Wish I didn't know now.

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Post by Deleted on Nov 29, 2017 21:28:08 GMT -5

What I didn't know then
@eleanor Outfit

Nov 27th 2017
Ministry of Magic, Magical Law Enforcement Division

Mondays, she hated them. Mainly because when she came back her desk was covered in mail. It wasn't like she wanted to not do the paperwork She could care less honestly, but the fact that she felt looked down on for being foreign was a real thing. She hated it. She hated the way that people made her feel a little less than worthy, but she was new around there. She wasn't going to cross lines and say something yet. However, the Italian blood that flowed through her veins was not going to just let people walk over her (and it was't like anyone was) but she refused to feel less than because she was Italian. 

Honestly, she probably had more ideas about what was going on than half the upper management did but that came from being the wife of a politician (though an Italian one). She had a lot on her mind and was walking through the department in an old favorite dress, and her signature pearls when she thought she heard someone call her name. Stopping she turned around looking for the person who had spoken. 

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Post by Deleted on Dec 22, 2017 14:19:06 GMT -5

Eleanor didn't often walk around the Ministry. She had a lot of things to do back in her own department, a very good reason to get home early, and the few people she visited were close by enough for the trips to be very short. If she needed anything to be sent anywhere else, she either had Monroe send a memo or she sent Monroe herself. As to why she was in the DMLE, actually, one could only guess. Well, that was to say that she would leave everybody guessing, but she'd actually gone to see if she could find her father. The Selwyn house elves had claimed that he'd come to work today, but she knew for a fact that there were no Wizengamot meetings that day. Strange, to say the least, but not exactly unsurprising. Her father wasn't all there in the head anymore. Most people were having the same issues when it came to parents or grandparents that had been released from Azkaban. The effects for so long and at such an advanced age were troubling at best. So she'd come to see wether she could find him and discreetly send him away. Something which she had indeed managed to do. She'd been going back to the elevators, to get back to work, when she caught sight of a witch close by. Now, Eleanor had never actually met Madam Acciai but she'd heard somewhere that she was related to Raymond Kvothe. Not that it was a good thing, Eleanor felt a profound distaste for the man. Not that she mentioned it, of course.

The fact of the matter was that just this morning she'd decided to have Monroe schedule a meeting between them. The woman was head of the misuse of muggle artefacts office, a place that was quite useful in gathering the names of people they should keep an eye on. Anyone experimenting with muggle objects tended to lean towards the muggle-sympathising side. Those were names she could use, because if they matched those of students at the school it meant that they had less reason to worry about them. If they matched with the names of people who'd requested to start homeschooling their children this year, even more. After all, having the children in a castle filled with Death Eaters was quite some leverage over anyone that was planning on misbehaving. Oh, of course she was unwilling to allow the harming of children, but she was a Death Eater and most people didn't know that she cared so much. Well, so much. She didn't support the needless harm of children, but if necessary... well, sometimes one just needed to break a few eggs.

"Madam Acciai, how fortunate that I run into you. I was wondering if you had a moment." Eleanor stood in front of the woman, face pleasantly calm but also showing that it was not a question.
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Post by Deleted on Dec 27, 2017 12:11:08 GMT -5

Ornella had been in meetings a good portion of the day, after taking care of all of her mail. She really didn’t have the time or the inclination to have to deal with a lot of stupid people but it seemed like that was what her day was going to be like. She was slowly becoming used to it honestly, and she didn’t mind all that much, it was nice to have something to do for a change, it was nice to have people who respected her, and she was good at her job. She spent as little time out in the field as she could, because she didn’t like getting dirty and what good would she be getting in the way? Instead she had a Pensieve in her office and all reports were required to submit memories that corroborate. Was she a hard ass, a little,but she refused to have anything submitted by her department be questionable.

She had be returning to her office when someone, a Death Eater and a woman, stopped her. She had seen the woman around more than a few times, but had not truly looked twice at her. She had the bone structure of high breeding and a walk that screamed money and status. Nella made the assumption that she was a pureblood, and would probably be proven right. She pursed her lips and sighed when the woman pretty much gave her no choice. Turning around and giving the woman her back Nella rolled her eyes and walked to her office, telling her assistant to not bother them and stepped inside, leaving the door open behind her.

Sitting down being her desk she crossed her legs. ”You have my attention, Signora.” She said respectfully. Her accent was still heavy, and she took out her cigarette holder before lighting a cigarette, leaning back to await what ever it was that was wanted of her.
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Post by Deleted on Feb 8, 2018 13:08:29 GMT -5

The turning without a word was not, to Eleanor, acceptable. Madam Acciai was not familiar with the higher names in the Ministry or in the local pureblood society, it seemed. A mistake on her part, of course, because one ought to always know who to look out for and who was substantial enough to have to respect. Eleanor was one of these people and as she followed, she couldn't say that she was all that impressed. No word of greeting or politeness and as soon as they entered the woman sat without offering a beverage, took out a cigarette without asking about her guest's comfort, and asked for neither title nor name. Eleanor didn't know what ill mannered hole the woman crept out of, but she was in her good books so far. At all. She was sure it was visible on her face but Eleanor, for once, didn't much care about her fellow's opinion. How crude.

"I merely require that you send a list of the people charged with experimentation and misuse of muggle artefacts to my office. Cross reference purposes, you see. A pro-muggle mentality can easily be spotted. I'm sure it's no trouble to ask for regular reports. Monthly, perhaps." Eleanor crossed her legs and placed both hands on her upper knee, back and shoulders relaxed and head carefully tilted in polite interest. She looked the other woman over, carefully, and forced a pleasant smile. "It'd be much appreciated."

Why she hadn't just gone back to her office and done it, she couldn't recall. She'd been over to casually visit cousins over in the department while actually searching for her mindless father. It hadn't exactly put her in a pleasant or forgiving mood and taking attitude from a foreign chit was not on her menu today. At all, so Acciai better fall in line soon before she actually had something to say about her behaviour.
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Post by Deleted on Mar 30, 2018 7:50:12 GMT -5

Ornella was raised a pureblood and she had been taught all of the social graces the woman before her had, but unfortunately Ornella had little patience. She had a set list of things that she knew she needed to do every day and this was impeding on that list. She had heard, of course, of the death of Lady Bulstrodes husband, and how she was now living with a woman. The fact that she was, did not bother Ornella, because she had done the same thing, only for her own freedom. She had made sure that it was faultless and that no one would ever know that it was her. It was how things should be done in her opinion, she didn’t do things sloppy, she had a reputation to uphold. She offered no beverage, and did not ask about the cigarette because Lady Bulstrode had asked for this meeting. If she was thirsty or cared she could easily leave. She wasn’t there to give comfort to others she was there for her job.

Ornella raise a brow for a mere moment, her version of a smirk before setting the holder down in the ashtray. The locked drawer beside her came easily open when she waved the proper rune over them, and pulled out the small file before handing it to her. ”These are the ones that have been changed since I stepped into office. “ She said before handing the file over. She had a copy of the list inside so she wasn’t doing herself any harm by giving the documents over.

She could have just sent a memo for this. She could have gone to Ornella’s boss (who got a copy of all of this) just as easily. Ornella hated being put out, more than anything else in the world. ”I will forward any other names from reports that come in to you as well, Lady Bulstrode “ She said politely, before extinguishing the cigarette. More than likely the older woman took issue with the smell, but it brought Nella a bit of peace, though she was sure incense would do the same damned thing. She held up her finger for a moment in thought and stood, going to the cabinet on the wall near by Ornella looked through the files of her predecessor quickly and found the one file she was looking for and pulled the massive thing out.

”This may be what you are looking for as well, it may not be. This was the file from the people before me. I put them all into one file. Some are old, dating back to the Nineties, but you might find some use of them, si?” She said while offering the woman a small smile and placing the heavy thing before the blonde. She was playing nice. She knew better than to piss people off here, and she knew how to blow the steam off by brew and practicing with her blades when she got home.