Black Velvet - Mari

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Post by Deleted on Mar 1, 2018 21:43:33 GMT -5

Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for
@marisol Outfit
It was a simple thing when it came to a good night for Brooke. She wanted nothing more than to enjoy a good book, and to eat the snacks that she had stashed under the floorboards. So that was what she planned on doing exactly. She had a textbook on the bed that her Step-Mum had bought her for the year before everything had happened and was taking notes and working on her second bag of Wotsits. She loved them so much and Tim-Tams to break up the salt. She was enjoying it and for a while it almost felt like she was back at school, as long as she didn't look at the bed she was on or the walls of the room around her.

She was writing, taking notes and scribbling in the notebook and in the margins when she noticed someone else in the room. Lifting her head she smiled and nodded to the girl in the room with her. "Hola, Mari." She tilted her head to the side and watched her for a moment before putting her hand under the edge of the bed and lifted the board before pulling out the snack box. "Care for anything?"
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Post by Deleted on Mar 11, 2018 13:38:39 GMT -5

Black Velvet
Getting out of here was always something on her mind. Marisol didn't think that there was any reason that they needed to be trapped like animals in this place. She thought that life was going to get more and more complicated before it got easier though. There was nothing about all of this that was going to be any different come tomorrow though. She knew that. They were stuck here. They were just kids. And she had heard all of the stories, she knew what was going on. But she thought that there had to be a reason that things were still the way that they were. It hadn't lasted this long last time around. She had been decent enough at school to at least pay attention to know that they were going to be in this situation longer than anyone had held people like them here before. There was nothing that they could really even do about it. There was nothing that was going to make all that much of a difference. There was no winning right now. So she was resigning herself to making do the best that she could.

If that meant that she was going to spend as little time as possible in this building, then that was exactly what she was planning on doing. She didn't think that there was any real reason to be here longer than necessary. As long as she wasn't causing trouble in ways that were going to cause any extra attention, Marisol didn't see any reason not to use what little freedom that they had to the full extent. Anything to get away from working the sanitation system. Anything to get a little sense of the freedom that they had had before. It wasn't Hogwarts, or school, or classes that she missed. She could do without all of that and get by just fine. She just missed people. She missed walking side by side with Sasha down the hallway and acting like they were just that much better than everyone else. And getting away with it too. That was the part that she missed. The getting away with it.

Because there was no better than anyone else here. There was nothing that she had to fight for like that. And she kind of missed it. Marisol thought that they needed to get back to the things that mattered. That they needed to get out of this pit of whatever it was, and just do something fun. But they couldn't. They existed here, and solely here, and that was all that there was to it. She didn't think that there was any reason to expect that anything else was going to come easy. That there was anything that was going to make it all work out. This flat alone was proof of that. That they weren't the best of anything. That they were the lowest of low when it came to the things that they had missed. To the things that they couldn't have anymore. She could see it in everyone's faces around her. They were lowered, they were lesser, and she just had to hope that that wasn't going to last forever.

Heading into the room that she shared with pretty much everyone else that lived here Marisol shook her head at the girl on the bed. She was the same age as they were. They had all been in Hogwarts together, but she didn't think that they were friends. Marisol didn't have friends, besides Sasha, and while she knew that that had changed for other people when they had been sent to this place, she didn't think that she had. She wasn't big on friends in the first place. And then to have to try and make them in this place. No thank you. Looking over as the other girl spoke she shook her head gently. "No thanks." She wasn't much for junk food, she never had been, and she didn't want to eat what wasn't hers anyway. There was just something weird about taking things that weren't hers. "How was your day?" Some days were better than others, for all of them, and she didn't think that the other girl looked too worse for the wear today.
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Post by Deleted on May 9, 2018 19:26:58 GMT -5

It wasn’t easy, this life that they had to live. Some had a harder time than others did, and some were able to be with their families. It was harder for them, but she could see the blessing to it. She could understand why they would want to be with their loved ones, she would be with her Madre if she still could, but this kept her from it. It kept her from so very much honestly., and she didn’t like it at all. She didn’t like that things were so different, that she was a target now, but she got over it. She was moving on the best that she could and trying to find her joy. She didn’t have many friends around, all of them were still back at Hogwarts. Those like Terri and Emery. She knew that it was still silly to think that they were all so close once, that they hadn’t seen her as a muggleborn, or a mudblood, they had seen her as Brooke, the smart one with the drawing skills and a heart of gold.

Only two people in the world besides her mothers knew that she wasn’t straight, and that was Terri and Emery. She had a feeling that Jesse knew but she wasn’t sure and she wasn’t going to bring it up to see. She liked him well enough and as long as he kept his hands to himself she didn’t really have an issue with him. She just wanted her life back. She wanted to be able to hide and be a shy person that she was. She wanted to hide away and remain unnoticed like she had been for years.

Brooke didn’t know Marisol very well, even if they did kinda share a room. She wasn’t all that okay with the fact that she had a crush on the girl, which meant that she had no idea how to act around her. She wanted to be cool, calm, and collected but half the time ended up making a fool out of herself. Not that it was any different from normal really, but being alone with her made Brooke very, very self aware. ”It was what it was. Not as painful as it usually is, but still bit the big one. “
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Post by Deleted on May 21, 2018 12:12:16 GMT -5

Mari didn’t think that there was anyone in this place that hadn’t thought about a way out of here every now and again. They had all thought about it, it wasn’t something that you could just ignore if you were trapped the way that they were. Life didn’t work like that. Humans didn’t work like that. Because human instinct was to survive, and this place. There was no doubt in her mind about that, and this place… This place didn’t feel much like it was built for survival. There was an ominous sense of dread every time that she had to come back here, and she thought that there was always the chance that someone could die, everyday. That was a fear that they lived with now. That someone might not make it until morning… She was sixteen years old, she shouldn’t have to worry about not waking up in the morning, but she did. Mari worried constantly, and there was no way to fix that. Even running wouldn’t have fixed that, because she would have had to worry that they were going to find her, and that it was going to be worse…

The ones that ran… She couldn’t decide if they were brave, or stupid… Maybe both. Maybe you had to be stupid to have that kind of bravery. You had to have no reason to think that they were going to find you. You had to have somewhere to go, and she knew that she didn’t. Mari didn’t have anywhere that she could have run to, and not felt terrible for it. She couldn’t go to her parents. She couldn’t endanger them like that. And the same would have been true for anyone else as well. She couldn’t have trusted that they weren’t going to get hurt in the process, and taking anyone else down with her would never be okay. Marisol was a lot of things, and while vain was one of them, selfish was not. She wouldn’t risk their lives by running, and she wouldn’t risk the Death Eaters trying to get answers out of her friends here either. Leaving put Sasha at risk. Devin. Jesse. She couldn’t do that. That wasn’t right, and they couldn’t all run, they would never make it. There was no way out that didn’t end badly, that she was sure of.

All they had at this point, was to hope that they were going to get out of here at some point. That someone was going to realize that trapping them all in hell wasn’t doing anyone any good. That it was just seeding the resentment even deeper. That they were always going to hold the prejudices in their hearts if they weren’t made to change their ways now. They were going to get caught up in this cycle that she didn’t see a clear way out of. A cycle that they were going to have to try and correct on their own. Messes of generations before them handed down onto their shoulders, with no regard for what that was going to mean for the rest of their lives. It wasn’t fair, and yet, Mari thought that the last time that anyone had ever done something that she thought was fair it had been years ago. Nothing was fair when people that hated you for being born were in charge. There was no escaping a hatred like that, and they lived it each and every day… They were used to it by now, and she thought that that might have been the worst part. That they had gotten used to being treated as if they were nothing.

She knew that overall, she was one of the lucky ones. No one cursed her on a daily basis. No one tested out spells, or drugs, or new products on her. She wasn’t a punching bag, or a lab rat. She was safe from that, and that was something that she knew that she needed to be grateful for. But that was hard. It was hard not to hate life just as much, even if life didn’t suck quite as bad for her… Marisol didn’t think that it was going to get better if they just sat around and whined though, so she tried not to… As much as she wanted to complain, she wouldn’t. Because her thinking that her hair was the worst that she had ever seen it in her life, was not the same as coming home bleeding every other day, and the fear that they were all going to be killed in their sleep. “Don’t they all?” She shook her head a little bit when the other girl spoke. She was pretty sure that every day that they were here, and now where sixteen year old witches were supposed to be, was going to suck.
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Post by Deleted on Jul 16, 2018 11:56:31 GMT -5

Black Velvet
tag: @marisol // words: 492 // notes: ---
It was a hard secret to hold inside, a hard thing to pretend wasn’t there when she didn’t want to talk about it. She knew that those that were important to her knew it and they knew who she was on the inside. The shy girl had a hard time pretending that she was okay a lot of the time, but she was able to focus, to put those walls up like she had done in all of her classes and somehow she managed to pull through it all. Somehow it all managed to make it work, to make her work, even when her head and heart were screaming that this was wrong. She wished that she could pretend that things were okay, that she was going to be okay, but she knew that it was a lie. She was far from it.

In the dead of night all she wanted was for her friends to hold her and tell her that she was going to be okay, for someone to tell her that this wasn’t the end of things and she knew that it wasn’t going to happen. No one knew what was going to happen here. She wanted her phone back, she wanted her computer and her books. She wanted to sit on the couch with Leslie and watch TV until the break of dawn and fall asleep in her mother’s bed when she felt ill. She wanted ice cream in the kitchen with her brother and letters from her dad. She wanted her life back, before everything had gotten complicated but it wasn’t coming back and now she was faced with being alone, and being alone with her feelings. She was faced with thing that were beyond her control.

She had come to accept who she was, and handle herself. She had come to acknowledge that she was gay, after far too long of denying it, the hard part was that she was surrounded by girls that she had a crush on and being so close to them was so very hard. Right now she wanted to open her mouth and tell Mari that she liked her, but the fear of rejection, of being told no, of being looked at like she was less than, by anyone who was hee was hard.

She didnt want any of that, so she kept her smiles and her blushes hidden behind her books, and her thoughts to herself. Her journal was hidden below the floorboards a secret that only she knew. She turned the page of her book and then held it to her chest, shifting to her knees looking at Mari with a tilted head. ”How was your day? Anything fun or interesting? “ She asked before sliding the notebook into her book and setting them both aside.

”I heard Jesse has a stash of booze hidden. Somewhere. Wanna go look for it and drink our cares away?”

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Post by Deleted on Jul 16, 2018 16:17:27 GMT -5

[attr="class","underwavesheader"]BLACK VELVET
[attr="class","waveshsubtitle"]ALWAYS WANTING MORE

[attr="class","wavesundtext"]Her life had not turned out how she had expected it to, but if Mari thought that they were all being honest, they could all say the same thing. No one ever expected that they were going to have to deal with something like this. No one thought that they were going to be a part of the grouping that society decided to hate for something that was out of their control, and that was exactly what had happened here. They hated them. They hated every last one of them, and what they hated them for, they had no control over. They couldn’t control the blood that ran through their veins. They couldn’t stop the fact that they had magic. It was not their fault. None of it was their fault, and yet, no one cared. No one did anything about it at all. And she thought that that was bogus. There were just some things that she didn’t think that they were going to be able to stand, and this was one of them. They weren’t going to be able to take this forever. This was worse than anything else that they had had to deal with.

What had happened to them last time? She didn’t remember. They had died. She knew that. Most of them had died, and that was happening now too. People were dying, but it was different. People had run, and people had registered, and it didn’t seem to matter what they were doing, people were dying. Somewhere along the way, people were dying. They were all going to die, eventually, but one of the things that she had learned when she had come into this world, was that people lived to be well over a hundred. That their lifespans were dramatically increased, and she didn’t what to think about that, until she had realized that now that was being taken away from them all. She didn’t want to lose that. She had over a century left. She didn’t want to die. Not now. Not yet. And yet, every day that they were here, no matter what their job was, someone else could die. They could be shuffled into that job. They could die next. They could always be the one that was going to die next. And that was not something that she wanted to live with.

When she had seen Brooke come in here she had thought that she would talk to her for a little while. They weren’t from the same house, things like that didn’t matter so much anymore. Things weren’t that distinct anymore. Houses didn’t matter anymore. Who had been friends with who didn’t matter anymore. Nothing from Hogwarts did. They were all here because they were all the same. They were the ones that weren’t deemed good enough. They were the ones that were going to have to try and figure this out. They were the ones that were going to have to try and be supportive. That were going to have to hold each other up. Hold each other together, through whatever came next. She didn’t think that they had the answers though. She didn’t think that they should have been having to take care of one another. They should have been at school. They should have been able to write to their parents. Rely on their friends. They shouldn’t be worried about dying. About watching their friends die.

She just wanted this to end. But she didn’t want it to end like that. That would never do. She didn’t think that dying was the way out of anything. That wasn’t fair. Looking over at the other girl when she spoke, Mari shrugged a little bit, “Not really. I cleaned up the park. Again. I think someone purposefully goes and makes it a mess every night, just to watch me clean it up.” It wasn’t a horrible job really, as far as the list of jobs went, but it was terrible in its own ways. She just chuckled a little bit, and she was like, “The American Jesse, or the other Jesse?” There were two of them, after all, and she thought that one was more likely to have booze than the other, but if it was the American Jesse she was just plain curious to know what it was that he had managed to smuggle in here.

[attr="class","waveunbnotes"]TAG: @ brooke // Marisol's Outfit

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Post by Deleted on Aug 18, 2018 21:03:25 GMT -5

Black Velvet
tag: @marisol // words: 447 // notes: ---
Things weren’t fair, but that was something that she had been able to say since the moment she could really remember. Her father wasn’t around at all really, she had a mother who struggled to make ends meet more than once, and she didn’t know how her mother had even kept sane at some points. Of course, Leslie coming into their lives had been a blessing that none of them knew that they needed. Leslie had helped Brooke’s mother in ways that brooke had not thought possible. She hadn’t expected it, but then everything had been forced to change. That was how it would always be too, she supposed. She would have to deal with the consequences of the thoughts and actions of others as long as she lived, and she knew it.

They lived in a world controlled by men, typically. Andromeda Lestrange had taken over and it seemed that things were only going to keep getting worse. She wanted to run at times. To never look back and try to find her father. She could live without her magic, enroll in school or be homeschooled until she was caught up. Graduate at home, and then off to college, never looking back to the place he had come from. Saying goodbye to her mothers and brother. She wasn’t sure if she could do it. She didn’t know if she was strong enough to really walk away from them all, she just wanted to be happy and safe and happy. She wanted this to go away.

She nodded her head and thought about Faith. She would trade with the redhead to be a street sweeper, anything would be better than to be facing Rabastan Lestrange. Dear sweet Jesus did that man scare the shit out of her. She had good reason to fear him. He could kill her and not even think about it for more than a nanosecond. She knew her life was worth more than that, but not everyone else did. She didn’t want to die, she just wanted to be happy, to not be afraid to be who she was.

”Knowing how they have been here lately, it wouldn’t shock me. They probably pay someone to do it, or take all the trash you collect and put it in different places. Could be worse though, I guess.” They weren’t in the mines like Jesse, or test subjects. ”Oh, the other one? The mixed on? Cockney accent?” He was one of the only boys she ever thought was cute, he was one of her best friends (probably her only best friend if she was honest)

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