Like A Tub Of Melted Ice Cream; Goes Down Easy

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Post by Deleted on Jun 14, 2019 19:59:01 GMT -5

Eros Valentine
by Starren the Milk Destroyer
10/08/1997 (DD/MM/YY)
blood status
sexual orientation
epidemic x status
Hogwarts Groundskeeper
general appearance
Dirty blond, bright blue eyed, and as mentally unhinged as most Scots can get. Pretty laid back, damage vocals (epic), kinda wacky. Bit plumb around the edges like a marshmallow, temperament to match. Hasn't had a filter since he was born.

former school
former house
Quidditch commentator 2012

university major(s)
years attended
2015 - 2017

Dodging societal conforming like a laser obstacle course, Singing to the hearts of old housewives, Drinking, Groundskeeping, Doesn't let constant rejections deter him, Music, DADA, Herbology, Potions, Ancient Runes, CoMC, Grounds Keeping
Charms, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Divination, Can't play Quidditch or Fly,
positive traits
Resilient, Laid back, Determined, Funny, Doesn't take himself to seriously, Dedicated to his work, Encouraging, Spontaneous, Accepting
negative traits
Immodest, Sarcastic, Heavily Mischievous, Walking contradiction, Doesn't like rules, Dicks with authority
Music, Quidditch commentary, CoMc, Singing, Being loved, Finding love, Divination, Giving people fortune tellings (even though he sucks at it), Being a walking legend, Persuading the tax man that he has no money
Accidentally high fived a centaurs ass and defeated it. Don't ask. He doesn't know.

character history
First and foremost, to dispel any common misconceptions, Eros was not delivered in a hospital by attentive healers, and this is likely one of the reasons why he has turned out the way he is. You see, Eros' birth was that wild from beginning to end, it was over almost as soon as it started. And, thus, his mother never made it into the hospital from her mode of transport.

The bus conductor and consequent passengers on The Knight Bus helped deliver Eros, while journeying between two double deckers, so he literally popped into the world. There was even someone standing at the end of the moving bed to catch him, luckily. Else the term "bouncing baby boy" might have been tried and tested via accidental science. To this day, he still receives birthday cards and presents from said Bus Conductor who looks on him as a form of godson, though no official terms were ever set.  

His father took him to his former zoo at the age of four, to let him see the tigers that had brought so much joy to his Irish heart, and it was at this age that everyone got their first taste of his magic. Through yet another accident, whether caused from excitement or allergies, Eros sneezed... and the tiger inflated and suddenly gained some magnetic properties. Thought by the muggles to be some form of disease, the tiger was tranquilised and a Vet was called out to the scene to inspect him. One by one, the metal tools from his kit zipped through the air and began to stick to the coat of the large feline, till he looked like some kind of steampunk wannabe, and his father took him home before anyone could begin to start asking questions.

Do not panic. They completely reversed the swelling on Alfonse, who returned to a muscular tiger complete with all of his past abilities and such, and no permanent or lasting damage was caused. Although, every time he walks near the edge of his enclosure, his feet leave the ground and he is soon found yowling for help, stuck to the metal mesh, completely helpless. They still haven't figured out why this happens, and the Valentine's haven't offered any help.

~ note: his corporeal patronus is a Tiger, in loving memory of his day with Alfonse.~

Sorted into Gryffindor, his school years were an absolute riot. Care of Magical Creatures was his absolute jam, as was herbology which he seems to have a natural affinity for, and he found that his forbidden love in life was Divination. The more he pursued the subject, the further it eluded him, to the point that he scored a T in his OWL and was banned from the classroom or that sector of the castle when classes were being held. Bad luck follows everyone he tries to do a reading for, stemming from this time, likely the reason why Wilbur Eldrey fell down the moving staircases and ended up in the Hospital Wing for a few months after Eros told him that there was a great leap of faith in his future which would bring great peace and quiet to his life. Couldn't get more silent around a matron, to be sure.

Finding a deep friendship in everyone's favourite grounds keeper Rubeus Hagrid, Eros found a repore with the man who taught him all about his favourite creatures and animals and helped him ace his exams, who took him around the grounds and shared his deep passion for keeping them so well and keeping Hogwarts' reputation unsullied, and made him feel that instead of sticking out by a mile in a bad way, he was forging a path that would be forever remembered by those inside Hogwarts for decades to come. So, after graduating, he pursued a different dream that what he'd originally aimed for at Hagrid's behest- bit hard to say no to a blubbering half giant who had heard him singing one time while tending the grounds with him at the weekend - which took a couple years, and he tried dabbling in the music industry following that as well. However, he soon shelved it when Hagrid was forced out of Hogwarts due to the major regime change in the government and school, and crafted a CV so strong that Professor Flint didn't really have a leg to stand on in denying him the job after Tabby left her post.

It was the only time he really payed attention to politics, really. Durant became a human torch and was warm for the rest of his life, Wentzell did... stuff for the Purebloods which was about as ridiculous as his life so far but was only half as interesting, his wife got taken out by a bus akin to that of which he was born on - that was something he had a good laugh about, admittedly - then Black became Lestrange and Lestrange took over the Ministry. Muggleborns went out of society and then came back, and he wasn't going to speak about that as the whole process was about as fun as waxing your asscrack with double-sided muggle tape, and wasn't remotely rewarding for it. 

Now Isolde has the Headmistress role, and Eros is eternally grateful that he's gotten to stay in Hagrid's hut at the bottom of the lawns, encouraging the students to live life to the fullest and without regrets in the funniest ways possible. He has no plans of leaving anytime soon, not with Hogsmeade a wee walk down the road, and the best food imaginable - and a shit ton of it - every night for his dinner. 

Graham & Mary Valentine
Forever Alone
other family
family history
His father worked in a zoo, was running away from the crocodile enclosure due to reasons still undisclosed by himself, and promptly barrelled into his mother. His father took the job at the zoo since he found the interactions between muggles and basic animals to be quite fascinating but was altogether quite unprepared and underqualified for the job. His mother was there simply for a day out because in the Scottish climate, you tend to grow very bored, very fast. It was something to do. Which became someone to do. Which led to Eros, through natural progression of er... encounters.

His grandfather was/is a failed Blues artist due to being tone deaf as well as literally half deaf due to a magical accident in his youth involving some Dr Filibuster fireworks and a blast ended skrewt in a confined space, and his grandmother just so happened to be the witch who took pity on him, took him in to feed him, and he just never left. And she never asked him to.

On a whole, the Valentine family are renowned for never actually being prepared for, or planning for, kids. Yet they end up with them each time, and the next generation is unleashed on the world in all their glory to continue the family legacy, of being full time legends.

face claim
Lewis Capaldi
status of application
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