Angel of the Morning | Daughter-in-Law

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Post by Deleted on Jun 23, 2019 15:55:35 GMT -5

no need to take me home
I'm old enough to face the dawn
Just call me angel of the morning, angel

When she had set out on this mission, she hadn’t known if it was going to work or not. Ursula had had no idea if she was actually going to get Laurence Selwyn to look at her twice. Or even more so, if she was going to get him to marry her. But it had worked itself out in the end. Did she need him to marry her? No. She didn’t need to be the Lady Selwyn. She didn’t even really want to be the Lady Selwyn. But it would get her mother off of her back for a while, and no one would find it suspicious that the old man had taken a bride younger than his daughter.

Especially not when she was an heir herself. It was the combination of two great names with no true heirs. Eleanor had been an only child, and without a son Laurence was set to leave the line to his younger brother, and his moronic sons. Ursula knew, she had done her digging. She had looked up every member of the Selwyn family that she thought was going to be relevant. And then she had chosen the eldest. Perhaps in a perfect world she would have chosen an heir. Or at least someone closer to her own age, but she did tend to favor her lovers to be older than herself.

She had learned that early on. And for eighty-one years old, her now husband was not the worst man that she had taken into her bed. Did she plan on giving him his heir? Not if she could help it. Ursula rather despised the idea of children as a concept. Though she knew that one would be required of her eventually. One to continue her own line. The Le Fay line needed an heir, and right now, she was it. Her father could have divorced her mother. Could have had more children. But his devotion to his wife overruled his desire to continue the line. And so, the responsibility for such had fallen on his only child.

Though it was one that she did not think that she wanted to subject herself to. Or rather, subject Lunete, and a nanny to. There would be no children if she could help it, though she would make quite the show of saying that they were indeed going to try. He needed and heir, and if he were to perish before that could happen, well that would be ever the pity. And she would be the widowed Lady Selwyn, and perfectly available to take another husband. Collecting husbands seemed almost as much fun as collecting hearts.

Part of her was rather curious if she couldn’t collect Laurence’s. But that was what William was for. Ursula had no qualms about keeping her little pet. He was devoted to her. Drugged with love potions. Head over heels for a now married witch. Of course, that was of little to no consequence. She would never have cared for him at all, she certainly didn’t care for her husband. But she could put on quite the show. Devoted, and sweet, and gentle. She ran an inn, and crafted potions and poisons. The perfect wife for such a man.

Rolling her eye just a little bit, she watched as he wandered off to speak with her aunts about something. They had both shown up, which had been surprising, but not entirely. The list of people that Ursula had invited was small. A few of Laurence’s friends that were still alive. His daughters, their children. Her parents, and a select few of her family members that she actually spoke to. Nothing big, nothing flashy. Just a small family party.

Ursula sipped at the champagne that she had ordered when she felt someone come up beside her. Smiling softly, she nodded once to the older woman, though now she would call her Daughter. Roma Warrington was as good as married to Eleanor Bulstrode, and she was quite sure that calling them both Daughter would either annoy them or amuse them. And she sought to find out which it might be. “Bore da, Daughter.” There was just a hint of wickedness in her smile as she addressed her, but she thought that she might as well find out now, and in public, where they were both less likely to cause a scene.

“Bore da, Daughter.” - Good morning, Daughter.