I miss my old friends [nick]

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Post by Deleted on Apr 27, 2018 20:48:27 GMT -5

'Cause they know when I need them the most
I made some new friends and they cool friends
But they don't know
The past year had been rough for Elijah. He had been in a coma not long ago and the process of recovery took a lot longer than he ever though was possible. Memories were hard to recall at times, especially the closer they were to the attack. Elijah found that he was a bit more forgetful than he had been before. He used to be able to remember the birthdays of nearly all of his friends, and even some coworkers. This year he had looked on in surprise as a small group huddled around the desk of one of his dearest coworkers to sing happy birthday. It was a birthday he knew once, but not anymore. He didn't like what had happened to him. He felt terrible for being different, and for forgetting these little things. Everyone had assured him that it was just fine and that it was to be expected after such a traumatic injury. He knew they were right, but it bothered him none the less. Everyone had been so kind to him, especially Cara. She was patient with him, never rushing him or looking at him with disappointed eyes. The whole ordeal had done nothing but solidify the one thing he could never forget; he wanted to marry her.

The attack had put a hold on his planning, and, quite honestly, it was still on a hold. But he knew with absolute certainty that he would start planning again soon. He hadn't been sure of how to propose before the accident. He had figured that finding her biological parents would somehow help him along with it, but instead the opposite happened. He had been injured in the attack and everything was a mess afterwards. His focus became on his recovery, but the thought always lingered. Maybe he could do it now. Ask her today. Ask her tomorrow. Ask her as they strolled through the park, or in the parking lot of the grocery store. He could be spontaneous if he wanted. But that wasn't what he wanted. It wasn't what she deserved. She deserved the planning he wanted to put into it, and whatever it would turn out to be needed to be perfect. It needed to reflect just how much she meant to him. Much more than a proposal in the grocery store parking lot...

It was a lot easier to make a list of things his proposal would not be. He knew it would not be in a parking lot. Absolutely not at the Ministry, and absolutely not in the morgue. He didn't know much more than that, but it was a start. Hence why his planning was on hold until further notice. The only plans he was sure about were those that he had made with an old friend. Elijah hadn't seen Nick in quite some time, or at least if he had he didn't remember. Merlin, he hoped his memory wasn't that bad! He had been meaning to catch up with the bloke for some time but things at work had become hectic. There was a new Minister in charge and a new school which had just opened it's doors. Both of those events threw his work a little off, but it was finally starting to even out.

Elijah had decided to invite his old friend out for lunch. Now that things had calmed down he could easily make the plans without being jerked around or having to cancel. He was actually quite excited to be meeting up with him and having a conversation that wasn't about Ministry business. Elijah had arrived at the eatery early, having told his co-workers that he would be taking a long lunch, and secured them a table. For a Friday it wasn't terribly busy. There was a steady hum of chatter and a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Elijah scanned the menu as he awaited his friend's arrival.