The Perfect Storm [Truly] [[Ended]]

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Post by Deleted on Mar 25, 2018 7:48:48 GMT -5

outfit @truly
Date: APril 4, 2018
tIME: 2:12AM
The Easter holiday had finally come, which meant that many of the students would be out of Hogwarts visiting with family. Or, with friends. Jesse had made himself pretty comfortable with the idea of being able to see Truly as much as he wanted during the time she was on break, at least he reasoned he would be able to in his mind. He had been to her house a few times since their reunion at Saint Mungo's and there had even been a few times that he had stayed over- in her guest room, of course. It would be so simple to just pop over whenever he felt like while she was on break. So easy to spend the week basking in the warmth of her smile instead of freezing his ass off at Kolna, right?

Wrong. It seemed that the Ministry was well aware that when students came out to play the muggleborns of Kolna would surely stray. Maybe he had never noticed before since he had never had a reason to, but the number of guards had literally doubled the day prior to Hogwart's students being let loose. Sneaking out any other time was easy enough. Dangerous as all hell, but pretty simple. As long as he stuck to the shadows and steered clear of Death Eaters he would be alright. And so far he had been alright, if not just lucky as hell. But now? With these guards? Simplicity went out the window and he had found that getting in and out past curfew was anything but easy. 

The students only had a weeks vacation from the castle and the days were ticking by that he wasn't able to see her. It was driving him crazy. He was constantly looking out the window, seeing the guards on patrol and trying his best not to curse loud enough to wake his flatmates. It was going on nearly five days, tonight marking the fifth night, and he almost considered giving up. The Ministry had outfoxed him again, go fucking figure. He wondered if Truly wondered where he was, why he hadn't come...

Jesse wondered about a lot of things, his mind mulling over this and that. It was for the best that he couldn't go see her, it would just cause trouble. He always brought trouble, why the hell would she want anything to do with that? Why did he want to bring that chaos into her life? Why was he so selfish that his need to see her trumped her need for peace in this fucked up world they lived in? Why did he want to see her so bad? Why did he want to see her even though he knew he shouldn't? What was he trying to accomplish here?

He really shouldn't be seeing her at all, holiday or not. He shouldn't be putting his friend in danger like that, or himself really. So why was he? Why did he constantly keep running back to her even if it meant putting them both in danger? He wouldn't. Not anymore, he had made up his mind. Jesse tossed on the cold floor making himself turn away from the window. He wouldn't look to see if the patrol was there. He wouldn't think about seeing her face. Nope. He wouldn't.

Jesse stared blankly at the wall opposite him, looking across the lumps of other muggleborns trying their best to stay warm on the floor. No one dared to sleep on the mattresses anymore, not since the rat incident. Ugh, he didn't want to think of that. Didn't want to think at all. Especially not about Truly. But he couldn't stop, maybe he didn't really want to stop. What he wanted was to be with her. Technically there was nothing in his way now; Luke was gone. He could say something. He should say something....

Yeah. He should say something. Jesse nearly jumped from his spot at the floor, turning and looking at the window. The bodies around him were still, as they should be so late in the morning. And outside? It was dark, but still as well. He couldn't see any guards, at least none patrolling. It was a sign, right? He had to say something. Jesse hopped up moving around the apartment and getting dressed like a silent mouse and heading quietly up the stairs to the abandoned apartment with the broken window. It was so dilapidated the Ministry hadn't been able to place anyone there, and the broken window served as a perfect way in and out without being detected. 

So Jesse slunk out the window without a sound and followed the shadows down the street and around the corner. He was going to do this. There was nothing standing in his way, nothing to stop him now. A strange sense of deja vu plagued him as he made his way to Hogsmeade to Truly's home. This was sixth year all over again, except different. They weren't at school, there was no Luke and the likelihood of him being murdered before he could spill his guts was three times as high...if not higher.

The tall boy hopped quietly up the steps of the small cottage trying his best to stay stealthy while under the scrutiny of the street lamps. He probably looked very suspicious climbing those steps at two in the morning. If anyone saw him there would likely be aurors arriving any minute. Merlin, how he hoped no one saw him. He looked around a bit nervous, both from how terrible this must have looked and the fact that he was actually going to go through with this. No turning back. The coast was clear. Jesse turned the handle and...what? Locked?

Of course, what sort of young woman living alone wouldn't lock her fucking doors at night? Idiot. Jesse sighed, if he didn't already look like a burglar he certainly would soon. The tall boy walked around the side of the cottage looking for a way in. The kitchen window perhaps? It was higher up but he was quite tall and, thanks to the mines, reasonably fit to lift himself up through it. He pushed up on the dark pane and found that it was unlocked. "Yesss," he whispered to himself as he pushed it up to open it. Jesse grasped the sill and pulled himself up.

He came in through the window just above the sink entering in to the dark kitchen. Try as he might to be quiet he couldn't help the noise of the window or the crashing sound that came after as he dumped himself over the sink and to the ground. His sneaker caught the sink with a loud bang and he shushed himself just as he heard the sound of someone in the next room. Jesse pulled himself up and as he came to a stand the sound of a loud click surprised him. Suddenly the bright lights of the kitchen came on and he shielded his eyes from the brightness of it. "The fuck?!" He said in surprise trying desperately to get his eyes to function. Merlin, he hoped it was Truly who flicked on the light! 

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Post by Deleted on Apr 16, 2018 12:59:29 GMT -5

It was Easter break and she had so much work that there was still to be done. She had her NEWTs coming up and she was stressing about it all so much. She had so much that she wanted to do, so much that she wanted to change, but it was just what it was. She didn’t want things to be any different, but she wanted it all to change all at the same time. She knew that her world was going to be turned upside down again when Jesse left again and she was trying to decide what she wanted to do, what they were, and she knew just how much that it would change. She knew how much it would affect them both. They would both be finishing school soon. They would both be working, and she hoped that if he was let out of the school that he would be free of the mines.

She had no idea when all of it was supposed to happen, but there were murmurs and whispers everywhere about what was going to happen, and where it was going to happen. No one knew anything just yet, and it scared her. She wouldn’t get a goodbye. She knew it, and she hated it. She didn’t want him to have to go, but she wasn’t sure what they were or whatever. They were friends, that was for certain but the kisses that they had shared said that they were more than just that too. She lay in the middle of the king sized bed and cuddled her pillow wishing that sleep would come. She didn’t have to work for her internship until the next night but she had a paper to write still for a class.

She tossed on to her back and put her arms on top of the blankets and chewed on her lip as she looked at the high ceiling, that was when she heard it, that was when she heard something in the kitchen. She tossed the covers back and grabbed her bat. Had she forgotten to lock the door? Shit. She went down the stairs slowly, glad that she had cast that charm to stop them from creaking and took a long breath before she stepped into the kitchen and hit the light.

Seeing Jesse she grinned and jumped up into his arms and grinned at him. ”Hey, you! What are you doing here?” She asked him before kissing him softly and put her arms around him so she was wrapped fully around him.

Words: 431
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Post by Deleted on Apr 16, 2018 21:03:10 GMT -5

It seemed like a million years ago that Jesse had signed into muggleborn registration, the first week had gone so quickly and the weeks after that had slowed to a miserable crawl. The registration had come about rather suddenly, everyone had anticipated the Death Eaters to do something, but no one had been expecting that. Now they were planning something else, a school. Jesse had heard the rumors flying around Kolna and the mines but so much of it was kept a secret from him and the others. He knew that he would be going to this new school, but when? From the increase of rumors it seemed as though it would be sooner rather than later. That meant he would be leaving Kolna behind as well as his friends, his job and Truly once again.

It was exciting in a way, Jesse had missed nearly all of his seventh year and he was looking forward to learning magic once again. This new school would offer him so much more than the mines ever could. But with every good thing he found an equal or greater bad. He would be leaving many of the friends he had made behind. He would be leaving Truly behind... Jesse wasn't ready to do that, not with things the way they were between them. There were so many unsaid things, feelings that felt unsure and confused. She had known how he felt about her once, but he hadn't brought the feelings up again. Not even after she exposed the details of her break up with Luke. Neither of them had brought up any sort of feelings. Instead they stayed in the familiar, and it was working for them....well, sort of.

There had been those kisses shared at Saint Mungo's, and a few times after, but they were unlabeled. Not lovers kisses, not friends kisses, just...kisses they couldn't contain. It almost felt natural to do it, almost like they had picked up right where they left off. Everything he did with her felt natural. No forced movements, no worrying what words to say. Just...easy. Telling her that he was still interested in her should be easy, but his nerves disagreed. Sixth year had been nerve wracking for him, and this? This was somehow worse and he didn't know why. She seemed to still share some sort of feeling for him, he could feel it every time his lips met hers. When they lingered a little longer than they meant them too. The look in her eyes as he pulled away. He lived for those little moments and the way they made his heart quicken in his chest.

Jesse's heart was beating quickly now upon being discovered in the Kitchen and he hoped desperately that he wouldn't be met by a friend sleeping over. His eyes began adjusting to light as he heard the sound of the bat hitting the floor and before him stood a beautiful grinning Truly. He couldn't stop himself from grinning back at her as she jumped into his arms, wrapping herself around him. "Hey," he greeted happily, his face only inches from hers as he held her against himself. Everything about her was so perfect, her tousled hair from bed, her pajamas, the way she smiled at him. She wrapped her arms around him bringing him into her soft kiss and he felt himself melting against her. His lips didn't want to leave hers, barely breaking the kiss and going back to hers again. His mind yelled for him to stop, to not get ahead of himself or forget his mission, but his heart jumped gleefully in his chest. He finally broke the kiss with a soft smile on his face. "I needed to see you..." Jesse bit his lower lip for a moment, focusing on his task. "I need to tell you something, and I don't know if it can wait.."
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Post by Deleted on Jun 19, 2018 21:18:40 GMT -5

School wasn't done for her just yet, she still had a while to go, but it wasn't going fast enough for her tastes. Truly wanted Jesse free and home with her, she wanted to know that he was safe, that he would be ok at the end of the day. That he was okay and that he would live to see another day. It was safe to say that she had become attached to him again like she had in school, and if he was still in Hogwarts no doubt they would be attached at the him. She missed those days when they could be lazy and hang out by the lake. Eleven was an easy time, it was easy to not have a care in the world, but it scared her how much things had changed in such a short time. She knew that the tables had turned and that the Death Eaters were well in their rights to want to rebel. To want to change their circumstances, but why was it always one group that that to knock another one down? Why could they all not get along?

Change was always just around the corner and another one was coming. She knew it, it was only a matter of time. The school had been announced and he would be fully taken away from her. He would go away and she wouldn't be able to see him, she wouldn't be able to hold him. She was good at keeping it together, at pretending that everything was fine, even when it wasn't. She wanted to be happy, she wanted to be happy with Jesse around, and she didn't want to think about why. Crying herself to sleep had become a thing in recent months, but she knew that he was a large part of why.

She didn't let him go, keeping herself wrapped around his body, liking how close they were. She wanted him to kiss her again. To press them into that wall and just forget the world around them. She wanted this, she wanted them. She wanted the flirting, the laughter. Wrinkled sheets in the morning and laughter in the night. Kisses goodnight and breathless goodbyes. She moved her hand to the back of his neck and looked I to the beautiful eyes a smile on her lips. ”Oh?” It came out breathless and soft, but she couldn't hide the fact that her kind was still on his kisses.
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Post by Deleted on Jun 24, 2018 23:03:01 GMT -5

I won’t tell you goodbye with my love left behind
Kiss me before I fucking lose my mind
Jesse just wanted things to go back to how they were before registration. He wanted his old life back, wanted to be back at Hogwarts, with her, and he wanted what they had before he left. Things between them had been complicated before registration, but it felt like the simplest thing in the world. He could see her any time he wanted to back then. There wasn't much in this world he wouldn't give to have that back. To be able to see her smile, that beautiful smile that was so rare to seemingly everyone but him. To be able to hear her laugh, hug her, hold her in his arms whenever he felt she should be in them. To be able to see the fire in her eyes when she wanted to kiss him, to pull her into the shadows and let her burn him down with her touch. Between them the chemistry was simple, easy, unforced. Their relationship would have stayed simple had it not been for one tiny detail... Luke. 

Sharing Truly with him had been complicated. At Hogwarts it was as though he didn't even exist, like he was just a figment of Jesse's imagination. He and Truly could act as though he wasn't real. Like Luke didn't have a piece of her when he wasn't around. The only time it really hit him was when she would go on their dates, something that he told himself had been more for saving face than anything. Edmund didn't like Jesse, and as far as blood ran Luke was better. After all, even half was better than fucking muggleborn. He didn't know how Truly saw it, didn't know her reasons to retain their relationship, but she did. And when she returned from their dates, told him what happened, told him that Luke had kissed her... It complicated things. It hurt him, but it drove him too. He wanted to be better than him; he wanted her to want him more than she wanted Luke. Something told him that she did, but by the end of the term that didn't matter any more.

The Ministry had come for the muggleborns of Hogwarts and Jesse went along. He was ripped away from everything and everyone, Truly included. From there things just kept falling apart until he wasn't even sure he wanted to keep fighting anymore. In a way he had given up. Drinking, smoking, whatever he could do to feel nothing at all he did. He didn't want to deal with the loss of his magic or the loss of Truly. He didn't want to deal with the fact that Luke had won, even if it was only a victory via disqualification. Just when he had given up all hope Truly had come back to him like fate knocking on his door. She was there, Luke was gone, but things were still complicated. He knew how he had felt before and how she had, once. It felt like a million years ago, though it was only eight months. Eight long months.

So their circumstances had stayed complicated while things between them remained simple. He still gravitated to her, and she to him. It was simple chemistry. Like it had always been. Like it would always be. He didn't know if there would ever be a time, no matter how complex, that he wouldn't feel that pull to her. That urge to feel her lips against his every time they met, to be as close as possible whenever possible. She was like the strongest and most wonderful drug he had ever done, and he didn't want to ever stop. He would remain addicted to her as long as she would let him. He would let her ruin his life, if she wanted. He would let her consume every aspect of his life, happily. He wanted to feel the high she gave him when she was around. Standing in her kitchen at two in the morning, his lips having just left hers and her wrapped around his waist he knew that he wanted her. He wanted them, together, for real this time.

Oh? The way she had said it could have brought him to his knees. A flash of desire flickered in his eyes as she looked into them but he knew he couldn't act on it. Not now. Not without saying what he wanted to. And...what had that been, exactly? He had lost his train of thought, again. He had lost himself in the green flecks of her hazel eyes, only able to offer a soft smile. "Why are you so fucking beautiful?" He leaned in and kissed her soft and quick, not being able to resist himself. That was all he could allow himself for fear of losing total control. He was an addict, any taste of her, even the slightest, could mean total relapse. It would be best to distance himself, he thought.

Jesse did so, walking her over and setting her on the counter, he took the slightest step back to put a gap between them. The little bit of space had helped and he could gather up his thoughts. He watched his hands which had come to rest on her thighs, toying with the fabric of her pajama bottoms as he came up with the right words to say. "I'm going to be leaving soon," he said somewhat solemnly, looking up at her from under his brow. "I don't know when, or where exactly it is, but there's all this shit going around about a school and I'll probably have to go... And that means I won't be able to see you any more..." He stepped forward again losing the ground between them that he had given himself before. "But that doesn't mean I have to lose you. I don't want to lose you, again."

His hand rose and brushed a strand of hair from her face. The battle of distance was one he was losing; it was a battle he didn't mind to lose. The softness of her skin against his finger tips, the way she looked at him; if it had to be the last time he saw her he didn't think he'd mind this being the last memory. Even if she told him she didn't want him back, this view wasn't one he wanted to forget. "I want you back, Truly." Jesse bit at the corner of his lower lip as they formed a half smile. No, he didn't mind this view at all. " I want you to be all mine. Just mine."
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Post by Deleted on Jul 29, 2018 8:27:32 GMT -5

It had been years, literal years since she had met him, damn near a decade and yet he was still finding ways to blow her away, to set her soul on fire. Just being in his presence was enough to make her smile, but being like this… it made her remember things. Like the Prefect bathroom, and the astronomy tower. Images flickered through her mind and she shuddered against him, her eyes glassy as she looked at him. She never should have given Luke a shot. She never should have given into her step mother. She was stupid at times and she knew it. She knew how easy she was to give into Jesse. That she wanted to give into him, she loved him, and wanted this back. If she could go back and change things. If she could go back and had run away with him, damn it she would have.

Fuck being head girl and a healer. She would have given her whole world up for him again, she would have set the world on fire for him and been totally fine. She was trying to think, to concentrate on his words, but being this close, holding her this close, it was almost more than she could have taken. One arm around his neck as he stepped closer while the fingers of her other hand went under his shirt to touch him. To feel his warmth and make sure this was no dream. That this was real. That he was real.

She returned the kiss quickly, pouting as he broke it so quickly. Then he said it and she started beaming and pulled him closer to her and grinned up at him.”Silly boy. Don't you know, that it's you. That it's always been you. I've only ever loved you.” She put her hands on his face and pulled him down for a few soft kisses and then kissed his forehead like she used to after and then looked into his eyes with heat in her own. ”I will be yours for as long as you will have me Jesse, if that's forever the. You only need say the word.”
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Post by Deleted on Aug 6, 2018 23:44:37 GMT -5

Leaving Hogwarts and signing into registration had been the hardest thing he had ever done. Leaving her had been the hardest part. He knew that she would still have Luke and as much as he hated the idea of it he knew it was for the best. Her parents would like him better. He could be there for her, take care of her. He couldn't. It didn't matter how much he loved her or how close they were. He had to leave and she had to let him. Just thinking about how it had felt made his heart feel as though it were being wrung out. Like it was twisting in his chest and every ounce of life was being squeezed out. Leaving had nearly destroyed him before and he dealt with it in ways he shouldn't have. He started smoking, again, started drinking heavily, and started sleeping around. It was what helped him cope. If he could just get drunk enough... If he could just be so high he didn't have to feel anything... If he could just find a girl that just...felt like her he'd take it. He'd take anything to make it through that, but none of it was ever enough and none of it made it any better.

Having her back in his life was the only thing that had brought him back. For the first time in eight long months he was feeling again. Feeling something other than pain and anguish and misery. He was finally laughing again and at more than just the dark humor that plagued all the Kolna captives. He was smiling just thinking about her smile. Every piece of him was yearning to be back with her, to just be by her. To hold her, touch her, have those old feelings come back. He loved her once, and loved her still and God did it feel good to feel loved back. To have something other than hatred and loathing cast at him every moment of his life. He knew things were complicated between them now but that love had never left. Jesse didn't think it ever could. No matter what he'd always love her. And if she didn't want to rekindle what they once had he'd still love her all the same.

Being together in the first place had been difficult but this time around would be harder. He knew that. Hell, he'd done nothing but think of what it would be like if they got back together since the moment he saw her at Saint Mungo's. Before there had been the worry of her parents and the unsteadiness of their world after the attacks, but now things were more than unsteady. His whole fucking world was upside down now. He was registered, living in Kolna, and soon enough he'd be in Pyxis. Soon enough he'd be leaving her again, only this time it didn't have to be goodbye. This time he could wait for her and she him, if she so decided. Things were worse than they had ever been last year but that hadn't stopped how he felt. He didn't think it had changed how she felt either. 

The way she grinned at him, running her had under his shirt, she had to feel the same. Her touch send his heart and mind racing. A million memories burned in his mind as she touched him, sending fire through his veins. He wanted to recount every time she had ever touched him, add these in as he did. He wanted to remember this, the way she looked at him, the words she spoke. He grinned at her before melting into her soft kisses. Jesse's eyes locked with hers, seeing the heat in them, his own smoldering back. "Then I'm saying it. I want you to be with me, always." Jesse's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her across the counter top until she was flush against him. He smiled at her, leaning in to give her a few slow soft kisses of his own. Jesse stopped, still holding her close while his smile returned. "Because it's always been you, too, you know. And it always will be. No matter what.

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Post by Deleted on Aug 15, 2018 7:27:19 GMT -5

It had been like the beating heart had been ripped from her chest. They had been together the night before, she had been so close to him and had fallen asleep listening to the beating of her heart, Jesse’s heart. It had been perfect and she had told him that she loved him that night. Gods, it had been the perfect night, but then the sun had come up and things had changed. Being held back by Death Eaters as she cried out for him had not been her best hour but soon after the composure had returned and she had returned to herself. She hadn’t been able to go back into the prefect bathroom, it was too much. She saw him any time that she got close, could almost feel his touch. It hurt more than she could express, the words that she wanted to say she couldn’t now, the things that she wanted to do she hadn’t been able to, but here he was now.

Seeing him had changed things. Her loss hadn’t been over Luke. When he left it was a sign, that Jesse had been right, that Luke didn’t love her, it had been about Edmund. It had been for the Death Eater stuff alone. She knew she was naive when it came to some things about him, but honestly that made her feel daft. How could she have been so stupid? Looking back, all the signs were there and she knew who she wanted to be with. She knew where she belonged and it was in the arms of the man who was before her, right now. She never wanted him to let her go, but she knew that he would have to. Once again they were being pushed and pulled in other directions, but she was never going to let him go now. She would fight to the death for them if she had to.

He pulled her into him and she made a soft sound, kissing him back soundly. There had only been a few times since she had seen him since he had been taken, but they hadn’t been like this, they weren’t talking about their feelings and their relationship then. She wanted it all. Him, his life, his name, his babies (even though this was way at the back of her ten year plan ), having him here like this reminded her that he was real, she hadn’t made it all up as a way to cope and with her heart in her throat she looked up at those eyes, those perfect eyes that just knew how to trap her soul, as if he was a Veela or something and put her hand over his heart.

”I love you, Jesse. I always have and I always will. “ She didn’t want him to leave but she knew that it would be late soon and he would get into more trouble than this was worth. Glancing to the clock a naughty look pass over her face and she looked up at him. ”How much time do you think we have? I, um, wanna give you the tour of the house again. Something I forgot to show you last time.”

words: 545
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Post by Deleted on Nov 1, 2018 22:51:21 GMT -5


Jesse had always thought it pathetic hearing from people who had left or graduated school how it was the best years of their life. It seemed sad, really, that their best years were behind him. He was no optimist, that was for sure, but he could never picture not having something better than divination class to look forward to? That was until this past year. Things were bleak for him. He dealt with things that he never imagined he would deal with, curses he never dreamed he would feel, and living in some of the worst conditions he had ever faced. Looking back at his days at Hogwarts were the only good memories he had these days. And it sure as hell wasn't like he was making any more as of late.

The only good memories he'd had so far all stemmed around the exact same thing his best memories at Hogwarts did. From Truly. Seeing her had stirred up all those memories and feelings. When he'd first begun thinking about her, about them really, he'd been hesitant to pursue again. He knew she was without Luke now, and that his feelings were still there but... There had been a reason they had said their goodbyes. And now that he knew what he had gotten into? The thought of bringing her into it, with Edumnd of all people as her father, it seemed dangerous. Too dangerous. Too risky. He didn't want to think of the issues that it might cause her. But then there was Pyxis.

He'd heard of this new Minister and the rumblings that she might be different and then he'd heard the rumors. A magical school, specifically for muggleborns like him. It wasn't the step back into Hogwarts he'd wanted but damn it was better than nothing. He was hopeful, not just for what he would learn there but what it meant for them. That there could be a them once again; that he didn't have to be so fearful, so cautious. Still, with all the guards posted outside of Pyxis during the Easter break he knew that he needed to keep his wits about him. Things were getting better, but they weren't quite there. Not yet.

As much as he hoped that things were changing for the better he had half expected Truly to see the red flags and run. They were young, their position was not ideal but there was something there, wasn't there? All those little memories that quickened his heart and took his breath. Those were something. When they kissed and it felt like they'd been doing so their whole lives, like they could keep doing it until forever-- that was something, right? His heart knew that it was and his mind recited the word over and over whenever he was in her presence. Love. Love, yes, that had to be what this something was but.... Was he sure? 

He was just a boy who had never know what that meant. To love, be loved-- he'd just....never experienced it. Or at least he didn't think so, not until now. But how could he even be sure? How was anyone ever sure? When she said it he wanted to say it back; his heart called out the words but they stopped in hesitation at his throat. Was he sure? A soft grin grew on his lips and he lifted his hand to cradle her cheek once more. He kissed her again, feeling his pulse racing and heart beating happily at her words. The urge to say the words rose up in him again. Jesse pulled back, his eyes focused on hers. "I love you too, baby. Through hell and back, I'll always love you."

For a moment he'd all but forgotten about Kolna and registration. It was just the two of them, and this kitchen, and nothing else mattered or existed. Her eyes darted to look at the clock and it sharply reminded him that that was not the case. Pretty soon he'd have to go back to the hellhole. Pretty soon he'd have to leave her side again. Jesse glanced toward it as well noting that time was moving much too fast. "We've got about an hour," he said turning back, noting the change of her look. A roguish smile came across his face as he slipped his hands beneath her. "Hmmm, I think you're right--" he played along, hoisting her off the counter. With her still wrapped around him he began to make his way from the kitchen. "I think you forgot to show me upstairs last time. Yeah?" His chuckle was suppressed as he cast his lips upon hers once more. Jesse kicked the bat from the entryway of the kitchen, flicking off the light as the two left into the darkness.