Afterthoughts || Winter

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Post by Deleted on Feb 22, 2019 19:18:06 GMT -5

The Walls Are Covered With

NASCAR Drivers, The Beatles

And Apple Pie

The grass was cool underhand where Hades had flopped finally, evading Zeph's wails after committing his most recent broken shades to the dirt, after deciding the paddock was probably his only place of solace for the next hour. His best mate would be sporting either clear glasses tomorrow or no frames at all - the days that tended to screw with their schoolmates the most - so Hades wasn't all that interested in sitting by to make sure that Zeph didn't fall into a slump. He'd be fine. Calypso had taken the mantle up, alleviating the onus from his own shoulders. Now he was knee deep in grass, petting a niffler, at peace with the world.

It was still a little too breezy to be down here without a jacket, but he had his red and white hoodie so he was good. For now. He was used to being cold, even if he preferred to huddle up in tons of blankets like a duvet goblin, where it was warm. The niffler was cosy where it had huddled in his lap, holding onto his watch for dear life and making little muuurrrp sounds. Man, he wanted one. He'd ask Sheri. It'd have a field day at the club, with all the sequins and shiny stuff walking about. He'd just have to make sure he kept a hold of it so it didn't stuff everything down its front pouch. Hades wouldn't mind, but Sheri would... probably have an aneurysm. His head stayed bowed as the wind picked up, stirring his hair, looking down at the hopeless bundle of fun in his hands, watching his fingers stroke its black fur.

Someone was heading down towards him, but he wrote them off as either heading for the greenhouses or an impromptu trip into the forbidden forest. something he typically chose to do, so he could only respect them if they did go in and hope that they made it out. Those spiders were horrific... and the centaurs were so mean... so unlike his new buddy here. "Oh my Merlin, look at your little paws- here, have another nugget, I won't tell the Professor if you don't-" he whispered down at.. Pip. His name was now Pip. A grin evident on his face for a long moment. 

Had he still been at home with his parents rather than unofficially living with Zeph and Sheri, he'd never have even imagined thinking about bringing a pet home, not even for fun. They were clean freaks and his father coveted his "shiny things" - cufflinks, wallet, watch collection etc - like they were his kids. Or at least... kids that he really wanted. His parents were that distant he couldn't even begin to imagine how they'd react to him bringing home a niffler. Even one as adorable as this little guy. Those big brown eyes. That little beak-like mouth. Like a platypus. Scrunching its tiny feet and wriggling around to try and slip his watch off and stow it away. Maybe he'd have to ask the Professor if he could unofficially adopt him to take around his classes. 

The person hadn't gone to the forest. Flicking his hair to the side, he scrunched his face slightly and squinted over his shoulder at them quickly. Not either of the Ironic Fam... it was... Winter. Or was it Summer. Winter? Had to be. "Um... hi," he offered quietly, hands still tickling the niffler idly. 
TAG: @winter | WORDS: 570| NOTES: !!
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Post by Deleted on Mar 18, 2019 20:58:01 GMT -5

After thoughts
after the quakes, after the rain

This was not a new development that was going through Winter's mind, in fact, it had been something that had been lingering quietly in the back of her mind for the better part of a year. Of course, with her sister and Mona constantly going at it and everything with a few of her friends and not to mention her brothers and her father... Winter just never found a good time to approach about it. Of course, she wasn't one to just come up and explain to someone that she had a crush on them. She was not friends with any of his, she was not close to anyone that really had anything to do with him, save for Amanda, and that was... weird. She never asked about it, because she didn't want to know, but she also didn't want to know if Erebos like someone else. Learning that the guy you like likes someone else kind of sucks. So she kept it to herself.

She had been watching for a long while as Mona went through the stages of whatever this was that she was doing with Dima and it was so sad, and she refused to be like that. She wasn't really his friend, because the thing that cut the deepest was the thing that you can't have and being his friend, being close to him meant that and she wasn't interested really in hurting herself. She was, at least to herself, stronger than Mona was, but that didn't mean that she wanted any of it. She wanted him to like her, to date him, to kiss him, but she wasn't ever going to act on it. It was like knowing there was a pimple on your friends face. You can stare all you want, and dream about it, and have it linger in the back of your mind, but the moment you reach out and touch them, shit gets real.

She needed to think, to get this off her mind. She would usually owl Os about this, but he was the last person in the world she wanted to tell. He would only make it worse and Summer would just mock her or try and shag Erebos instead, so she was holding it in and she knew that time outside, maybe even in the enclosure would make her feel a lot better. She was putting her hair up into a high pony when she spotted one of Erebos' friends. Hades. He seemed like a nice enough bloke. A little weird, but her best friend was her brother Os and he kind of took the 'odd' cake.

"Hey, Hades. Aw, who's that little guy?" She said giving him a large warm smile.
tag: @fluffyhades // words: 455 // OUTFIT
template by eliza @ TB & THQ
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Post by Deleted on May 6, 2019 15:16:17 GMT -5

This Is The Last Supper

The Best One's Were Years


The Check Rests On The


I'll Leave A Tip

Let's Go

Hades totally had crushes. Totally. The biggest one had been on an older Ravenclaw called Anne, an ebony beauty, with doe-like eyes that had haunted him for the best part of a year. She'd moved back home though to finish her schooling at Durmstrang, nary so much as a backwards glance to him to say goodbye, and Zeph and Erebos had been there as his pitying, chuckling, entirely unhelpful backing track to what was quite possibly the most tragic moment to happen in his life to date. He'd never hear "Bye bye love, hello loneliness" the same way again.

Had he had a crush since Anne? Well... no. No he had not. He had been too busy moping behind his overlong fringe and quietly watching what was transpiring between his friends. Wincing at the Valentine's ball. Steering clear of the female species as much as possible where Aphrodite, Demeter, and Calypso let him. Which wasn't really that far or else they'd bring up Travers again and he really didn't need that kind of negativity right now. Or like... ever. Women were so weird, man. He'd just wait out the year till he went home again to the muggle games his cousin had procured for him, where he could vent in peace while Sheri fussed around his head like a concerned hen. Zeph was up next on the totem of love. Poor bloke wouldn't know what hit him when it came.

So he sat. And he continued stroking the niffler that seemed pretty close to getting his watch, so he gently moved its paws away and resecured it further up his wrist. Animals were where it was at. They couldn't leave you for more exotic boarding schools on a whim. They didn't hold secrets or speak about you to your friends in ways that made no sense, so they could do it in front of you without you ever catching on. And they didn't get offended over nothing. They really were the perfect companions. They didn't talk, they weren't bothersome, they didn't judge. He was perfectly content here... or at least he had been until Winter had turned up. Now he was entirely self conscious of how potentially frail he looked sitting on the grass with his furry friend. He'd never been that macho. But now? Gods forbid.

"...Hey... Winter..." he mumbled, smiling weakly and dropping his gaze again. She was pretty too. Most of the girls in Hogwarts were. Which only made his suffering all the more intense. "Uh... just a niffler. Pip. He escaped his cage so I kinda... scooped the fella up and... here we are."
TAG: @winter | WORDS: ### | NOTES: he's a mess
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Post by Deleted on May 24, 2019 9:17:00 GMT -5

After thoughts
after the quakes, after the rain

Something that a lot of people did not understand, was that growing up with a twin was like having another part of yourself, one that you could not see all the time. She had played games with her sister when she was younger, she had enjoyed her life with Summer, but the older that they got, the more that things changed. It wasn't anything like they had once been. They had been so close once, and now... now she acted like they were enemies. She was told constantly this was her fault. Their lives were her fault because she took their mother away. It was her fault that their father wanted nothing to do with them and that he hated them; she was the reason that their father was a piece of shit. It cut deeply. It hurt, it really hurt, but she tried to find ways to ignore it. Bandaids only cover bullet holes though, they don't do much for healing.

She had learned a long time ago that putting on a brave face could help loads, and being the loving person that she was helped a lot. She didn't have a lot that was hers, there were not a lot of things that made her who she was other than her calm and loving nature. She was a warm person with, what she thought, was a big heart and it was broken, even though she didn't want to admit it. Summer wasn't the only one who had grown up without a mother and a distant father. Osteros and Harvey had too. They had all gone through the pain and the only one who knew how to make it any better was Os. He was the only one who could pull her from the depths, but he wasn't there. He wouldn't be for a while. It wasn't something that was easy to explain to someone else, it wasn't something that she even knew how to voice. When it came to things like this she had seemed to lose it.

Maybe that was why her mind always went to wanting to find Erebos, he always somehow made her feel like the sun. Brilliant, bright and beautiful with a light that brought something that wasn't... something that wasn't pain. Merlin could she use a hug, but she held it inside, she always held it inside, pretending that the cuts from the words that fell from her sister's lips were only fleshed wounds instead of the life-threatening wounds that seemed to bleed from her very soul. Maybe Hades could provide some kind of distraction to help keep the walls up. Somehow keep the pain locked inside. She could fall apart in the shower, but no one but Os was allowed to see that. No one else deserved to feel her pain. Well, he didn't deserve it, but he was who she was closest to.

She sat down near him and smiled softly. "He's so cute!" She had always thought nifflers were adorable, even if they did have a penchant for getting into trouble. "I tried to get my father to get me one in the third year, there was a shop we went to for something that had babies and they were the most adorable little things. I could have died." She said with a smile, tucking hair behind her ear.
tag: @fluffyhades // words: 561 // OUTFIT
template by eliza @ TB & THQ

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Post by Deleted on Jun 8, 2019 17:22:34 GMT -5

When All Is Said And Done

As days Go I Wonder

Will You Suffer Any Loss

Are We Afterthoughts?

Oh Well You Better

Run Far Along

The thing was... the thing was, that when it came to The Fam, Hades seemed to know more about his friends that he had ever asked to. He knew their darkest secrets, because in the darkest parts of the night, when they were feeling the most honest are just irrevocably drunk, they seemed to spill their guts to him. And they expected him to do the same. Which he just... didn't do. Erebos and Zeph knew his crush, he knew Calypso's crush on Erebos, he knew Erebos' thoughts, he knew that Zeph was all for zesty women, what Demeter and Aphrodite looked for - if anything at all. He just had a habit of walking into situations where people told him things. He also had a knack for finding dead things, always seemed to be there when someone's pet was gonna die. He hated it. There was a reason he had signed up to be an intern at a hospital. He wasn't named Thanatos, so no one could accuse him of bring "death" to people. He hoped to bring life, or further life, to the patients there. Somehow. To avoid the dead. The first time he'd had to help in the Morgue had been the night he had begged Sheri to change his name. 

She had just laughed. Laughed. And ruffled his hair. For a mum, she was terrible at being helpful sometimes. 

Winter's crush on Erebos wasn't lost on him. Or any of the fam. Except, maybe, Erebos himself. But Hades wasn't going to interfere with anything or get involved. Matters of the heart were for... one of the other Ironic Fam members. Not him. He didn't want no part of this. None. Nada. Zilch. He hoped she hadn't made a beeline for him to have a rant or beseech him to ask Erebos things for her, or to spill on something about his mate. Zeph was the one with a loose gob.  Calypso loved gossip. Hades just wanted an easy life. So he dropped his gaze awkwardly away from the very pretty witch to look back at the niffler in his lap. Then glanced back at her. Then away again.

"Mmm... Pip...? He's Pip. Or at least... he is now..." He played with the little guys ticklish paws, a bright grin lighting up his face as it turned its large eyes to him... then stuffed a rogue sickle into its pouch. He quickly moved a hand to pat his pocket where he'd stashed Zeph's last sickle of the month for safe keeping. His hand came back empty. "You sly like bastard..." he murmured, shaking his head, "What am I gonna do with you? Next you'll be stealing Winter's earrings."
TAG: @winter | WORDS: 450 | NOTES: ~