are cuz this is the worst shit ever, honestly. 

If you are sick though you should come see me. Like, I know you can't right now but I'm doing that eyebrow thing. You know the one, yeaaaaah. Not just for some sexual healing either but also I ain't gonna fight ya haha I just miss your face, y'know? Yikes, that sounds bad. Pinky promise Z I'm not trippin haha idk I think I'm sick and bored and just want some chillin to occur pronto. I'm tryin not to smoke up because honestly it'd be a waste my heads cloudy as it is haha So I mean, yeah. If you're bored come by me. We can waste the day, write shit, try to fucking get that dumb ass Marvin Gaye song out of my head haha If you got that sexy sick voice we can record some shit like that episode of Friends with Phoebe. If you know that one, if not then fucking come over and watch it ya wench!

Just come by me. Bitch -wink n' mwah-