It's Suddenly Very Important That I Get Drunk.

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Post by Deleted on Sept 7, 2018 8:44:38 GMT -5

Claire Olivia Cornette
by Quinn
blood status
sexual orientation
(Un)Welcome Witch at St. Mungo's | Champion of the 2018 Wizarding Hotdog Eating Contest
general appearance
“I’m gorgeous, what more is there to say? Amiright?” No Claire, you’re drunk. Claire Cornette is short, standing at only 5’1”, but she prefers to wear chunky heels and shoes with a bit of a height boost. No one seems to notice that she’s so short, though. Blame it on the personality that seems to take up thirteen rooms all by itself. Her hair is blonde – unnaturally so – but ask her and she’ll tell you that she “got it from her mama,” or some other lie. She has blue eyes and pretty features, though they’re usually scrunched up in annoyance. Claire prefers to wear casual clothes and usually pushes the boundaries at her job at St. Mungo’s by wearing jeans and seeing if she can get away with it (“I don’t really even stand up that much, so who cares if I’m rocking a bloody Canadian tuxedo?!”). Some people find her pretty, some people don’t…that’s just the luck of the draw. Claire carries herself with a devil-may-care attitude which, again, some people find attractive and other people find annoying.

former school
former house
Ravenclaw Quidditch Beater 6-7th Year

"University is for NERDS."
university major(s)
years attended

MAKING UP HER MIND – If there’s one thing that Claire is killer at, it’s eating a hundred hotdogs in an hour making up her mind about what she wants. She’s not one to dilly-dally on the edge of decisions, but instead jumps in with both feet. She’s usually pretty good at getting what she wants, too.

BEING HONEST – Claire’s always had a knack for honesty. Hand to Merlin, she once told her mother that her forehead pimple looked like she had sprouted another eye. Okay, so maybe this isn’t a completely positive thing, but it’s definitely something that she’s good at.

MEDICAL JARGON – She’s actually caught on pretty quickly to what everyone is saying around her. She knows all the hospital codes and how to file things in the right way. She knows how to fast tract an insurance claim right to the source. Now if she actually does it is a completely different story, but…at least she knows!

MAKING PEOPLE LAUGH – Underneath all the sass, Claire’s actually a pretty cool person. At least, to the people that she likes. She’s got a killer sense of humor and enjoys telling jokes that make other people laugh. She’s not afraid to cross some lines as long as she gets a few giggles. Plus, people laughing at what she says totally feeds her ego.

INTELLIGENCE – Although Claire’s been known to ‘fake dumb,’ she’s actually pretty smart and pretty ambitious (when she wants to be). She’s just lazy as all get out. She’d rather have drinks and appetizers than study for classes. And her ambition? Well, let’s just say she regulates it to unconventional things like being a professional eater.

REPURPOSING THINGS – Claire’s an avid antique collector and she likes to repurpose them into something different. She’s got a creative side that she rarely lets other people see into, but she actually really enjoys working with her hands and creating something new from something old.
HER JOB – It’s hard to smile all day. Like, suuuuper hard. And sometimes Claire doesn’t want to do it. Who says a Welcome Witch has to be chipper all. the. time. Well, most of the hospital staff does. But honestly? She gets more people checked in in an hour then most of the other Welcome Witches. And, she’s cuter than all of them put together so like…who’s really the loser here?

KINDNESS – Claire has a really hard time being nice to people that she doesn’t like. She also has a really difficult time pretending to be nice to people that she doesn’t like. Once she’s made up her mind about how she feels about you, it’s generally pretty hard for her to change her mind.

SLEEP – She’s a night owl, which makes it really hard to get up for work in the mornings. She’s sometimes late, but for some reason, they don’t fire her. Claire thinks it has to do with the Director having a crush on her, but listen, she’s not going to tell anyone. It’s whatever, dude.

SOBRIETY – It’s no surprise that Claire likes to drink. She’s been known to pop open a few wine coolers at lunch, but she’s never drunk when she’s working the front desk. When she goes out, she sometimes goes a little overboard, but it’s fine, right? Alcohol just amps up her hilarity. And her sass. This is fine.
positive traits
ACTIVE (She likes running and recreationally playing Quidditch, but she’ll kick your ass, I’m serious.) – FUNNY – CHARISMATIC (when she wants to be) – SUUUUPER CHILL – DECICIVE – DIRECT – INDEPDENT – KNOWLEDGABLE – PLAYFUL – INTELLEGENT
negative traits
SELFISH – HARD TIME CENSORING HERSELF – LAZY – RUDE – NOSY – SOMETIMES ASSERTIVE – IMMODEST – DISORGANIZED (this is by choice, she fully knows how to put the files away, she just chooses to leave it for another Welcome Witch)
Getting drunk – Annoying people at St. Mungo’s – Eating frozen yogurt – Getting laid (oh my god Claire, please stop) – Telling jokes – Being sassy about people checking into the hospital – Giving really bad advice to people – Calling out people who were PUSHING DURING THE EPIDEMIC X CHECK-IN – Travelling (though she’s never really had much money to do it) – RP games (like D&D) – Collecting antiques – Recreational Quidditch – Cake Decorating (“Those little flowers are tricky as shit, man.”) – Poker – Gambling in general, really – Clubbing – Drinking – Having friends over for drinking and gambling – Bartending
She ate exactly 100 hotdogs during the 2018 Wizarding Hotdog Eating Contest. She hasn't been fired yet? (This is apparently an accomplishment in her book). She's really good at taking shots and bartending. One time she hit Van Parkinson's butt in the club for 5 galleons.

character history
“Okay listen, there’s probably something you should know before I start into this whole…history thing. I’m really good at talking about myself. So if you’re intimidated by women who are really good at talking about themselves, you should probably just…go. Yes, you. Just go.

Alright, now that those assholes are out of here, let’s get on with the show. Name’s Claire Cornette. I was born at 1123 Bridgeport Ave in London to two very normal, very posh parents. I say they were posh because I don’t know how else to describe them. Honestly, I knew them for four years…what do you expect? Anyway, those four years were supposedly the best of my life. At least, that’s what everyone at the Orphanage told me. Those four years were the years that I was most loved. They were the years that I had the most going for me because after they died in a kitchen fire in ’85, I was shipped off to Safe Harbor where things changed.

I didn’t really mind being there. My first memory was waking up crying in one of the beds. Turns out, I can’t even remember what I was crying about. Some kids were so caught up with getting adopted that they forgot to stop and smell the roses (or at least, the shitty mums that were outside our window). The orphanage was a freakin’ blessing. You could pretty much do whatever you wanted and as long as you weren’t breaking things or trying to throw other kids out the window (sorry, Declan McAllister…NOT) they pretty much let you have the time of your life. I learned how to stand up for myself and defend others (after all, that’s what happens when you’re the littlest kid in the place).

Anyway, spent the next seven years there. Went to primary school, turned eleven and BOOM, it was time to start my life in the Wizarding World…or whatever you lot call it. Look, we talked about it some at the Orphanage, but I wasn’t really sure that it was for me. After all, I didn’t really exhibit much magic growing up. I sort of thought that I was a Squib. But, sure enough, I got my letter. I was eleven and on the train to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and so was Declan freakin’ McAllister. (Got I hate that kid…still hate him. Still call him a kid. Still want to hang him outside the window by his toes.)

The Sorting Hat could’ve cared less about where he placed me. They put him on my head and he was stunned silent for a second. Just sat there in all his floppy glory…waiting for me to say something. I think I turned to McGonagall and asked if this thing was on. Some of the kids in the front row laughed (that’s when I realized how much I liked making people laugh). Anyway, out of the blue, the stupid hat screams “RAVENCLAW” and I was ushered into a sea of blue and bronze.

I liked it fine enough, I guess. But I wasn’t studious like those nerds. Honestly, for years, I wondered what the hat had been thinking. Why Ravenclaw? Didn’t realize it until sixth year when they desperately needed a good right-hand swing for the Quidditch team. Sneaky little ba*tard had put me in the house of nerds because they needed a proper beater? Great.

Anyway, that was about the time that things started getting weird. That’s what happens when you go to school with Harry Potter, I guess. My sixth year was a crazy time….Death Eaters didn’t appreciate the mouth on me, so it was a lot of detention…a lot of horrible, horrible detention. But I tried not to let it get me down. Honestly, after a while, I ended up joining up with Dumbledore’s Army just to get those asshats off my case. I fought – not well – during the Battle and lived. But they wouldn’t even let me graduate early?! Where’s the humanity in that? I risked my life for Hogwarts Freaking School of Wizardry and they wouldn’t give me a year hall pass?

So I went back for my final year. Kicked butt at Quidditch, per usual. Failed most of my classes, per usual. Graduated! (Barely…)

Didn’t have to go back to the Orphanage after that, thankfully. I was 18, which meant I was ready to start my own life. As a very mundane supply store clerk. Listen, I tried out for the pro Quidditch league, but they said that I was a liability…or whatever that means. Wasn’t even drafted into Division E, but it’s fine, it’s whatever. I didn’t need them anyway! So I worked at Quality Quidditch Supply for a few years, just laying low, protecting my genius and not overworking my right arm (that arm is Quidditch gold! I’m telling you!).

It was a pretty uneventful couple of years. The older I got, the more I realized I wasn’t going to make it pro. The more I realized I wasn’t going to make it pro, the more I drank. The more I drank, the more people I slept with. It’s a really vicious cycle, okay? We don’t have to get into it. Point is, I ended up working here at St. Mungo’s about a year and a half ago. I’m surprised I haven’t been fired yet, honestly. But who’s really checking for spiked coffee when the whole world is falling apart, amiright?”

Carolyn Cornette (nee O’Brien) – Mother, Deceased, Co-owner of The Roadhouse a loooong time ago
Craig Cornette – Father, Deceased, Co-owner of The Roadhouse a loooong time ago
"Please, please, please tell me I don't have these. I would know, right? Right?"
There's a revolving door...
other family
family history
Claire thinks that her parents were “posh” but in reality, they were pretty normal human being struggling to make ends meet while owning a bar in Diagon Alley.

Carolyn O’Brien was a smart Irish girl from Cornish who was sorted into Hufflepuff during her time at Hogwarts. Fiercely loyal and not a bad bone in her body, she cared deeply about her friends and family. At least, those that she had left. As a muggleborn, her parents and siblings had been slaughtered during the First Wizarding War. But instead of descending into bitterness, she chose to make the world a better place with her bright smile and can-do attitude!

Craig Cornette was a bookish Ravenclaw with a clever business sense. Growing up, he watched his family run a small grocery store in London until they went bankrupt when he was ten. After that, he watched them struggle. His father took the hit hardest of all, passing away from a heart attack shortly thereafter the store closed. His mother passed shortly thereafter from grief.

Very much alone in the world, Craig and Carolyn found one another at Hogwarts where they had an instant connection. They married after graduating and purchased a small bar and inn at Diagon Alley which was their favorite place in the world. They welcomed all travelers, all kinds, but paid special attention to the weary travelers and those who seemed to be alone. They were good people. And when they got pregnant, they were over the moon.

For four years following the birth of Claire, they spoiled her beyond belief. She was the one connection to family that they had – she was their everything. For four years, Claire was a happy child and toddler. She rarely cried and rarely sassed.

But everything changed the night of the kitchen fire. Working late, Craig and Carolyn were the only two in the kitchen when the gas line caught. They died in excruciating pain. Sometimes, Claire swears she can still hear their screams from the top apartment of The Roadhouse. But ask her about it and she’ll say she can’t remember a single thing before she was five.

I posted something about a sassy welcome witch in #updates, and now here we are.
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Admin Morgan
Admin Morgan Avatar
8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Sept 8, 2018 19:15:05 GMT -5
