Cardiac Arrest [Zoe]

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Post by Deleted on Mar 3, 2019 0:56:07 GMT -5

I'll try my best, how much do I invest?
Like cardiac arrest, high voltage in her lips
I'll try my best, how much do I invest?
Like cardiac arrest, high voltage when we kiss
Was he going to die? That was a pretty dramatic question but, like, really? Was he going to? If not from all the anxiety pent up since he had opened his eyes that morning, then definitely on the Quidditch Pitch today, right? Last Saturday he had watched that Gryffindor boy fall clear out of the sky and today...who knew! Who knew if it was going to be him, or Vet, or Lyla. Who knew who it could be on the Hufflepuff team. All his gut could tell him was that it was going to be him next, and it was toxic. 

He had kind of been told that he was safe, because from what most everyone knew people his age....they just weren't getting sick. For whatever reason they were fine. Hell, his brothers were older and they were fine. So he should, hypothetically be fine as well. Right? Right. So why was this so mortifying? Dima had laid in bed far later than he usually did thinking about who would be the next to fall, what shoe would drop next. He had even missed meeting Vet for early breakfast because of it, but he honestly couldn't bring himself to give that a second thought. His mind was trained elsewhere and there was only one person he had wanted to talk to.

Dima had snagged Zoe the instant he could find her and the two had went to the North Wing. He half hoped that it would drown out his worry and half hoped that he could just whine about how, for the first time in his life, he didn't want to get on a broom. Ugh, he didn't want to think about it anymore...and yet, there he was, still thinking about it.

Dima sighed, bringing the leg that he had sprawled on the couch up to a bend. He couldn't seem to stay still to save his life today. Legs adjusting, the foot on the floor tapping, rubbing at the hangnail on his fourth finger. Dima let out a groan, leaning his head back against the couch. "
I'm so nervous," he complained. And I'm gonna die-- he thought to himself as he chewed at the inside corner of his lip. Dima lifted his head, looking pitifully hopeful. "Do you think they'll cancel the match?" He hoped so.....or maybe he didn't. Ugh, he didn't know!