Everybody Starts at Zero

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Post by Deleted on Oct 3, 2018 11:02:35 GMT -5

Heathwood “Zero” Zachariah Bailey (Fontaine)
by Quinn
blood status
sexual orientation
Riding Instructor at Western Sky Stables | Groom at Western Sky Stables
general appearance
Zero – and please call him Zero, he really hates Heathwood – stands at about six feet tall and is in considerably good shape. Muscled, though not overly so, it’s obvious that he spends a lot of time in the stables, shoveling and working with the horses. He prefers to wear casual clothes – things that he can ride and work in. His dark hair is kept a little longer, usually flopping around his face and his eyes – those bright blue, piercing eyes – they seem a little wolf-like. If he takes off his shirt, you’re liable to see a smattering of scars covering his torso. He’s…a werewolf.

former school
former house
“Er…nobody died?” He was a Beater for six years, kicked ass at Wizards Chess, and was surprisingly good with Magical Creatures, but he’d rather let everyone believe that he was a dumb jock.

university major(s)
years attended

GUITAR: Zero can play a mean riff on the guitar. He prefers acoustic and has an old guitar that he picked up in America a few years back. If things are slow around the stables, you’ll find him picking his way through an old 60s or 70s song that he says, “really calms down the horses.” He can sing, too, though he doesn’t really want anyone to know that, except the horses.

HORSEBACK RIDING: He’s a good rider – started taking lessons when he was thirteen because his psychiatrist said it would help him get ahold of his anxiety issues. When he’s riding, there’s really no time to think about his family or what he doesn’t know. The only thing he can think about is the wind in his hair and the sound of hooves on the ground.

SURVIVAL SKILLS: Hunting, gathering…it all sort of comes naturally for someone who’s a werewolf. He’s been at this since he was twelve and has seen a thing or two. He spent a few years on his own in the woods during the summers, so Zero knows how to make sure that he stays alive. He also knows which berries you definitely shouldn’t eat.

READING: As much as he likes to pretend that he’s all rough and tumble, Zero really enjoys Shakespeare and Chaucer. He’s read all the history books about Hogwarts since coming to the UK. There have even been a few romance novels in his repertoire, though he’ll swear up and down that they belong to Tess.

ADVENTURE: It’s not that Zero likes getting himself into trouble…he just likes pushing the boundaries. He’s always trying new things, exploring new places, running off in the middle of the day because the “horses need a break,” when in reality, it’s him who needs a break. He needs adventure just like he needs air or water.

TEACHING: Zero’s an old soul sometimes. He has a gentle hand with the horses and especially with newer riders. He’s been doing this for more than a few years and knows how to teach people to ride. He’s also really good at vocabulary lessons and chess, though he’s less inclined to teach people that sort of stuff.
GETTING PERSONAL: There are a lot of things about Zero that he doesn’t know – who his family is, who bit him, where he came from…all of those things worry him. On the other side of the spectrum, there are a lot of things about himself that he does know: first and foremost, that he is a werewolf. Because of this, he doesn’t like to get close to people that aren’t his pack. He’s afraid that he could hurt them…or maybe even that they could hurt him.

TEMPER: Zero gets worked up about things fairly easily. He doesn’t like personal questions or people who pry too much into his business. He likes to maintain a professional relationship with those he teaches lessons, too. His temper also gets in the way of his Change. That’s the reason he’s so diligent with his Wolfsbane. Without it, Zero’s afraid of what he might do.

SENSE OF SELF: He’s a werewolf, he knows that. Zero also knows how to take care of himself. However, there’s a part of him that really struggles knowing that he’s not quite sure where he came from. Sure, he had foster parents for a few years, but after he was bit at 12, he lost all contact with them. He’s never really had a place that he belonged…at least, not until he met Contessa.

HIS PACK: They’re the only family that he’s ever known – the only people that he really allows to know and understand him. His pack are among his best friends and he would do anything for them.

WILD CARD: Spontaneous, Zero often dances to the beat of his own drum. It’s not uncommon for him to get a bug up his ass about something and disappear for a few hours trying to run out his thoughts and frustrations. He craves adventure and the feeling of the wind in his hair. Sometimes, there’s no telling what he might do or where he might run. He’s also not used to having people look after him, so he sometimes forgets to tell his pack where he’s going.

SARCASTIC: He’s got an attitude. It’s easier to pretend that he’s a dumb jock, rather than let people know just how smart he is, so Zero’s inclined to hide behind his sarcasm. Though, most people know that being sarcastic and witty takes just as much in the intelligence department.

positive traits
negative traits
Horseback riding + Candle making (weird, but he says he can make a mean vanilla chai candle) + Reading + Taking care of animals, not just horses — Zero is also really skilled with caring for magical creatures and might’ve been a Magizoologist in another life + Meeting new people, and teaching them the art of horseback riding + Camping — a night under the stars does wonders for his anxiety + Hanging out with his pack + Telling stories by the fire + Playing guitar + Turning into a werewolf (errr…sometimes. He likes the freedom of running with a pack, but not the uncertainty of what they might do without Wolfsbane) + Giving riding lessons + Babysitting younger pack members and teaching them how to harness their powers + He’s fairly decent at woodworking + Vinyl records and classic 70s rock + LEATHER JACKETS and FLOPPY HAIR + He’s got a total soft spot for brunettes, though he can’t say he’s had any lasting relationships + Reading horoscopes and doing the opposite (what a Taurus, am I right?)
He's really good at being a Groom. Hasn't ever kept a girlfriend more than a month. Probably voted Best Hair.

character history
Heathwood Bailey can’t remember much about his childhood. Maybe that was the reason that he earned his nickname at the orphanage. Zero. A blank slate.

Born a twin, Heathwood never knew his family. Not even Agatha, his sister. His childhood was marked by trauma. The grizzly murder of his father by his own mother because he was a wizard. The deranged woman would have killed her children, too, if the Aurors hadn’t arrived. Heathwood and Agatha were taken into protective custody. For the children’s safety, they were obliviated and given to the local orphanage for adoption. Agatha was adopted just after her first birthday and taken to England, but Heathwood remained at the Orphanage until his seventeenth birthday.

Growing up an orphan was difficult. Growing up without the twin he never knew was perhaps even more so. Though Heathwood had no memory of Agatha, he always felt like a part of him was missing.

When he was ten — right before he received his invitation to attend Ilvermorny — Heathwood started volunteering at a local horse stable. He couldn’t pay for lessons, but they let him muck the stables in exchange for some rides. They called him “charity work.” A nice elderly couple with a good heart, the Martins, took pity on the young orphan boy.

His first few years of schooling were uneventful. Sorted into Thunderbird, he played by the rules and flew under the radar. Here, he wasn’t Heathwood. He wasn’t the poor, poor orphan boy that everyone knew from back home. He could be whoever he wanted, so he took to the nickname he had earned while at the orphanage: Zero.

The summer after his second year of school, Zero was out late at night finishing up at the stables when he heard a horse being attacked outside. Without thinking, he ran out and found himself face-to-face with a werewolf. He was injured — bitten and mauled — thankfully, the Martins were Squibs and knew how to treat the wounds. Zero survived, but he carried with him a terrible burden after that.

He became a better Beater, gaining a first-string spot on the Thunderbird team and found himself more and more interested in Care of Magical Creatures. Of course, many knew about the injury that had befallen him that summer and treated him differently. He was a social outcast, a pariah. But to Zero, it didn’t matter, because when summers came around, he could go right back to living his own life and not worry about what everyone else thought.

He continued with his horseback riding career: when he was fifteen and old enough to hold a real job, the stables hired him as an official groom, responsible for caring for the horses. In exchange, he took a cut paycheck and got to ride whenever he wanted. He fell in love with horses and with stable life. It was easy to be himself…whoever that was…when it was just him and the horses.

Some might think that being a werewolf would put the mares on edge, but on the contrary: they always seemed to trust Zero. Always seemed to gravitate towards him.

Zero finished his final year at Ilvermorny, but instead of going back to the Martin’s stable as he had intended, he got an owl that they had decided to close up shop and retire. On their recommendation, he traveled across the pond to work for a notorious Stable in England with Contessa West. She’s become a mentor to him over the past few months and since joining her pack has a new respect for what it means to be a werewolf.

Anthony Zachariah Fontaine – Wizard, Deceased Murdered at age 34
Scarlett Lucrezia Fontaine (nee Barebone – though she never gave Tony her true maiden name, instead going by Scarlett Blight) – No-Maj (though her family is descended from Scourers and once had magic), 50, Imprisoned by the MACUSA for crimes against the Wizarding Community and Murder
@contessa – Tess deserves to be on here. She’s basically a mom to Zero, anyway.
Agatha Regent (Fontaine) – 18, Unknown Twin Sister, Student at Lufkin University, Obliviated and knows nothing about her family or Zero
other family
family history
Anthony Fontaine came from a long line of American Wizards – Thodard Fontaine was one of the original twelve Aurors in the United States. Anthony’s cousin, Agilbert Fontaine is currently the Headmaster of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A family well-known in the community, they were heavily involved in United States politics and considered themselves to be well-versed in Transfiguration and book writing.

Tony himself was rather dim compared to the rest of his family, but his name carried him far. He worked in the speech writing department of MACUSA before retiring early to advise political campaigns in the No-Maj world. It was in this world that he met Scarlett Blight.

Scarlett Blight – or Barebone, as she was known to her family, was descended from a long line of Scourers in the United States (the very Barebone family that was responsible for Rapport’s Law in the Americas). In 1790, the Barebone family was almost single-handedly responsible for exposing a magical presence in the United States. Following their son’s Bartholomew’s arrest, the rest of the family ran, hiding themselves in secret until they could be sure that MACUSA had stopped looking for them. In an official report to the International Confederation of Wizards, at a public inquiry, President Rapport (the MACUSA President at the time) was forced to report that she could not be sure that every last person privy to this leak had been obliviated, especially given they could not find Bartholomew’s cousins.

So, the Barebone family faded in existences and assumed new identities as the Blights. A family fixated on the idea of exposing the magical community, they worked tirelessly to find and exterminate wizards. A few of them have been known US serial killers, though their prey was not random, as the news reported: it was strictly magical.

Scarlett took her fervor for exterminating the magical community to a new level when she married Anthony Fontaine. At first, they seemed like a happy couple – they’d met a few months prior to their marriage at a local bookshop. They had seemed well-matched, and after a small courthouse wedding, Scarlett announced that she was pregnant. She gave birth to twins nine months later and shortly thereafter murdered her husband. In her initial statement, she said it had taken her that long to be sure that Anthony Fontaine was a Wizard…though some speculate that she had gone momentarily soft for her husband.

The two children, Heathwood and Agatha were taken into protective custody and adopted, separately. For safety, they were obliviated, though it is suspected that neither remembers anything about their father's grizzly murder…or their mother.

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Admin Morgan
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8,041 posts
26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Oct 12, 2018 22:34:28 GMT -5
