When All Is Said And Done // Imogen

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Post by Deleted on Dec 28, 2018 21:28:17 GMT -5

Here's to us,
one more toast
It hadn't been what he'd originally planned for their wedding, originally he wanted to give Imogen a lavishly large white wedding but things had happened in between time, that should have been spent on planning a wedding, but instead had been spent on them being miserable for both different and the same reasons. As it was, it had ended up as a simple wedding. Small and in a registry office but the couple had the people they loved and wanted in attendance. It was going to be interesting when he went back to school. He wasn't going to advertise he was married but if people saw the ring and asked questions; he wasn't going to hold back.

He grinned at the blonde by his side; after three long years of not knowing how their relationship would pan out, they were finally married. It was official, she was his and he was hers, no one was going to take that away from them now. He was going to hold her tight and never let go. Kit was frightened about what the future would hold for them now, but one thing was for sure; they were going to take the next big steps together. Alayla and Logan had booked a room for the night and called it an early night, no doubt to put Adrianna down and then have time alone. His parents and brother though were another matter, Jeremy was still running around the hotel with their dad in hot pursuit and his mother was sat at a table watching them with a smile.

Everything was perfect... well almost, what would have been the cherry on the cake would have bee having his own daughter here, but that wasn't going to happen and whilst it still stung Kit to think about Phira, he was slowly opening up about her. Mandy wasn't talking to him anymore so he couldn't sit and talk about Phira, imagining how she'd be, but he was finally opening up to Gen about everything related to her and she listened and encouraged him. It had helped and he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol for a coping mechanism for a few months now and honestly, the wizard was proud of himself. He smiled sadly to himself, he wanted to try and avoid dwelling on what could have been for the minute; this was supposed to be a celebration and he didn't want Gen to worry.

"Well love, I know it wasn't the most amazing wedding but are you happy? No regrets yet?" He asked cheekily, snaking his arm around her waist and kissing her temple tenderly before guiding her to the bar, "What drink do you want? I think we should get a bottle of champagne for when we go back to our room." He said, scanning the shelf of spirits and wines, it wasn't much of a reception, but it was enough for Kit and he only hoped it was enough for Gen. He glanced over his shoulder as Jeremy raced past them both only to be caught by Samuel and Kit was certain he heard is dad grumble something about too much energy and he chuckled, turning back to Imogen. 

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Post by Deleted on Jan 22, 2019 19:03:11 GMT -5

The pair of them had been through a lot and this next step they were embarking on was certainly was going to be a very big step. However, they had been through so much and had come out on top. This next venture for the two of them was just what they needed. It was going to be a big boost for the two of them and some may say they were too young but Imogen was done listening to the opinions of others. She had grown up with her father and mother always telling her how she should act and say and for so many years she had been very obedient and had followed their wishes. But it was no more. She had finally decided to take charge of her own life. She had to be the one who decided what happened in her life and who she was with. Imogen would be forever grateful to Warren for his ability to get the two of them out of the arranged marriage that their two fathers had arranged. Imogen knew that she could have succumbed to her parent’s wishes and married him and moved to Sweden. She would have been able to dance with the Stockholm Ballet but she would have had a limited career plus there would have been pressure on her to produce an heir. Imogen knew that she wanted children one day, But she wasn’t sure she wanted them with someone who was in love with someone else. She knew that Warren would have cared for her but his heart had been with Bridget.

Kit too had been through his fair share of troubles. First, there had been his father and his need to get rid of his son. Imogen had done as much as she could do but then Kit had been ‘killed’ and everyone you knew him had believed they had lost him. Kit had gone on the run and had returned to the UK to move on Mandy. Imogen tried not to dwell on what she had put him through when he had then left Mandy to be with her. But the other girl had been selfish and had decided to end the pregnancy of her own accord. Yes, she would have had to leave school but there were always other ways to get an education and she had her parents there to help her. Imogen didn’t have luxury and nor did Kit. But he had Samuel and Calli to support him. Kit’s return had really come as a shock to her because after her engagement had ended with Warren, she had resigned herself to living her life alone.

But then Kit had come back to her and the two of them had been through a roller-coaster life, On top of losing her magic she had lost him and that had really been devastating for her. However, he had been the first one to reach out to her when he had been sure she would hate him. She had detested him. He had thrown her heart to the ground stomped on it but she had to applaud him for being the bigger person and reaching out her. She still loved him. Then, they had reconnected and had gotten back together. They had put the past behind them and on top of that, Kit had proposed to her again. Imogen had hardly hesitated in accepting him and had said yes.

Their wedding had been far from grand but Imogen didn’t mind in the least. She was now his wife and that was much more important than how or where they were married. Imogen leaned into him and smiled up at Kit. ”Don’t you worry your handsome head darling. I am happy….ask me about any regrets in about six months time” she smirked before looking to Samuel chasing Jeremy around and shaking her head at her now toddler brother-in-law. The little boy certainly had more energy than any of the adults around. ”An early night, don’t tell me you are tired already…?” she looked up at him before she turned to the bartender and requested a bottle of champagne.

Words: 693