Seer of Slytherin

Hesper Elladora Gamp
Hesper Elladora Gamp Avatar
53 posts
60 years old
Head of the Department of Health and Human Services
Adviser to the Minister
Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot

Avalon School of Ballet Endowment Foundation President
played by Jade
"Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps."

Post by Hesper Elladora Gamp on Feb 4, 2018 15:27:31 GMT -5

Lady Hesper Elladora Gamp
59 - Female - Pureblood - 10/28/1958

Professor of Divination
Head of Slytherin
Member of the Wizengamot

Appearance and Personality
General Appearance:
Hesper has a pale, even complexion. She carries herself with pride and poise. There is an elegance and grace to her movements. The witch walks with her head held high, a soft smile ever present on her lips. Her face is unique and expressive--most memorable is the hints of sadness always shadowing her eyes. Darkening around her eyes betrays the weight of the Inner Eye on the woman. She makes an effort to hide this with glamours, believing the imperfection is a sign of weakness.

The pureblood's thin aristocratic features and delicate nose set off her fair skin. Long auburn locks frame her face and are often worn down in large loose curls. Guarded eyes are framed by inky lashes (which have been magically thickened and lengthened). The witch is quite petite (barely 5'3") and has a dainty femininity to her figure. Hesper adores tailored robes and high heels to counter her short stature. The woman is never seen in flats, pants or muggle attire, but only tailored wizarding fashions.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Skills: Inner eye - Public speaking - Diplomacy - Deception - Occlumency - Event planning

Weaknesses: Alone - Backwards thinking - Abysmal potioneer - A natural follower

Positive Personality Traits:

CharmingEloquentCooperative Elegant Polished Engaging Non-authoritarian
Discreet Protective Reliable Forgiving Supportive Cultured Detail oriented
Obedient Capable Dutiful Devout Empathetic Patient Meticulous
Inner EyeGastronome Erudite Ladylike Deceptive Demure Personable

Negative Personality Traits:

Decadent Libidinous Fatalistic Secretive Attention seekingDogmatic Sycophantic
Entitled Alone Judgmental Sybarite Morally scrupulousPaternalistic Insecure
Fickle Impatient Vindictive Indulgent Self-preservationistConservative Submissive
Frivolous Obedient Formal Loquacious Contradictory Materialistic Inner Eye

Hobbies and Interests:

Legislative analysisLobbying Socializing Divination Crystallomancy Cartomancy Arithmancy
Historical studyGossip Classical pianoAntiquities Genealogy Travel Literature
Historical studyMeditation The BalletSleeping lateLinguistics Philanthropy Society

Character History:
The first day of February in 1958, Elladora Selwyn and Alastor Gamp the tenth were married. On their wedding night, it was obviously Ella's first experience laying with man. Her inexperience displeased Alastor, but her fertility did not. She became pregnant that very night. As her second trimester faded into the third, his father, Alastor Gamp the ninth, passed away. It was then that the couple returned to England and took up residence in the Gamp ancestral home. Margery--his father's last wife--and her sons continued to reside on the estate. Alastor did not attempt to force them to leave, despite his aversion to their presence. As he was the head of the Gamp family, he had a responsibility to care for all who bore the surname. The following fall Alastor's disappointment in his new wife grew when their daughter Hesper was born. He had no use for a daughter. Though she was first born, she was not worthy of that distinction due to her gender. Alastor paid her no attention.

It took several years for Elladora to become pregnant again. Alastor was primarily to blame for this. After Hesper's birth, he did not return to Elladora's bed for nearly a year. And for several after that, he remained more often absent than present. The man's eye had been caught by a more worldly and experienced woman--the infamous Cassiopeia Black. Cassiopeia was a close friend of Margery--giving her cause to often be found at the Gamp estate. Alastor was devoted to the wanton witch until she grew tired of him--and truly even after the woman had found another wizard to amuse herself with, his want for the Black never diminished. But, when he no longer had his mistress, the man returned to his wife's bed. No more experienced, but considerably more a woman now, Elladora became pregnant soon upon receiving her husband's attention once again. Hesper was of age to be able to recall her mother's pregnancy and her father's cold, distant demeanor before the second child was added to their household. Elladora managed to give Alastor a son. He, of course, was named in the tradition of the Gamp family becoming the eleventh of his name.

Hesper was never jealous of her brother. Though the boy garnered their father's attention, she could not be bothered to care. She was the Selwyn's precious princess and royally spoiled by Grandmother Margery. From birth until her departure for Hogwarts, Hesper was trained in the rules of etiquette and propriety. Margery did all she could to influence the young woman to reject the role placed on women in purist society, but the effort was all for naught. Hesper was demure, submissive, and obedient. She had no thirst for power, but was content following a worthy leader. After the first of her siblings arrived, the rest came in steady succession--one right after the other. Elladora was a good mother and adored her children. The years were happy for awhile. Truly until the end of the summer of 1989, Hesper grew very anxious beginning in June--having terrible nightmares. She did her very best to keep this from catching the attention of her family, but her mother noticed. Each time Hesper was asked what as wrong, she could only reply that she felt as if something terrible was about to happen. And then it did. Heliose, the third son--the fourth of Alastor's children, had a tragic accident. He was just a toddler. How he drowned is still unclear—the whole family had been at the shore. One second he had been playing in the sand with Magnus and young Alastor, the next Heliose was gone. They all searched for the boy, but it was Hesper that found him. The blue of his face and emptiness of his eyes still haunts her nightmares. She was only ten at the time.

By her eleventh birthday, it was settled that she would attend Hogwarts. It was at the request of the Burke family that she was permitted to do so. Alastor held the opinion that a pureblood witch had no need for such an education, but should learn under the lady of the house to be a proper hostess and wife. However, Hubert Burke did not wish the witch slated to be his son's wife to have such a limited usefulness; as a stipulation of the betrothal agreement, Hesper was to complete seven years of formal education and earn marks of Exceeds Expectations or better on a minimum of four NEWTs. She surpassed the minimum requirement.

Sorted into Slytherin, the witch was a quiet girl, but when she spoke, her contributions to class or conversation were eloquent and valuable. Most found her amicable company. She excelled at Divination. It was clear the witch possessed some sight, even if she was not fully a slave to the Inner Eye. Though her intuition and empathetic nature caused her to have a greatly heightened awareness of those around her, she long hid her sight from the world through her silence. Her family only became aware of the witch's skill at cartomancy and crystallomancy when the current divination professor at Hogwarts praised her so substantially. It was a great honor, the woman had said, to guide a seer on her journey. Hesper would never embrace the seer title, finding herself unworthy of such an honor. Unknown to many including herself, the witch has given only one unsolicited prophecy in her lifetime. It was spoken in the presence of Margery Yaxley and foretold her death following long after all her children were buried.

Hesper attended Hogwarts beginning in the fall of 1970 until her graduation in the summer of 1977. It seems worthy noting, as well, that her academic timeline did overlap with that of the Marauders. Though older than the lot of Gryffindors--Hesper came to know Lily Evans and Remus Lupin when the two Gryffindors were selected as prefects in their fifth year. She had already served as Slytherin's prefect her fifth and sixth years before she was made Head Girl.

The witch completed seven NEWTs, passing all by receiving a marks of Outstanding in both Divination and Arithmancy, Exceeds Expectations for Ancient Runes, Astronomy, and History of Magic, and finally, Acceptable for Charms and Transfiguration. She chose to not complete the exam for Herbology, but continued study of the subject in her sixth and seventh years. Her OWL results in Potions had prevented the continuation of the study of that horrible subject, though even if she had no intention to step foot in the potions classroom ever again after her fifth year. Though she was a disaster in front of a cauldron, Horace Slughorn--her Head of House--still thought very highly of the witch--she was a member of his Slug Club and got on very well with the man.

There was very little time between Hesper's graduation from Hogwarts and her wedding day. The first took place on Saturday, June 25th; the second the following Friday, July 1st. Hesper married Regulus Burke, first born son of Hubert Burke and Belvina Burke nee Black, heir to the Burke estate and antiquities business. By the time the witch took the surname Burke, the Dark Lord was already rising to power. Her half-uncles, Margery’s sons, were some of the first marked. Her husband and his younger brother, Orion, soon did the same. In an attempt to impress Voldemort, Margery began to tell the dark wizard of her granddaughter’s divining prowess. At this point, the knowledge of her skill was becoming known among the wives of many purists anyway. Many of society women paid visits to the Burke for readings. Bellatrix Lestrange was among them. The witch was becoming lost in her obsession—both regarding Voldemort’s rise and her failures at producing Rodolphus an heir. The witch cared little about pleasing her husband, but a great deal about fulfilling the Dark Lord’s wises. Bellatrix had a duty to the purist cause, to not only fight, but to continue the blood lines of her and Rodolphus’s prestigious houses.

There was no singular decision that drew Hesper into the service of the Dark Lord. It was a slow, gradual descent into the darkness. Hesper was always terrified of the man, but her duty to her husband and her self preservationist instinct kept the woman subservient to Voldemort. She was still a novice, though, despite her years of education at Hogwarts. It would take her many more years to hone her skills. As such, the witch misinterpreted a number of key events causing the Dark Lord to lose faith in her. He punished her husband for each of her mistakes. Each failure caused Regulus to grow colder and harsher with his wife. After the third time the man was made to endure the Dark Lord’s Cruciatus, Regulus beat Hesper so badly she was hospitalized. It is the worst of her memories of her husband--

As Hesper was brought into confidence time and time again regarding future Death Eater activities, the amount of knowledge she possessed became a liability. Especially as Order members became more adept at Legilimency and slipping Veritaserum into drinks—as the war grew bloodier, even the good guys turned to less noble tactics. Pureblood wives were targeted for information. One of Hesper’s very best friends was drugged with Veritaserum when the two had met for lunch and was accosted in the bathroom for information regarding the location of Death Eater gatherings. Unwilling to let his little seer go, Voldemort instructed Bellatrix to begin to train Hesper in Occlumency. Bellatrix went above and beyond that request, attempting to teach Hesper both Legilmency and Occlumency. The latter came easier to Hesper, as she already been training for many years to close her mind to the Inner Eye, to avoid being made a slave to the sight. Hesper never managed any real success with Legilmency. She can cast the spell, but there is no discretion in her ability—any time she attempted to invade another’s mind, her presence was very obvious and painfully felt.

The relief the woman experienced after the Dark Lord disappeared on Halloween 1981 cannot be adequately expressed in words. Service to Voldemort had taken so many lives—every single one of Margery’s sons were dead. Her brother-in-law was dead. So many of those she had known her entire life were either in the ground or in Azkaban. Hubert Burke, her father-in-law, held a seat on the Wizengamot. As with the House of Lords in the muggle English Parliament, a number of the seats on the wizarding court and legislative body are appointed positions. Hubert Burke held such a position. He had been named the successor to his father and would do the same for his son. It was at his behest that Hesper testified in the Death Eater proceedings, not implicating her husband, of course, but sharing details of how because of her uncles affiliation with Voldemort she had been forced to attempt to divine what the future held for various Death Eaters and assorted endeavours the group were undertaking. She cited her hospitalization as the result of her attempt to resist involvement, laying blame for her injuries on a number of suspected Death Eaters. No mention was made of Regulus Burke during her interview.

During the next decade, Hesper would rise in wizarding society as a philanthropist. She participated in a number of movements that improved wizarding children education prior to age eleven and raised a great deal of money for those impacted by the first Wizarding War. The witch did her part to restore respectability to the Burke and Gamp names. Both of her pregnancies were very public due to her role in society, as such, so was her firstborn's stillborn birth. When Sienna came into the world, the beautiful little girl was celebrated by Hesper and society alike. She became an advocate for prenatal care and women’s health after the terrible loss of her first child. The witch organized an effort that resulted in the Ministry of Magic increasing the assistance available for pregnant women and young mothers to ensure all were receiving adequate care regardless of the woman’s financial situation. For her work with women's rights, Hesper was honored with the distinction of Order of Merlin, Second Class.

It was in that time that she finally brought a living son into this world. He was given the same name as his late stillborn brother. Eventually, his name would change, though--legally from Orion Burke to Alastor Gamp XII, but that is later in the story. When Alastor Gamp X died in 1989, Hesper’s brother, Alastor XI, took over their father’s seat on the wizarding court. He had no impact on even a single proceeding before taking ill with spattergroit. Hesper was named his interim delegate to serve in his place until the man recovered. By the time her brother died in 1998, Hesper had already proven herself as a capable contributor to the court. She was unanimously voted in by her peers as her brother's permanent replacement for the Gamp line on the court. There was no one else alive able to do so.

After giving her husband a son, they continued to try to have more children. This was met again with success. The woman birthed a daughter in the spring of 1990. The birth of her daughter corresponded to the death of her husband. It was a bittersweet time for the woman.  

When Voldemort returned, Hesper greatly feared for her life and her family’s well being. Though her father had not joined the Death Eater ranks in the first Wizarding War, both her first and second brothers—AlastorXI and Magnus—chose to fight with the purists. Magnus lost his life in the Battle of the Seven Potters, while AlastorXI died at the final battle at Hogwarts. The death of those two siblings left her as the only surviving child of Alastor Gamp the tenth. Everett, the youngest of the lot, had gotten himself killed by trying to prove himself a man. He stole one of his uncle’s Death Eater masks, thinking he could show it off to his friends. The boy had dressed all in black and went sneaking through Hogsmeade. School was out of session, but a group of Slytherins were going to meet at the Shrieking Shack. He never made it. Aurors caught sight of what they believed to be a Death Eater—and by all appearances someone who was. Everett--being the foolish, arrogant brat he was--fired off a slew of spells at the magical law enforcement officer before trying to flee. After it was all said and done, the boy ended up dead. It was a public relations nightmare for the Ministry and for the Gamps.

Just as Hesper took over the Gamp seat on the Wizengamot, her son took over the name that was passed down through so many generation of Gamps. He carries the burden of continuing the pure Gamp line. 

As she had testified in the hearings against Death Eaters in the early eighties, the witch was provided auror protection in the nineties—once the Ministry came to accept that Voldemort had truly returned. Hesper did not provide the Dark Lord any direct assistance during the second war. For appearances sake, to feign further distance herself from her family’s entanglement with the violence and out of fear of what she already knew to be happening (the Dark Lord’s return), the witch was one of the Wizengamot members who voted in favor of Harry Potter being pardoned for his use of magic in front of a muggle and his use of magic while underage. Her sight was indirectly made use of by Voldemort. Death Eaters and other associates dedicated to the purist cause would seek her out for readings and guidance. She gave assistance where she could, but she knew the effort--just as the one before it--was fated to fail.

After the second war drew to a close, Hesper made every effort to continue forward with life. She had so few family members left—each year left her more and more alone. She remained active in society and politics, maintaining her seat on the wizarding court. Never an avid supporter of Kingsley Shacklebolt, she would gladly take him over the new Durant regime. Even though she managed to retain her Wizengamot seat, her shop is often visited by magical law enforcement and the woman has endured more interrogations that she cares to remember. The abuse and prejudice towards those of pureblood heritage is something the woman cannot continue to ignore. Should she have the opportunity, she was eager to lend her assistance to those who would rise up and overthrow the abomination that serves as Minister of Magic.

The opportunity did present itself and the witch did what she could--but was not particularly thrilled with Ares as the new leader. As such, Hesper allied herself to Andromeda Lestrange--a woman she has long respected and admired--and did what she could to facilitate the change in leadership.

Plots and Politics
What is your character’s stance on the recent takeover of the Ministry by Death Eaters?
Hesper is strong ally of Andromeda. She has a great amount of respect and admiration for the woman. She believes the witch is the leader the wizarding world deserves.

Where did your character stand in the treatment of Death Eaters and their families under the late Minister Durant's rule?
Hesper opposed the blind prejudice presently utilized by the minister. She understands his motivation, but longs for the old ways to return. The witch believes in purist traditions and values. Hesper hopes to be able to use her position on the Wizengamot for positive change, but knows Durant watches all purebloods closely, as such she appears to support many of his initiatives while always looking to undermine him behind the scenes.

How was your character and their family affected by the reign and death of Voldemort?
See family and character histories as Hesper and her family were impacted extensively by the rise and fall of the Dark Lord in both of the Wizarding Wars.

Alastor Gamp X, deceased, and
Elladora Gamp nee Selwyn, deceased

Alastor Gamp XI (1964-1998), deceased
Magnus Gamp (1965-1997), deceased
Heloise Gamp (1967-1969), deceased
Everett Gamp (1968-1980), deceased

Orion Burke (1980), stillborn
@sienna (b. 11/15/1982), Slytherin alumni, Unspeakable & spell inventor
Alastor Gamp XII, formerly Orion Burke (b. 1984), Slytherin and Lufkin alumni
Eostre Elinor Burke (b. spring 1990), Ravenclaw and Lufkin alumni

Regulus Burke (1950-1990), deceased,
--born of Herbert Burke (1880-1989) and Belvina Burke nee Black (1886-1962)
--brother of Orion Burke (1954-1981) and Maia Avery nee Burke (b. 1960)
--nephew of Caractacus Burke

Other Relevant Family:
See Family History.
Hesper has blood ties to many pureblood families, including the Houses of:
Abbott, Avery, Black, Bulstrode, Crabbe, Crouch, Fawley, Gaunt, Greengrass, Goyle, Grindelwald, Lestrange, Malfoy, Macmillian, Ollivander, Parkinson, Prewett, Rosier, Rowle, Selwyn, Trelawney*, and Yaxley.
*before the line became tarnished.

Family History:

Hesper was born in the fall of 1958 to a young woman and an old man. She is a descendant of the most noble and ancient Houses Gamp and Selwyn. Her heritage is prestigious with blood ties to nearly every family honored with membership to the Sacred Twenty-Eight.


Her mother was the second wife of Alastor Gamp the tenth. His first wife had been her oldest sister, Flora—but the witch had proven barren. Whether Flora killed herself, was murdered, or simply died inexplicably is something only Alastor truly knows. Flora was the first child of Broderick Selwyn and Viola Selwyn nee Rowle, while Elladora was their last. Elladora never knew her mother as the woman passed in childbirth bringing the Selwyn’s seventh child into the world. Between Flora and Elladora were their parents four sons and one other daughter.

In order of birth, the Selwyn children were Flora (1930-1951), Warrick (1931-1980), August (1933-1979), Dietrich(1935-1938) and Eostre (1935-1939)—twins, Septimus (1936-1939), and Elladora (1943-1980). Dietrich, Eostre, and Septimus all died of dragon pox--the twins within hours of one another, though one during the final moments of 1938 and the other in the first hours of 1939. Warrick was the blood traitor of the family. He was force to watch as the Lestrange brothers tortured his muggleborn wife in the way only two such demented kindred spirits could manage. The entire family was slaughtered--all three of his sons. Taking their lives was merciful after what they had endured.

It would be Ellanora to die next. The woman was one of the unfortunate ones who somehow contracted vanishing sickness. Hesper bore witness to her mother's disappearance--and was forced to undergo observation at St. Mungo's to ensure she had not contracted the contagious magical bug. A few months later August was killed by aurors in a skirmish--he never even managed to earn a Dark Mark.

Children of Broderick Selwyn and Viola Selwyn nee Rowle:
-Flora Gamp nee Selwyn(1930-1951)
-Warrick Selwyn(1931-1980)
-August Selwyn (1933-1979)
-Dietrich Selwyn (1935-1938)
-Eostre Selwyn (1935-1939)
-Septimus Selwyn (1936-1939)
-Elladora Gamp nee Selwyn (1943-1980)

Broderick Selwyn, Hesper's grandfather, was the son of
Warrick Selwyn II and Flora Selwyn nee Prewett.

--Warrick Selwyn II was born of August Selwyn and Willafred Yaxley.
----August Selwyn was the son of Warrick Selwyn I and Constance Gaunt.
------Warrick hailed from Fredenand Selwyn and Beatrice Avery.
------Constance hailed from Hemingr Gaunt and Liviana Ollivander.
----Willafred Yaxley was the daughter of Corinth Yaxley and Agnes Prewett.
------Corinth hailed from Marcus Yaxley and Porcia Bulstrode.
------Agnes hailed from Ragnahar Prewett and Signihild Parkinson.
--Flora Prewett was born of Florence Prewett and Georgiana Crouch.
----Florence Prewett was the son of Bilius Prewett and Agatha Macmillian.
------Bilius hailed from Ulrich Prewett and Carina Black.
------Agatha hailed from Charles Macmillian and Drusilla Nott.
----Georgiana Crouch was the daughter of August Crouch and Elladora Black.
------August hailed from Edmund Crouch and Floriana Greengrass.
------Elladora hailed from Lycoris Black and his cousin Isla Black.

Viola Rowle, Hesper's grandmother, was the daughter of
Dietrich Rowle II and Eostre Rowle nee Abbott.

--Dietrich Rowle II was born of Alderich Rowle and Marguerite Lestrange.
----Alderich Rowle was the son of Dietrich Rowle I and Elizabeth Rosier.
------Dietrich hailed from Ignatius Rowle and Gunda Grindelwald .
------Elizabeth hailed from Cornelius Crabbe and Berenice Crabbe.
----Marguerite Lestrange was the daughter of Allard Lestrangeand Adelaide Malfoy.
------Allard hailed from Ralston Lestrange and Dagny Abbott.
------Adelaide hailed from Heinrich Malfoy and Adelaide Avery.
--Eostre Abbott was born of Ivarr Abbott and Kallistrate Trelawney.
----Ivarr Abbott was the son of Wigberht Abbott and Frida Fawley.
------Wigberht hailed from Henry Abbott and Hildegard Grindelwald
------Frida hailed from Faust Fawley and Elizabeth Greengrass.
----Kallistrate Trelawney was the daughter of the Trelawney twins Torenstein and
Tarisma in the time before their bloodline became tarnished.
------Torenstein and Tarisma hailed from Sigivald Trelawney and Theudelinda Gaunt.


As for the old man...

Alastor Gamp the tenth (AlastorX) (1909-2000) is the first born son of Alastor Gamp the ninth(AlastorIX) (1849-1958) and Thomasin Gamp nee Rosier(1895-1922, married 1908).

His father was the first born son of Alastor GampVIII(1822-1934) and Josephin Gamp nee Gaunt (1818-1926).

Each first born son of each generation carried the family name:

Alastor GampVII (1799-1880,
married 1819 to Rosalind Greengrass),

Alastor GampVI (1775-1821,
married 1797 to Dorcas Carrow),

Alastor GampV (1751-1888,
married 1774 to Margaret Burke),

Alastor GampIV (1730-1768,
married 1749 to Maia Black),

Alastor Gamp III (1715-1768,
married 1730 to Clementine Prewett),

Alastor Gamp II (1680-1768,
married 1712 to Vega Black)

all the way back to the first

Alastor Gamp (1652-1768)
and his wife, Anstice Macmillian (1663-1765, married 1679).

The fifth wizard born to carry the name Alastor Gamp was a most ambitious man. When he came of age, he asserted himself as head of the family by murdering his father, grandfather and great-grandfather. AlastorV had every intention to do the same to his great-great-grandfather, but the eldest and first of the Alastor Gamp’s passed days before the the fifth of his name was to celebrate his seventeenth name day.

The relationship between Hesper’s father and her grandfather was not quite so tumultuous. Her grandfather was rather infamous due to his many wives. The first had been Elinor Burke (1850-1884, married 1867). It was only Elinor that AlastorIX ever loved. They were childhood sweethearts; their mothers were best friends. Alastor fell in love with her before they were even five. Elinor had been promised upon birth to another man—Javad Shafiq—and was set to marry on her fifteenth name day. Javad was murdered the night before the wedding; his death came at the hands of both AlastorIX and Elinor. When Elinor died, AlastorIX was never the same. He had shared joyous years with the woman and found no fault in her, despite their lack of children. He spent years in solitude after her death, re-emerging as a drastically different man. When he did rejoin society, it was Marion Malfoy (1872-1894, married 1888) that became his wife.

The man’s third marriage was his shortest, lasting only months, before Isabel Avery (1880-1896, married 1895) was also dead. She was followed by Adeline Avery (1870-1904, married 1896). Adeline was one of Isabel’s older sisters and a widow from a very brief marriage to an elderly Black who had left her nothing. After the Avery sisters both met untimely, inexplicable ends, AlastorIX was forced to look to Germany to find a pureblood family willing to ignore his history, particularly with the whispers regarding the man’s violence and the circumstances of his last three wives’ deaths. But Emmerich Grindelwald was a greedy, selfish man who had been blessed—or cursed—with many daughters. It was his ninth that he gave to Alastor in exchange for a vineyard near Bordeaux. So, Genevieve Grindelwald (1883-1908, married 1898) became the fifth witch to be Mrs. Alastor Gamp the ninth. She survived a decade at the man’s side, before she threw herself from the roof.

After Genevieve was buried, how the man managed to convince Argus Rosier to give him Thomasin’s hand is unclear. It is, perhaps, worth noting that Argus and AlastorIX had been lifelong friends—and that the Rosier often paid visits to the Gamp estate before and after the union of their families. He knew just the type of man AlastorIX was and the obsession that had grown in AlastorIX regarding an heir. Elinor would forever be held as a goddess among women, but AlastorIX could never forgive his later wives for their inability to give him children—in time after so many different women took the place at his side, the fault for no Gamp heir did seem to lay with him…at least until, Thomasin, which would have raised suspicions if the woman had ever left the Gamp estate. Wards kept her there at all times and she was not permitted to leave unless AlastorIX escorted her. AlastorIX and Thomasin were wed in 1908 and the following year, finally, the man had an heir to carry on his name.

The pregnancy was an easy one, despite Thomasin’s youth. After the tenth Alastor Gamp was brought into the world, Thomasin was mostly left to her own devices—albeit within the confines of the estate. Her husband rarely came to her bed. Months, even years, went without his presence there—though his visits were nightmarish and often required a healer visit the woman. Despite the restrictions and abuse, Thomasin loved her son and doted on him until he departed of Hogwarts.

AlastorX spent his childhood sibling-less. Born in 1909, he was an only child until the age of twelve. The boy went off to Hogwarts and came back just in time to witness the birth of his brother—Mathias Gamp, a squib (1921-unknown). The pregnancy and birthing of this second son, despite countless complications, did not kill Elladora, though her body suffered considerably. In hindsight, beyond the physical damage, the woman suffered from severe postpartum depression. She was never able to recover. After Christmas his second year, just after he had returned to school, the witch died. Thomasin had been AlastorIX’s sixth wife. So, when the time came to find another wife, the man had grown rather adept at acquiring them. When AlastorX returned to the Gamp estate that summer, there was already a new lady of the house. His father had taken a wife as quickly as possible claiming the marriage was necessary to provide a mother to Mathias. It is known only to a select few, but AlastorIX had begun negotiations for his striking pureblood bride while Thomasin lay on her deathbed. Despite his proclaimed reasoning for the extremely fast union, the tart AlastorIX married was no mother to anyone, not even the children she brought into the world.

Margery Yaxley (1898-2002, married 1922) despised children. The narcissistic woman had been ruined for marriage by a handsome silver tongued devil when still little more than a child—and publicly so--but her beauty was enough to deem her to be an acceptable wife for a Gamp—especially when this was to be his seventh bride. AlastorIX negotiated for her hand, offering restore respectability to the licentious Margery and by extension her truly pious younger sisters. Her father was relieved to be rid of her. With her wed, the younger Yaxley witches were able to secure excellent matches. Though AlastorIX had managed to keep Thomasin and the other wives that preceded her (excluding Elinor) under his thumb, the man could not tame Margery. She was as talent with dark magic as the Gamp. He laid a hand on her once and paid for it dearly when she turned the torture curse on the man.

For all the wives that had failed him, Margery was fertile—and, despite her aversion to children, was quite adept at carrying and birthing them. The woman bore seven sons—all which were given the surname Gamp, though there were always rumors and whispers about the paternity of the lot. The resemblance six of the boys had to Cygnus Nigellus Black, II was blatantly obvious— Margery had been caught by Violetta in the Black’s marital bed performing unspeakable acts with Cygnus before the Yaxley was herself married. Then once she was, she was able to abandon her use of contraception. Margery was shameless, she even went so far as to name the six in the tradition of the Black family, bestowing astrologically inspired monikers to each. The truth of their parentage was known by Alastor, Cygnus, and most of purist society, but was never spoken of beyond whispers. Both bloodlines could be traced back centuries—the boys were pure, that was all that truly mattered...

Margery’s sons—boys publicly declared to be AlastorX’s half-siblings—were born in steady succession. The greatest length of time between them was just shy of eighteen months. The first had been Alphard (1923-1981). The second of Margery’s spawn, Clement (1925-1933), was the only to actually be the son of her husband. A horrible disappointment and a mark against her perfection the beast was the second squib fathered by AlastorIX. While Mathias ran away from home the summer after his tenth birthday, Clement would never know freedom. Margery emptied a vial of poison down the boy’s throat once it became clear the boy was no wizard. The cause of death could not determined as her method of murder had been well chosen. None suspected her. As for the other squib and true Gamp--Mathias has not been seen or heard of by any wizard since 1931. He is believed to be dead.

Margery’s third child, like the first, was truly fathered by Cygnus and was given the name Marius (1926-1979). The twins that followed Marius were true brothers to he and Alphard. There were known as Caleum (1927-1978) and Leonis (1927-1981). In these years, Margery grew intolerant of her husband. When the woman began to suspect Clement did not possess magical ability, she would no longer allow AlastorIX to bed her. Obviously, this infuriated the man, who had grown accustomed to weak-willed women. He forced himself on her once binding her while she was sleeping. The man should have made use of a memory charm or never allowed her free of those bindings for her vengeance came swiftly. The moment the woman was able to lay hands on her wand, she placed him under the Imperius—from that day forward, Alastor GampIX was a puppet for the she-devil. Though he lost control of himself, through this cruelty, Alastor managed another true son of his own: Evan (1929-1958). This child was not a squib, but Evan had very limited magical and mental capacity. Margery never allowed the boy to leave the dungeons of the manor, nor interact with his siblings. The witch ended his life, just as she had with Clement, the day Alastor died. Why she kept Evan alive for so long is a secret only the woman knew. The last child the murderous witch brought into the world was Eridanus (1930-1980). This son was the last of Cygnus’s children.

Though the Black passed before Alastor, when the Gamp was buried, Margery confirmed to her living children their true parentage. To take their true father’s name would have made them bastards, so each lived their life as a Gamp. Each of the six were talented duelists and warriors by nature. They inherited their mother’s ferocity and were brought up learning the dark arts. None took wives, but remained devoted to their mother. Marked and masked by the Dark Lord, each fought valiantly in the first Wizarding War. Caleum was the first to die. Badly injured in a skirmish with a pair of aurors, the wizard attempted to flee by apparating to safety. Just as his body was disappearing, Cal was hit with a confundus charm. His thinking already muddled by pain and blood lose was completely incoherent then causing him to disastrously splinch himself. Only about two-thirds of the man was ever found. Marius followed his younger brother to the grave a few months later. He had been one of Voldemort’s most trusted lieutenants until he failed a mission assigned to him by the dark wizard. The timing was most unfortunate for Marius, when he came to confess his failure, the Dark Lord had just received other similar reports. Those had been sent by owl. Infuriated by his minions inadequacy, Voldemort made an example of Marius—executing him on the spot.

The wizard’s murder was deemed reasonable and justifiable by Margery. At her behest, her remaining sons maintained their allegiance to the Death Eaters, staying true to the purist cause. The youngest was the next to meet Death. Eridanus was fifty when his time on Earth drew to an end, which with the longevity of wizarding lifespans hardly merits being called middle aged. It was no auror or famous dark wizard that caused his demise, but his own impotence. Eri believed himself capable of controlling fiendfyre. He wasn’t. Though he caused his own death, the vicious flames he conjured also massacred an entire muggle community. That left the younger twin and the first born. Alphard and Leonis survived the war only to receive the Dementor’s Kiss. Many of their compatriots received life sentences within Azkaban—the Lestranges, for example, earned their icy cell by employing the Cruciatus Curse against the Longbottoms until the two Order members lost their minds. Neither Al nor Leo had been inclined to torture—they were too bloodthirsty. The body count attributed to Margery’s sons undoubtedly surpassed a thousand. On numerous occasions, one of her boys had descended upon a muggle place of worship, school, hospital, or anywhere that a large crowd was gathered and massacred every single person present believing they were doing their duty, purging the world of those who endangered the purist traditions and way of life.

Unlike his younger ‘brothers’, Alastor Gamp the tenth did not rush into the service of the Dark Lord. He was a purist undoubtedly, but Margery’s support for Voldemort made him less inclined to affiliate himself with the militant movement. AlastorX had left the familial home after graduating Hogwarts. Many years were spent traveling the world—meaning he did not have to bare witness to the mockery Margery made of his father, or her subjugation of the man. He set up long-term residence in Scotland, occupying one of the smaller estates that had long been in the family’s possession. It was not until he was thirty-seven that he took a wife. In 1946, Flora Selwyn was his blushing bride. Her sister—and his future wife—Elladora was not even three at the time. The betrothal agreement between the Gamps and the Selwyns held a clause which AlastorX exploited after Flora’s death to procure himself a new wife. Those were the circumstances that resulted in Elladora being promised to her sister’s widower at eight years of age. She would become his wife when she was deemed a woman. Her first moon cycle came at quite a young age, but her mother helped her hide the bleeding until her body developed such curves that her physical maturity was visible.

Hesper was a hatstall at Hogwarts. Her sorting took the longest of any she bore witness to. The hat was torn between Slytherin and Ravenclaw--obviously family tradition called for her to be a snake and the witch is surely a cunning self-preservationist. But it was her intellect, wit, and curiosity that the Hat argued as justification to place her in Ravenclaw. She would have flourished in either house, but she chose family over everything--she would follow her family and her future husband into the dungeons.

Undoubtedly, Hesper is an opportunist, willing to take what comes her way and make the best of it. She is committed to seeing things through once she has started something. The witch is quite intuitive and picks up on other’s emotions easily. As a lady indoctrinated to the rules of purist etiquette since birth, Hesper believes in propriety in public life. Those rules, in her mind, allow for elevated respectability, even if at times the restrictions may be seen as backwards. While she always observes social norms and maintains politically correct behavior, she has significant blood status prejudices built up by her family. Hesper is by nature and nurture submissive to pureblood men. She will willingly, eagerly, and loyally follow a leader she trusts— She values material things and physical possessions--and will do everything in her power to maintain financial security.

In relation to those from the Selwyn line currently played, Hesper's mother was a distant cousin--making the same true for Hesper.

In relation to those from the Burke line currently played, Hesper's husband was the nephew of Caractacus Burke. Regulus was not of the main Burke bloodline. 


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Julianne Moore

Roleplay Sample
It was a precarious position to be in…to be the pureblood witch charged with the task of prosecuting this halfblood child. When she had been selected as the advocate for the case, the Gamp wondered why this particular defendant was hers to prosecute before her peers. Minister Durant’s prejudice again purebloods was no secret. She felt perhaps that the man was seeking to trap her, to use however she behaved against her---if she was not harsh in her prosecution of this girl, she would be painted as a Death Eater sympathizer and perhaps ousted from her seat on the court. If she was too vehement in going after the child, then he could twist that around to—painting her as strict and harsh, unwilling to take into account the girl's age, immaturity, and clear mental instability.

It seemed all possible paths forward were poor choices.
Hesper could only act in her best judgment and hope for the best.
both for herself and for Miss Strike--

She would tread carefully while still prescribing to the laws of the land and fulfilling her duty to their society to the best of her abilities. It seemed the same was true of the attorney assigned to defend this case. The man was very careful in his word choices at the closing of his opening statement. It did not appear that Jensen was seeking absolution for his client, there were no claims of innocence touted. What had been spoken turned over in her mind--bringing with a a number of questions, including what resolution the man was seeking, what restitution he believed would be adequate and reasonable...but she was not here to decide the verdict nor to deliver the sentencing, Hesper's duty this day was to present the facts of the case and leave the fate of this child in the hands of those she had often tried cases before and presided over cases beside.

The last sixteen years as an advocate serving this court, the woman had tried thousands of cases, many of which were minor offenses that had been resolved to a plea bargain prior to visiting this chamber. Advocate Gamp had not offered Miss Strike a plea bargain. She was not foolish and the young girl had attacked the children of Harry Potter. This case was as much of a show as it was a trial--an example was meant to be set. Or so she felt.

When Durant began to speak once Jensen had taken his seat once more, Hesper turned her attention from the defendant to the Minister. A polite smile and a respectful nod of her head prefaced the elegant woman rising from her seat. "Thank you, Minister," she said softly. Hesper descended from her space in the Wizengamot gallery, and turned to face those who would be deciding this case. The woman was all confidence now. She stood tall and spoke with power and seeming fearlessness taking command of the court room with her shift in demeanor. Hesper truly flourished here. Her voice rose and fell as she delivered her powerful opening statement. Her diction punctuating her statements to emphasize key points, to draw the attention of her listeners to that which she wished for them to remember. The advocate was laying the ground work for the case she would present. The evidence was clear. There would be no doubt of guilt remaining, should any even linger now, once that she was done.

May it please the court--
Good day, ladies and gentleman of the Wizengamot.

Winslow Strike is a torturer. The evidence in this case will law before you the truth of her intention, desires, and inherent lack of remorse for the crimes she has committed.

On April 12th, 2016, the defendant sought out and viciously attacked a defenseless boy of merely eleven years old. This innocent child, who had never spoken to his attacker before in his life, was brutally abused for hours by the most vile and evil magic known to us. Magic that has been deemed unforgiveable since 1717! Nearly three hundred years ago, our leaders recognized the damage such magic causes to both the caster and the victim. Our predecessors determined that the casting of such spells merited a life-time of imprisonment and never being allowed a wand or to perform magic again.

Your Honors, today the People are charging Winslow Strike with violations of the United Kingdom wizarding penal code 7 and 788, as well as numerous infractions of the Public Order Act of 1981.

We are charging Winslow Strike with willful, deliberate, unforgivable torture of two minors.

We are charging Winslow Strike with willful, deliberate intent to insight panic, fear, and violence.

We are seeking maximum punishment for all crimes due to the hateful nature of the defendant's actions. Today, the people will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Winslow Strike attacked two children with malice and planning by presenting witness and expert testimony--as well as a memory viewing extracted by an expert from the primary victim of the experience.

You will hear testimony that on the night of April 12th, the Dark Mark was observed in the sky over Hogwarts. You will hear expert testimony confirming that Morsmordre was cast from the conduit of Winslow Strike. Further testimony will confirm that the unforgivable Cruciatus torture curse and a plethora of other dark magic had been cast from the wand seized from the defendant. You will bear witness yourself to the memories of the eleven year old innocent victim.

There will be no room left for doubt when the People rests their case. The evidence is indisputable--the People are confident at the end of these proceedings the court will agree with our position and find the defendant guilty.

There was a short pause during which Advocate Gamp smoothed the front of her robes. She cast her eyes to Winslow for the briefest moment--a hint of pity came and went as she assessed the girl...still finding her remorseless. There was nothing that could be done for the witch now. If the child and her defense attorney would not beg for mercy, for forgiveness, Hesper could not imagine that the court would be inclined to show the child any. Winslow might only be eighteen, but that boy she spent hours tormenting...he was only eleven. She had stolen an innocence away from a babe...and for what? To what end? Strike was nothing in comparison to some of the Death Eaters that had come before her---against the brilliance and power of Bellatrix Black-Lestrange...against the wicked ferocity of Alecto Carrow...who was this child? She was no one. She wasn't even a pureblood. A warped mentally ill soul who'd fallen in love with magic she would never master, Winslow had ruined her life. Hesper was only here to bear witness.

It was time to begin. There was no reason to drag out the proceedings any longer than was necessary. Advocate Gamp moved to begin presenting the People's case against Winslow Strike.

Admin Morgan
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26 years old
played by Morgan
"Life ain't all blueberries and paper airplanes, you know what I mean."

Post by Admin Morgan on Feb 5, 2018 0:30:33 GMT -5

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