Send The Call Out | Mandy

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Post by Deleted on Nov 13, 2018 22:35:38 GMT -5

Call all the ladies out
They're in their finery

Isabella had been busy lately. Between school work, prefect duties, her internship, quidditch, and asking Bash questions for their mother without him realizing that was what she was doing she had nearly no time to actually still be a teenager. It was a bit bothersome to be the owl between her mom and Bash but she cared for the two of them too much to not attempt to keep them connected some way. Truthfully, doing this was only keeping them from actually contacting each other but she understood that both needed some space from each other. Juliet Lopez was tough on Bash and Isabella was aware that she was trying her hardest to not make the situation as bad as it could be.

A good mood and a hopeful undertone were all Isabella currently being. She was working hard to be a model student. She had plans she wanted to see through and she needed to continue to impress her parents with how she was doing. She may be old enough to not be dragged to Spain as soon as those borders opened up but she did still need the aid of mom and dad while until she could move out of Bash's place. Even so, now that Bash was going to be a dad soon. She knew he would refuse to allow her to give money for rent but she was going to need a job if she was going to go to a university after Hogwarts. 

With free time at her disposal now Isabella was waiting for Mandy. Classes had just finished up for the day and she was hoping to catch Mandy before she disappeared to the Gryffindor tower. Though the warmth and coziness of the room sounded very nice, she just needed to have some time, not in the common room. Roaming the halls with a friend was what she needed. Isabella smiled when she caught sight of the fellow Gryffindor girl. "Mandy!" She raised her hand and waved it for Mandy to come to where she stood.

| @amanda | Words: 342 | Outfit: Gryffindor uniform | Hair |
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Post by Deleted on Jan 4, 2019 19:07:11 GMT -5

send the call out ring the bell
time to throw them hands up, or run like hell

She wasn't sure what exactly was going on here or what she was doing with her life, but she was trying. Mandy was putting her best foot forward and she was really trying to do something here, she was trying to be better, to get better. She had a lot on her mind almost constantly these days, nothing would shake a certain someone from her mind but she was getting better every day. Kit was someone she would always care for, hell she would love him probably for as long as she lived, but she was starting to see, thanks to her friends and large thanks to Professor Lightwood. She was seeing that she didn't have to feel like she was crap, or that she deserved to be treated like crap.

She had screwed up, and she had done something really stupid, and she hated herself for it, she hated that she had to go through all of this; that she had done what she had done alone. Her parents had known, she had told them but somehow doing it alone and him not knowing seemed to be the end of the world. She had barely been six weeks when she had taken it.He acted like this was something personal, as if the baby had been something that he could have held and it drove her bonkers how... broken he was about it. Of course, it wasn't like he was trying to ever comfort her or anything when she was upset. After this long, she was starting to see that like always this was about him and she didn't matter.

It was something she was getting used to, but she still let him have his way for now. She had to decide if this was all in her head or if this was something real and worth hanging on to. He had said that he had wanted to be single for a while, that he didn't want anything too complicated and she could give him that but she gave him what she wanted to when she wanted to. This wasn't about him anymore. She was going to start putting her foot down, she had to. This was her life too and she mattered, just like he did.

She was about to head to the tower for a little studying before she had to go to Defense, but hearing her name she smiled and waved to her friend, before walking over to Bella. Bella Lopez was a sweet girl who had a very sexy older brother. "So, what up, Lopez?"
@isabellalopez | OUTFIT | 430