Raise a glass | Quidditch Players & Open

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Post by Deleted on Mar 20, 2016 21:13:08 GMT -5

Today, Jaxon got the news---the Arrows were trading him to Puddlemere....and he was finally going to be the captain of a pro-team.  But while it had been his dream to captain PU since back in his Puff days, it was still sad to be leaving the team that had recruited him out of Hogwarts.  In many ways, he saw his fellow Arrows as his family.  Tomorrow, though, they would be adversaries--at least on the field.

But tonight was not tomorrow.

Tonight, he had invited the whole team out from drinks.  He wanted to celebrate their success and their time together-- say goodbye, even though he knew he would still see many of them around.

Owls had been sent to @nathan , @murphy , @chet , and the rest of the team.  The girls from the Harpies had garnered invitations, as well, because why not?  @val was always fun; he could count on her to keep the night from getting to serious--and @ainsley was both beautiful and single, which meant flirting could abound. @ringabell might have had a few years on him--but that didn't slow the boy down from chasing after that chaser.  

Jax had a pitcher and some glasses on the table waiting for whoever decided to join him.  Drinks were on him tonight. 

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Post by Deleted on Mar 20, 2016 21:36:57 GMT -5

The news was out. Jaxon Cole had found himself a fancy position as captain for Puddlemore United. Leaving Murphy to deal with the rest of the Appleby Arrows. Okay, so the team wasn't that bad. The keeper (and captain) of the team just enjoyed finding every reason he could complain about. He knew Jaxon had what it takes to be a captain and honestly he was glad that he didn't have to worry about the other man taking the title away from him. He also got to celebrate that defeat with a nice few rounds of drinks completely on his friend.

Murphy entered The Leaky Caldron with his head held high as he searched for the former teammate. A grin growing across his face when he spotted him. With a great clap on Jaxon's back Murphy spoke, "I'm hurt." he put a dramatic hand to his chest, "Honestly, Jaxon, I can't believe you would leave me for Puddlemore. I thought we were friends." there was no actual hate in his words. They were all teasing. Murphy could not be upset with him. Sure, loosing a great seeker like Jaxon was going to hurt the team. And it always took a while for who ever new that would come in to fit into the little family the team seemed to be. "But since you are paying for drinks tonight I will fake my happiness for you." he went straight to pouring himself a drink. "Excited to be ditching me?"
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Post by Deleted on Mar 20, 2016 23:22:35 GMT -5

Val loved going out. She loved having fun and talking to people and drinking and... needless to say, she went out as often as she could. Which wasn't all that often, what with her rigorous training schedule, but often enough to have a reputation for it. And she didn't mind it. One bit. In her opinion, anyone who had anything to say about her life only did so because they didn't have one of their own. Small people talked about other people.

So when she got the invite from Jaxon she immediately decided she'd be going. The bloke was alright, lots of fun and a decent person too. Plus, he was a good player, so she also respected him for that. All in all, what was not to like? It really was a pity he'd taken the responsible way and bought himself a house, otherwise he might have joined the 'Quidditch Building', as she'd taken to mentally calling it. After all, all the suites were being rented by Quidditch players.

When she got inside, as strode over to where Murph -they'd played together at school and now they were neighbours, she thought he was a swell bloke- and Jax were talking. Before bursting in on their conversation she decided to get herself a drink. The new captain was paying, after all, and he'd have quite a tab on his hands by the time she and @nathan were done.

When she'd downed it she went over to the two players, grinning, and greeted them. "Evenin' lads." Her smile at Jaxon was almost a smirk. "Joining the captain club, then, Jax?"

outfit -I couldn't help myself she's so beautiful
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Post by Deleted on Mar 21, 2016 0:09:22 GMT -5

Nathan never turned down an excuse to go out… frankly, he didn’t even need an excuse. He’d head out to a bar or a club with no reason whatsoever, making up his own reason to celebrate and have a good time. Luckily, it wasn’t too difficult to find someone like-minded with everyone he knew that played Quidditch—he could usually count on Val to go out, and he could always ask his favorite Fanny to head to the pub as well, and she rarely said no. Tonight, though, they had a real reason to celebrate… sort of. Jaxon was leaving the team, and while he wasn’t exactly celebrating the loss of a damn good seeker, and someone that he considered to be a good friend after several years of playing on the team together, he’d been made captain of Puddlemere United. And that was damn impressive, and certainly a reason to drink. 

Of course, after tonight, the celebration would be over, because losing their starting seeker a couple of months before the league season started up was a hell of a time for it. Particularly since it always took a fair bit for anyone to fit into the team the way that someone only did after being there a while and knowing them all. But tonight, it wasn’t about figuring that shit out—that was Murphy’s job anyways, and not something that he liked to fuss too much about. Tonight was about celebrating, and drinking, and those were two of his favorite activities. 

When he strolled through the door into the Leaky Cauldron, he immediately saw a few members of his team, and Val as well. He should have figured that she’d already be here, and Nathan knew that she’d be more than all right to down some shots with him… celebratory shots, obviously. They all needed some. But it looked like Jaxon had already bought a pitcher, or someone had, so he headed over to the table first, in time to hear Valerie’s comment. “But who wants that responsibility?” He lamented, a grin present on his face. A joke, of course, since anyone would be bloody happy for an offer like that. “Congratulations, mate,” Nathan added, clapping a hand to the bloke’s shoulder for a moment before immediately heading to pour himself a glass. “I expect you’ll missing winning, though, before too long.” He said, his grin only widening.

Can barely see this outfit, but I still like it
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Post by Deleted on Mar 22, 2016 11:38:32 GMT -5

Ainsley wasn’t all for a party, but she also wasn’t rude, so she was headed for The Leaky Cauldron. was leaving the Arrows, and he was headed to Captain the Pudlemere United. She was happy for him, any one that got the chance to captain a team was a lucky bloke to be sure. She was pretty positive that she didn’t want the pressure, it would just add to her anxiety. Losing their starting seeker right before the season wasn’t that great of a prospect, but she was sure that they would work it out in the end, they always did.

She made her way in the door and smiled when she saw that everyone was gathered around. @nathan and @val were both there already, along with @murphy. She didn’t know Murphy as well as she knew the others, but he was an alright guy. Deciding to get herself a drink before someone tried to get her one and she had to refuse she made her way to the bar and ordered a water in a martini glass. Hopefully no one would look twice, and it was just easier this way.

Ainsley laughed as she came up at Nathan’s elbow. “Just what do you know about winning Nate?” She smirked up at him before looking over at Jaxon. “Congratulations Jaxon.” She smiled at him and lifted her glass in his direction.

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Post by Deleted on Mar 22, 2016 15:32:14 GMT -5

So there was a party, and really that's all Katie needed as a reason to dress up. But hearing that it was also a Quidditch players only party was a bonus, for a few reasons but mostly because everyone in attendance would be fit and attractive and at least one of the women would be willing to maybe go home with her. She adjusted her skirt and double checked her makeup in her compact mirror before she waltzed into the Leaky Cauldron with all the confidence of a woman who knew she looked bomb as hell. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that she'd turn heads of both genders, and that was more than fine. Perfect, actually. 

Oh, fantastic! Alcohol was on the host, apparently, and wasn't that a special treat? Katie could drink to her heart's content and not have to pay a single knut for any of it. Not that she planned on drinking that much, but it was nice to know she didn't have to worry too much about it. She ordered a simple vodka and cranberry to start, because she liked having tasty drinks while she was sober enough to enjoy them. A survey of the room showed that while it wasn't yet at full attendance, there were still a good number of people there, meaning Katie had arrived at a perfectly fashionable time. Not that her arrival could ever be termed anything other than fashionable.

She nodded to and raised her glass, "Congrats, kid." He was only a few years younger than herself, but Katie tended to call most people 'kid' whether they looked young or not.

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Post by Deleted on Mar 24, 2016 19:40:41 GMT -5

Osiris wasn't exactly immersed in the Quidditch world, it was hard to be when being a part of it at all wasn't exactly his choice. He loved the game, seriously, okay... he liked the game, well enough at least. Thing was that it made Gramps proud, apparently it had more 'finesse' than basketball, which had been the other sport his grandparents had often pushed on him. He was good, he knew that part at least. And he knew the rest of the players that would be there were good too, he had a feeling none of his teammates would show but he'd played against the rest enough to know their skill.

He didn't apparate, Osiris would always prefer his own normal; walking through dark alleys in a jumper and jeans. He looked threatening enough to keep would-be muggers off his arse. Still, in his opinion, he arrived to the party too early. It was an excuse to get out of the house which was all good and well, but he knew most of these people by numbers and scores and nothing else. @nathan he did know, much to his own relief, and Osi leisurely strolled over to take a seat just in time to hear Nate remark on responsibility. "Aw, Nate, honey, you jealous another one's in the club before you?" Grabbing a glass he lifted it to Jaxon with a short nod, "Congrats, mate."

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Post by Deleted on Mar 24, 2016 20:48:13 GMT -5

Pubs were... so, so very far from Lilybelle's forte. She liked her quiant teashops, cafes, bookstores... and she liked Jaxon. They hadn't been dating for quite some time but he was her friend, he was maybe one of the only true friends she'd ever had. She was oblivious to a lot, but Belle was far from stupid. She knew when her employees were trying to play her, she knew when her sister was in trouble, and she knew that almost every person that called themselves her 'friend' had used her for their own purposes before leaving her in the dust. Jaxon had never done that, even when they'd first broken up he had never hurt her. Through everything Jaxon was a friend, but he still hadn't told her about being drafted from one team to another.

She didn't know much about it but she knew that Quidditch had always been a big part of Jaxon's life and that he'd wanted this switch for a long time. Yet she'd found out through the pair of Puddlemere United players that had wandered into her shop while talking about it. Even showing up at the Leaky made Lilybelle uneasy, she hadn't been invited but she wanted to help her friend celebrate. And she'd brought cupcakes! They were simple ones, alternating between having edible brooms and snitches on top, but she had been on a time limit having only found out about it earlier that day. Two platters in hand she stepped into the pub, spotting the most rambunctious bunch and smiling almost immediately.

As the veela approached she found herself surprised that she recognized another Quidditch player. Lots of people came through her shoppe but @murphy was someone she could remember distinctly, and she had to admit that he was very, very cute. Attractive. Very attractive. And once again Belle had to refocus, a grin creeping onto her features as she spotted the newly crowned captain (now she was certain that terminology wasn't right), " . I hope you didn't tell everyone but me that you're not only switching teams, but captain now."

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Post by Deleted on Mar 24, 2016 21:24:45 GMT -5

Chet was late, of course. He usually was late, the only times he wasn't were when he was meeting his mother for brunch, or games. Murph would have his arse if he was late for that. But he had to admit, he hadn't wanted to be late for Jax's goodbye party. Lucky and unlucky bastard; lucky because he was being made captain, unlucky because... he was being made captain.

Anyway, the reason for his lateness was that he'd come across a very pretty lady and had of course been completely incapable of moving on without telling her she looked amazing. Then she'd invited him in for a drink... and then they'd gone to the bathroom. Needless to say, he was in a good mood now. And it was only highlighted by the fact that all the drinks would be on Jax.

He arrived at the The Leakey Cauldron in a hurry, his hair slightly messier than usual, and with a bright grin on his face. "Jax! You glorious bastard, congrats!" He called out as soon as he was inside, clapping everyone he walked past them.

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Post by Deleted on Mar 26, 2016 11:50:00 GMT -5

Murphy was the first to arrive. Jaxon reciprocated the manly clap on the back to his captain--his former captain, he reminded himself.

"Ah, Murph, we are friends--and it wuddn't me that suggested this move--gotta talk to the owner about why they didn't wanna pay me anymore." Jaxon sounded joking, but all he said was honest and the truth as he knew it. "Hell, I'll be tryin' to be you. Be owlin' and droppin' by to bitch about tryin' to keep a bunch of pansies in line and askin' how in the world you do it." Laughter punctuated his commentary--and was filling the air with the second person to join them for the evening arrived.

"VAL!" he greeted excited. He hugged @val , picking her up and swinging her around full circle before placing her back on the ground in same spot he had lifted her from. "Damn right I am," he drawled, smirking right back at the witch. Val was a beater and any woman that played that position he immediately had a hard on for. They were just so fierce.

Another beater--one that he did not have a hardon for--joined them then. "Nate, thanks--" he said, giving the male head jerk of acknowledgment to Reynolds. "That's low, buddy. Don't you know that its seekers that win games," Jaxon retorted, his own grin growing til it dominated his whole face. Damn, he was going to miss the Arrow boys, but he hoped they would still get together from time to time--even though it wouldn't be as often or quite the same as it had once been when they were teammates.

"Thank you, Ainsley, glad you could join us," he said, bowing his head to the Harpy chaser. She was beautiful, but he did not know her as well as some of the others. She struck him as gaurded, which made him immediately feel as if he had some understanding of her, from carrying his own weight of a secret. Though they did not have the same secret--he could smell no other werewolves in the pub.

Katie Bell was the next to show. Damn, did she look fine! More than twenty years his senior and still hotter than hell. "Thank you, darlin'," he replied to her congratulations, flashing a wide smile the woman's way. His dimple winked at her.

The Wanderers Captain was the next to join the group of athletes. One Osiris Benson--younger than Jaxon, younger than most everyone there that evening, but also a captain. The Chaser offered up his congratulations and Jax lifted his glass in response. "Thanks--'preciate it."

"Drink y'all--All you can stand. Season ain't gonna start back for months still, so we got no reason not to get shitfaced and make terrible decisions." He said aloud to everyone.

Then sunshine and happiness walked into the pub--in the form of one of the only ex's he missed. "LB, gorgeous, no, I didn't," he swept forward and took the platters from the woman and placed them down on the table, before sweeping her into a hug. His lips pressed to her cheek and he was all smiles. "I was gonna tell ya, but figured the team deserved to know first--and then, well, tonight just grew, but I'm so glad you are here, love. You look gorgeous--and let me introduce everybody." He hooked an arm around her waist and turned them to face the group of athletes. "Everybody, this is Lilybelle, best baker in all of London--and LB, this is Murphy, Nathan, Osiris, Ainsley, Val, the illustrious Miss Kate Bell, and this is Ches," the last introduction was tacked on when another Arrows chaser had joined the fray.

"Ches, nice sex hair," was his greeting for the O'Donnell. A wide grin was dominating the seeker's face. "Drinks on me tonight, O'Donnell, you ready to get drunk under the table, by me and Val? How's everybody feel about SHOTS?!"