Sloane Cressida Yaxley

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Post by Deleted on Jun 22, 2016 11:36:15 GMT -5

Sloane Cressida Østberg (née and officially back to Yaxley)
37 - Female - Pureblood - 11/17/1978

Owner of Østberg Distillery | Master Distiller at Østberg Distillery

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance: Sloane stands at only five feet, three inches, but you would rarely know it since she commonly wears heels. She is slight, and fit, from years of dancing—which was just about the only proper pureblood female hobby she had growing up. Her eyes are green, and she nearly always has make-up done if she is out of the house, though occasionally if she’s feeling particularly lazy she’ll forgo it. She had dark brown hair, with a bit of a natural wave to it, which is rather long, and is usually down unless she is working. She’s a babe.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Skills: Something that she will always be proud about is her skill in dark magick, mostly because it was her father that taught her all about it. His signature curse, of sorts, was the Imperius, and he taught her and honed her skill at not only performing the curse but also resisting it. Of course, that's dependent on who's casting the curse and if they were stronger than her (she wants me to cross that out, but I told her that I'm right and she's wrong on this one). Apart from that, the dark arts in general is a subject that she has always excelled in more. Even while she was stuck in Hogwarts learning the duller subjects, she was always being taught the darker arts when she was home for the summer months. She was particularly skilled in her work with blood magick, cursing objects, and poisons and other... useful poisons. Obviously, being a seer, she is good at anything in divination, even though she didn't advertise that back in school. She's decent at interpreting her visions, but sometimes it wears on her. When she moved to Ålesund and started to learn more about her husband's company, she learned she had a skill in business (not that he let her anywhere near that side of the company) but particularly that she had a good mind for figuring out and concocting new liquors for the company to release. It was her that came up with one of the top-selling liquors called Akevitt Helvete, though it wasn't the only one she'd come up with in her time in Scandinavia. Of course her husband took credit for the creations, but that was to be expected. She's also rather good at getting her way. Although she uses the Imperio curse when she has to, she did convince her husband to change his will to leave her the company instead of his numerous brothers, after all. She is good at manipulating and getting her way. However, she was also brought up learning the pureblood traditions and knows when she needs to be quiet and subservient. She also just says she has a hell of a lot of skills and no weaknesses but since that's not true we are are moving on.
Weaknesses: While she really does want me to leave this blank, that would just be a lie and so we are going to ignore her and keep on going. She definitely struggled in transfiguration back in school and to this day tries to avoid it when she can. It was relatively easy to avoid back in Ålesund, because her husband was good at it and also didn't see the need for her to do something when he could do it himself, but now that she's back in England she unfortunately is once again reminded that she's not all that great at it. She also hates kids. I supposes that isn't necessarily a weakness, but she considers them to be one so she wanted me to put it. It is the one part of her traditional pureblood upbringing that she's not all that pleased about, as she was always taught that she needed to marry and provide an heir, but she honestly just hates kids. She is also occasionally bad at situations where she doesn't get her way, as she's used to that; and those are normally times when her temper flares up, or she silently comes up with a plan to get her way at another time. If she can't, well... that's why it's a weakness. She's not good with that. Her father is a definite weakness, as getting him out of Azkaban is one of her chief concerns. And then, probably first and foremost, obviously it's necessary to bring up that being a seer can be a weakness at times as well. Sometimes knowing what is going to happen has its downsides, which wear on her, and if she's exhausted or snippy (snipper than usual, I should say) then anyone that knows the truth about her would more than likely be able to realize just why she was acting like that. It's also important for her to keep that a bit of a secret. Her father and her brother are the only two people alive that know she's a seer, and she likes to keep that list short.
Positive Personality Traits: Adaptable, ambitious, articulate, captivating, clever, focused, independent, intuitive, persuasive, playful (sometimes… depending on who you are), resourceful (girl will figure out a way to get her way in almost all situations), sexy (she says that’s definitely a positive personality trait, so I put it amidst protesting), spontaneous, strong, well-bred
Negative Personality Traits: Arrogant, calculating, challenging, cold, complex, deceptive, demanding (she can be a bit of a brat sometimes when it comes to getting her way), difficult, impatient in some respects but able to be patient if it works out for her in the long-run (killing her husband and taking his company took eighteen years after all), indulgent, occasionally materialistic, outspoken (when she can be, i.e., she wasn’t really when she was with her late husband or his family), selfish, stubborn, vindictive
Hobbies and Interests: The dark arts—specifically blood magick, curses, and poisons (she especially loves cursing objects, but she will always be partial to her poisons). The Imperio Curse is her favorite spell, and she likes to think she learned from the best when it came to that particular curse (her father was/is quite talented with it). Reading tarot if she actually wants to. Dance and martial arts, which keep her in shape. She’s a very good cook, so she supposes she’ll let me put that as a hobby though she says it’s obviously only proper for a pureblood woman to know how to cook. Sex, though she wasn’t particularly interested with her late husband and now is making up for lost time. Her distillery is an obvious interest of hers, as she wouldn’t have stolen it from her husband’s family otherwise, and she likes brewing and creating new liquors to make money off of. Scotch—she apparently likes scotch enough to want me to put this down as a hobby.
Character History:
Sloane Cressida Yaxley was born on the 17th of November in 1978 and the day that she was born was the day that her mother died. Growing up with only her father, and her brother as well of course, she wanted only to learn what Conall was learning, which developed her taste for the dark arts when her father decided to teach her as well. She grew up spoiled, as being daddy's little girl had its perks and she wanted to learn everything that she could from the man. It is from him that she has her skills in the Imperius Curse especially, though we'll get into that more later.

Her father did all that he could to at least teach her the pureblood traditions and expectations that came with her being a woman and a pureblood. She knew that she would need to get married someday, to produce an heir. She knew that she would need to act a certain way, to be a certain way, and when she needed to, she could be quiet and subservient and let the male lead. That was true then and it is true now, though she was still raised learning more about dueling and the dark arts than she was about manners and etiquette, not that she minded in the least. It was because of that, and because her father needed her out of the house on occasion to teach Conall more questionable practices, that he put her into dance and put her into martial arts as well... a contrast, yes, but he knew that dance was important for a well-bred pureblood female, and martial arts would help her to be more powerful which was important to him as well.

Sloane always got along well enough with her brother growing up, though she would occasionally be put off that there was more he could do while her biggest ambition (according to those who attended her dance classes at least) was meant to be marriage and mothering. That was never what she wanted... the latter part especially. Luckily for her, while that was to be something she needed to do, there was never a time when her father thought it was all he could do. He could tell the potential that she had from the start, and that was why he bothered to teach her all that he did. If she had seemed more like her mother, he probably wouldn't have bothered. But she was a Yaxley through and through, there was no doubt about that (little did he know, there was something he wasn't quite aware of that was very clearly from the Sówka side of the family).

Sloane was sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts in 1990, to absolutely no one's surprise, and was able to join her brother in the house, as he was a fourth year at the time. She excelled well in Slytherin, easily making friends with some of the like-minded in her house, like @blair . She liked that the witch wanted to do more than just get married and produce an heir, even though it wasn't yet clear what else they could do. And for many years, she just amused herself with her friends, with boys (and girls), and with learning from her father and brother about the dark arts whenever possible. There would be a time when marriage would be the next logical step for a pureblood woman, but her father hadn't arranged anything and so she put it out of her mind for the time being.

She had always had... feelings, at times. When something bad was going to happen, especially, though it was never anything clear. It came as a complete surprise, then, what she saw. What she heard. It wasn't clear as if she was there, but the implication of what she'd seen had been obvious. But she didn't know what to think. Although she'd noted her feelings and realized that sometimes tragedy or something bad tended to follow, nothing like this had ever happened before. She had seen a graveyard, a cup. She had seen Potter, and Diggory, she had seen what she knew to be Death Eaters assembled, and she had seen a man. Nearly a man, at least. A flash of a cauldron had been before that, blood and bone and flesh all apart of the potion that seemingly brought a man back to life. And instinct told her who it was more than anything else.

She told her father immediately. It had happened over the winter holidays, and the Cup in the... vision, if that was truly what it was, had given her enough information to know it was involving the task. The Dark Lord, the man her father had followed, was coming back. There was nothing they could do but wait, nothing she could really do at all. So in the meantime, she researched her mother's side of the family, the side that she had never looked into. It was then that she found out that her mother's grandmother, Cressida, had been a seer. She had been killed because of it, back when Grindelwald was in power, and it was then that she realized her own middle name, the one thing that her mother had asked of her father when she had been pregnant with her, might have been a little bit more than just a coincidence. Could she have somehow known?

It weighed on her, waiting for what she knew was going to happen. That school year dragged on, but soon enough... it had happened. She wasn't there, she couldn't say for sure that anything had necessarily happened in the way that her vision had shown in, but it had happened. And in a time of war, or impending war, a seer was a valuable asset to have around. She was loyal to whatever cause her father was, and it helped that this one was something she felt passionate about. Ridding the world of the Mudbloods that didn't deserve to be in it, ensuring blood purity, and taking their positions of power as they were born to have. Suddenly, this purpose of hers that she could have other than just getting married became incredibly clear.

Sloane was given the Mark after that school year, something that she knew was an honor... and was also a way of the Dark Lord making it clear that the seer was his. Not that anyone knew that she was one, outside of her family, and not that she cared when she was loyal to him regardless. She tried to hone the craft, but it wasn't necessarily something that was easy to do. Visions didn't come at the drop of a hat, though there were other aspects in the art of divination that she realized she was gifted at, tarot cards especially. Obviously, the Dark Lord didn't want his cards read, and she wasn't moronic enough to think something that stupid, but she honed her skill in any way she could. Mostly, it was feelings, but even that proved to be helpful over the next couple of years.

She kept her involvement under the radar, as per her father's request. Even with this purpose in mind, she still would nee to get married and there were plenty more traditional purebloods that would want their wife at home and not interested in fighting a war. Still, she contributed in any way that she could. But the next time that she had a vision, it wouldn't be one that boded well for the cause, and it wasn't something that she had ever wanted to see. The Dark Lord's death would mean that everything they had tried to fight for would be taken away, it meant that those affiliated with him that had fought for him would be tried and sentenced, and Sloane knew as well as her family did that neither her brother nor her father would come out of that well.

But since her involvement had been kept minimal, not at her own decision but of that of her father, he knew that he could keep her from being implicated. Without her knowing about it, after she had told him about what she'd seen, he arranged a marriage between her and the son of a man he had known years back. In Scandinavia, because once she heard, she didn't care to hear any more specifics about the town or even the country she would be moving to.

She protested, obviously. She was loyal to the cause and didn't want to bloody well run away, especially out of the country. But even though she hadn't learned all of the specific etiquette that a pureblood woman was meant to know, she'd been taught enough about being subservient to superiors, and her father's orders weren't ones that she could just say no to. That, and he told her that he would get her there even if he had to Imperio her to get her out of the country. She knew him well enough to know that he wasn't joking. So she went, willingly, even if she wasn't all that happy about it.

She knew very little upon her arrival to the small town of Ålesund. She knew who was meeting her at the train station, since her father had insisted she go by train, and she knew that the man that was to be her husband was named Ralf. He would not be the one meeting her. He was preoccupied with something, not that she really gave a damn what that was. It was a fitting start to a marriage that she was never interested in having to begin with.

Sloane didn't meet Ralf until almost a fortnight after her arrival to his house. Or his family's house, since it wouldn't be proper for her to move in with him until after the marriage. She had met his parents, and his sister, and a few of his brothers though she hadn't really bothered to learn their names just yet. Even though she had known it was her duty, that her father had told her to come, she still felt her place was back in the United Kingdom, back where she could be useful and perhaps try to stop her vision from coming true. But there was no stopping it.

When she finally met her fiancé, she wasn't all that impressed. He was attractive enough, she supposed. He gave her an engagement ring, and in the silence of that very night, came to her bed, saying there was no need to wait to be married when they would be soon enough. She found him to be dull in bed, and mixing between dull in conversation, to vindictive and ruthless at times, especially in matters of business.

They were married within the first month of her arrival, and so Sloane Yaxley became Sloane Østberg. She had started using a potion to prevent herself from getting pregnant. It was her duty, she knew, but she had no desire for kids, and didn't give a damn about the Østberg line anyhow. This would eventually lead to her husband believing that she couldn't have kids, though he had strayed from the martial bed far before that, and would continue to over the years.

And Sloane wouldn't care. She knew that expectations and traditions prevented her from risking having an affair, which was unfortunate since her husband was not all that interesting in bed. Still, she found ways to make do. In May, only two months after she had left Scotland, she started having nightmares. Then the word of the battle reached the Østbergs. She didn't need to hear anything from them to know it had happened at Hogwarts, to know what had occurred. She wanted to be there, especially when word got to them about her father and her brother's trials, but Ralf stood firm on her staying at his side. So she listened. She hadn't been there long enough figure out a way to get her way on that matter, unfortunately.

News of sentencing came and went. She stayed at home, learned from her sister-in-laws what she hadn't from her father about manners and etiquette and traditions in the parts of Scandinavia that they lived. She learned to cook, learned cleaning spells, and truly disliked every minute of it. She was around women content to be a wife and nothing else, and it was dull. Unfulfilling. She knew her role and would play it, but that wasn't all she wanted to do. It wasn't too long before she had her eyes on her husband's distillery, known throughout the countries that made up the region of Scandinavia.

So she tried to learn what she could about it. Over the years, she learned how to wear a certain outfit and twirl her hair and get Ralf to give her what she wanted, within reason. when it came to the company, he stayed pretty firm, but she convinced him to let her learn more about distilling, leading her to eventually creating one of the most successful liquor that Østberg Distillery sells, by the name of Akevitt Helvete. Ralf took the credit for the creation, and as a gracious wife she let him, but plans were in motion in the witch's head.

She helped him with more creations, endured him in their marriage bed whenever he fancied, and she started whispering in his ear about his brothers and how they wanted the company for themselves. Although it was a family business, he, as the eldest, had gotten it from his parents and upon their deaths (only a few years after Sloane had arrived), it had become his. His brothers all worked for the company, but it was solely in his possession. The whispers worked, though it was small progress. He never changed how he treated them outwardly, which meant that she still had to endure them around far more often than she'd like, but he was starting to grow suspicious of them.

It was a long process. Ralf went from months of enjoying her contributions, making money off of the liquors that she concocted that he claimed as his own, and then he would have months where he was livid at her for thinking she was meant for more than just staying at home and doing what a proper pureblood wife was meant to do. It was then she found out a horrible truth... he knew she was a seer. She didn't know what her father had been thinking when he had told Ralf's father about that, though she could only bet it was either to emphasize the importance of her getting out of the country, or to give them yet another reason to want her around. Regardless, his bad months had her being forced to read tarot cards for a spare bit of money, as a reminder from Ralf of her place and his, and how she was meant to do as he said.

It went on like that for several years, the good months and the bad months, depending on his mood he would either be happy with her, let her be involved, unfortunately find himself in the mood late at night, and in the morning, and any other time that struck his fancy, and other times he could barely look at her without a sneer and constantly reminded her of her place in his household. Still, on one of the longer good stretches, she had finally been able to convince him. His brothers couldn't take the company from him. He needed to leave it to her instead, that way it could go to their son, should she ever conceive, and even if she couldn't, it was better than letting them get their hands on his hard work. It had taken years, but she had done it.

They went to his lawyer later in that week, and he was not as easily convinced. A family friend, he found it hard to believe that Ralf would want to change his will, and after years of hard work, she had no plans of being slowed down by some ridiculous lawyer. A quick Imperius curse took care of him, and her husband's will was changed. Still, she did nothing. At that point, she knew this would end with her killing him. She had no plans of just waiting around for him to die of natural causes or old age, no she wanted the company sooner than that. Yet still, she showed patience.

In a way, it was more out of respect for her father than to Ralf. He had wanted her here, and so here she remained. However, after eighteen years with this man, she found a point where she knew she couldn't take it anymore. It was yet another one of his point-proving bad months, wanting her to go read fortunes and put on a ridiculous show to the Muggles in town, and she had decided she had it with Ralf and this family, and this village. She was done. She said no, something that he did not take well, to say the least. By week's end, she had figured out how she would kill him. An untraceable poison called Angel's Trumpet Draught. Yes, poison was a woman's weapon, and it was a bit cliché, but it was what would work.

And by the end of April, Ralf Østberg was dead, and not a healer in the area could figure out why. That immediately was suspicious to his brothers and sister, and the rest of the in-laws, who had never cared for her as she had never cared for them. When the will was read, their suspicions (in their minds) were verified. Outraged would be an understatement when they found out that the company had been left to Sloane.

She had no plans to stay there once she had gotten what she wanted. Of course, appearances made it important for her to stay for the funeral, and the Østberg family trying to wrap her up in legal battles took longer, but with no evidence of any wrongdoing, there was nothing that could be done for them. The company was hers. She doesn't quite know that they'll take that lying down, but she doesn't expect they will do anything she can't handle. It wasn't just Ralf she had charmed all of these years, it had been employees in all levels of the company as well.

With her legal matters now settled, she had been able to return to Scotland and her family's home, where her brother and his family is now living. Whispers of a rebellion have her interested as well, though she is officially in the United Kingdom to try to bring Østberg Distillery into the market and continue to expand it. Still, she can't deny that the feeling she is getting is one of something she needs to find a way to be apart of, and soon.

Plots and Politics
Where does your character stand in the treatment of death eaters and their families? Obviously, she thinks it’s entirely disgraceful to noble and pure families for lesser witches and wizards to try to lord over them and act superior, particularly in something as absolutely atrocious as the work camp. She will fight with the rebellion until it is victorious and the pure are once again back on top where they belong. It is one of the main reasons why she has come back to England, after all—to fight for what is rightfully theirs, to get her father out of Azkaban, and to raise some hell… when it’s the right time to, at least (I reminded her of that one, she’s a little impatient at times).

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort? Her father was a Death Eater and so they were rather positively affected by the Dark Lord’s reign, at least. Corban was granted the position of head of the department of magical law enforcement, which was quite the impressive position, in Sloane’s opinion at least. However, they were affected even more by the Dark Lord’s death, since Sloane saw it. Her father planned her extraction from England, set her to Norway (against her will, might she add). After the Battle of Hogwarts, Corban was sentenced to life in Azkaban where he still resides.

Parents: Corban Yaxley – 64, Celestyn Yaxley (née Sówka)– deceased
Siblings: Conall Yaxley - 40
Children: -
Partner: the late Ralf Østberg (thank Merlin for that)
Other Relevant Family: The in-laws… Stefan Østberg – 49 (brother-in-law), Tormod – 46 (brother-in-law), Bjørn Østberg – 42 (brother-in-law), Kaia Årud (née Østberg) – 39 (sister-in-law), as well as far too many more to even begin to name
Family History:
The Yaxley family has been pure of blood for years, and as such they are amongst the families included in the Sacred-Twenty-Eight. Although they are related to the Black family, they are most distantly related to the Crouch, Weasley, and Longbottom families. Their roots are mostly in Scotland, and more specifically on the Isle of Skye, in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. The town goes by the name Portree, and it is where the Yaxley family has had their estate for generations. They do have a smaller manor in England as well, specifically in London, but the larger manor in Portree has always been given to the oldest male.

It is in Portree that Corban Yaxley was born in 1951, to Alpin and Tamsin Yaxley (née Nott). He was their second child, though his older brother wasn't long for this world. He had been born weak, and sickly, though the doctors at St. Mungo's hadn't been able to say for sure just what was wrong with him. From the start, Alpin treated Corban as if he was his firstborn, grooming him for power, teaching him the old ways, and the proper pureblood traditions. There was no doubt in Alpin's mind that Corban was the son that he could be proud of, and so Ewan, his first born, never got much attention from his father once Corban had been born. He wouldn't reach his fourth birthday, and while Tamsin and Alpin publicly mourned her son's death the way that any proper family would do, neither of them considered it to be a great loss considering what little he had to offer to the family.

Not ever truly being close to his brother, Corban moved past his brother's death and became the eldest and heir to the Yaxley name that he knew he deserved to be. Eventually he had one younger brother, who was taught alongside him. He learned well from his father, taking after his skill in dark curses and blood magicks he learned from his mother. The Yaxley family had always had its ties to the dark arts, as Alpin had graduated school with Tom Riddle and was apart of his original group of followers. He knew what could happen in the future, and wanted his son prepared to do the family name proud, as he knew he would and knew that Ewan never would have been able to do.

Corban began Hogwarts in 1962, and was immediately sorted into Slytherin as Yaxleys had for generations. His mother, a Nott, had been sorted into Ravenclaw for her intelligent and thirst for knowledge, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind the house that Corban would be sorted into. From the start of his time at Hogwarts, he knew of the woman that he would marry. It had been arranged, an agreement that had technically been for Ewan that had easily and happily been changed when Ewan had died. He would have Celestyn Sówka upon his graduation. In an effort to shy away from marrying with English families, his father had reached out to an old friend in Poland when Ewan had been born.

He knew very little about the woman. She was Polish, obviously. She was beautiful. She was attending Durmstrang, and they would be married upon her graduation. He didn't see the need to know much more than that. He would have a wife, he would have an heir, and he didn't need to think anymore on it until then. He obviously did not let his future marriage at all impact him in his later years in Hogwarts. He had a way with women and had his way with women as often as he wanted. But he grew more serious as his graduation approached, knowing of the Dark Lord at this point and knowing that his father had taken a Mark, an honor that Corban wanted as well.

And so the summer of his graduation had two important events occurring... his marriage, and his marking, though he deemed one significantly more important than the other. From the start, he invested himself wholeheartedly in the cause, while keeping up appearances with his job at the Ministry, with the right social events, and making sure that the public was none the wiser. As was seemingly a misfortune of the Yaxley family, he and his father would share something in common... the loss of his first son. Celestyn would fall pregnant within the first few years of their marriage, having a pregnancy with many complications for the young witch to deal with. She gave birth to a technically healthy baby boy in 1972, though he would not reach his first birthday. Fortunately for Corban, it was only three years later that his wife found herself pregnant once again. Although he was out of the house much of the time with work or serving the Dark Lord's cause, he made sure that the house elves tended to her and gave her specific orders not to leave the house and to stay as healthy as possible.

In 1975, Conall Yaxley was born, a true heir to the name and healthy as the brother he would never meet had not been. Corban was able to focus more on the cause now that he knew he needn't be concerned about his wife producing him a son, so he was surprised when he found out in 1978 that Celestyn was pregnant once again. The orders not to leave the house were given, but this pregnancy was another complicated one. Celestyn died on the 17th of November, giving birth to one Sloane Cressida Yaxley.

Raising two children alone was not something that he was prepared to do, but he was invested enough in the cause that stopping to try to find another wife was out of the question. He relied mostly on nannies and house elves to tend to the house and the children, but that did not mean that he didn't plan to teach them everything that he knew. Both of them were quick studies, making the family name proud, and while he taught his daughter some of the pureblood traditions, and expectations and mannerisms expected of women, he was more fond of teaching her the dark curses and blood magick that she was so enamored in.

The fall of the Dark Lord was a hard time, but Yaxley's claims that he had been under the Imperius Curse helped him stay out of Azkaban as it helped so many others after the first war. He kept his position in the Ministry, in the department of magical law enforcement, and kept his nose down. He did not search for the Dark Lord, but if he heard anything at all, he knew he would stop at nothing to help. Instead, he focused on continuing to teach his children the dark magic that had followed the Yaxley name from its origin.

Corban was immediately back at the Dark Lord's side when he came back into power, and not only that, but he had information to give. His daughter, only sixteen at the time, possessed a gift that had run through the Sówka line through the generations; something he hadn't known about since he rarely actually spoke to his wife while she was alive. She was a seer, and she had seen His return. It put him back in good favor, and since his son was twenty and a useful soldier, he had another worthy offering. Conall took the Mark that summer, and it was said that Sloane would as well, upon her graduation.

When the Dark Lord truly took control, Corban was given the position as head of the department of magical law enforcement, an honor that he took seriously. With both of the next generations of Yaxleys in service to the Dark Lord as well, he couldn't imagine anything could go wrong. Until his daughter came to him about a vision, one that foretold the Dark Lord's defeat. In arguably the only true act fully for his family's benefit and not necessarily for the Dark Lord's, he got in touch with a friend from the town of Ålesund, whom he knew had a son in need of a wife. With his daughter having seen what would happen, he couldn't have her around for it. They didn't know the 'when,' which means he arranged the marriage quickly and had her sent off to marry someone she had never met... amidst protests, though he had taught her well enough when to obey an order.

The Battle of Hogwarts happened two months later, and while he was injured in battle, he was not killed. He was promptly tried and sent to Azkaban however, for the remainder of his life. His son was sentenced lighter, to the work release program put into place under Shacklebolt's rule, and was able to keep possession of both their estates in London and Portree. And he knew that his daughter was never put on trial, as she wasn't even in the country for the last few months of the war, and he had kept her involvement under the radar. Now he's been in Azkaban for the past eighteen years... you could say he's not doing so well.

Other: Death Eater obv, and she’s a seer because we totally need one, and because she’s a badass.

Lemme just stop you right there

Have you read the site plot, rules, and timeline?

How did you hear about Insurrection?
I haven't.

Jenna Dewan-Tatum

Roleplay Sample
Can't be sorted until Friday but chucking it up here anyway!

~She slipped something in his Tennessee whiskey no lawman was ever going to find, and how he died was still a mystery, but he hit a woman for the very last time~

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Post by Deleted on Jun 24, 2016 7:09:15 GMT -5
