blue skies forever | ari

Dani Kopitar-Higgs
Dani Kopitar-Higgs Avatar
45 posts
40 years old
Head Healer for the Janus Thickey Ward
Owner of Monzirje Manticores
Owner of The London Dueling and Social Club
Maastricht University and Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine Alum
Death Eater
played by Jade
"I want money, power, and glory."

Post by Dani Kopitar-Higgs on May 6, 2019 13:23:04 GMT -5

Lust for Life
we're the masters of our own fate
We're the captains of our own souls

Dani loved being Dr. Kopitar. She loved her field of mastery. She loved the research she was able to do...but some days--and some patients--they tested her resolve and her patience. The self-saboteurs vexed her most, because it truly bothered the witch to see potential go to waste. She sought to guide her patients towards becoming their best selves, to help them improve. It was not in her best interest to do so, not really. Their instability kept them under her care, it kept their Galleons coming into her pocket, but she still tried to help them. Some of them anyway. Some were fun to play with...but even those, she helped to a certain degree. She cared too much about her reputation as a renowned and respected psychiatrist to provide lackluster care to her patients.

She had  cultivated her reputation. She wasn't going to just ruin it to amuse herself. Not when she could find other ways to do that. Like with pretty companions that were oh so very fun to play with. Lovers were enough to keep her entertained... and when they weren't, she went to The Lord Lestrange for assignments as one of the marked faithful. There were few foul moods that the Dark Arts couldn't set to right. Though, everyone did have to be careful these days. It was almost like there had been a regression to the days before Wentzell led them in their coup against the old repressive regime.

The Lady Minister was negotiating with and hiring Order leaders back into the Ministry. Clemency in the form of sweeping pardons and amnesty had been granted, but only for acts from before the Minister's meeting with the Order. Laws still stood on the books regulating and restricting the practice of the Dark Arts--those crimes could still be punished if the muggle-loving sycophants were to ever take back over...something it seemed like the Lady Minister hoped to have happen. Dani wished she had a voice in the Wizengamot. She would have raised up legislation to legalize the Dark Arts--and to secure their practice far into the future.

Thinking of all of  that was even more vexing than the situation that had annoyed her with her patient...She needed to relax, decompress--distract herself from all that would trouble her mind. While it would have been far preferable to pop out to the club for a proper drink, she had a session in half an hour. There really wasn't time to leave the hospital. She'd have to settle for a cup of tea from upstairs. The witch left her office and joined a group waiting for the lifts. A familiar face drew her attention and she flashed a dazzling smile at the lovely brunette. 

"Ari--how delightful to see you," Dani greeted, a warmth in her voice that she reserved for those she either liked or wanted to bed. She gave the woman a brief hug, ghosting her lips over each of the fair beauty's cheeks. "Terrance tells me you have been absolutely a lifesaver for him this season--finding talent for the Wasps." Her husband gave her regular reports on the state of the team since she was considering acquiring it from Lady Carrow. The epidemic had put several teams in something of an economic bind, having to bid for talent while still pay partial salaries to those on medical leave. It made several inclined to sell...and Dani was ready to take advantage of that opportunity.

She placed a delicate hand on Ari's arm, knowing the power of physical contact when engaging in conversation.
"When the borders open again, I'll have to take you to Monzirje. I know we could use your help to bolster the Manticores." She gave the woman another of her bright dazzling smiles--it was the sort of expression that could make one feel as if they were the only person in the whole world. Dani made use of the power of it to lead into a suggestion that Ari join her for tea. "I was just headed up to the tearoom. Do you have time to join me for a cup? I'd love to chat a moment. Your company would make the break from work all the more enjoyable." 

@arianna • 708 • outfit

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Post by Deleted on May 7, 2019 5:45:58 GMT -5

lust for life
masters of our own fate

Her adventure to go get Walker a new broom had paid off and now he had a sponsorship, she was working with more teams now too. managing them as a group, and not just individuals. Which she liked too, because then it wasn't her looking out for one individuals interests, she was working for teams. She was getting a little tired of working for multiple teams though, Arianna wanted someone to sign her on, to hand her a contract and say that she was working for them only. That would be nice, and though Arianna was not hurting for money in any sense, she was beginning to feel a little burned down. It had nothing to do with managing though, it was the work that she was doing for the Parkinson foundation that was so tiresome. Helping it get off the ground was a fun business and she had a strong feeling that it was going to do rather well for Asher.

it was a least a positive image for the Parkinson family, and she was rather glad that the man was getting his shit together. He wasn't a saint by any means, but he was a nice man, so she thought that he deserved at least some kind of kindness in his life. He told her that he wanted to build her a car and she had told him bluntly, no. Though it was a nice gesture, it was a lot of work that she was not worth and she could get around in other ways. It wasn't like she was helpless, and he had lost his magic too. He only knew a part of her story and she prefers it that way. She didn't want pity from anyone, let alone a client.

There were days though, that she was unavailable to be reached, and they were always the same two days a week, the days that she went to therapy. For four hours a day, on Monday and Friday she turned off her phone and didn't answer owls in her 'office' at home. Arianna had to take care of her too, and those days were when she went to therapy and had some me time. Sometimes, she needed to recover, if she got upset and into darker topics; because as much as she liked to pretend that she was just fine all the time, she wasn't. She wasn't fine by any means on some days and that was okay.

it was a hard lesson to learn that it was okay to not be okay, that she had nothing more that she could do to get better other than give herself time and to keep doing what she was doing. She hadn't had a flashback in a while, she didn't panic as easily, she wasn't scared of everything all the time. Arianna was finding that life was getting better and she was putting herself back together, piece by piece. Three years had passed since she had broken free and spilled blood of people that she had once thought as family, and those that she did not. In her rage she had lashed out, and though she wished that she could know what happened to them, she thought that asking about the people that once held her captive would be a bad idea.

Leaving her appointment she thanked the man that she saw weekly, and took the prescription for the potions that helped her when she panicked and could not calm herself down with the methods that he had taught her, before heading to the lifts. She had been there for a moment, as the last had been far too full to allow anyone on, and tucked hair behind her ear. She was thinking of getting tea or coffee when she left the hospital, maybe even a snack. She had not yet ate that day, and she was starting to feel it. She really was trying to take better care of herself and remembering to eat was a large part of that. Sometimes there just weren't enough hours in the day.

Hearing heels she looked over her shoulder and smiled when the face of the familiar witch approached. "Dani, hello." She said with a large smile of her own, the corners of her lips pulling up and her eyes shining with the light from her smile. A genuine smile, one where she did not try and hide the way that scar near her eye made the skin there crinkle, or the way that the smaller ones on the other side were lighter, even when she wore makeup and concealed them. Dark spells were like that sometimes.

"It's not been a problem at all, really. Just have to know where to look and who to ask." She teased back softly before laughing. It was no secret that she had asked Asher about those that had stepped out of the game in recent years, though finding out who still had their magic and who did not had been the more difficult piece. She was still salty that the Magpies had snatched up Asher, she had hoped to get him for the Wasps, but it was no bother.

The touch on her arm, which would usually make her pull away, had her blushing. She sort of knew Dani, and she trusted the witch. Whether or not this was a smart decision was yet to be see, but she had hopes that it was not a trust misplaced. "That would be lovely, maybe if I sweet talk a little you might just sign me on as the teams manager. " She said giving another grin as her eyes shined, matching the playfulness in her voice. Was this woman really flirting with her? Was Arianna reading too much between the lines? She had no clue though why she would even think that, but the invitation for tea was far too inviting and she quickly agreed.

"I was thinking of heading to get tea myself, so it is rather fortuitous. Lead the way? I always get a little lost, despite working here when i did." She said with a soft laugh and pulled her dark hair over her shoulder.

tag: @ the hot blonde // words: 1037 // OUTFIT
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