Baby Steps [Truly]

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Post by Deleted on May 2, 2018 9:28:13 GMT -5

*attached is an article torn from the Daily Profit*

@truly ,

Have you fucking seen this?! I about lost my mind when I read it, I still don't know if I really believe it. It seems fake from in here. Shit feels unchanged, but I'm hoping it's not some hoax. I'm really excited about it. You were the first person I wanted to go to when I read it but you're there. I'm here. It sucks. At least when I get back things will be different. I'll get to see you whenever I want, which could be bad for you haha. I'd be around so much you'd be sick of me.

I really miss you. Like really miss you. I hope you're doing good. I know you're probably busy as hell. NEWTs and shit. Just wish I could see you. We could study together. I'd quiz you on potions, you can quiz me on....fucking cleaning spells. Seriously, the shit they teach here is ridiculous. It would be like old times, kinda.

Anyway, if you're too busy to write me back I get it. Don't feel like you gotta. I just really wanted you to see the article, if you haven't already. And I wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you.

Miss you,

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Post by Deleted on May 2, 2018 20:18:38 GMT -5


Sweetheart I miss you so much and all I want to do is give you a huge hug right now. This honestly made my day. I won’t be too much longer before we are together again! I already made you more room for any other things that you want to bring home. That’s right, our home. I wish I could see your face right now, I bet you are grinning like a fool. We aren’t out of the clear yet, but things are getting better. I am trying to hold out hope that things will change and you will be fully free some day, but as long as I can have you at home, I can be a happy woman.

I am so glad that you wrote, it has been hell since you left, and I’ve done naught but wonder and worry about you. Hoping that you were really in school. That they hadn’t taken you away under the guise of it and harmed you, or taken you from me. I swear to you once you are free I will never let this happen to you again. All I want right now is you near and a foot rub, while i read. Hell we could switch off like old times and I could quiz you while I did it.

I hope I can see you soon.
And hear from you soon too.
I love you I miss you more than words can say.
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Post by Deleted on May 2, 2018 22:37:36 GMT -5

@truly ,

You know me too well. But jokes on you, I was grinning like a fool before I even opened the letter. Hope you're happy with yourself, turning me into such a mush. Making me all giddy over owls. It's alright though, I like it. I'd like it more if you were here with me. Well, not here. At home. Soon enough, I guess. I'm just happy that things are changing. Even if it is baby steps. At least it's in the right direction. I think it'll be a lot more steps until I'm free again, but right now I'm happy with this. If it means I'll get to wake up next to you in the morning, then I'm happy. 

You don't have to worry about me. It's actually not too bad here. Comparatively. We've got actual beds. Heat, even. It's a step up. We even get owls (obviously). I'd have wrote you a lot sooner but they've only just arrived. I can't say I "would" have. I've been writing you notes in class everyday. Only because I can't stop thinking of you. If I knew I'd be getting an owl I might have saved them. Oh well. You're rolling your eyes at me, I can feel it haha. I promise I'm paying attention. Sort of. The shit they teach here is boring and not at all like what you guys are learning. We're learning repairing charms and how to cook. And the History of Magic here is all fucked up. 

I guess it doesn't matter. I'll be out of here soon, I hope. And then I can give you a million foot rubs if you want haha! I'll let you know if/when we get a break. Hopefully it's not during NEWTS because I really want to see you. In the mean time don't work yourself too hard, love.

Missing you like crazy,

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Post by Deleted on May 4, 2018 5:32:30 GMT -5


I know you, Jesse, because we have been friends for as long as I can remember, and close ones at that. A huge piece of me resides in you, you know, so I can tell what will make you smile and laugh. What was it that you once called it? Spidey-senses? Just think of it as that and we will be just fine, I guess. I want you home too. I can’t wait to have you there so I can make you a huge breakfast and coffee and dinner at night. Call me old school and pathetic if you want, but the idea of you coming home to me every day is kind of alright.

As long as you are mostly safe and alive I will always be happy, but you know I worry. It feels vastly daunting, these months that we have to wait, but it could be far worse and though we both know this, I will say that I am happy. Months is better than years, darling. Well, you know as well as I that I can help you learn theory when you get home, even if your wand won’t do the spells, no law against you learning, dear.

I cannot wait to see you again.

Sending you all my love,
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Post by Deleted on May 6, 2018 20:05:19 GMT -5

@truly ,

Like I said, love, you know me all too well. Probably better than anyone else, spidey-senses or not. You know who I really am and because of that you have a piece of me too. It's hard to deal with a missing piece though. Makes being away from you so hard when I'm don't feel fully myself. If that makes any sense... I know we'll be together soon, but soon can't come soon enough.

Woman! You must be crazy if you think I'd ever say anything about you is pathetic. Haha! I'm a bit old school as well, but I'd certainly help you cook. I know a thing or two, believe it or not. That, and they're teaching us here. It's actually sort of fun, then again I might just enjoy getting to eat what we make. I've got to make up for any meals I missed in Kolna haha! Even if you don't let me help (you're missing out, I'm bloody talented) you'll have a hell of a time keeping me out of the kitchen. I bet you're even more irresistible with a spatula in your hand... Do you wear an apron? I've got to know for... research purposes. :P

See? No need to worry about me, like I said. Still myself. I know it's hard not to worry though. I worry about you all the time. Which seems sort of odd in our current situation, but I do. Less frightening things, of course, like how your internship is going. How you're keeping up in your classes..Especially since I'm not there to distract you all the time. You'll be graduating before we know it. Only a few short weeks. I'm sad I'll miss it. Sort of always pictured us doing that together. I'll be graduating here soon, then I can get out of here and you can give me a proper education. Ha! For now just focus on your studies, and don't you waste another moment worrying about me. I'll worry about me, all while thinking of you. Possibly in an apron.


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Post by Deleted on May 18, 2018 17:55:59 GMT -5


My darling. I am not going to lie, they say that abscence makes the heart grow fonder, but this is getting ridiculous. You’ve begun to take over my every thought, clouding my mind. I almost missed a student out of bed, because I was thinking of you. I cannot wait until you are home, and with me once more. School will be done soon, we will both be finished, and I cannot wait for the moment that my eyes will get to meet yours again.

Gods, I know it is stupid, and I know I shouldn’t be thinking this way, but I would literally give up everything to just to be able to hug you right now. It’s so crazy how things changed, isn’t it? I do wear an apron yes, I would enclose a picture but…. We both know that it would be found sooner or later, and that it is better to keep this secret. We can do loads of cooking together, and we will get so fat we won’t be able to move. That I can promise you.

I hope classes are going well. At least pretend that you are studying, I don’t want you to be in more trouble than you have to be.

I love you so much.
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Post by Deleted on May 28, 2018 20:12:53 GMT -5

*attached is a tiny package containing this*


I don't even want to tell you how many times I read your last letter. I just keep reading it again and again wishing you were here. I'm always wishing you were here; I look up for you in class and you're not there, you're not in the halls, or at dinner. It's fucking heartbreaking. It really makes me think of all the times I took your closeness for granted. But it's true, distance does make the heart grow fonder. I think maybe that's why I haven't stopped thinking about you since I saw you at Saint Mungo's. Being away from you with registration and everything, I didn't realize that I needed missed you so much. I knew as soon as I saw you that I didn't want to be away from you again, but obviously life had different plans...

I would give anything to be back in that kitchen with you. If I could find a way to come and see you I would be there in a heartbeat, but it's not as simple as Kolna was. I wish it was because I could have given you the necklace in person and told you exactly what it was for. Things don't always work out the way we want, but as long as you are mine I have everything that I want. Having you is the best thing about my life. Any time I think about your smile or coming home to you...I don't even know the words, honestly. I don't think they have even invented words for the way you've got me feeling. The only thing I know for sure is that I love you. I've never said that to anybody else in my entire life, but I know that I want to say it to you. You've had me falling in love with you for so long and, honestly, I wish I would have told you a thousand more times when we were together that last night. Even so, I'm sure I love you more now than I did then.  

I wish I could have told you that in person. I wish I could give you everything in person: the necklace, my love, myself. Especially the necklace, because it's a combination of all three. The necklace is a promise that no matter what you'll always have me. No matter the distance, or the circumstance. And when I do get to see you again, and we get to be together, I promise that I'm not going anywhere without you ever again. For as long as you want me, you will have me. 

I am yours, and you are mine
And until I can say it in person:

I love you,